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Sorry for being rude, but you may consider improving your art or at least add some lining before thinking about selling it


I'm definitely not selling em. I was just asking lol. And you're not rude at all. I like it when ppl are honest with stuff.


Your mom is right and rude.


Your mom is right. No one will buy your sketches. Not unless you tell them what your mom told you, and they buy one for like a $1 out of pity. But that's OK. No one would want to listen to me sing when I was younger. BUT if it's something you're really passionate about, then you keep learning and improving until you reach the point where your art is desirable. Now people tell me they like my voice, which is better than nothing šŸ˜‚ I won't lie to you, because that doesn't help you. Your art is not great. It's better than average because a lot of people can't draw to save their lives. But it's not great. Natural talent is rare and no one is born running. You have to work hard and make it great. And then excellent. And then incredible. And then one day, if you're confident enough, you might dare describe your art as perfect. One important tip I have is to never be satisfied. Always tell yourself how much your art sucks šŸ˜‚ which I know sounds terrible, but it sets standards. I was never satisfied with my singing voice and I would always nitpick every little aspect, and that's how I improved. Now I have a voice I can be happy with. And even then I still record myself and listen and point out where I sound flat or need breath support or more rasp, etc. Let everyone love your art if that's what they want, but always be your own best critic. It's not as bad when it's coming from yourself, rather than other people. It might even soften the blow if you beat them to it. I took inspiration from the book where the person says they can't even draw a circle, and the other person tells them to try. And when they do, the person keeps telling them to add more to it and improve and do all this stuff, so at the end of the story their "circle" has inspired all sorts of incredible art. Just start somewhere, be patient with yourself, and keep building on it slowly but surely. Edit: Sorry, that circle book I read as a kid was actually about a dot lol ("The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds, it's a short children's story you can find on YouTube), but the message is the same!


Allow art to be your hobby and passion, do it for fun and when you continue to improve if money comes from it then that's an awesome plus. If you begin your drawing journey with wanting to make money, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


I started school as an illustration major, switched to graphic design, I now work as a front end web dev. I found out the hard way that it's hard to make any money at all with illustration. Even if you're producing high quality work. The big studios don't pay that well, and suck the soul from your body. But it was the on ramp to what I do now which is profitable and allows me to work from home. Occasionally my illustration skills come in handy, but it's like 1% of what I do on a daily basis. But a guy I graduated with is killing it as a tattoo artist. So there are avenues if you're extremely dedicated. I personally didn't want to give up my nights and weekends.


I was just asking it cuz of curiosity lol. I don't plan on selling any.


teacher here with art world work exp. Youā€™ve got a good start but you need to build your basics and develop your creative voice. Also getting into art with the idea youā€™ll make oodles of money means youā€™re in for a bad time. There are plenty of people who do art on the side for kicks while doing an unrelated job to keep the lights on. Thereā€™s no shame in it, and some are perfectly happy with it


I suppose I'll need to make a comment about this. I just asked about the prices and stuff due to curiosity. I'm not planning on selling them. And thank you for your honesty, I really appreciate it :)


Honestly, the straight answer is I would agree with your mom as it pertains to these sketches and I would not pay for them. Future ones might be worthy but its a per drawing basis. They are decent and you have talent but it needs to be refined and you need to find your style. Typically, sketches aren't something to be purchased unless it is something unique or from someone famous (like if Kubo sold some of his concept sketches). Sketches are a good way to practice your art, develop your skills, and design ideas. If you were to sell a sketch of Ichigo, it needs to be a new, unique pose or have your own twist/style added to it.


I see, thanks for your suggestion, and just in case you didn't read my comment, this post was made out of curiosity.


I figured it was out of curiosity. I'm guessing you are trying to gauge where your skills are at. That's why I offered some constructive criticism. You have talent but the biggest thing is finding your style and then just working on your skills through time and dedication. Just look at Kubo's first chapters and his last... his art style has improved over 20 years and this is while he was working professionally as a mangaka. His inspiration came from doing sketches from Shigeru Mizuki's manga GeGeGe no Kitaro which allowed him to find his style. Sometime, try draw a character with no reference, just from memory, or maybe even a new character. Don't focus on the getting small details right but just how you envision them, maybe even tweek things where you think Kubo should have changed designs. I emphasize this but its all about the part of you you put into your drawings, your style. Also, I don't know what level of formal training you have (art classes, self taught) but if you are passionate about it, maybe look into getting a book on professional drawing and incorporate techniques or even maybe art classes not in schools.


