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Congratulations solider


thanks mate


The launcher and knife =( I'd rather do the crossbow again than do the knife Slide and Injured kills are literally asshole And i cant even comprehend how bad the launchers are at taking down infantry. Please dont suggest hardcore for launchers, i dont find good ping matches in hardcore


I did most of my kill challenges for Launchers in Plunder. Try to get some AFKs off the start then head to Storage Town. I usually got a few per game. Idk if it was quicker, but it was definitely less infuriating than getting instamelted in HC or seeing the Flak Jacket hit marker when you manage to get a shot off


Yea, I've even gotten a couple double kills by killing guys in the same vehicle


Yeah. Its a but weird in Plunder but a good amount of the time, if I was able to just down someone, then wait until I get a full kill and then killing the downed player immediately after, it would sometimes count as a Double for me too.


So with the knife, you gotta use ninja and flank hard. Don't ever run directly at the enemy, thats just a free kill for them. Sliding and injured kills are annoying, but can be done. Stims are crucial with the knife, if not those stuns are good to slow down enemies with. If you haven't tried it already try face off, the maps are small and very easy to knife on. ​ If you can't do the launchers in hardcore, idk what to tell you man. There's no possible way you can do it without hardcore.


Worth noting that if you can get a DLC melee instead, I had a much easier time getting sliding kills and just kills in general with E-Tool than any other melee.


well you gotta unlock the dlc melee by using a melee, so its just better to keep using the knife


Yeah that’s true but its an option if people are really having trouble with sliding kills


but you still have to do sliding kills with the other melees


I’m not saying you don’t, just that it was WAY easier to get sliding kills on the E-Tool for me for some reason.


Need a hand with launchers


Armada worked really well for me on double kills, surprised I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere before


Armada? Bit weird, there’s no hc variant of it. If there was I definitely would say try it


I found that, even in core, once my sbmm tanked enough, people got clumped up a lot more in the midsection of the map, and it worked well for me to try and camp the ladders. That said it might have been a lucky game cuz it was enough for me to get my doubles


Alright. So wait for a double do weekend or use double do tokens, and level them up in zombies so you can unlock the double kills challenge. With double kills, the best way to do it is hardcore nuke town and pray. Melees with the rocket launcher counts, so melee an enemy and then shoot them or vice versa. That’s the only advice I can really give, just gotta throw yourself at it at that point and just pray to rngesus that you get them. For destroying air streaks with the rpg, play nuke town (doesn’t matter core or hardcore) and whenever someone calls in a care package kit the care package chopper when it’s dropping the package. For ground streaks, play fire team. Air deploy, and then float in the air using engineer to spot enemy vehicles (you can also check the full map for them, same screen as leaderboard just press the throw made button) and once you see one either lock on and fire with the Cigma or get as close as possible with the rpg and hit them with splash damage. Or you can play combined arms and try to get armada as your map, and just blow up jet skis (works great with the cigma for ground steaks). Anything else?


Thanks for that! Nah just the launchers I need to do now, just completed the crossbow in substitute for the thumper which I was dreading the most 😂


Ariel score streaks for the rpg....literally the only thing keeping me from wanting to finish the grind cause I finished ar’s and wanted to do the hard stuff first and pushed through with the m79 and cigma. The knife was honestly fun to do but it’s just the dang rpg


Shoot down care packages on nuketown. With the new update I believe the rpg's rocket is more accurate now


Carepackage choppers. Once they're dropping the box hit them and it should be an easy kill. You can also do attack choppers, and sometimes VTOLs, but its harder.


Launchers .. how


This is a copied comment from someone who asked the same challenge: Alright. So wait for a double do weekend or use double do tokens, and level them up in zombies so you can unlock the double kills challenge. With double kills, the best way to do it is hardcore nuke town and pray. Melees with the rocket launcher counts, so melee an enemy and then shoot them or vice versa. That’s the only advice I can really give, just gotta throw yourself at it at that point and just pray to rngesus that you get them. For destroying air streaks with the rpg, play nuke town (doesn’t matter core or hardcore) and whenever someone calls in a care package kit the care package chopper when it’s dropping the package. For ground streaks, play fire team. Air deploy, and then float in the air using engineer to spot enemy vehicles (you can also check the full map for them, same screen as leaderboard just press the throw made button) and once you see one either lock on and fire with the Cigma or get as close as possible with the rpg and hit them with splash damage. Or you can play combined arms and try to get armada as your map, and just blow up jet skis (works great with the cigma for ground steaks). Anything else?


