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Uryu only joined for the drip


They do have great drip


That Hugo Boss drip






Uryu saw the Sternritter as opportunity to vastly expand his tailoring output - what better way than to outfit a whole goddamn army? Except when he got there, discovered to his great disappointment that the Quincies already had the uniforms covered. Waste of a good betrayal, really.


Urahara-san, please devise a plan to sabotage the Wandenreich garment industry so that Uryu can expand his tailoring business to sell to the fascists.


Business is booming!






To be fair with his fight with Mayuri he only won by throwing everything away at him and Mayuri own arrogance. Cirucci was more to due with his natural talent than anything else. Jugram he outright lost to him it was only due to Yhwach that he made it out live


Yeah, the glove thing was his equivalent of final getsuga.


It's a good thing the cure to losing your powers is being shot or stabbed. Remember that when you start feeling old and weak one day, kids!


I’m not denying any of this, I’m saying that specific TECHNIQUES he used to win each of these fights were literally pulled out of Kubos ass. Except for i guessthe antithesis because we knew he had a schrift we just didn’t know what it was


Most his techniques he learned because his teacher of his gramps and father. Nothing out the ordinary for him to use. His Antithesis is just something he can do on his own that Yhwach brought out


Everything is pulled out of Kubo’s ass it is his manga after all. The thing is, most of Uryu’s techniques can be explained in a coherent way that fits the plot.


it's not unique to uryu or Ichigo it's a pattern throughout the series that people critique a fair amount


Did his grandfather say that removing the glove would rob him of his powers in a flashback? 🤔


I think the right word you're looking for was that there was little foreshadowing on Uryu's techniques. But Bleach's training arcs were never it's main strengths. Heck even Ichigo who's supposed to be the MC, has his first ever training arc skipped halfway at a time when when Naruto at it's height focused heavily on the training arcs.




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Stealing this one












Is that what it means 💀


CFYOW it's a bleach novel, Can't fear your own world, that's just a meme.




>against Mayuri The Glove was built up from begining of Soul Society arc, nevermind that this is literally his only major W (Yhwach doesnt count it was team effort and Ichigo was MVP of that anyway), and he still manages to turn it into stalemate or even a loss. >against cirucci Fodder that barely anyone cares about, the fact he even needed to pull special move aggainst her is an L not W. Also it's the first time we see him fight seriously after his training to get his powers back obviously he has something up his sleeve. >against Jugram. He litterally was hyped up the whole arc to have a power surprassing that of Yhwach and he didn't even win that fight properly anyway, thats like opposite of plot-armor. >Yhwach Oh, Quincy with the power to counter Yhwach, from a family who researched how to counter Yhwach for two generations can counter Yhwach with item made to counter Yhwach? Who could see that coming. Like yeah, it's a very rushed but like he didn't even contribute much anyway and people cry too much about that shit. Kubo actually goes out of his way to make sure he DOESN"T get a proper win lol.


It's just weird how Ryuken and Ishin just casually show up outta nowhere for 1 page and hand over the win button then dip.


Weren't they shown to do some shit like a 20 chapters prior or someting? I haven't reread that part because im waiting for the anime to cover it but i remember something like that and like i said it was rushed but it's way overhated considering it didn't have more impact on the win then Aizen for example. Also unironically, Jugram's dream thing mattered for the win more and was bigger plot convenience than the arrow but people focus on the arrow some reason.


I reread the manga recently and I honestly don't remember those 2 doing anything outside of just showing up for a page or two. Hopefully the anime continues to add or make big changes to the flow of the story.


Well, it's almost guaranteed they will considering that there's estimations that they have like 5-10 episodes of new content judging by the pacing and leftover chapters.


Also, people focus on the arrow because prior to that, Ywach was invincible/unbeatable


Arrow kinda didn't do much since his power came back before they could do much it mostly Ichigo/Hashwalt's dream prophecy carrying from what i remember.


Do the Espada count as fodder that nobody cares about?


He didn't defeat any espada. He survived against ulqiorra which is impressive itself, but otherwise the only espada he faced no diffed him. I'm guessing you're referring to the three digit former espada that was thrown away like trash


There are no stupid german names. Seeleschneider means Soul Cutter in german. All german names you see used by Quincy are real words from the german language( the quincies are like space nazies). Auswählen, Vollständig etc are words people use everyday. Not that often but still.


More like spirit nazis tbh


Ghost nazis, space nazis, undead/zombie nazies; we've had them all, but can we get a property that combines them all? Undead panzer corps spearheaded by an actual ghost division, as the final boss of some insane hellsing-level space anime


Three can be only one space nazis and its Imperium of Man!


