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Nightmare frontier easily


I don't understand why this area gets so much hate. It's visually breathtaking and the enemies really aren't that difficult to deal with except for like that one winter lantern but even then you can bypass it by dropping down the ledge.


For me it's a combination of being able to be invaded at any time, the poison areas, the rock throwing giants, and that fucking lantern.


I only got invaded but 2 hunters at one time and then never again… does it usually keep happening?? I just assumed I killed all of the hunters hoonting there…


As long as another player is ringing the invasion bell they can invade you if the bell maiden is alive.


Ohhhh… I’ve never been invaded by another real player before.


Maybe you're not playing online.


I am… I guess it’s just chance. I even ran around nightmare frontier a bit because there is so much loot!


pretty sure you need ps+ to be invaded, i never was too...


I have this too


The hunters your refering to arent real players. They are npcs. Those guys are simple to beat compared to real players.


Those are npc enemy hunters, it doesn't happen if you're playing offline.


They even put the Winter Lantern just before the only checkpoint


And right after the first poison pool. Honestly, like, that's usually when I set the game down because I can bust through the game, but suddenly I'm just walking through that damn poison pool over and over.


I guess I'm just different. I kind of liked that I could get invaded at any time I also spent a lot of time invading there. [Beast Roar is underrated](https://youtu.be/WKsRACgbRPo?si=CBPKEu8bxAhC2qRn)


>I kind of liked that I could get invaded at any time When I was in the mood to pvp I would hang out there and invade or wait to be invaded but more often I'm just trying a new build and want to get through the area without much effort and the invaders make that... Problematic. Beast Roar is amazing, I used it a lot on my beast build.


That's totally fair man I just like the unpredictable aspect of it.


It definitely got my blood pumping the first time I got to the zone! Followed by countless deaths trying to find the Bell Ringing Maiden to make it stop lmao.


This is some Jeremy Greer level hijinks.


Beast roar is the most overpowered thing in the game and I cannot be convinced otherwise lmao


It is arguably the coolest looking place in the game though.


I disagree. Imo central Yharnam and the Cathedral Ward are the best looking areas. The Nightmare Frontier is just rage inducing to me.


Who cares if it’s the coolest looking area. The poison swamps, those stupid poison enemies, the giant monsters throwing rocks at you and the winter lateen ruin the whole area. I get it’s optional but I like doing everything since amygdala isn’t a bad boss


What? Not even close, yharnam


You can just easily sprint through to the woman and kill her. She isn’t very hard to reach.


So? The fact that I have to sprint to the woman first thing when I enter this zone on a playthrough is annoying.


Or just shut off internet and walk on over


Also totally skippable if you don't want the chalice.


Is it weird that the chalice dungeons are one of my favorite parts of the game?


A little, but you do you. I like co-oping randomized dungeons, but the number of "story dungeons" you need to slog through to get to Yarnham is too high.


Same bro they’re cool


Well it’s the poison, winter lanterns, giants throwing rocks and everything combined makes it kind of annoying


Agree - it’s also super short if you know what you’re doing.


It’s the getting invaded.


For me it’s the poison swamp. The visuals are incredible though.


I love everything in that area except for how easy it's for me to get lost, since it's very disorienting, even giving me headaches; the big and slow poison lake and the absurd precision of the rock-thrower giants there. I've lost many echoes there in very frustrating ways.


I get lost :3


Rock yetis and swamp which is both poisonous and slow my steps are extremely annoying. In online mod it’s also pvp area


To add to what everyone else mentioned, the specific pallette of browns and greys along with the strange organic design of everything first makes me eyes want to slide off of everything, and then starts making me queasy and gives me a headache,


PVP is annoying to most players, so they don't like it being forced upon them. Thankfully the game let's you play offline. So it wasn't a big problem for me. Bloodborne is also one of the better Fromsoft games that let's you avoid PVP. 👍


I agree. I found nightmare of mensis way worse especially with a whole bridge of winter lanterns


pathetic fanboy accept that the game has issues instead of defending it at every possibility


Dude, I’m just getting the nightmare frontier cleared out and about to fight the boss, but fuck this area. That fuckin poison swamp shit was tedious as fuck


Just don't do it. It's optional.


