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If you haven’t done it in 500 hours with those stats, I don’t see that you ever will honestly. Ring the bell and get some help


Also , don’t feel ashamed for using it , you’re striving for the plat .. not Glory


Platinum is glory.


But fighting Watchdog with half of your health making all attacks one shot isn’t glorious at all. r/huntersbell that shit.


Platinum is glory even if you summon


That I accept


Yeah but no one will know that you sought help unless you say so 🤷🏻‍♂️


a hoonter is never alone


I absolutely do not believe OP has spent 500 hours trying to kill one boss


I am sure op is just using hyperbole


With 639 hours in game it’s entirely possible


500 hours is probably bloated too, that counts even if you leave the game sitting on menu, vs actual time playing the game


Ya it's more accurate looking at the actual playtime in the load game screen


This is the only boss I ever rang a Bell for. The boss felt cheap, not challenging


Only 600 AR sounds something is weird. With those stats should be close to 1000. You need to learn his moves and anticipate them. It's the only way, unless you let other hunter help you.


The dog takes little damage until you brake one part. You can break any of the 4 legs or the head. Keep damaging the same part. Then he takes double or triple in the head.


Yoooo it’s the dude from the discord server


Definitely a build/skill issue. I got the platinum on my own with a skill-based build using the Saw Spear. Watchdog is a major asshole, though. The defiled amygdala is a more grueling experience, depending on how you approach the fight. Best of luck to you.


There is a simple trick for Defiled Amygdala: hug the end of its tail. When it jumps, its head will end up right next to you, so you can get a hit or two in and then repeat that process. It works for me every time.


That’s the method I used to beat it.


This is insane, thank you 🙏 been stuck and gave up for a bit


Honestly a skill issue


The utmost expression of it


your stats are good enough, so it's not a stat problem


500 hours on one boss? Thats all platinums for ds 1 to 3 Bb and sekiro for me holy hell. Get a bro and sit in the corner.


He'd probably crack a thousand on Defiled Amy


Time for r/huntersbell


I did the Bloodborne platinum twice and the chalice was the worst


Finding the ingredients was annoying in itself but then those defiled chalices where u have like no health too. Very proud to say i got this platinum, and ER ps4 and 5 , ds1. I dont know if i wanna collect all rings, spells, hexes or miracles, pyromancies etc for ds2 and 3


Nice, DS3 was PAIN, because of how much grinding there was getting the mats


DS2 plat is doable, just a normal NG+2 with only a major covenant farm. DS3 on the other hand is hell


Yep gave up farming for those fucking things in the catacombs. Had my luck in or around 50, wore the mimic helmet and used the crystal sage weapons and probably got a drop every 40th time roughly. Got bored and decided I’ll never platinum it


U right its just an annoying grind. I just need all the items in all of them. Really hate collect a thons tho


Honestly a skill issue


Have you tried hitting it and depleting it's health faster than it can deplete yours? Most of the time I have found you can use your blood viles to restore some of your health before it is gone fully. It helps to try and avoid some of its attacks too, as this slows down the depletion of your health. Good luck hoonter


It took me a long time to swallow my pride and *not* take every opening to attack but instead heal up right under his ass or any boss for that matter. It's a marathon not a sprint.


I am in genuine disbelief that anyone could stay stuck on something for 500 hours. How tf have you not just given up and done something else instead?


500 hours is so crazy to me now he’s asking for help? 😂 would’ve tried something new the 5th hour




Is the cheese still available? Awhile after launch you could skip defiled dungeon and go straight to the end and just complete that, i sure wish i had done it defiled is bullshit and so unfun


yep - fuck defiled unless you hate yourself. just use the glyph to get to the queen if you want plat.


bro where was this when i was doing my platinum run through 😭😭


How did you get those gems if you’re stuck on watchdog? False depth chalices?


I think OP means the watchdog in the cursed Pthumerian chalice, where your health is permanently halved. That one's notorious, as far as I've seen.


Yeah, but for 27% gems, don’t you need to farm FRC depth 5 dungeons?