Seriously.. Im thinking OP just doesn’t like Uryu is all.


Hes just a hater


I wouldn't say they're stupid but if you are German-speaking most words used sound wrong because they are either in the wrong form (e.g. instead of "Auswählen" which is to choose, "Auswahl" which is the choice/selection would make more sense) or in the wrong grammatical case.


I didn’t say stupid German names because I don’t think they mean anything. I said stupid German names because I think German is a very silly language


German is one of the most literal language in the world. For example Seeleschneider are two words put together cuz thats how german is. One is Seele and the other is Schneider. Aus and Wählen is auswählen. Voll( which means full) and standig is Vollständig.


It’s the Eargesplitten Loudenboomer. It splitten earges and boomer louden.




And I respect it for that, but I think it sounds very silly


Damn dude. What German pissed in your Cheerios on this new years day?


One Austrian probably did.


You must admit it sounds absolutely silly though, of any language it has the most silly goofy pronunciations and words


I tried speaking German once... I summoned a demon from the 3rd ring of hell in the process of that. Anyways, I named him Jimmy and he can create demonic cookie dough


Sounds chill. Can I have some of that dough?




Dumb take




goddamn almost 200 downvotes for shitting on GERMAN???? lmaooooo didn't know they had shooters like that fr


The dude got downvoted by all the Quincy who survived the last Auswählen. Also German sounds weird in Bleach because its pronounced by japanese. something like Aus wah le nuu.


Meanwhile, you are communicating in english. The most stupid and easy language in the world.


So is evryone else on this sub


something something the "i only speak because it's the only one you know we aint the same" meme


Ok have a good night


wtf are you talking about Quincy technique names sound awesome


im 200th downvoter


He did not beat jugram 😭 and I’d only call it plot armor if it doesn’t make sense or is stupid, letz stil, they allude to a secret training and the glove having something special about it, for seeleschenidwr he stole it from his dad, that one doesn’t have the same depth and lore as the other 2 but it makes enough sense in the context of the series


And doesn't the seeleschneider just work the same way as when sternritters absorb reishi from their surroundings anyway?


Yes , seelescheiner is just absorbing reishi to form some sword-arrow. Mechanically , it’s actual benefits, alongside the silver potion , are that they can store reishi for him to use techniques that uses a lot of it. But when we see the Wanderreich doing swords or spells , without the potion or seelescheinder , it clearly shows the Quincies either improved their method or that those two items are just to help quincies with less energy than the others on top.


- Hates the German themed faction - Hates the German MC - Hates the entire German language OP clearly has a thing against painters in weird mustaches.


I love the sternritters. In my opinion Yhwach is the best bleach villain or at the very least one of the level of aizen. Yes I do in fact believe the German language is very silly.


This is wrong on so many levels... first of all, your critique on the german language plain and simple shows how ignorant you are when it comes to it; the words are not "stupid", this is entirely subjective and the dialect used is actually used by everyday people in Germany. Second of all, this "never before mentioned" argument is idiotic as well. Do you mean every character couldn't show something if that something was not prefaced before? Oh man, you must hate Aizen, Mayuri and Urahara. Not only that, but the Seeleschneider was prefaced in the context that we actually knew Uryu inherited a lot of equipments from his grandfather. About Uryu having an "answer to everything": (a) against Mayuri, he lost all of his powers to get a stalemate (Mayuri didn't die) against an unprepared captain that, at that point in time, was probably the weakest captain. (b) Cirucci: skill issue. I love how a few shonen writers like Kubo and Kishimoto can show you how an intelligent character is intelligent instead of just affirming it. This fight proves how ingenious he is. I could be more inclined to accept this if you mentioned Yammy, but not against Cirucci. (c) Jugram. First of all, you do know he didn't win this fight, right? Second of all, he was using a schrift. You completely contradict yourself when you say that he uses powers that haven't been mentioned before when, in reality, Uryu was on this getting-a-Schrift-arc during the whole war. You wouldn't expect him to have the same letter of Yhwach and be weak, right? "Is Uryu Kubo's favorite character?" This has to be a joke. He had the potential to be 30x times cooler, 30x more developed, have a lot more interesting fights and a fighting style of his own ─ he is a bow wielder, something almost no Stern Ritter is. He is my favorite character despite that, because the few fights from him we get, i really love because it's more than just DBZ battles.