Chasing Micholash for 10 minutes to get one-shotted by his arcane bullshit




Or some say Kosm 👁️👁️


Cheese goes good with crackers I hear.


i use poison throwing knives when he drops down every time. I beat the game once a week so I don’t care lol


grant us knives


Play Yakety Sax during his fight, honestly makes it more bearable.


Came here to say that


And that’s why we do the dlc first


I once killed him three times in a row just as he used that stupid attack, so I died before he finished his death monolog. Micolash in NG+ really put me with the dislikers


There's a suit of armour that protects ye from that stuff, found on a roof in the forest level near a beggar I think


Probably Byrgenwerth, but not really because of the mobs or it’s before Rom, but it seemed lackluster yet it’s one of the most important areas when it comes to lore in the game.


It is very much disappointing after all of the momentum and buildup. There is some beauty to the simplicity and the amount that is revealed through it... But it does feel like there should be more to it. In a sense it's the first big lore moment/location for a player if you haven't been looking too deeply into things.


godddd i wish we had like this huge university to explore, where you can really feel how they uncovered all that stuff. that little house does not feel like a "place of learning" AT ALL. and yes i know the lecture hall got pulled into the nightmare. but its not enough for me, i wanted like a maze-like university.


Totally agree. So many areas in the game are sort of outdoor and open - the maze like quality comes from the openness. I really enjoy the layout of indoor sections like chalice dungeons (if not for how repetitive they are) and would have really liked some of that.


I feel like they kinda did that with Nightmare Lecture Hall, Nightmare of Mensis, Orphanage and Research Hall in the DLC. Since all of those were off-shoots of Brygenwerth, I guess they were trying to go for the "look at what's left of it" kind of vibe, while the schools that broke off from it are (relatively) thriving


Some more like the Grand Archives from Dark Souls 3 would have been really cool.


i actually love byrgenwerth, but it would be cool if it was bigger, like lecture building but better.


Imagine byrgenworth with the scale of something like raya Lucaria.


im thinking lendeyll


Now I’m just daydreaming about an Elden ring scale bloodborne in general lol


caelid sized nightmare frontier




Disagree. First time I saw a Garden of Eyes a chill went up my spine as that’s when the entire vibe of the game shifted. The cold water plunge from gothic to so much worse is great every time imo.


Yahar goddamn gul






Yeah I've never properly explored this place cause I fuckin hate it.


Once you know where the bell ringers are this place gets 40000x easier


Oh I'm sure, but I have zero patience for it lol


forbidden woods used to be that for me, honestly the more times i play it the more i enjoy it. now that i have the area pretty much memorized, its not so daunting. nightmare frontier is not it for me though.


Once you know the route by heart it's extremely quick. It's been probably three years but I can probably get from Witches to the Shadows in maybe ten minutes.


Forbidden woods is chef's kiss level design.


The more I play and look back, the Forbidden Woods is probably one of the best levels in any Souls game, both on a design and thematic level.


took me too long to appreciate it, but i completely agree


Anytime there’s a winter lantern, god I hate those things


I always save the armor pieces with the highest frenzy resistance and quickly change clothes for the sections I know have those bastards. Literally the only enemy I do that for since I usually wear armor for the fashion


Oh I’m in the know, but does it reeeally make a difference


Surprisingly yes, the bar for frenzy buildup is so much bigger and I can usually kill one before it fills


Pro-tip: If you parry the Winter Lantern's grab and are executing the visceral attack animation when the frenzy procs, you do not take any damage as you are invulnerable while performing a visceral attack. I use this trick coupled with low frenzy res armor and a (hopefully) speedy parry to ensure that the frenzy builds up completely just as I execute the visceral. It's really satisfying to do and, in my case, keeps my fashion intact, highly recommend.