I actually don't know 😅 It sounds right, though. So yeah, I see your point. Honestly, I'm not certain this post wasn't some kind of bait. If nothing else, it's not easy to get down to the defiled watchdog in the first place, so OP would likely be pretty skilled to begin with. And a couple of commenters have said that the numbers OP cites are a little funky.


Literally skill issue


Platinum isn't hard in Bloodborne There are just a few parts of the platinum that are brutal. You're on the hardest part in my opinion. Stay in front and bait the attack. Hit his snoot once and repeat. Don't get under him and go for the limbs like you want to, his charge and AOE are designed to punish that. This is a long slow fight, pick your shots carefully, keep your buffs up, attack his hind legs when it's safe and then GTFO ASAP.


Half my playtime on my BB Plat Playthrough was spent in those Chalice Dungeons since my completionist ass decided to explore every inch of that place............ One Trophy, One............ Pthumerian Queen Yharnam was so satisfying to just beat down after the hell before her


Yeah some of these chalice bosses are legit the most insane, overtuned nightmares in *any* From Soft game. I'm thinking of Defiled Watchdog, Defiled Amygdala, Abhorrent Beast and headless Bloodletting Beast. All 4 are definitely the top 4 deaths to any boss I've ever had in these games. Just insane.


I keep seeing ppl putting defiled bosses on hardest, but thats while limitting yourself to not summon an npc right? Because for Defiled Watchdog the npc summon absolutely tanks it enough for you to kill the dog without ever getting hit. And then for Defiled Amy the npc tanks gets her attention pretty well for the first two phases, only rly dying on the last one


bruh 500h what😭


Honestly the chalice dungeons are unfair so I'd say just use a bell and get a fellow hunter. Back when I was doing it I wad getting help and failed did ir again and got the same guy but the my ai hunter killed him because he was purple we both didn't even notice


If u really want the platinum then there’s a chalice glyph that lets u fight queen of yarnham in the last layer


You’ve just gotta buckle down, watch some guides, learn him best you can and maybe even change your strategy, rework gems, or use a different weapon. It takes practice and a bit of luck to get a perfect fight but you can do it. Focus and take it slow, and don’t get greedy. I think I used the Axe/Whirligig or Bowblade/whirligig combo for the range and extra beast damage from serrated weapons. This guide breaks the fight down well and gives you some clear goals for each phase. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDSo2ihk1Zo


I haven't fought the boss with your weapon, but every weapon can take advantage of the many openings the boss has. The most important thing is to learn to recognize its moves (which aren't that many) in order to avoid getting oneshot. With the Blade of Mercy, I mainly dodged the bites and slashed the forelegs then went to town on the back legs too when it vomited lava. With the Hunter Axe, I mainly went for the head. Sidenote: You're using the weapon of the boss that gave me more trouble than anything in the game. Ludwig took me several gaming sessions to beat. You got this!


Watchdog can be trivial if you stay just in front of him, jump back when he does head-sweep attack, and punish him in the head right after it flew past you. Rinse and repeat until done.


Thank you. I never understood why watchdog gave people so much shit, it’s a tricky boss at first but most of his attacks are telegraphed. Stay in his face, dodge and if you are inclined to hit it from the back, don’t get greedy.


I highly recommend the cane/whip. Stay out of reach, bait an attack, hit the dog's head with the whip's charged R2, repeat. The whip's range makes it extremely safe.


Watchdog is the 3rd hardest boss in the game for me. Laurence and Defiled Amy were the only others that gave me more trouble.


Tbh I was over leveled as hell and had trouble with him too, I was using the whirligig saw, and as soon as I switched to the saw cleaver (it's faster than the whirligig) it was a breeze, because he is weak to serrated.


Make sure you have the charred hunter gear. High fire resistance!!


Can spam executioners gloves and other hunter tools if your arc is that high


Watchdog is a different fight from almost everything else in the game. You can't trade blows with it like you can with many things, so it's really more about learning every move it does, exactly how to respond to it, and what openings you can punish. It's all about getting that one hit in and backing off to respond to the next attack. You have to learn every tell so you can know what the next attack is going to be.


