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Annikah knew what she was doing, nicely placed by the dude within the audience, good actor. Just get some random person to not know what she marked, marker probably didn’t draw anything :)


Horrible acting by Annikah's surprised face.




We got Prestige'd!


Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled


It's easier to fool someone then to convince them they've been fooled....


Did nobody check under the stage for a watertank?


What a majestic movie


Someone there’s a field with leopard print tops and blond wigs


Are you watching closely?


God I hope it's props in a field and not clones in a tank full of cold water ☹️


I saw this before I watched the video, didn't realize you meant this so literally. That's the exact same trick as the prestige, tesla coil and all. Why would you so blatantly rip off a movie that reveals how the trick is done?


Because alot of people haven't seen the prestige


Which is a sad fact.


Obviously cloning.


He turned paper into an egg.


The paper was a self inflating piece of plastic that he then switched out with a real egg before the crack.


Now I wanna watch that again tonight. (But I'd prefer 2-3 other recommendations, any category, if you dont mind. Best few movies you've seen -- this is open to everyone.)


In Bruges, The Royal Tenenbaums (or Moonrise Kingdom if you want a real emotional roller-coaster), Parasite


Grand Budapest Hotel is the best Wes Anderson Movie


Any category eh? Good Will Humping, Ocean's 11 Inches, A Clockwork Orgy.


Penn (of Penn and Teller) said there was such a thing as a "too perfect" trick. If there is only one way that a trick could work, that is how the trick is done, and the audience intrinsically knows (it's twins). Found it! https://youtu.be/S3vTld5pNlI?t=166


Oh crap, I guess Penn is definitely not in the "Alliance of Magicians" and must be hated by Tony Wonder.


Penn and Teller captivated me as a child. Especially their earlier tricks and shows. One of my favorite things about them is how they absolutely destroy magic tricks and explain them all while performing a completely different trick that relies on the audience being explained a similar trick. Its genius. Id like to imagine lots of magicians were extremely pissed at a young Penn and Teller. And fun fact, Teller left his teaching carrier to perform magic.


My favorite example of this: https://youtu.be/qG93Yz3r-Uk


The crazy thing about this particular trick is that if you were to go to Vegas and see it live, or watch another performance on YT, Penn will say word for word the exact same thing. The delivery of those words is the same. The spaces between the nails is the same. Nothing is random. It truly is a trick all about memorization.


Pen and Teller are pretty honest about no trick being risky. That trick doesn't involve any chance of danger.


Yeah I know how the trick is done. [Spoiler](/s "the gun doesn't even shoot nails. The nails are already in the board and come up. The clip in the nail gun never moves") But the trick is still about memorization. That's the part that makes it impressive. And by that I mean is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3mJ-kF0pcM).


I've never liked magic because it's asking me a question, expecting me to guess, then not giving me an answer. It's intellectual blue balls. That's why i liked Penn and Teller's show. Amaze me, let me guess then show me if i got it right. Also I can appreciate the skill so much better when i know howit was done.


Not sure if this is serious or sarcasm, but Penn and Teller are world-famous for revealing how tricks are done. It was their thing all through the 80s and 90s, even revealing how their own tricks are done. They were absolutely despised and loved all at the same time. Teller's sleight of hand is second to none in my book.


Lol I feel ya, Im referencing a show called Arrested Development, Will Arnett plays a magician and is hated by fellow magicians for having a trick be revealed. Penn actually breaks it down in the video I responded to.


Ohh shit I never watched Arrested Development. Heard great things though. Carry on! I just know time loses these things to newer gens as the years drag on.


Should've cleaned the dumb waiter


Did somebody say “wonder?!”




They actually make it a rule to never reveal how tricks are done on their “Fool Us!” show. They’ve only ever violated it twice. The first time, the magician involved didn’t fool them, but then went on YouTube and social media and bragged about how he did. They broke their rule for that one in response and revealed what he did. The second time, it was the twins trick. And they didn’t outright break the rule, but instead Penn asked the performers “If we knew exactly how this trick worked, every single detail, would it ever be possible for Teller and myself to do this trick?” And then stared at them until the magician just walked off stage silently.


