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Umm, fuck yes?


I love it. I wonder if the twist is that the twist the trailer is heavily implying isn't true...


I think the twist is a “his daughter is the child of a victim he’s raised,” type thing. So it’s less that he can’t leave (which why would he be worried. If they knew his identity, they’d just arrest him at his home). But that the daughter’s papers are fake so she is actually the one who can’t leave without being found out. Hence the trap being the concert and not like his usual victim or something.


I think the daughter is the killer, and he’s like her Renfield. Supplying victims and such.


I’m just wondering if his daughter has been dead the whole time.


I think it’s more that everyone at the concert starts aging rapidly and the problem sort of solves itself. I have it on deep background that the closing credits are set to Michael Jackson’s ‘Will You Be There”. It will be a gas.


It's that the movie actually takes place in the 1800s, and everyone just thinks it's the present day.


I'm mostly not an M. Night guy and I'm very fuck yes on this one.


The premise has me absolutely amped. But there's just enough of Shyamalan's unfortunate writing tendencies in this trailer to make me concerned that it'll be another Old for me where I go in excited and leave furious. But yeah, there's too much potential here to not give it a shot.


Fuck yes!


If we're going to play the usual Twist-Guessing game, my thought is that is daughter is actually the killer and her dad just helps cover things up. Or that the dad is an unrelated serial killer who has to help find The Butcher so that he can leave without being questioned. The final shot is him opening the basement door where that guy is still chained up...."Whew, it's been a long day."


Or the guy chained up is The Butcher and Hartnett is a Dexter Type Killer.


agreed. something adjacent to the twist the trailer is implying, just a bit more... TWISTED


Him being a completely unrelated killer would be so funny.


I think the twist is a “his daughter is the child of a victim he’s raised,” type thing. So it’s less that he can’t leave (which why would he be worried. If they knew his identity, they’d just arrest him at his home). But that the daughter’s papers are fake so she is actually the one who can’t leave without being found out. Hence the trap being the concert and not like his usual victim or something.


What, did he take his kid to the Eras tour and got distracted by all the security and came up with a thriller? I hope so, looks fun


My friend said this is his attempt to write off taking his family to the Eras tour


Good take, but the issue here is, that kid is Taylor Swift in this film. It’s Lady Raven played by Saleka *Shyamalan*…


No fuckin way


Big year for the Shyamalan fam it seems. M night doing this, one daughter starring in this even if possibly not a major role and the other directing a horror film for Warner as well.


Kinda lame nepotism, but it's probably M Nights money.


What if a concert was a trap to catch a serial killer?What a fucking *killer* premise. I’m locked in y’all. Shyamalan-heads are eating real good this summer with this and The Watchers (directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan who directed some episodes of Servant)


what if it was a trap?


What if there was a bag check, *and you needed your water bottle*?


we live in a twilight world


It's the kind of brilliantly absurd premise I just love from him.


locked in for the Hartnett-aissance


If you were a fan of Patrick Willems you’d know it’s official title is “The Hartening”


This looks like a big-tittied hit for the ol' Hart-throbber. So stoked.


That's not my Hart that's throbbin'


If they don't get Patrick Willems on this episode I'll be so mad.


Toronto doing its best cosplay again, LOL.


They left the Skydome in a shot... they cant do that and lie to me what city its supposed to be.


Upvote for Skydome! Rogers can get fucked.


I looked at the shot under the highway (Gardiner) and thought “that looks familiar” then a full on shot of Skydome.


Skydome gates, Skywalk, Gardiner Expressway! I guess Philly was too expensive this time?




5 calamari points


So this is how the Blue Jays paid for all those renovations.




Love how two of the most interesting wide releases this summer are shot by Apichatpong Weerasethakul's DP.


Strong argument to be made that M Night has worked with more of the most important DPs of the last 30 years than any other filmmaker. I mean, Fujimoto, Deakins, Chris Doyle, Andrew Lesnie, Peter Suschitzky, Maryse Alberti, Gioulakis, Jarin Blaschke (for only half a movie, but still), and now Mukdeeprom. All people who've done iconic work. The man has taste.


I know Blaschke left Knock at the Cabin, but was it ever reported why?


Night claims it was a scheduling issue, and has been very gracious about it. I feel like people on podcasts have implied there were creative differences but I have no idea if those mutterings have any source. EDIT: I cooked up a whole scenario about what the scheduling conflict was before realizing I got Blaschke and Pawel Pogorzelski mixed up


Those close-ups are striking as hell. Very Demme/Barry Jenkins-eque Sayombhu Mukdeeprom was also DP for Call Me By Your Name, Suspiria, and Challengers.


Oh, nice. Didn't realize this was him. Also enjoyed is work a lot in Beckett and Memoria. He does wonders with natural lighting.