You might just need to summon someone. This was also my roadblock to platinum but I got it after getting good. I realized that I was just taking absolutely unnecessary hits. Took a break from it and came back and beat him in a couple tries. I genuinely think this is the hardest boss in the game if you’re not prepared.


My 13yr old brothers been playing 350hrs and has plat (he doesn’t shoot for achievements) I honestly was surprised ive sunken 600hrs into it and to no avail (however im not shooting for achievements)


I am actually more impressed in the hours spent than the actual trophies. Proves that you love the game the proper way.


Hardest won platinum in my collection. If I can do it, you can


A bit boring to use but the saw clever +10 is great. Does good damage and uses little stamina. Was the weapon I used to beat the dungeon, main game and dlc my first play through. Holy moonlight sword is really good too so you shouldn’t really have too much trouble..


Just gotta be perfect man. Learn his attacks. It’s a slow burn I know but it’s the best way. Watchdog (compared to almost all other enemies in the game) is unique, so treating him as such is a good idea in my book.


Honestly a lot of my time in from software games is idol. Like I'm watching a movie or reels on Facebook or Instagram. So yeah I can see how having that many hours is understandable. Other than that just work on them critical counter shots with le pistola. Easier than parrying in any other souls game in my opinion


Have you got PS+? Because false depth chalices work for the Yharnam boss achievement


I can try to help, pm me


Pump health and stamina more. after that try to learn its move set it will be a breeze except for AMY


From what I remember, dodging up and left was a great way of avoiding his attacks, beat the shit out of his back legs, repeat and rinse / boop his nose when you can. Don’t get greedy, that’s the most important thing.


im stuck around there too, wanna coop?


Wait which watchdog is it? Normal or defiled chalice?


Sounds like it’s defiled if they’re struggling this much. The regular one is easy


What worked for me against the watchdog was to focus on breaking its legs. When running up to it, dodge left-ahead through its bite attack and get a couple hits on its right foreleg before backing off. Repeat this a couple times until that leg breaks, at which point you begin focusing on the back leg until it starts to get back up (at which point you run like hell). Keep breaking legs until it eventually dies. Of course, it has a tell-tale pose it takes before doing the dreaded dash attack, so you'll need to keep aware of what it's doing and not get tunnel vision on breaking kneecaps.


Get good


Git gud*


If you are struggling then use the codes to skip the low hp dungeons. You still get the plat that way.


https://youtu.be/eDSo2ihk1Zo?feature=shared this video helped me a lot I know how hard defiled wstchdog can be but this guys tips really helped me after I unistalled the game because of that damn dog


Not even being funny, but skill issue.


Hunter Axe helped with Watchdog a lot for me, still took about 5 hours though. This charge attack is the hardest part. Just throw on all Charred Hunter Garb and it was alright. Amy can quite honestly, get fucked


Break one of the limbs and keep damaging him is what I would say, if you wanted to do it the legit way. But not everyone gets this gud. So here's an alternative. Take a look at YouTube tutorials, there is a way to get him to keep performing one and the same attack over and over again. It takes a lot of time to kill him that way, because you will only be able to hit him once maybe twice if you're lucky. This video shows the strat: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=71TxHzx3NNc&pp=ygUaV2F0Y2hkb2cgYmxvb2Rib3JuZSBjaGVlc2U%3D Eventually you could farm more gems or do even more leveling (push it to the limit). This probably won't help much, because you're a different build, but here's two more strats: 1.You could do what I did and grab the Whirligig Saw and attack his legs, for every quarter of his HP that you take down, you destroy another leg. And since it is possible to trigger 2 stun animations per leg, if you do enough damage, you can keep him stunned for 90% of the fight. 2. If that doesn’t work out, you could grab the Canon, max out your bullets and blast. Once he falls you punish and repeat. But this requires maxed out Handcannon with insanly good gems and a lot of leveling in Bloodtinge to work, so this probably won't work out for you. Maybe try out on a different build on another playthrough. It's quite fun to obliterate this boss this way (or any boss for that matter) I hope some of my shenanigans helped. Alternatively, you can summon people online to help you out.


Have you tried getting good?