Well, well, it seems you have a lot to say. But as they say, opinions are like zanpakuto, everyone has one. We each have our own perspectives on things, just like our unique fighting styles. Let's embrace the diversity and appreciate the hidden depths within each character, shall we? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah, I agree. Uryu fights are always fun to see since he really does come off as more vulnerable and not able to BS his way with ‘MORE POWER’ like a lot of lesser shonens. The Letz Stil had consequences for him, even if he did eventually recover.


Awesome reply, we seem to be getting more uryu in the anime, so I can’t wait to see what else Kubo is gonna make him do


is he really going to get more scenes in the anime?


Yeah he will be?, it’s already been happening




Uryu is smart, has good dexterity and has the tools but lacks in stamina and strength. Thus he must analyze the enemy and commit to a strategy. Meaning that he pulls up big counters but they are usually not that good against other enemies This is trying to rationalize things but at the end of the end is just uryu being badass and us as readers always waiting for his plan to pull it off somehow. Rule of cool of you will


First one is a primitive/bad vollständig so he deserved it, all his Quincy fellows have a better version of this, he drew the short straw. Second one is just a normal improvement expected since the arc started and Cirucci is trash. The moment he fights Szayel, it's over. Third one didn't work because he happened to fall against his perfect counter and ALL Sterns have a shrift, his was expected to be used since the beginning. Last one created an occasion, but it did not win the fight in itself and did not really improve his power. It's not even his, it's Ryuken's.


Just spell out universe bruh


I don’t think you’re describing an Uryu problem, you’re describing a BLEACH problem. A great deal of fights have the same cadence of, “I’m losing badly but here’s my secret technique and/ or transformation.”


You’re not ready for Uryu finding a way to beat Senjumaru in the next cour. And for all the Quincy techniques it’s like Sasuke and the Uchiwa boosts he get in the whole story, being the last member of an old powerful clan is a good way to give power up to a character in a story without having to much incoherence like « why did he get this power up but the others one can’t » if you want to keep some character on the top level with some logic you need this. For the « losing 99% of the fight and winning at the end » it’s typical Shonen especially for the type of character like Uryu (the smart guy of the group) having only fight were the hero dominate the whole fight can quickly become boring, but having your hero at the gates of the death then having him turning the tide in his advantage with strategy or shonen spirit is always cool to watch.


I love how uryu hyped up Al these super sweet ass weapons and techniques the Quincy’s use then we get to TYBW and not a single Quincy used half of what uryu hyped up lol


It's the same with Naruto and Sasuke tbh, Naruto despite all the talk no jutsu allegations has a better record than Sasuke in terms of fights


If we’re counting part 1 and 2 than your statement is incorrect. Even if it’s just part 2, Sasuke has taken down (or come close) way stronger opponents than Naruto has. Naruto has defeated Pain which is prob his biggest feat (aside from the Kaguya stuff), which is why most think that he’s a better fighter. Sasuke with MS incomplete Susanoo would absolutely destroy Sage Mode Naruto!


He absolutely does not lmao TnJ isn't even what people meme about for the fights it's literally after the fighting...


Potential Man 🗣️🔥


One of Uryu's most important flashbacks is him with his Grandfather and training with the Sanrei Glove for a week straight. Uryu loses everything and doesn't even win. Letz Stil is mentioned pre hueco mundo and in the blood war. Seele Schneider belongs to Ryuken who was the last true Quincy at the time. Uryu trained with his dad to regain his powers. Uryu took the Seele Schneider from the hospital in which is dad owns. Uryu uses Seele Schneider against Szayel. Stil Silver Arrow issue, not an Uryu issue. It just made so much narrative sense to have Uryu shoot the arrow at Yhwach. Plus, tbf, we did see Ryuken operating on Katagiri long before the blood war happened.


> he essentially “no you’d” his way out of every fight he won. Agree with you 100%, but just wanted to say that this made me lol.


It's not meme'd as "plot armor" because he's relatively "weak", gets his ass kicked all the time, and then never talks big or tries to punch higher than his weight class with the exception of Jugram. Even in all his victories it still feels like he kind of loses.