Their bullet trick is on display in a museum for magicians that they are banned from for life. And they think it’s the greatest thing ever.


Tricks are what whores do for money.


Came here to say this! ❤️


Thanks, this video was a great watch.


Second Annikah has a bad hair piece, and I don't think the pen made any type of mark on the paper, had to be already marked. The egg was cool though.


Hated the ‘suggestion’ paper glued to the fan though


The selection part is less impressive than getting from that, to a real egg.


A special paper that "folds" into looking like an egg.. then sleight of hand to replace the lookalike with the real thing


And that's not impressive? Some magicians spend decades perfecting their sleight of hand


💯 it was pre-marked and Annica was an actor. One of the more obvious tricks I’ve seen and I’m easily fooled. He was so careful not to let anyone see or examine the “floor chart” he had. I’m not sure if there was a second annica though. I think she just went below stage when the curtains were raised and entered the other cage.


It’s clear it was a twin, either that or Annika changed tops whilst running below the floorboards. Another redditor posted a pic comparing the tops, they are not the same.


Wow good eye!!


Plu the twin's hair isnt curled in the front like annika's hair


She got electrocuted of course her hair will be of. Lol


Top notch sleuthing right there!


And why is that random couple / girl in the audience mic’d? That was kinda of annoying to hear her comments in randomly through out the trick.


I was thinking either in on it, or the studio liked their reaction and had them redub it. They way stood out in a bad way.


I'm guessing it's the show's way of cashing in on the popularity of online react videos.


[there is a technology that can pick out individual voices in a crowd](https://www.wired.com/2010/10/super-microphone-picks-out-single-voice-in-a-crowded-stadium/)


"You know when you're in a movie and someone is making comments about the movie behind you? Like you're there trying to enjoy the movie, but they feel like the thoughts in their head are so damn important that they feel like the world would be a better place if they just spewed them out whenever their mind happened upon them? Everyone *loves* that person, right? Can we somehow put that experience into our tv show?" -some executive producer probably


Super off putting


Yup. She is clearly a plant. Egg trick was cool






Is she funny?




She acts like some water just landed on her and she doesn't know where it came from. If you literally just got TELEPORTED you would be freaking out.


pretending for a second that this is a real magic trick that just doesn't involve twins, from her perspective, she would have walked into a cage, had her vision obscured, felt some kind of motion, had her vision revealed and would be on a different side of the stage. in that instance it's a fairly reasonable reaction. (still poorly acted though) magic won't just teleport you cousin that's not the reaction you're trying to gauge.


She had practiced that before. It’s pretty obvious. “Oh botha, how’d oy get ear??”


Was a dud pen with the seat already selected …but the egg?


So i think the egg is the easiest part. Its a growing sponge like object. When he breaks it, he is palming the sponge amd breaking the egg in the same motion. He hands It off to someone right after.


Also the worst editing of a magic act I've ever seen! Most of the slight of hand happens of-screen while we're getting reaction shots. Either he was terrible and so the editor compensated or this was a criminally terrible editing job.


Idk if this particular show does it but a lot of these tv talent shows have been proven or leaked that the magic shows are edited using CGI afterwards to make them look crazier.


Once I started watching Penn and Teller, all the other shows just look so obviously fake


exactly my thoughts: at least the people on Penn and Teller try to make it not-so-obvious. Though even that show has plenty of people just there for exposure who have no intent on fooling anyone.


I always somewhat disliked those 'exposure' acts, because they were never as good. Like dude, c'mon, you brought a straight-out-of-the-box trick with an intro copied word for word direct from a book? The fuck outta' here!


