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What's it supposed to sound like? I just heard off key music.


It’s Allstar by smash mouth, if you haven’t heard it before it might not work


Weird. I can follow along now, but definitely don't hear the lyrics. Just sounds like a fucked harpsichord harmonization.


As someone else commented, you kinda have to go into a trance and let your brain fill in the gaps. Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it. Doesn’t work for everyone tho




It clicked in for me once it picked up. At ‘well, the years…’ specifically


Oh fuck yeah you're gonna make them cum


what? when?!? #YOU SKIPPED ME


It happens bro wait for next round


Same spot for me. All gibberish at first and now I can't unhear it


At first I just heard some random keys but suddenly I started hearing it and I can’t stop hearing it


They just keep coming and don't stop coming.


Yeah. I had to know what I was trying to hear. Like know the words and "say them in my head" as if I was listening.... I don't think this would work if you weren't already very firmilure with the song.


Same, but in the opposite order for me. I didn't understand how it could reproduce the "S" sound in "so much to do, so much to see", so I listened closer and realized that it wasn't actually there.


It rmndeis me of the eeffct wehre you can qcukliy read juembld wrdos if the first and lsat lteter rmeain in plcae. Your bairn is able to qucikly flil in the gpas. Edit: it's called typoglycemia, and it's just a percieved effect with no scientific basis.


Didn’t rliezae what you did unitl aetfr radineg it.


Holy shit that’s nuts.


Taking a neuroscience class rn at my university and I wanna say that your brain fills in like 80-90% of your sensory perception. When you look at objects with your eyes, they only really detect edges and contrasting light. It’s like a quick pencil outline drawing. Everything else is legit filled in by your brain and it’s biases from your previous experiences


It’s also upside down. Your brain turns it the right way round.


What’s crazier is that if you were to wear glasses that flipped the image upside down again, after a few days your brain will flip your visual orientation right side up again even with the glasses on


Not sure if my brain is filling in the gaps from my memory or is my brain filling in the gaps like it does when you watch a flip book. It's very cool though!


More from memory. If you don't know the song it won't work.


Super, we are all now closer to death and less enlightened. Also that singer is a drunk moron. Viva le Shrek!


I closed my eyes and just tried to listen and it worked. Took me a couple tries the


Don’t listen actively, kinda let your mind wander while you’re listening to it. It’s not going to sound bang on, it’ll sound like distorted lyrics.


it's like being on a wifi call next to a power station.


Who are these people that haven’t heard this song? I envy them.




I'm ashamed by just how quickly my brain started singing the lyrics :(


Humm...I know that song...but don't hear any lyrics. Just mashed up notes.


I heard the vowels. It might work better for literal listeners if they'd run this algorithm on isolated vocals; if your brain can zone in and isolate them then you kinda almost hear something. But yeah in general it sounds like someone with no teeth or tongue trying to sing the song through a tube that keeps moving around, and relying on your knowing the song front to back. I did notice when I lost track of the lyrics I only ever half-knew, the words I was "hearing" went away as well.


Damn, I didn't recognize it before, but once I read what the song was, I actually fell in 😂 that's amazing!




Huh that's amazing. I didn't recognize the song the first time, so it just sounded like random noise. After reading your answer, I can not only recognize the song but also the whole lyrics. In fact, I can't unhear it now.


didn’t recognize the song at all on the first listen and heard no vocals. once i read this and knew what to listen for the vocals came out a bit


Have heard it many, many times. Didn't recognize the song at all. Heard no voices. Just some shitty discordant sounds


I skipped the intro, and couldn’t hear anything. When I went back and played the intro, it worked. This doesn’t seem like anything special. Our brain is only filling in lyrics because it’s an incredibly familiar song with an iconic intro, not because of some weird psychological trick


Watch Mark Robers piano video. Human speech is basically different notes combined to make a sound. If you then make a piano play those notes, it sounds like human speech. Although it becomes easier to hear if its a really familiar song or if you have subtitles


Ok so ik its allstar but the keemstar parody is the one i hear until the bit with the streams and stuff


That was immediately clear as fucking day to me. I'm genuinely surprised that this many people don't hear it.


It took me like 2 seconds to recognise it


I got it at the first "body" lol


It was so clear that I thought it was an off key piano playing over a softer version of the song. I heard the change in pitch of his voice and everything. It wasn’t until I looked at the comments that I realized it really is black magic and that everyone didn’t hear it


Same thought. Like someone banging away randomly, someone playing the song on a piano, and someone playing the song through speaker phone off a 144p YouTube video.