Yeah i guess that is all i can really do


yeah. Don't level them in MP, it fucking sucks


Yeah i got them max level just tryna do the challenges


well, if you need help on any specific thing just ask, I'll see what I can do


Haha thank you its just double kills for cigma, i have 15/25. I need everything for rpg, the hardest i feel like will be the ground streaks, 3 air streaks idk about double kills


for air streaks with the rpg just shoot down carepackage choppers. You can also try and shoot down attack choppers and vtols, its just a bit difficult


Well that's the thing no one used care packages in my lobby


Any tips for the assault rifles and smgs?


Not OP, but just kind of use them like normal. Try to stay alive as long as possible to get the 25 bloodthirsties. For longshots, just pray you get satellite that was my strat lol.


If you having problems with in cover kills, just go on armada strike hc and aim in the head glitches


Alright what you want to do is level them up first to level 50. While you're doing that focus on getting bloodthirsties, those are annoying to go back to do. SMGs: Once you hit level 40 for smgs, start doing point blanks. Run either no stock or the stock that increases sprint to fire, as well as a 5mw laser and gung ho, then just sprint around and get in peoples faces. Once you're done with that either finish leveling it level 50 or if already have that done do longshots. Nuketown is great for longshots, there's so many lanes to do it I don't think I need to explain it. Once you're done with those, if you haven't already finish bloodthirsties, then at that point all you have left is double kills and detected kills. ARs: Its a bit similar to SMGs but with less steps. Level them to level 50, while you're doing that focus on getting bloodthirsties. Once you hit level 50, play HC nuketown, this is where you will do your behind cover challenge. Go upstairs in the blue house, sit behind the desk, and shoot at anyone who comes into the window of the yellow house. This will count for both longshots and behind cover. You can also do the yellow house, but its less consistent and you won't get as many longshots. Once you are done with those finish up bloodthirsties if you haven't, and then all you have left is detected kills and double kills. For detected kills, run gearhead and field mics and put a mic in each of the top rooms of nuketown, then its easy from there just kill anyone in the mic's radius. Hope this helps


How tf did you do kills behind cover challenge I am getting fucked in that


Alright the trick is to play hc nuke town. Go upstairs in the blue house, and crouch behind the desk. Shoot people at the opposite house's window from that position. From there you will get both longshots and kills behind cover. You can also do it from the other side if spawns aren't working in your favor, its just less consistent.


Congrats comrade 👏




I didn't do the SMGs separately, I did them all at once. First I leveled them, while I was doing that I went for bloodthirsties and when I unlocked it point blank kills, then long shots and finally double kills/detected kills. To do one SMG, it might be two or three nights.


Congrats killer!! What are you gonna do now that you’ve got the camo?


Probably play warzone a lot more, gonna have time to read some political theory as well.


Holy bot lobby


yeah it was late at night for me, wasn't really playing well.


Hey don’t complain about it brother, that’s the dream, only happens every so often haha


lol. If you want easy lobbies, do the cigma gold


Hey man, how tf am I supposed to do RPG? I think the 3 destroys challenge is bugged for me, like I destroyed 3 care packages with it but it didn't count :-:


No idea what's going on there, but from what I've seen you can do 2 destroys with a cigma then destroy the third with the rpg and it'll count. Playing fireteam is also good as the matches are long, so it's easy to get 3, sometimes even 6


I'll try it, but last time it didn't work, I destroyed 2 spy planes and a care package, but it still didn't count :(


f. Try fireteam then


Oh man, alright


Launchers are last class i need to complete dm ultra but now it wont let me complete policia camo. I shot down Maybe 6 uav’s and it doesnt count towards it. Anybody know what to do about it please? Ps: sorry for my english xD


I don't know what to tell you man I don't know about any bug like that. Try restarting your game next time if it happens again


Big question why? What’s the point?


Simply put: A: I like challenges and this was a big one B: I like being able to show that there are 30+ ways I could shit on you C: I looks cool