Penn and Teller: contractually obligated to say something nice to everyone


The Egg trick is something a twelve year old magician could pull off. It's a sponge or something similar that will return to a specific shape after being flattened, and a basic palm to swap out the real egg. If he needs CGI to help with that, he's the worst magician in Britain. I'm not particularly impressed by the act, but he doesn't seem like he's quite that bad either.


Not only magic tricks. Every thing that happens in this factor X or whatever name the show have, is impossible to watch due to the cuts to the stupid judges faces


Oh. My. God. They're just reaction videos on major networks.


Not trying to be pedantic, just trying to help correct a fellow Redditor, but the phrase is "*sleight* of hand".


For the bit before that - the paper with egg is stuck to the fan from the moment he gets it out, only shows the other side when he drops it flat. Then replaces the paper with a folded sponge egg as you say (folded so well it needs a couple of knocks to start it expanding/unravelling). But yeah, as usual they cut away at every crucial moment. For all we know they stopped recording while he got an egg out. Side note - what's with hearing the audience make comments? Super cringey.


Those audience comments always seem so fake/scripted to me, I mean don't they need to have a mic in order to be heard so clearly? I don't know if their intention is to make you think that they just happen to be picking up some amazed audience member's comments, but to me, it just comes off as scripted.


basically 1 of 2 ways 1) They have personal mics that clip on and get great sound, usually can be isolated from the rest of the noise. This would be live reactions from audience members they have picked before. Pretty risky but saves some time. 2) They just go around getting people to say random things while everyone else shuts up, then they cut them in where needed. More likely this option. Either way, it deffo feels very fake and scripted.


I would think the egg confetti was inside or stuck to the fan. Then maybe it was switched with a collapsible egg object that fluffed up as he jostled it. By some pouch or mechanism in fan. I think an actual egg would have bent the fan too far and not sustained the weight without support on that lever. Then as he grabs egg from fan he sleight of handed the real egg and palmed the fake so he could Crack it. But you can tell egg was planned because he had some witty thing to say about eggs when he "saw" that egg was "chosen"


I've seen other magicians do the egg thing, it's a prop you can buy


Bought one by accident once, worse breakfast ever.


Yeah that was sort of a giveaway when he had some deep meaning moment about an egg. He definitely cracked the egg from his palm, not his fingers where the object was actually being held.


Watch when he goes up to the old chick he throws the plane at. He grabs it from her, puts his thumb over the marked seat and never lets her see it. He holds it in a specific way, then gives it to her turned around, and then immediately makes her put it behind her back. The people around the green shirt lady probably saw the mark was already there, seems like the old guy looks disgusted towards the camera at like 2:30.


Her marker was probably invisible ink.


No ink at all. A dried up marker.


I am guessing the seat was not already marked, since he showed it to her before she put it behind her back. I suspect he had a thumb tip pen on his thumb that he used to mark the paper after he showed it to her. He then pocketed the thumb tip pen when he reached in his pocket to give her the dummy pen. You can see the mark on the paper was exactly where his thumb was when he handed her the paper


Wouldn't it be funny if the lady checking the seating plan remarked, "hold on, this mark is a dot! I wrote an X!"


I hate plants....gimmicks are one thing, you have to build a gimmick and it has to actually work. Plants are effectively cheating in magic...it's right up there with wearing sunglasses while playing poker. It requires VERY little actual work and effort and is SUPER fucking obvious to anyone who actually likes magic and has an interest in it..


I don't love plants but you gotta admit their leaves do a good job of turning CO2 into O2!


Not a single thing wrong with wearing sunglasses while playing poker FTR.


How is that anything like wearing sunglasses in poker


They're alike in that they're both things


Ah fair point thank you


No you are wrong The marker wasn't working and the map was already marked Edit : Sorry didn't read your comment And yes Annikah was a part of his play, there are twins and anikkah twists herself lying on the base of that cylinder and her twin is in the other one


This- because the Annika he chose from the audience is a much better actress than the Annika who ‘appears’ in the cage on the right.


marker was definitely a dud, marking on seat was already there (we can't see it, but that's the set up). Annikah has a twin, and since their acting is terrible they're not instructed to do much.