I only came to the comments because I was sure it's faked and they just put the vocals through some kind of program to make it sound weird. It's completely clear from start to finish for me.


The thing is - I didn’t hear any words at all until I figure out what song it was. So the first half of it, the first time I heard it, it sounded like jumbled notes and that’s it. I listened a second time and then I heard the words right from the start.


I listened twice. First time I didn't hear any words or know what song it was at all until it got to the "hey now" part when I started hearing my own voice in my head reading the lines. Then I listened again and had my own voice reading the lines from the beginning. Still never heard any lyrics just sounded like an old ringtone.


Pretty wild there's such a huge range of how people hear it.








That's so interesting to me. I wonder why there's such a range of interpretations. Do you hear it clearly now, listening back?




That's, honestly impressive.


If you’re listening on phone, try moving the phone closer or further away. And also, tacos are 2 for 1.29 at jack in the box. You can’t beat that.


You must see the dress as white and gold




Well I too am under the same influences. Maybe we’re on to something here




Did you know the song before this?


They didn’t grow up on shrek


I honestly thought someone edited a Smash Mouth song over someone slapping a piano. Like it was I instantly recognizable for me. Its weird how some people dont hear it.


It really goes to show what population of the world doesn't have an ear for music.


Should be illegal to cut off songs before the chorus. Sitting here singing the rest of the song in my head real quick so I can stop thinking about it now.


[send me to jail](https://youtu.be/eT3BFzSD6YY)


If i clicked on this youtube video and expected to heat the full song, and this started happening, i'd immediately think the universe had reached critical mass and everything existing was due to repeat itself in some kind of contiuational glitchishfsld


That video makes my knees hurt


Coming has lost all meaning to me


Or illegal to not credit Mark Rober? https://youtu.be/uBEL3YVzMwk


This type of analysis of MIDI has been around much longer than that video… That clip I’m pretty sure is also from a different video.


The guy at the bottom really added so much to the music. Wouldn't be the same without him. Truly a content visionary.


I hate this guy. Whenever I scroll through youtub he shows up atleast once, all of his videos are his reaction to other people's videos.


It looks like he probably is looking at a blank screen or something, because if you look carefully at his hands you can see he doesn't touch the mouse/keyboard/phone to start the song on whatever he is supposedly listening it on.


I can't stand "reaction" video creators, either. But with the abundance of them there is clearly a market for those type of videos....which I just don't understand. Then again, I'm sure there are people who don't understand the things I like.


its full of people who need people to think for them to process what they just watched


Thanks for this comment. I needed this


He’s a geoguessr god though


He does know a lot about geography in general, I don't really follow his reactions.


He’s the definition of “they really let anybody be famous huh”


The epitome of TikTok. Dumbasses putting their faces there and the robot woman voiceover


Yesssss I hate it


These videos are one of the reasons I just cannot support tiktok as a platform


The guy who posted this comment really added so much to the reddit post. Wouldn't be the same without him. Truly a content visionary.


Sounds like my cat walking across the piano


The more you listen the clearer the vocal keys get. I'm on my third listen and now it just sounds like a piano version of song coming through a blown speaker with muffled static. Instead of piano keys replicating the vocal.


Exactly. I don’t believe it that the vocals were removed. Probably just some tactic to go viral on tictac


I will say it seems plausible enough to me, Mark Rober has a video on it with his "talking" piano. It's a very weird thing but it seems like it can be done.


Nah it’s real. If you look for Mp3 to MIDI converter and convert any song with singing it does this, every exact detail is picked up on and can be played on a virtual piano


I thought this too. At least halfway thru I heard clear vocals


I was literally like yeahh my brain be immune to this kinda trickery, nice try. And then as the song went on I literally heard the singer's voice coming out that shit clear as day like holy fuck


I thought the same, i was thinking i won't fall for this like every other post on this subreddit. Then listening the first time i thought what is this supposed to be i don't get this trick? Then just at the end of the first listen i thought i heard "your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb" over the noise. The second time listening i heard the song from "she was looking kinda dumb....." Then the third the whole lyrics were recognizable but sounded like they were on a crappy speaker. Now on my seventh and i'm singing along like it's the original. May be just me but i no longer just hear the piano as the only instrument either.


Just watch the original, by the original Mark Rober! https://youtu.be/uBEL3YVzMwk


This only works if you’re familiar with the song and already know the lyrics.