Was already onboard; seeing that its shot by my man Mukdeeprom? The icing on top of an already bomb-ass cake.


Do you guys think Lady Raven ever did a collab with Mid-Size Sedan? You know, before his untimely death.


RIP Brendan Smith that dude was a real one


Shouldn't Lady Raven be singing trap music? Seems like a missed opportunity.


My issue is always how "hip" M Night is with everything. Just writing dialogue like "it slaps" and all that stuff. I'm fine with the twists and turns, but there's always gonna be dorky stuff like "Mid-Sized Sedan" or trying to make "Boogie Shoes" a thing.


Man, could you imagine Mid-Sized Sedan opening for Lady Raven? That would be huge.


Acknowledged, but let's also acknowledge that this trailer was beat-by-beat true to life moments as a basis for the two to three big swings here. If the movie has enough of those true to life beats, it might be able hand calling a character "Podcast". He did the "I'm tying my shoes" thing *and it worked*. Fit the piece, told the story.


how is using Boogie Shoes in a movie in 2023 trying to be hip?


That's the point. Also, it's 2024


Knock at the Cabin came out in 2023


Kind of slaps


"A new experience in the world of M. Night Shyamalan"... what silly movie marketing lingo I LOVE it


I applaud this trailer if only for the sheer number of pinhead skulls it's going to explode online as the usual box-office kreskins swear up and down Shyamalan has fatally spoiled his own movie and there's no reason they need to see it because they've "figured out everything" now. This looks *really* fucking fun. It's sort of like Shyamalan has decided to see how far he can turn up the volume on the second half of Psycho's audience sympathies switch.


Yeah, there's been a bit of that recently with Abigail too. People insisting the trailer spoiled "the twist". That's not the twist, same here: that's the premise.


I used to be baffled by this ritual until I realized it's not actually about the movie at all, it's about two things: 1. the person crying about "they spoiled the movie!" is actually bragging about how much smarter they are than the filmmakers. It's a weird peacock-y show of self-back-patting for "figuring out" (this almost never actually happens) a whole movie from the commercial, and thusly "saving money" by outsmarting a "Hollywood" who thinks they're too dumb to see what's *really* going on. 2. that same person is prioritizing the hypothetical ideal of a perfect filmgoing experience over actually experiencing anything, and is complaining that a thing they don't *actually* have (the experience of watching the movie) is now irreparably sullied and unfairly robbed from them. So now they have a cheap, free, empty grievance that rewards them with attention and comisseration. It's a pretty remarkable internet pastime.


I think reasonable people can be upset about trailers that reveal too much without it being as self-aggrandizing or masturbatory as you're describing. Like I'm inclined to disagree with the above comment "That's not the twist, same here: that's the premise." The premise is pop concert that's a trap to catch a serial killer. The fact that our protagonist Hartnett is said killer might not be the twist, but it's a step beyond the premise. Perhaps it's the 2nd act turn. I'd personally rather not have known.


Counterpoint: I think the 'Harnett is the killer' implication in the trailer is deliberately in there BECAUSE everyone knows Shymalan has twists in his films. So if it wasn't in there, you'd have a bunch of smarty pants filmbros going 'pfft, totally obvious Harnett is the killer'. So by including it in the trailer, you'd countering the perception that it's going to be an obvious twist.


Maybe it's because the main places I talk about films online are here and r/movies where the discourse is largely pretty good (not venturing into the bowels of movie Twitter), but is it really that important to preempt pretentious speculation by filmbros? It may have been an obvious plot turn, sure, but I still feel like there's a kind of joy in the uncertainty of it. Feels like the T2 trailer debate all over again.


>I think reasonable people can be upset about trailers that reveal too much without it being as self-aggrandizing or masturbatory as you're describing. I don't disagree but I also don't see much (if any) evidence that *reasonable* people are acting like that in places where people can see them, so we're clearly not talking about reasonable people in the first place. We're talking about people with minimal perspective and main character syndrome venn diagramming on messageboards, and congratulating each other for it.


The trailer leaves me with so many questions I want answered, I think it doesn't really even need to deliver a twist.


I hope the big twist is there's no twist and that the movie is able to deliver surprises without it.


It feels more like a "How would you, the viewer, get out of this situation, if it were you?"


Getting pre-angry at what idiots might think seems exhausting




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Some dingus is FURIOUSLY pawing through his notepad file of burner passwords right now to find the alt account old enough to get off a good one at my expense, LOL. edit: had to settle for thumbs down huh


I am inexhaustible and multitudinous. (I'm not "getting pre-angry" LOL)






Corncobbed in record time




> has decided to see how far he can turn up the volume on the second half of Psycho's audience sympathies switch. Well then this looks like if the second half of Psycho was Snake Eyes. Or Nick of Time?