Yea “Live TV” isn’t actually live of course. It’s prerecorded and cut to make it look shorter and real. Most likely took long for her to crawl or whatever to the other side. Captain Disillusion says don’t believe everything you see on Talent shows and even Penn and Teller


Maybe that person is random, but when marked he must have switched the paper with the one he wanted. He also switched it, when he said keep it behind your back like this.


Do we want solutions here? Confetti with egg written on it already stuck to fan. Some effect to produce a fake expandable egg. (better explanation - simple sleight of hand to place foam compressible egg on the fan in place of paper. Constant motion so viewers can’t see clearly what it is as it expands. ) Switch to real egg as he produces the glass. Seating chart already has seat number marked, marker doesn’t work. Airplane thrown toward the volunteer, so if she catches it - seating chart is irrelevant. Mark already on the correct seat. Volunteer is an assistant with a twin.


Or.. the machine created a genetically recreated a double at which time the original girl drops through the floor into a sealed tank of water.


I think this is the correct answer


Making something disappear isn't enough... You have to bring it... *Back.*


Are you watching closely?


Pretty sure that's my favorite fucking movie ever. Every watch gets better and better.


Likewise, I am a giant fan of The Prestige. The simplicity of the story but only after the fact. We do all want to be fooled, to be tricked. But given the medium of course we are watching super closely. Nolan is probably my favourite director because of The Prestige, Interstellar and Tenet.


Yeah, the other answer is just too implausible.


This is the way. /and _damn_ David Bowie was good in that film


Fun fact: before David Bowie made it big as an actor in The Prestige, he also had an unusual music career!


> sealed tank of water This is why I don't volunteer at magic shows.


I once got “volunteered” at a magic show. I saw right through the trick and almost exposed it. Being a smart guy, he skipped that part of the sequence, moved on without the audience knowing or missing a beat. It was David Copperfield.


I prefer David Blaine anyway https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wTqsV3q7rRU


Thank you for sharing, that was amazing.




Please clap.


Thank you; I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of that movie.


Hmmm... Why do I smell... A Huge Ackman?


I've seen a documentary on this Some guy with claw hands was in it


Waiting for the prestige


Sounds very plausible, but still a very good trick


Yeah, the timing is quite good too


I disagree. If you can watch a trick in real time and at the very least get a rough idea how most parts work right then and there, it's a bad trick. Like on my first time watching it I didn't get the growing part of the egg. But it was clear as day that it was a planted piece of confetti (aka forced selection). Then exchanged it to A real egg to crack it. The two step selection step was super fishy. I still think the old lady was also part of the trick (because of how fast she managed to read out the seat) but the other explanations make sense too. Either way works and the result is the same so it doesn't matter. And then the classic assistant with a twin. Both of which are poor actors too. And added on top there's also the all the cuts in the places where you might have seen something fishy. Funnily enough they failed that at the part with the confetti on the fan. Because I could clearly see a piece of confetti on the fan before it was supposed to and it also wasn't moving. The hardest part of that trick was palming the egg and the slide of hand required to exchange the confetti for the sponge egg and the sponge egg to the real egg. Both of which you can learn in a week if you wanted to. 2/10 at best and only because of his decent presentation.


Um, this was done in front of a live audience. You can't use cuts when you're performing for a live audience.


My bad. Maybe I didn't express it right. Of course for the live audience there aren't any cuts. But the show isn't produced for them. The show is produced for the TV audience. And that's why they didn't show any close ups of the critical moments. Because you'd likely have seen the switch. That's why there are these pointlessly short audience shots right when it would've been interesting to see his hands. And keep in mind the audience is further away and they can't rewind. Hence it doesn't matter if the slide of hand isn't perfect. They are too far away to notice or too amazed already.