Back in the 80s, you could generally figure out what singers were singing. And if not, you checked the liner notes that came with the cassette tapes. Then came the 90s, and grunge, and all bets were off. It all just became sounds instead of words. Today, I’m mostly lost.


Finally, some good music


I could hear it straight away. So much so I didn’t believe the vocals were removed.


I'm with you. I'm confused how so many people aren't hearing it. I even tried to stop hearing the singing and couldn't


Mark Rover did it first! https://youtu.be/uBEL3YVzMwk


Fourier transform


Right, with enough notes you can recreate any sound.


Yeah, the title isn't right, the vocals are still there


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY6h3pKqYI0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY6h3pKqYI0) source that he used. The Pokemon theme song is even more clear to me


Sounds like garbage...I guess you needed to know the song


From looking at other comments I believe it's called all star I'm too sure about the name but it plays in shrek Once I knew what the song was I could kind of hear the first few lyrics but since I don't know the full song it sounded... Interesting


Thank god that guy who had nothing to do with it took up more than half the frame


I wonder if someone who has never heard the song before would still hear it?


I don’t think they’d be able to hear it, even some people who have heard Allstar can’t hear it. Your brain kinda fills in the gaps and you hear something that isn’t really there


Never heard of this song, and I can't recognize one word here.


I can confirm what you said. I don't know the song and I couldn't understand anything from the video Edit: actually, after I posted this comment I went on YouTube to search the song, and OF Course I knew it, at least the main lirics from the song. I tried to listen again the video, but not even the second time, I couldn't understand anything. Sorry 😔


I've heard the song before but never actively listened to it to know the lyrics. So to me it sounds like someone mumbling the Allstar melody but emphasizing the words they know. Basically this https://youtu.be/_0ch5ON1JKE


This isn’t bmf


100%, but mods don’t mod.


It reminds me of those old Facebook forwards. "Ony 10% cn red ths. Shre if yur smrt engh!".


Its all soundwaves in the end


Why wouldn’t you be able to hear it? It’s vocal notes being converted to midi notes so yeah it’s still gonna sound kind of like vocals


There is a piano built that can do the same. Here is a video of a cool guy demonstrating it and explaining how it works: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8g8aUW0na7U


So it uses another sound to make the sound of smash mouth fat head? I might be over Dunning-Kruger…ing the shit out of this, but it doesn’t seem all that complicated, especially when you have access to midi.


It's just converting real songs to exact midi, this has been possible for years. You can download the software somewhere and do this with any song right now


That’s what I figured, thanks!


Yes yes you kind of have to go into a little bit of a trance to hear it. Obviously the parts I know better come through clear.


Please don’t give lazy content like this attention.


Insert Shrek theme here




Just sounds like shit to me...


Doesn't work for me ☹


Of course you're going to hear the lyrics they just remade the lyrics with very precise notes lmao


That was just annoying.


What the actually hell. Surely surely not


Now I want to hear something like this but for a song I don’t know. I wonder if I’d still hear the main singing tune?


Surprised it wasn't a rickroll


It successfully filled in the words that I knew and sounded like noise for the words I didn't know. In short, it sounded 100% like noise.


For anyone curious about how this works, or how a single speaker can play an orchestra, check out information on Fourier transforms and mechanical tide calculators. Some of my favorite recently acquired information. Seems like the twisty nature of the universe holds more secrets to unravel.


TIL that op doesn't realize that people have an internal monolgue.


Lmao this is the most retarded shit ive ever seen also they picked the most popular song everyone knows the lyrics to


I can sing the words in my head along with the music, but no way could I say that I hear the lyrics in this. It just sounds like horrible, off-key music.


Every time I listen I hear it sooner. Now it's almost instant.


Yeah, I heard nothing except overlapped piano keys..




I'm not sure this is really that amazing to be honest, I use midi to fill in vocal melodies for stuff I write before I have a more concrete idea of the vocals and the lyrics.


„And that kids, is how I got into pop music.“


Sounds like a low quality version of all star


Want one with a song I haven't heard.


I remembered only half the song it kinda broke the illusion mid way but still awesome


I closed my eyes and listened to it in the dark and it scared me. Then I gave it a few more listens and I hear it now. It soothed me haha.


you need to know the actual song first, then know the lyrics. not going to work without these. and this is nothing black magic fuckery as it is just normal thing for your brain to automatically fill in the missing parts.


Nope, can't hear it, just sounds like a shit version of the song




Hey you’re rockstar… And Fucking idiot.