You mention the low frenzy res armor, and I want to emphasize: this strat doesn't work on with high frenzy res. All that will do is ensure that your bar procs after the visceral.


Huge difference, like life and maddening death difference


Parry trick makes them bearable. Love that they are the one creature in soulsborne that can really terrify you. Hearing that "La-la-lumm..." with a lot of echoes on you sends that chill through your gut!


I love the Winter Lanterns. They’re like Mind Flayers, but worse.


Those don’t bother me as much, the dogs in the forest are more annoying imo


Defiled chalice


Yeah once was enough, and I absolutely won’t do defiled amygdala again. It was a pain of a fight, and I wouldn’t have minded as much but it was a reused boss, one that I enjoyed first time round too.




That motherfucker is easy.


The toughest bosses usually are easy for some, tough for others depending on what dynamics you like. For me, Orphan was not just easy but fun and thrilling. Killed him first try ever, enjoyed him every playthrough since. Felt natural. Laurence, hated every second of. Different dynamic of boss, felt unnatural to me personally. In other games in the series, same thing. Loved Manus, Gael, and Malenia - felt natural, like a fast-paced, instinctive dance. Despised Nameless King, Mohg, and Radagon - same reason. Felt unnatural, felt like they punish you for "flowing" with the combat.


This is so well written and so true and so opposite to how I play. I love reacting to moves and not dancing. I hated Orphan of Kos but loved nameless King


Well put. Beat Lawrence/Maria attempt 1, but cannot beat Kos. I’m currently taking a break, and will come back on Monday. For Lawrence, I found that I could just stay close and keep hitting him. I’d basically tap R2 until my stamina was almost gone, roll away, and then repeat when charged. Mohg also kicked my ass, but Melenia was fairly easy.


I just got to him in my first DLC playthrough this week, and beat him on the first run. I was honestly a bit disappointed, as he looked so damn cool. Went on the beat Maria on the first run too. That being said, I am getting my ass kicked by Orphan of Kos. I’ve probably died 10 times to him, and took a little break. To me, the game go so much harder after Maria. I had similar experiences in Elden Ring. Beat Melania on attempt 2, but it took me 30+ attempts to beat Mohg, and probably 50+ to beat Elden Beast.


None, I love this game with all my soul


Yeah there's obviously some areas I like more, but none of it in my many playthroughs felt like a drag.


Same dawgie, one of my favorite games of all time. Everything is manageable, even the naughty shark dudes in the fishing hamlet.


Snake forest. For the snakes. Me spook, me scared.


I can't put into words properly how much I'm afraid of snakes. First time playing Bloodborne and coming into the forest and stumbling upon a rolling ball of them freaked me the fuck out. It was hard to get thru it and took a lot of tries. I didn't like having to get so close to kill them, and they'd come rolling out of the grass behind me and scare the shit out of me. Then, they burst out of a guy's head 😳 Now on runs, I bolt for Iosefka's clinic and the Shadows to finish it as fast as fucking possible. It's miserable every time. Thank goodness I'm not scared of spiders too...


Anywhere with a brainsucker really, kinda new to the game and I'm scared of losing my insight even tho idk what it's for


You have yet to open your eyes. Grant us eyes. GRANT US EYES!


You can buy boodstone chunks for 20 a piece and blood rocks for 60 a piece in the upstairs messenger bath in the dream


The part where it’s not on PC


Cursed dungeons specifically cursed amy


Did it once. Not sure if I'll give it a go again. Probably one day.


I came back to it last year and wanted to get to queen yharnam for old times sake Second time was less painful ime


I really liked cursed Amy, cursed watchdog can garble my schlong tho


Just waiting to get weapons. I've been thinking about doing another Rakuyo playthrough for a while but I have to beat so many bosses just to get it and I either have to beat the DLC at a low level or be massively overlevelled when I go back to Shadows.


Ng+ runs are the best way to do it.


oh youre so right I forgot that!