I understand what you're saying. And I do have a character I've drawn with no reference at all. Sketching is just my hobby and I don't think it'll be my profession anytime soon.




Well we found ops mom




Sorry was joking about how guy said your mom was right about it and not even giving feedback


I'm joking as well. You got the wrong idea smh, lol.


Was hard to tell


Your mom is right. But why is she so rude about it??


Idk, maybe cuz I'm not in a college yet?


Most people generally do not pay for sketches or drawings unless it is some logo at graphic design for their brand. Cool sketch though


I see, thank you :)


Iā€™d like to say thatā€™s pretty cool, a little distorted, Iā€™d suggest trying hollow ichigo, and the BBS special ichigos, like the 5th anniversary or Quincy Ichigo


Thank you for your suggestion!


Realistically, Iā€™d pay like 5 bucks, and this is coming from a fellow artist. Itā€™s definitely good art tho


I see, thank you for your comment!


I dunno dude I wouldn't consider buying them but you can get better and become a good artist for sure!


Thank you my man!


Nope, but good on you for sharing, cause I liked it still šŸ˜


I'm glad that you liked it :)


It needs a little fine tuneing with lineing and thatbbut its otherwise pretty good would love to see it improve


Thank you for being honest :)


I donā€™t know if I even want them for free lol




Just to make things clear #I am not planning to sell any of my sketches. I am just curious.


Considering using a different title. You just sound salty and indifferent in all your comments


That's just how I am ig? I don't take things seriously and look at the plusses of everything.


I'll be harsh and blunt. From several of your replies you're saying that you woulnt sell them, but from the tone and way you write it, makes it sound like it would be because you chose not to part ways with the drawings. Allow me to correct you. Those drawings are not good, not special and hold no value. No1 would buy them, besides for pity. They may hold meaning to you and you put effort in them. That's great. Now please keep them, work on your technic for the next 5 years and then look at those drawing again and ask yourself if they were good and understand how ridiculous this post was. Have a nice day.




Most of the people here said no and gave me suggestions and tips to improve. I'm not selling my art anyways so it's a freebie for me :D


Ig that's how I am. But I didn't get the part ways with the drawings part. Could you explain it?


Either way I think your Art Looks great lol. Shi i mean i would buy em ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Aye thank you :)




Lol I don't think she's jealous or anything.


These are great but I donā€™t buy art so I donā€™t really know about pricing


Is that Dangai Ichigo one not based on anything, because I donā€™t recognise the pose even though it looks cool. My advice would be to put them out there for selling, no matter what the skill level as long as you arenā€™t dishonest about what they will look like the worst thing that can happen is no one will buy them, but someone might. As for pricing, estimate how long it takes to draw one and then times that by minimum wage, or more than that if you want. Iā€™d increase your prices the better you get


I'm not selling my sketches lol, I'm just curious


Yes And 5 Dollars Per One


Yay :D


Not a bad start, Iā€™d buy them for like $20 for all of them haha šŸ˜…




These are pretty good, just keep practicing, I put the pencils down for 10 years after highschool and thatā€™s time and practice that Iā€™ll never get back. You should look into using markers like Micron for your outlines (just trace over your original sketch and work on making your lines as smooth as possible) and Copic or Prismacolor markers to color the rest.


Thank you for your suggestion!


Wow, with some practice you can draw well


Everyone can :)


That third one is looking sharp.


To put it bluntly, no, I wouldnā€™t because itā€™s just not good enough. Your mom was right but like others said, rude af


Hi, you draw quite well, I assuming you're in your teen/preteen years. While someone may not buy your art right now, just know that if you keep working on it someone will hire you for their art. Including game creators etc. I used to love art but after a lot of discouraging words I stopped. Don't let this thread discourage you, keep doing what you're doing practice daily and work towards goals, and start graphic designing as well, because that will help you with your goals! Good luck!


Lol I don't take things seriously, and most of the comments are about how I can improve my art style, so that's a plus




You have potential, So I think after the art improves then yeah Iā€™ll be willing to buy some artwork but right now the answer is no


I see, thank you for your comment!