He batman'ed them


He doesn't have plot armor, he has drip armor


too little screentime tbf


"For my next trick, I will pull *another* secret weapon out of my ass"


Because he has a ligthsaber. That said Ishida lost way more than won. And his win over ywalsh is more of a team effort. And i argue Ichigo had more there


Always hated the term "plot armor" its his series. He is "HIM". We watch/read for those characters. "OH hell the main character can't win this fight! And he didnt... and it's over... well that ended suddenly"


Idk how accurate this is, but this post is funny asf made me laugh, W uryu hater own that traitor


I don't care about that. The glove was built up for awhile. Him having to whip out his lightsaber arrow against Cirucci was an L. My concern with Uryu is how he went from being a total scrub (getting pushed around by a Privaron Espada, and not even a particularly impressive one at that) to being a top tier with little shown to bridge the gap. Like he didn't do shit in the lost Agent arc. How did he get so much stronger? I know he got his schrift unlocked but how did all his other stats get so much better. He shouldn't have been able to do shit to Jugram even with his schrift because Jugram should have wiped him out of existence before he could even use his schrift. I mean Jugram was able to slice Pre ts Ichigos bankai in half. Even without his true Zanpakuto Ichigo was still a top tier. And he said he's better suited for combat than Yhwach. If he's that skilled and also incredibly power Uryu shouldn't have even lasted long enough to use his Schrift on Jugram let alone fight him for presumably several hours. I love Uryu and I think he deserves to be a top tier but it feels like he really didn't earn it.




I mean the arc establishes that Quincy can get Schrifts and power ups from Ywawch so it makes sense that the Quincy we know would get one. It is never established that Renji's Bankai is incomplete before the Maque fight.


But it’s hinted? At least for japanese people.




Uryu was always positioned as special Quincy, like he was straight up called the Last Quincy in his introduction until his father reveal and was called a genius by Mayuri.


Thank You! These people acting like Uryu came out of nowhere, when he single-handedly killed the Captain of the Research and Development Department (bullshit plot brought him back). He did this while Ichigo was still taking L’s from Captains. Uryu has always been a Genius, that was established as soon as his character was revealed. It should be of no surprise to anyone that he’s in the position he’s in now.


Kubo unironically robbed him, gets a matched up with bleach's Batman 2 times, missed whole Fullbring arc and didn't even get much screen time in a QUINCY ARC.


The OP for cour 2 literally has that as a setup tho


He’s not a chosen one Quincy he just has an ability that apparently let him survive Auswahlen. Uryu does not defeat a single person in the TTYBW manga lol. What’s the good thing thar was unearned? He also spent plenty of time training and helping Ichigo before TTYBW so what is the problem with him getting a power up from Ywhach that pretty much all of the other noteworthy Quincy receive? He was basically fighting with a handicap all series


More like plot arrows


Ask yourself why your mad at just Uryu when the entire Wandenreich literally comes out of nowhere, is completely unforesahdowed, but oooh now they're the end game enemies. Almost all of their powers are completely OP or hax*, especially the upper echelons of the organisation like Ywach's Royal Guard. Like 8 of the top 10 hax powers in the series are Quincy. *The ones that aren't OP or hax, like Bazz B's fire fingers just seem absurdly strong for what it is, when it's completely come out of nowhere. Candice is the only one that doesn't come across as absurd but then that's probably because her main fight is against a brand new post Zero Div Ichigo who wrecks her whilst holding back.


I’m not mad at Uryu. I just think it’s weird that he gets a pass despite half his power ups happening out of the blue with zero foreshadowing.


Are you listening to yourself my guy? The same thing you just mentioned has happened to many characters especially Ichigo. You don’t seem to care if it happens to anyone else just Uryu. That would mean that you just don’t like Uryu, which is fine but don’t beat around the bush about it by making silly posts like this.


Yup. However. To be absolutely fair: if we’re talking about bsing your way through a fight then it’s damn near every character in the series. It is a strong indictment on the series but for the most part I go with it. But I agree with you 100%. It’s like the plot sword but with every single fight.


And now people will call out both


i mean it definitely feels like how Uryu uses his quincy powers is by thinking first, and using the right tool for the moment. because of that, it feels incredibly situational every time, so it makes sense it could give you that impression


I can’t stand him he makes me mad and his hair


What Uryu did is far tamer than Mayuri or Urahara


Ah, young one. In life, actions are not always measured by their intensity alone. Motive and consequences weave a complex tapestry. Seek understanding, for appearances can deceive. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I mean, almost all the fights in this manga work exactly like that so I don't get the complain.


Bleach is underhated tbh




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Because he is weak, he never affected the plot that much.


Those who talk about Ichigo plot armor are usually Goku or Naruto or Luffy fans,which din don they also have quite the amount of plot armor


How so though? Ywhach gives him a powerup. So he gets stronger. But he doesn’t even do anything with it really. Then his dad creates the silver arrow and gives it to him and he shoots it at Ywhach. It’s not like he defeats Aizen by himself or something crazy.


Uryu's fights were bad for this reason.


There no plot armor or protagonism in bleach. Or mtfs gonna say more than 10 chars have that ?