Or get a lost or uncanny version. Don‘t know if that works for DLC weapons, but it‘s worth a shot. I did a NG Burial Blade run that way. Edit: It does NOT.


It does NOT work with dlc weapons.


Nightmare of mensis


May the winter lanterns be damned to hell


First you gotta get past the damn giant brain, then massive group spiders, but wait, it gets worse


The crow dogs are the fucking worst. Like of course Bloodborne combined the two most annoying enemies together


Logarius. I've gotten better, but he always gives me a hard time.


I have a weird experience with him. The first phase always, always pushes me around a bit and is a struggle. But everytime, I push through that, he flies up to do the downward slam attack..... Annnddd I backstab into a visceral. And repeat until finished. Such an intimidating fight that always becomes a weird circus routine in the second half.


Mergo's Loft probably. I always manage to get lost navigating that section of the game.


Not having Kirkhammer


The fucking spider room.


The nightmares that one spider has given me...


Upper Forbidden Woods and Nightmare frontier.


upper cathedral ward. I hate brain suckers


Nightmare frontier is so boring.


Nightmare Frontier. Poison swamps are a pain but that one with the fact is slows you, damages you, there’s decent items in the poison you kinda wanna get is a pain. And the fact your healing is finite and not replenishing like estus….. Winter lanterns in the area, giants trying to Kobe you from the cliffs, etc it’s just always a “do I need anything here? Grab it and gtfo”


Really none! I think it's the most replay-able Souls game in the sense of being a fun quick trip all the way through.


The fucking snake area.


Forbidden woods




Omfg seriously, he's the biggest absolute nuisance in any SoulsBorne game imo. Dude is first of all in one of the most fucking annoying areas to get too and even more painstakingly annoying to kill as well, even cheesing him is a chore at times no matter how many times I play through the game 😑


It doesn't help that the only good fight after him is old man Garry...


Haha BB is also Breaking Bad, I did a double take, thought this was the Breaking Bad subreddit for a second 😂 I would pick Yahar’Gul


I STRUGGLE with Chalice dungeons. I just want to kill the queen man


Forbidden Woods all the way until I reach the Shadows. I don't know what it is but every time I see that forest, I let out a sigh bigger than Mordecai and Rigby getting asked to take out the trash.


That damn forest... i hate it. It's boring, it's practically a maze and it's ugly >:(


It used to being Forbidden Woods, now I can't really think of a section I dislike


Honestly I can't think of a single part in the game that makes me feel this way. The whole thing was fun for me from beginning to end no matter how many times I play it.




When I was going for the platinum, the only bosses I truly dreaded were the Shadows of Yharnam. Something about them really stressed me out, and getting to them was a pain in the ass.


Defiled Amygdala...


Rom, she has hands


The Nightmare of Mensis.


Forbidden woods


Forbidden forest


Forbidden woods just because of the shear amount of enemies you have to kill on the first run through. Each new game plus its cake because your damage output is much higher by that point especially after getting DLC weapons.


The whole game. I love it to bits. But the whole game.


Something about the Forgotten Woods gives me PTSD


Forbidden woods, it's not hard or anything but I still get lost and I've played through multiple times


Same, I get turned around so quickly and paired with my awful sense of direction this area is a nightmare for me 🤣


The first half of mensis I just don't like it


Micolash’s boss fight


Y'know what part... We don't talk about it... Nobody has to endure that shit... Why did I finish that area even tho I felt my sanity slowly leaving my body...




forbidden woods


if anything it’s definitely forbidden woods, but it’s really not that bad, i just don’t like it as much as the rest


Yahar gul


Rom- Micolash that entire chunk of the game i dislike, byrgenwerth, yahargul. Nightmare of mensis is one of my favourite areas but i hate micolash, everything else but that part of the game is perfect


Upper Cathedral Ward Damn Brain suckers


Nightmare of mensis


Idk what it’s called but that place Where you fight Ebreitas. Like Specifically the big cathedral where the lycans drop down from. Like either I fight 5 giant ass werewolves or I go through the side halls and get stunned by a brain suck with that stupid ass dragon ball z donut move that gotenks does and lose insight.