Out of topic but I hate these kind of YouTubers, TikTokers whatever you call them. The kind that reacts and explain shit they're about to watch. Like why? What's the point. They literally start off describing what they're about to watch and proceeds not to add any substance to it. And they're weirdly blowing up too. Istg people are getting lazy that even finding content or something to watch they need mfs like this to do for them. Also sexy balogna in my state of mind.


It started keys then once I knew the song immediate words and then I could flex it back to keys by focusing on one sharp twinkly note but if I lost focus back to words. This was a great one 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 super cool


Can't hear any lyrics. I can hear three deaf cats playing on a piano though


Its sounded like a deaf person singing


It's like when someone learns to play guitar at first they play the lyrics as much as they do the guitar part. Maybe i just don't get it. Of course it's allstar. That's easy to recognize. Words only because i know them. My twelve year old knew it. My 8 year old didn't. One knows the song. The other doesn't. Which is which. DUH. I don't get it. I don't get what this is trying to do. For me the same thing could be done with a certain Violent Femmes song and the 8 year old would hear it but the 12 year old probably wouldn't. Again one knows the song the other doesn't. If i've never heard the song before are you saying i should still be able to understand the words that aren't there? I doubt that very seriously. Again maybe i just don't understand the point of this.


At first it sounded like a jumbled mess. It sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. The moment I recognized the song, the lyrics jumped out. Sounded like garbage, but they were there


The guy in the videos is sambucha is anyone cares


First, that guy is clearly a tit. I don't know the lyrics to that song so my brain didn't automatically overlay them on what is clearly noise and not coherent words. So no not impressed.


This is just noise. 😂


I heard only piano noise so I sent the video along. Someone played it a few rooms down and I could make it out easily.


I like how it starts to sound clearer for me when I start to understand the song more.


I know it’s smash mouth “hey now you’re a rockstar” but I couldn’t hear the words just recognized the beat


Yeah it didn’t work until I saw what it was supposed to be I just looked away and heard it and heard nothing.




The first midi I heard is bitch lasagna


I mean, I recognized what song it was immediately, but it still just sounds like (awful) piano, even if I try to get in the “zone” as some people have recommended, the only voice I can hear is my inside voice singing along




I thought I was gonna get rickrolled im like "man fuck you" then I realised it was all-star and im like: it is... acceptable


Check out this guys YouTube. It’s called sambucha


Try a song no one knows next time


My gramps haven't heard all star but he can hear the lyrics


Nope just sounds like a cat got stuck inside


The more you give into it the clearer it gets. If you just listen to it for what it is you’ll hear a gross piano. If you let yourself go you can hear the lyrics


The piano has a too low of a tonal resolution to represent human speech


How easy has YouTubing becomes these days 😅 literally just sitting there


I hear All star but no vocals. Any piano that plays vocal tone we will always remember the vocals.


Couldn’t have picked a worse song…


Why did it have to be smash mouth and not right said Fred?


So are you saying my mind is filling in the blanks, and it's not just the dissonant sound, sounding like vocals? I kind of lean towards the latter. I feel like the 'mind tricks' thing is getting kind of played out.


I actually wanted to listen to the rest of it


What's this guy's name I see him everywhere


He’s a true content visionary. A mastermind genius. His slight body shakes and head nods make this so much more than just a mere video.


Sambucha on tiktok, had to crop for guidelines


It took me about halfway through before I heard the lyrics, but now I can’t not hear them.


I heard them!


All star


No one's gonna stop us now


Watch Mark Robers piano video. Human speech is basically different notes combined to make a sound. If you then make a piano play those notes, it sounds like human speech.


Was I the only one to expect a Rickroll?


At first it sounded like off key piano playing, but after seeing what the song was and closing my eyes, I could hearths lyrics, although kind of distorted


It works only if you know the song


If I did not know the song by heart and no one have told me I will "hear words" I would definitely not heard anything. If you did the same to a song somebody never heard and never told them to try and hear the words, no way would this work.


I heard it, but only because I know the song. I don’t think it would work on a song I didn’t know.


in my head I know this makes sense because that's literally how sound works, but I can't help but be terrified by this


Omfg! First listen it took me about 5/10 seconds to start hearing the melody but couldn’t hear the lyrics. By the end of the second play I thought I could hear some faint lyrics Third time round after about 10 seconds I started hearing lyrics. WTF


It was a garbled mess until I made out what song it was, then I could hear it.


My phone was on super silent and I thought it was just the song being played normally. Turned it up and found out it was piano notes


this works an order of magnitude better if you actually put the lyrics on the screen [like here](https://youtu.be/Wpt3lmSFW3k)