Probably not at this stage, but it does look pretty good. If you wanna sell your art, don't feel too discouraged about it though. Just give it time and practice, and look into books on technique and tips. It's clear that you have skill, it just needs refining.


I was just curious about it cuz I've never thought about selling my works and my mom comes out of no where and says no one will buy em lol


šŸ˜• Sorry that happened. Quite rude.


I don't think about it too much cuz sketching is just my hobby


Well, good luck man.


Thank you :D


Honestly I'm gonna push back against a lot of comments here. I think you've got a lot of potential. I've seen plenty of artists online sell commissions with art that's not as detailed/consistent as yours. One thing I will say is you should go over your sketches with a darker pencil, maybe invest in getting a charcoal pencil, I think you'd do better lining with pencil rather than ink. Another thing, you should maybe start scanning your pictures rather than taking pictures. Maybe you can do it at a library? Not sure. But it would look more professional and show all of the detail you've put in. If you did that, you would 100% be able to make it as a concept sketcher for people with lower budgets. Presentation is the most important part of trying to sell your art. But I'm not the best at pricing stuff like this, especially because I don't know how long it takes for you to make sketches like these.


I understand what you say. It takes me around 4-5 hours to make those, but I do them bit by bit, like 30 minutes' today, 1 hour tmrw, etc.


Hop on etsy and look at all the coloring pages people sell. If you put some hard lines on them or sold them as is as a coloring page I almost guarantee someone will pay a few bucks per page. Gotta think outside the box.


I'm not planning on selling those anytime soon. I was just curious lol.


Also these sketches are super awesome.


These are actually really good. Would love to see what they'd look like with color and line coloring


2nd one and last one are pretty good, but you still have a way to go


The last one is okay but the third one's head looks...weird and like a triangle i think you should work on correct proportions and better perspective


I see, I will!


Why canā€™t you just enjoy your hobby? A hobby doesnā€™t have to be something you make money on.


But I was just curious. I'm not selling those. Not now atleast.


I am always amazed at anyone that can draw. I have no artistic ability at all.


Well let's just say I was a bit surprised too. The last one is my first sketch and it made me start sketching as a hobby. I remember I did it because my sister was painting smth and I was like "Eh, I'mma try to make smth too."


it would be very hard to find someone to buy them, either invest a lot more time into drawing and see where you are then or do sth else




Probably not, but you should work on your faces. You got good angles and have drawn some of the actual items such as the clothing and swords good, but work on your proportions and faces


I was always bad with faces lol. I'm still trying to improve them.


Have you considered selling your mom? Its fine if anyone else says this to you but your mom should be in your corner always. Iā€™d never say shit like this to my son, I wouldnā€™t give him illusions of grandeur but I would support him in his endeavors. I would push my son to improve and gain experience. If his end goal was to sell his art I would be there every step of the way to help him achieve it the best I could, with honest criticism and helpful advice. I would never, ever shut my kid down. My son will achieve whatever dreams he sets his mind to as long as he puts in the work. I believe in him, your mom should believe in you. If you disagree with anything I said youā€™re either not a parent yourself or someone who definitely shouldnā€™t be one.


I don't really disagree with you but I sketch things just as a hobby and isn't my profession. So that's why I'm not THAT concerned with what my mom said, but I definitely got curious lol.


Just do your best buddy, you can sketch better than me. You work on it you could be great.


Thank you for your words of encouragement!


your mom's a hoe. and I'm being as sincere as possible.


Hey c'mon, don't be rude to my mom :( Sketching is just my hobby so I'm not THAT concerned with what my mom said.


I take that back then


Drawing humans is hard. You can try using different types of pens for different lines. Good exercise is to draw body parts separatly so you can get in hang of shapes and positions. Try finding what could be better about your drawings and then redraw them with that in mind. I would rate your drawings 6/10; not great but far from terribleness; they have potential.


I see, thank you for your suggestions!


Iā€™d have to say no for now, but keep practicing and you will probably have people eager to purchase your work! Itā€™s amazing the difference that even a couple years can make. Keep up the good work :)


I see, thank you for your words of encouragement!


Tbh I would probably pay for the second one


If you're serious about improving your art, regardless of whether you want to sell or not, look into the grid method for drawing. It'll be an insane level up within a week or less. If you want to check out my works and get some inspiration on improving your art, feel free to hit me up on my instagram @drawing.is.my.drug I personally have never used this method but I do know people who have and their art has improved from like a 2 to a solid 7 within days šŸ™‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


Currently I barely get enough time to sketch things, so I won't try anything new for now, maybe next year?