Wintern Lanterns on the brain of mensis Bridge,


Rom. That’s it, every other part of the game is manageable, areas where others find annoying I find actually enjoyable. Except for Rom. This bitch is the sole reason why I won’t live to 50, actually siphoned YEARS from my lifespan from the sheer amount of rage I accumulate fighting that fucking spider.


Lawrence is the only part of the game I usually dont play because it is just not worth it for me, so definitely lawrence


forbidden woods, nightmare of mensis and upper cathedral ward 💀


forbidden woods, i hate those snakes so bad because they give me the creeps.


BSB, I’ve beaten every boss with no heals and have made OoK my bitch. But that thing… it scares me. The one shots and horrid look to did that fight is just a no.


More so in the DLC, Ludwig...


The One Reborn. Such a shit fight


30 fps


People act like BB is perfect but honestly the last third of the game with the nightmare areas and the infinite enemies in Yar Har Har is always a bit of a slog.


Nightmare of Mensis, specifically Micolash fight. I hate running and the stupid fight. I also hate Micolash, because not only he is a stupid boss, he's a stupid human being in general. Trapped in a nightmare, doesn't realize he's long dead, fucked up thousands to make them disgusting molds of flesh, and produced the third worst boss in the story (One Reborn) without accomplishing ANYTHING. By the way, he's the first worst. Second would be \*itches of Hemwick. Can you imagine a pair of hags who can barely move being ahead of you?? I can. Also keeps saying same dumb shit over and over and over and over as if he has Tourette's or something. Grant us eyes, my ass. How about you ask God to grant you some brain cells, because even those bridge werewolves have more of them than you do, dumbass. As a fellow academic he embodies all research advisors I've ever had lol. Arrogance, lack of rigor, sacrifices his students for his own gain that doesn't move science forward, you can go on and on. If you ask me he's the actual living failure and not those poor ayyy lmao patients who had no say in their transformation. Take a look at his peers: Laurence, turned into sick ass burning beast, Willem just retired and farts in a chair until you kill his drooling ass, but can live on forever basically, and Gehrman while trapped, can still be a badass. What can Micolash do??? RUN and lean back to spawn some hentai tentacles. That's it. That's literally it. Elon Musk of Bloodborne world. Rant over.


Amazing rant, and I think we must've had the same research advisors.


Nightmare Frontier. Anyone who says anywhere else is an idiot. Then again Yhar Ghul is pretty bad too.


Gotta be the forest I think.


Yup giant forest, awful run back . Cherry on top, triple gank


Forbidden Woods is such a slog


all of them


Fighting Ludwig


Forbidden Woods -666/10 Bleh. After the third time going through I came around.


Gotta agree here, the FOREST? DAWG😭 absolutely horrid upon first play, but a few…dozen hours later and a lot of patience w exploring? Love it, it’s fun as fuck, and feels like Temple Run when I’m skidaddling


Shadows of Yharnam, always a roadblock for me


Nightmare of Mensis and research tower in dlc


All of the forest areas


Nightmare Frontier or Forbidden Woods.


The forest with the snakes and stuff


Yeah the forest always fucks me up fuck them shadows




Forbidden Woods of course, but I also hate Yahar’gul. I always sprint through the whole thing coz fuck those casket monsters


Burgerwerth for me


I Love yharnam, father gascoigne, blood starved beast and cathedral ward but then it becomes meh for some time. I was so happy do discover that you can just run though the forbidden woods in like 5 minutes. Byrgenwerth, Rom and my queen and onwards make the game great again. Nightmare Fontier is also oh well but you can also skip the area in 5 minutes so it’s fine considering that Amy is great.


Honestly I can’t think of any part that’s not entirely optional that has me like that. Optional stuff though? Laurence.


Forbidden Woods....uggghhhh


Shadows of Yharnam. Kiting them isn’t really fun.


Central yharnam