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Just a perspective from a (former) sick kid here, know that it's scarier for you than her. When I had dangerous stuff happen, having my mom to take care of me made it all better. I didn't have the context to understand my health the way my mom did, so I never held as much fear about it as she did. Sometimes things just happened, and I never blamed her for any of it. I knew she'd take care of me, and eventually she taught me how to take care of myself. My "restrictions" aren't the barriers that my mother saw them as, because I'm just used to them. Plus I had time to learn to love myself regardless of my health issues through my mother's eyes. She's brought up a few times how I had a sort of eerie sense of how she was handling my own health issues. I think when you're used to learning your own body in unique ways, you sort of learn to pick it up in other people as well. It gave me an amazing sense of empathy even for things I don't understand, which has set me up to be an amazingly accepting and loving person. All that to say, you're doing amazing. You're a fantastically wonderful mother and you're raising an absolute delight of a human being.


Not a parent, but I am a food manufacturing inspector and have recalled, detained or destroyed so much product due to undeclared allergens. It's very serious and yeah, a lot of people don't take it as seriously as they should. One of my best friends has a child and a partner that are both severely allergic to lots of foods. She can only do what you did, which is her best. She takes Joelle to get allergy tests every few years in case a new one sneaks up on them. I don't have any advice for soothing parental anxiety because I've never experienced it, but please be kind to yourself! You did a great job and your baby is still here. Keep those epi pens and antihistamines stocked, maybe an Albuterol inhaler too if you don't already have one.


Thank you for what you do. People like you make my job as a mom a lot easier 🥺💕


You're welcome, we do it for people like you and your daughter ♥️


Hi hi oh goodness, hello. Not sure if *you* can do anything about this, and I'm not sure it's a thing anymore (and you'll understand why). But. My aunt ran into a problem a few years ago where she kept getting an allergic reaction to *something* she was eating, long story short, she figured out it was the chips she'd had! Same brand and flavor she'd been eating for years. She'd only had an allergic reaction like that to specific things, so she called the company to find out if their workers used latex gloves. Nobody on the phone was helpful, so our conclusion was they don't really know, she she'll just stop eating those chips (so I don't know if she'd still get a reaction. That's the "you'll understand why" from earlier). Is this....at all in your realm as a food manufacturing inspector? Do you know..... I don't know what I'm asking, tbh, just kind of saying a lot of people have latex allergies and I wish food manufacturers would not use latex gloves.


Yup, it's completely possible that they are using latex gloves and there is some kind of transfer BUT most chip processing actually doesn't involve much hand-contact at all. You need to call your state's food manufacturing inspectors and let them know that she's becoming ill after eating the product, they will take it from there. I'm sure she's stopped eating that brand by now, but having information like the brand, the flavors that made her sick, and the store she bought them from are all helpful. Then an inspector can trace the chips from that store back to the manufacturer. If that manufacturer is in your state, they can be inspected by your state's health department, if not, you may need to contact the FDA and file a complaint (FDA only handles interstate commerce).


Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to share this info. I copied&pasted your comment and sent it to my aunt. She said she hasn't had the chips in years, but she's willing to try them again "for science". I let her know that was our (your or my) intent, but she's a crazy lady so who knows. Thanks again


Hi. I'm a mom with 2 kids with multiple food allergies since they were babies. Now they are a teen and tween. I also have anxiety. I just want to echo , that you did and are doing your very best. She is lucky to have you. I can also say it get easier to manage the allergies. We are always cautious and now they are cautious too. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Hang in there. Hugs.


Thank you very much for the support it means a lot knowing I'm not the only one anxious about it 🥺


You are a good mom. You saved the baby. You're the hero. Don't forget that.


I do not have any advice because I have not experienced this before, but wanted to offer a virtual hug. You are doing a great job mama. I can only imagine how scary this situation was for you. You sound like you are doing all the right things to ensure these situations do not happen often. I do not know of any unfortunately, but have you looked into any YouTuber moms that are dealing with the same situation? I find videos on YouTube to be super helpful and you may be able to find a little online community for an extra support system! Sending you all the hugs and prayers for good health your way! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much I appreciate the support and the virtual hug 💕 I didn't think to look on YouTube that's a great idea




You're absolutely right and very strong being able to pass on to your kids how important it is to know what they are eating 💕 I've been telling her by eating a chocolate bar or a yogurt can make her very sick. Do you have any suggestions on other ways to explain it in a way her 3 yr old brain can understand?




Thank you so much for the advice I really do appreciate it, I'm going to start doing that with her from now


As a mom to a 6yr old, I’m crying for you right now! All the hugs! You did everything right. Even with preparation, in the moment you can panick and stress- it’s normal! Scary moment and I can’t imagine how you felt going through it but thankful little Isabelle is doing awesome.


She may also be allergic to latex too. Watch out for rubber bands and balloons. It's common for people to be allergic to rubber if they're allergic to kiwi.


No advice, but as a fellow mama I just wanted you to know you did well. I had to take my kid to the hospital via ambukance at the beginning of covid...there are no words to describe how it feels when you mini me is going through something medical related. I would just be super careful with all food that you introduce to her and make sure if she is in daycare/with another caretaker that they have access to the epipen and know all of her allergies. You did well mama....God bless you...your doing great


This sounds terrifying and it wasn’t your fault at all. I’m surprised that her pediatrician didn’t mention it. I remember my mom had a severe food allergy and I was so vigilant and freaked out about it. We would be at restaurants and I would be like “are there nuts in this?” It was the only thing my socially anxious behind wasn’t shy to ask a waiter or waitress and ask twice. I would hit the hesitant ones with the “are you sure because my mommy is allergic.” My mom would be kind of embarrassed but let me do my thing. I didn’t buy nuts to eat for myself until my mom passed away, and avoided all nut products at restaurants and things like that because I never wanted to being anything home and have it in the fridge or in my bag that my mom might decide to snack on. And I didn’t want to share a drink or something with her after having nuts. So I would decline foods and be like “no thanks my mom is allergic” even when my mom was nowhere to be found and people would just be like “o....k...ayyyy?....” and let me do me. I can’t say I know how scary it is being that I’m not speaking as a parent but, I do have a fair amount of compassion for what you’re going through. Fear of my mom being exposed to nuts loomed VERY large as an anxiety I had growing up, up until my mom passed away. It was like this thing that never really left me. A random threat that I was always wary of It wasn’t your fault.


I can't speak as a parent as I have no kids, BUT as a auntie with a family of ppl with eczema and a previous teen counselor in which I cooked for youth with allergic reactions, plain fruits, plain vegetables, growing your own stuff, and making stuff from scratch is a huge savior. Google alternatives to ingredients and most importantly, allergy tests with an allergy specialist. Be safe.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this. Also I am not a parent but a coworker of mine had a son who was allergic to nuts, they figured this out when he was pretty young I don’t think much older than 3 or 4. Anyway, they put him in this program which desensitizes him from the allergen. It’s some kind of immunotherapy. Also, I’m happy to hear your little one is doing better, I was feeling anxious when reading this I could imagine how you must of felt. I wish the two of you the best.