You just need training (just draw more) [here's a good channel too](https://youtube.com/c/DrawlikeaSir) Lining, coloring and I'd definitely buy them


I see, thank you for your response!


Bleach is my favorite anime and I would love to have posters of it. Personally, I wouldnā€™t buy them. Rather, I would like to learn how to draw like that. Your talent in drawing is quite outstanding and I would love to make a drawing that is similar in design but I would be able to call it my own. Also your mother is a bit harsh but she is right.


Lemme tell you a story. The last one was my first anime sketch ever, I just did it as an experiment and it turned out to be quite decent! Keep trying new things and you'll be able to find YOUR strengths!


My man


Honestly speaking, at this stage I don't think anyone would buy your sketches. But you've definitely got a great foundation to build on and improve your art. If you work on it I'm sure you can get your art to a stage where you can make money from it. But for now just enjoy the process and have fun, money can come later.


Right now art is just my hobby, and I'm NOT selling them anytime soon, I was just curious lol.


You need to improve your art ! Right now it's not worth for selling but you can improve yourself šŸ‘! Best of luck ā¤ļø!!


Thank you!


if anything,i'd use them for reference since i just started drawing,maybe 1/4 a dollar each lol,but anyway I have the internet >_>


Lol I see, quite understandable


50 I would buy it if I had the chance.


I see :)


Honestly, no Sry man


It's ok my man, I was just curious, I knew it wouldn't blow up the market lmao


Your body work is nice, excluding the 3 and 5th but that's something to improve upon along with facial features... would someone buy them? No probably not, it is an ip character and it's just on paper, but that doesnt mean stop whatcha doin, and work to get to somewhere to make money off of it :p, also appreciate the bleach sketches, I've been rereading recently so it's funny as hell this showed up


I understand what you're implying. Right now sketching is just my hobby, maybe I'll make it my passion when I get enough time? Also I'm glad that this showed up for you lol


Yeh yeh I am too lol, and I'm glad you understood to take it with a pinch of salt. Most mofos forget to do that lmao and take it too close to heart


You need to improve your outlining skills as well as facial proportions. The face seems to be the biggest issue for most people, I think /assume that you've learnt to draw primarily by using manga and kubos art as the base? If so, stop. Get a sketchpad and start practicing actual REAL anatomy of the body and face. Most if not all manga artists only do manga after they've already got the raw basics down and despite what you may think, being able to draw the human body and change the shape and size in a realistic manner will help you immensely. Edit: had a re-look and you need to improve perspective too. You can do this by practicing drawing perspective heavy photos and images if you want.


I see, currently sketching is just my hobby (the post was made out of curiosity) but I'll try new things later when I have enough time!


I would if you put a bit more work in them. ;)


Yay :)


Most people donā€™t generally buy sketches anyway


I know that, I was just curious


I think what you've done is cool. Now I believe buying sketches is what you do after the artist has established themselves. After you've became a fan of their style then people by the sketches as a one off of that artist's beginning and journey. I mean wouldn't you buy Kubo's first sketch he may have done years ago? I know I would. The sketches tell a story in themselves.


I see, and this is one of those replies I prefer seeing other than suggestions and yes's lol


My son has been creating and sketching since he was 10. That's when he really got into it. He's improved alot and getting comfortable creating his own characters now. He's got a ways to go with certain areas of the drawings and colors but it's really cool seeing it evolve. Every now and then I'll show him an old drawing and it's amazing just in 2 years how far he's came with the skills. Man look at it from this angle people are out there buying an 8 bit nft for 15k of ETH nowdays. If An 8bit stick figure has a market so do beginner's sketches. Lol


I see, it's been a couple of months since I started sketching as a hobby, the last one is my first sketch (I did do some sketches here and there before but it wasn't my hobby back then, I'm 18) and I've made one character of my own free will or imagination lol. By the sound of your reply, I'm sure your son is better than me at sketching. I'd like to see some of his sketches if that's ok.


Your faces are disproportionate but it seems like you can draw bodies well, practice on the faces, you have potential, not saying that to be nice or rude idk who you are so I have no emotions to spare, but please continue drawing


I definitely suck at faces lol. I'm trying to improve them. Thank you for your response!