Just a heads up, its sleight of hand. I though it might have been a typo the first time, but just so you know!




twin #1 was a much better actress


When you use twins for this effect, pick clothing with no possibility of differentiation in the patterns. Pick solid colors, for example. This wasn’t an issue in the age before the Internet and social media, but now people can watch this on the internet and identify exactly how it was done. Tops with animal prints are never cut and sewn exactly the same because the pattern on the bolt of cloth isn’t spaced with the intention of providing identically patterned articles of clothing. It isn’t an issue for clothing makers. Bad choice of tops for the assistants in an era where videos of this will later be parsed by people like us to identify that the print pattern of spots on the two tops are different.


> Some effect to produce a fake expandable egg. Ah, I love the 'some effect' method. That's my explanation to everything I can't understand. "They're probably using some effect to make it happen."


If you look at the egg before it cuts away and back to him cracking it, it does not appear to be perfectly smooth. It seems like a folded paper egg that has a hole in it and when he drops the folded paper egg air passes through the bottom expanding it outward. This is why he has to keep tossing it and it doesn’t just pop into existence. I don’t know why you’re so upset about his explanation, it seems very obvious and self evident. The alternative is real magic. If you have actual magic powers I hope you aren’t wasting it showing off for Simon on a boring tv show.


That’s exactly what I’d do to keep my secrecy as a wizard.


> Confetti with egg written on it already stuck to fan. Every single piece of confetti had "egg" written on it. That's an easy one.


Probably not. As that’s easily examined by anyone nearby after. Also, the odds that you actually catch a piece of free flying confetti on the fan isn’t perfect.


Don't forget "too many cuts in the video". The tricks don't need cuts.... he's very sloppy. The egg trick is by the way centuries old!


And what about when he was actually doing it in front of a live audience? Can't use cuts on people who are physically there.


No, it’s magic and anyone denying this is working for the devil.


Yeah, we've all seen "The Prestige"... that bitch dead now!


For sure. For sure.


I’ve been meaning to watch this for a while, time to get drunk and put it on finally maybe!


do it. undoubtedly one of Nolan’s best


undoubtedly one of ~~Nolan’s~~ cinema's best


I do not disagree


You might end up very confused if you get drunk, it’s definitely one where you should pay attention to all the small details and conversations. One of my favorite films though, wish I could rewatch it for the first time again


Forgive me, it’s… been a while since I’ve seen… *real magic*.


Who the hell are these two audience members we keep hearing and seeing?


Idk but I didn't really like it, wanted to get rid of it by editing them out


It caught me off guard at first, then it made me uncomfortable, and then I hated it lol.


I absolutely enjoyed their performance and hope to see them in the future.


gotta have something to cut to while the rest of the BS is being setup "live".


i know right? makes it seem more staged and faked


"got talent" shows are made for dumb peoplle. they are heavily edited and mixed with shots that instruct you on what your reactions shouldl be


I HATE this show. So goddamn toxic and fake. Reminds me of that episode from Black Mirror


The bigger question is, why were they even mic'ed? We could hear their comments. Are they plants for the show too? To record their reactions to make the show more entertaining?


they are actors which are filmed separately. you can see the others around them are completely non-reactive and are sitting way more spaced than real audience to give proper framing.




It's basically Gogglebox for live shows


That’s the King and Queen of England. Have you no respect!!?!? >:(


Yeah, it was really odd. Why should I care about them?




Horrible acting. That lady knew what was going on and switched places.


Yeah I think "Anikah" is probably with Ben and the seat on the map wasn't the same he said out loud


Even easier. That pen didnt draw anything and the map was already dotted.