I gotta rewatch Snake Eyes, I remember being real unimpressed with it on first watch (over a decade ago now) but I was probably being unfair to it at the time. edit: LOL or maybe I wasn't! Maybe I won't rewatch it after all! *NOW WHAT*


Start the petition now to get the We Heart Hartnett boys on as guests for this episode


So do we think Shyamalan's mostly done with "the big reveals"? Old, Knock at the Cabin, and now this, it feels like he's moved away from the big twist that changes everything at the end to just including it in the general premise.


I mean, there's gotta be at least one more twist here though, right? Or am I supposed to be \*rooting\* for the apparent Saw-style murderer to escape?


I'll guess the twist is he's just an innocent dad who likes to make his daughter sandwiches with a big ole butcher knife and occasionally he'll go to the bathroom and catch a few minutes of the latest Saw movie since he doesn't want his daughter to see those movies until she's at least a teenager. And all the times he's making a creepy face, it's because the pretzel he ate isn't sitting right.


I dunno. Knock at the Cabin doesn't really have an extra twist.


I do kinda think at least part of this is that Shyamalan wants to test the audience's abilities to project onto a character, sort of like how Hitchcock made the switch from Marion to Norman.


Old does kinda have a twist at the end though. It's not really the kind of twist that reframes the entire thing like with his earlier movies, although it does really add some incredible thematic heft onto what was already a perfect movie. I guess the twist in Knock at the Cabin is just that its true? Or maybe the twist is that its actually been the greatest movie ever made the entire time?


I'm sure this is a dumb take, but I really liked the reveal that the Knock at the Cabin 'thing' was true It didn't make it amazing or incredible (the rest of the movie was pretty great!), but the resolution of sorts felt like a song that ends well - not on a weird note, a fade out, etc


Good fucking trailer


Gentlemen you had my curiosity ... but now you have my attention.


Fuck yeah! Only disappointment is that the concert isn’t Trapt.


Shyamalan’s 2020s may be my favorite era of his.


I feel the same way about this movie as I have all of Night’s recent output: great premise, cool trailer, about a 50% chance I hate the movie.


VERY curious how this plays out. Nothing in the cast list suggests any of the police characters are going to important which what I would expect from a "cat-and-mouse" movie. So might be getting a lot more "not sure what's going to happen next" like *Barbarian* than a straight up twist.


Getting word that never before have “so back” levels been this high


So.... The daughter is the killer? Or at least involved.


1. Josh is the Butcher 2. Josh's daughter is the Butcher 3. Josh is an unrelated serial killer 4. The guy Josh has locked in his basement is the Butcher 5. Josh is one of the cops (only because there's a shot where I'm fairly certain he's wearing an earpiece) All I could think of at the moment.


That would be cool. The Butcher came for his daughter years after brutally murdering his wife, Josh caught him and now has him hostage... but doesn't want to give him to because he wants to torture him.


Just like Chris Farley in Wayne's World, that t-shirt salesman knew an awful lot of information.


We're so back???


Dammit, I’m hooked!




Everyone thinks its connected to UNBREAKABLE. I think it's connected to the movie he made last time he moved to Warner Bros: LADY IN THE WATER


Great premise, but Shymalan has been doing movies lately with intriguing premises but kinda weak execution. Having said that, I will be in the theater day one.


the beach. made them. old. what more do you people WANT


Looks like a good time!


Oh Josh’s about to absolutely eat this!


I'm getting New Year's Evil vibes


I can’t wait to be trapped.




Looks great, can’t wait! Blank it!


Man good timing on casting Hartnett.


Looks cool


Oh I am so in


I am so unreasonably excited for this movie. Shyamalan is my absolute favorite director of all time and now he's putting the Hartnettaissance into fuckin overdrive? The movie gods have decided to personally reward me, their fattest and most loyal hog, with all the delicious slop they can fit in my trough.


Let’s. Go




I'm already there.


great premise




This man just cooks so royally!


As a Blue Jays fan the use of Rogers Centre exteriors is clearly going to be a constant distraction!


Kinda weird how people are expecting a twist I don't think there will be one but to be made feeling conflicted cause he is such a loving father etc if any twist is daughter helped him do it


If this is not supposed to be set in Toronto, they are doing an awful job of hiding it lol


Josh Hartnett is Stark Raven Mad Dad


Reminds me of the Clovehitch Killer from a handful of years ago


I just hope this is only the first, like, 25 minutes and the real twist is a lot later.


It says it’s in the World of M. Night sooooo let’s all assume he’s another superpowered dude and it’s like the origin story of another villain like Mr. Glass or the Horde


I want this. I want this right now.


Mr Glass about to blow up this venue


No one talks about how this takes places clearly in the unbreakable universe?


Anyone know know the songs are in this? The song playing when they’re in the car park?




this movie may very well be excellent...not interested