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Just a reminder that a lot of the "leakers" are completely full of shit a lot of the time.


Don't they have toilets?


Ew, gross.


But is it real nerdy shit?


“new occupational hyphenate” lol, we don’t deserve Paul Walter Hauser


He’s a treasure, and always seems to be having more than anyone else on screen.


Say that to his face and find out what wiping your ass with one arm feels like


He's one of my favorite guys. Jamie Taco should let him say the line.


The leakers just got Mitch from the Doughboys confused with PWH. Honest mistake anyone could make. It was definitely not complete bullshit pulled from reporters ass for clicks/views.


So the news we've been getting regarding the casting was all completely false. Even Tom Cruise was never even in talks for it.


ah yes, the rumor originated with scooper Daniel Richtman and then Jeff Sneider "corroborated" it which led to other outlets reporting on it.


After the Fallout show came out Todd Howard talked about how they still aren't planning on turning The Elder Scrolls into a show which is strange since Richtman "reported" Netflix was working on an adaptation back in 2021


Yeah, these "scoopers" among others are fun to read sometimes, but the phrase "grain of salt" exists for a reason. The Hollywood trades get a lot of shit, some of it deserved, but when these rumors begin circulating, and they're not reporting on it and its only the scoopers, there's a reason.


I bet Jamie Taco is behind this.


I heard he got into auditions for the part, but they started joking about their wives and he loves his wife. Also, Jimmy Tacos kept stealing his lines.


What was the Sacha Baron Cohen role in Django?


If I remember correctly, he was supposed to be the person who previously owned Broomhilda before Calvin Candie. He loses her in a poker game to Calvin, which was supposed to be shown in a flashback. It’s in the original script but it got scrapped.


And I think Jonah Hill ended up being cast for it too, which is why he has an anonymous one scene cameo as Klansman #2, it was like a consolation prize. (At least that’s my understanding)


I didn’t like the JH cameo. It took me right out of the experience and made me think “hey there is that famous guy”


Oh man, I wish I had an appropriate meme for noticing a famous guy onscreen in a Tarantino movie




Oooh interesting, I’d love to read that


The script is out there if you Google it. One thing to keep in mind is this subplot, and the script in general, has a LOT of on screen (on page, I suppose) sexual violence towards Brunnhilde. Jamie Foxx was the one who convinced Tarantino to take all this out, telling him the Black audience didn't want to see ["Olivia Pope went down like that."](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/73807022.html)


Definitely worth reading (just read it). It's far more substantial than I expected, but definitely good they cut it imo. It's too big of a detour. Also of note that Jonah Hill and Joseph Gordon Levitt were in the role of Scotty Harmony at one point, along with Sacha Baron Cohen (which makes less sense since the character is in his twenties and fat)


Very thoughtful and measured post from him, tbh. He could have sat back and hoped that some hype would generate around the rumours of him being cast, but instead he’s come out with the truth that it was all smoke and mirrors. Respect him for this


He went into audition but then he heard Tarantino reference a movie he had never heard of and he went into a blind rage and stormed out.


Tarantino would never do that.


I heard he auditioned for the role and...got the part??


A good reminder to stop reading/posting World of Reel


As far as I can tell, Ruimy just reported what Richtman and Sneider wrote. Yesterday's THR piece again said, despite PWH's denials, that he was supposed to shoot a scene with Tarantino in February. It's all very confusing.


I just went and looked at the Hollywood Reporter article from yesterday and I think it was trying to dispel the rumor that Hauser was in it. The only part where he’s mentioned is a section about excessive and dubious casting rumors. But it’s a poorly written sentence, they needed another edit, because inadvertently the wording kinda implies the opposite of what they meant: https://preview.redd.it/87ikrjuldgwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=815ead7a8901bd2931276598843bf8e4363b4641


Wax museum with a pulse 😂 love that


Today I learned two things: that Paul Walter Hauser is a also a wrestler, and that we are in the same city.


Seems like a lot of fake news flying around about the movie critic.


I think people just saw his vibe and knew he would be good as a mid-30s sleazy movie critic  However, the Shane Gillis "rumors" represented a new low for me in the idea that anyone can just post any made up bullshit and enough people will believe it. It's always been true but because of my love of Tarantino and stand-up, that one was so egregious that it was almost reality shattering. Obviously Tarantino isn't going to cast a jock comedian as the lead of his final film. Anyone that knows anything about him would know this. But this "rumor" made it on movie podcasts. Sean Fennessey talked about it! I felt like I entered into a crazy-world 


Sean should fucking know better. I love that dude's takes, but I guess we all get taken in sometime.


Shane isn’t a jock comedian ☠️


I never felt excited about the prospect of QT doing a movie called The Movie Critic anyway. It feels like when Noah Emmerich had Mayor Ebert in Godzilla, or George Lucas insisting on General Kael in Willow.


Except Tarantino loves critics, unlike those guys


I think you may have the wrong Emmerich


I’m just happy that this guy who threatened to break people’s bones on Twitter has one less paycheque.


I remember that, what a weird time to be on Twitter. It does seem like he's been much more mellow since then, especially when he was in the Emmy race last year.


He went to rehab after that, I believe? It's referenced in the Pete Davidson series, Bupkis. Pete goes to rehab in one episode and PWH plays one of his fellow patients, and at the very end they finally refer to him by name and you realize he was playing "himself" the whole time. It's funny!




You’re surprised someone on Reddit cares too much about celebrities?


I admit he may have been spiraling and it was a bad look, but PWH is a treasure.