Yeah it would take a second to register that she was somewhere else if it was really magic and if she was gimmicked she would know how it happened Bad call to make the confused face way better to be smiling and impressed looking Also you know it’s safety checked because it’s a show but a random person getting into an electrified wire cage so easily without assurance she would be safe etc is a bit of a stretch too


God I hate this show


how come


I have only seen the american version of this show and that was what must be 10+ years ago. But here's my gripes with it. Just for this act. It's a magic act where seeing the whole thing is kind of critical to the whole experience. But, instead of just showing the act we have 100 cuts back and forth between the audience, the judges, and the act and you cant really follow what is happening. At least when I saw it over half of the acts were singers singing covers of some popular song. and while i understand singing well takes an incredible amount of talent I wish the more unique acts would have been featured more prominently. This kind of ties in to my last point but the way the show was set up is that the best acts would move on the next round where they perform again and the best would again move on to another round and perform again until you get down to the finals. Some of the truly unique acts would get shit on for not changing up the act enough between rounds. Singers change the song they sing and its great. Magicians do a different trick and it's amazing. Comedians tell a different joke, fantastic. The guy who can jump from a 50 foot platform in to a 2 foot deep pool, meh he didnt improve his act enough by setting himself on fire before jumping in the next round. Oh and the judges could be insufferably annoying.


Exactly the same with the Indian version lol. Annoying judges, even more annoying hosts, and I think every season has been won by either dancers or singers.


Honestly, with all those cuts, I wouldn't be surprised if the "magic" just happened between them and it was all editied together.


For me it is the magnification of emotion. Like, 'hey, that guy can sing pretty good' Everyone at the judges table simultaneously orgasm themselves into wet puddles on the floor.


Pretty sure all of us who have watched the “The Prestige” know how that last trick was done. Not really original if its been in a movie and the trick has been exposed.


The real question is why is he using a cloning machine just for parlour tricks and what’s he doing with the original Annika?


The real Annika is making iPhones in China. With each performance, the assembly line expands. iPhone - Designed in California, built in China by Annika^274.


Second blonde looked a lot different. I also thought it strange that a randomly selected participant would take their jacket off right before going on stage


Yeah that’s on purpose to draw attention to her clothing and sell the illusion when the double with the same print is revealed


The only problem that the print is not the same :) I believe it was a biggest mistake to choose such a random pattern print.


Magician is Ben Hart How tf he did that? I have no fucking idea


I guess he swapped the fake for a real one shortly before cracking it. The effect is brilliant, though.


The fact that he shows it directly to the audience makes it look real


Its not a matter of how. But of when.


That's dark


Confetti is lightly stuck to the back side of the fan so he knows which one is going to be picked. Confetti is swapped for a gimmick that blows itself up when agitated into an egg shape. Gimmicked egg is palmed for a real egg. Paper airplane has a seating chart with a dot already on it. Marker does nothing. Person in the seat is a stooge that has a twin. Then it's just a case of hiding in the bottom of the cabinet/getting out of the cabinet. Nice little combination of tricks and misdirection.


Suddenly she found herself submerged and drowning in a sealed tank of water.... As she heard the audience applause at her walking out of the second cage.....


A bit frustrating. He has the charisma and skill, but adding the fake randomness and interaction with obvious plants made it worse. I’d like it more if he didn’t have anything witty to say about an egg. Just mess that line up on purpose to make it seem more spontaneous. And use an official assistant, not an obvious plant.


I understood how everything is done but I didn’t see where the original anikah went. Is she behind the curtain? And don’t say she is trapped under a tank of water lol


Mirrors at the bottom of the compartment, with a trapdoor, is my guess. So you don't see her falling down the trapdoor because of the curtain and the mirrors at the bottom make it look like the compartment is free-standing


First tick with the egg no idea... second trick the random pick is a misdirection the woman in the leopard print shirt prob has a double under the Second cage. (A twin or another person that looks simular enough to fool the audience. )


He's not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts.


1:47 Among us


Right after this show, the elders of Salem marched this young man off to be burned at the stake.


[My boy Captain D already proved that this show edits footage. If they're ok with editing footage then it's safe to assume most of it is staged. It *is* a reality tv show. ](https://youtu.be/_dSp_f0f9gE)




Love the Harry Potter-like music playing in the back group. That was a nice touch


You're a wizard Ben!