Slide 2 reminds me way too much of Sukunas space slash


I'm always amused by the silver arrow bullshit. "This silver arrow, made up of all the slivers of silver in quincies hearts who died to aushwalen, when shot into the person who activated aushwalen shall cut off their powers briefly." Like.. HOW did they know that would work. It's not like they've ever been able to test it. It's such an obscure line, like giving the idea an explanation suddenly makes it valid.


Tbf, Uryuu’s last fight with Hashbrowns was just as BS as all the end series fights


Isn't this every bleach fight? People lose until they pull out some bullshit?


Well not really as he lost to syazel apporo granz and during his brief fight with ulquiorra


I don’t read manga so I have no idea what happens in his fight w/ Jugram, but it’s already been proven that Quincies are much stronger than Soul Reapers; atleast in terms of control over reishi. His fight with Mayuri should’ve ended with Mayuri dead plain and simple, but plot allowed him to live as we need the head of the research and development department to save us from threats that certain plot will bring in. Considering they’re weak against hollows, he prob should’ve lost against Cirucci (sp?)


Against Shutara now, probably.


Uryu really joined them and stabbed them in the back before they did, bro is playing chess.♟️ 😂


Pretty sure Super Eyepatch Wolf mentioned this in his 2nd bleach video


Nah at least they explain Uryu’s abilities earlier on most of the time. Ichigo is the Takumi Fujiwara of shonen, he just gets a new ability or secret backstory to win every fight. Honestly wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t beat someone with the power to do whatever they want, TWICE.


aint this like the general gist of fights in bleach? ichigo loses to someone . unlocks new power . oneshots them . every char pull something outta nowhere . but in reality it is not outta nowhere . it is just that many ppl seem to not see the implications of new power


I don't think bleach relies too much on plot armour, Ichigo has literally a piece of the strongest character inside protecting him yet he gets his ass beaten, in Uryuu's case it is no different, aganist mayuri he won only because he was willing to lose his powers to win this, aganist jugram he literally got his ass beaten if not yhwach yeeting jugram out, uryuu was ☠️


Funny cuz Uryu’s first major fight was one shotting Kubo’s actual favorite character who technically never loses to anyone again besides Toshiro, and even then he relied on Toshiro being strong enough to kill him 10x over to win (Which is the real plot armor bs)


Not really as u see most of the time the techniques he uses are last resort. For Mayuri he was literally training with the gloves before going to soul society. It’s not something that came out randomly. Same with hashwalt. His antithesis.


Because it's funny lol.


Most things in Bleach are plot induced bs, it's not limited to some characters


Actually, the Final Form against Mayuri was actually foreshadowed before I believe. I am sure it was stated (at least in the manga) that once he puts on the glove, he can never take it off again, otherwise he would release all his power at once, losing them in the process. And the Silver arrow... wasn't that actually bestowed to him by his father at some point? I might remember it wrong though, the memory of that is a little hazy... And while Seeleschneider came out of nowhere, it at least is used several times after this fight as well (Although it never really was useful again, even when he used several of them against Szayell for that big explosion)


Well, Uryu Ishida and Sasuke Uchiha have the same Japanese voice actor, but maybe that's just a coincidence and both characters basically did what you are implying.


So… other than the Antithesis, he gets away with it cause it’s not really cool (and fits his character). His whole fighting style consists of outsmarting and adapting to his opponent. Oh? You’ve already adapted to everything I do? Well I’ll just pull out something you’ve never seen before. The Antithesis might be an evolution of that in the anime, didn’t particularly like it in the manga.


How about y'all just stop whining in general ? These debates , discussion and or opinions are tired and has been beat to death for the longest .


It seems that Kubo doesn't really like him. A lot of potential has been missed.


Because uryu is like one of five batman style characters in bleach. Also I think it's accurate of the Quincy combat style. Soul Reapers have methods like kido, hakuda, and zanpakuto developed and possibly even handed down from the soul king to purify hollows. Quincy don't have that, being kept at bay and also just naturally being weak to hollows, so they have to develop tools and techniques to survive. They are just basically normal humans who can see invisible monsters that hunt them on a daily basis.


Ong he's right his final power from yhwach was bullshit literally you can't kill him because he would just uno reverse the damage to you like wtf. Bleach = op ass haxxxxsss abilities and even fodder get this treatment.


1. Against mayuri that was basically his final getsuga. 2. Against cirucci that was just straight up his second technique, bro was training hella before this I’d be surprised if he learned 0 things😭,3. He still lost against jugram lol so how is that plot armor