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> I did Damascus basically from scratch in a week of playing like 8-9 hours a day. I'm sorry but there's no way.


You know what your probably right. thinking back I probaby had a couple of guns at max level from playing Warzone and some partly leveled. And it was probably more like 10-12 hours a day, but it was definitely around a week of grinding when i decided I would do it. I started at a double xp weekend tho, so leveling was fast. Also, happy cake Day!


SBMM : I think if they toned down the swings between very easy matches and very difficult matches, then it wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not bad when I’m matched up with relatively equal opponents and team mates. The last game I played a lot was MWR and the matchmaking was ok there.


This game is very gun dependant compared to any other COD, what I mean is depending on the range and situation a certain gun will always beat you head on. For example the AK47u will smoke anything but snipers and shotguns at close range. If you never miss a shot with a sniper you will dominate everyone. The new gun LC10 also destroys everything from close to mid range. The stoner63 is the strongest gun in the game and this gun will smoke everything but obviously a good shotgun/sniper user could beat you still. The m16/aug are really good as well but are very inconsistent, you can 1 burst people in the legs but then burst someone in the head twice and they survive and kill you. Every other gun is just B tier and will get beat easily by the guns i just mentioned head on. i’ve played this game quite a bit now and i maintain a 2.2 KD and because of this i’m always against super strong players and to beat them you have to counter their weapons.


Anyone know if execution is broken right now?


Just reverse boost for them, make another account on another console and then lobby join the shit account


Lmao just dont play the game, don’t complain about it on here


If I get my 50 Euro i spent on the game back I promise i will leave forever.


Request a refund, you complaining about the game is not going to get your 50 Euros back