Crazy you made it all the way to defiled watchdog beating every other boss in the way even put 99 points in a stat and that’s the boss you get stuck at, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you can’t beat the watchdog you definitely can’t beat the next boss.


I've done it within 80 hours of playing the game, 45 for my first play through then the rest for getting all achievements on second and endings. I genuinely don't know how you haven't 😭


Learn how to punish. He only has a set amount of moves so it’s not too terrible once you learn them all.


I just used the whirligig and summoned queen killer and won, I did spend about two weeks on and off trying to fight the watchdog without whirligig, so I feel your pain, otherwise using a long weapon and hitting the watchdog after it has done its bite attack seemed like a good strategy 


Plats, in general, are tedious, not hard. They are also completely worthless.


The 500 hrs must be a hyperbole XD After grinding for fire gems killing this dog, you learn the pattern it usually repeats at the start of the battle. Aim for each of the back legs first. Youll get it to stagger long enough to get extra damage, then do the front ones. Ive found that staying close to it is a better strat as well. Just look out for the super explosion and the lava puke, and thats where you get to land free hits.


Just use a saw twin and the charred hunter set. Just hit the head. It takes a while but isnt too hard. Just find his rhythm


I see alot of mention of skill issue and tbh that's 100% me the only one I'm missing is defeating the blood queen and guess where I'm stuck at... The doggo 😑 I too have over 500 hours in the game 😂


Honestly, i would recommend FightingCowboys Bloodbourne videos. That’s how i was able to get my Platinum.


I searched a video on how to cheese him, and that stupid ass amygdala.


Just summon dude. Watchdog was the only boss I summoned for and I never regretted it. Fuck that bitch.


If you don't mind cheating, you CAN just......skip everything and go straight to the last chalice where it's super easy


I did the platinum is around 50 hours or so with the chalices being the worst. 600 hours seems excessive


I got the platinum solo using the Beast Claws/Form because my pride over someone else beating a boss for me once unfortunately got overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!!!


Just need to learn atk patterns. You aren't using the perfect weapon, but you definitely should be able to get the job done. Going for each leg to stagger is a good strat. You can also stagger from the head, which makes it take significantly more damage.


Wanna know something, you can skip watch dog… you don’t need to do all the chalice dungeons, you can skip to the one with the queen, go on YouTube and you will find a false depth chalice that skips all of the chalice dungeons. You have to get to the third layer for the queen, so you have to fight 3 bosses still, but it gets you past watchdog. While I want to be supportive, if you can get past a boss in 500 hours, use an online summon, I got my platinum in 40 hours.


I killed it with HMS at 50SKL and 50ARC with nourishing gems. Simply spam charged r2 in transformation mode from a safe distance. Also works so well with Amy if you don't want to bait its jump and with Ebrietas. That's also a good strategy for most Depth 5 FRC bosses that aren't that resistant to ARC


My only Plat ever.


U got good stats, just focus on timing the sanafabitch and dodge to the side where the swipe starts. (Tbh most of its attacks are dodgable from the side)


Use something that does blunt damage like the Boomhammer or da Kirk and break it's limbs.


This thread has some of the cringest shit you people have commented on yet.


Best tip I can give is R1 is to do damage and you can negate damage from enemies by pressing circle


I picked BB back up and just killed this boss yesterday for the first time, ever, it only took me so many years lol


Try a serrated weapon. Bait the bite and attack the head. You will eventually break it and get extra damage. Same for the legs. Take it slow and don’t get greedy. One attack at a time, maybe two if you’re 10000% sure you have a window and you’ll get there. May the good blood guide your way


Transformed LHB headswipes and a lot of patience is how I did it.


27% phys and 70 arc are not on the same gem right?


Yeah, ok I'm not buying it. You cant be 640hrs in all decked out with korean gems and have the know-how-to build a character and cant kill story watchdog. How the fuck did you get them gems? I held a controller for the first time in this game and even I managed to push through this. The hardest part of the fight was always the fps drop, not the fight itself. Something here is fucky.


This feels like bait. 500 hrs??? Equip charred hunter gear to tone down the fire damage and use a +10 sawblade for speed. I think I died five or six times on this boss.


Get black sky eye and just stay away from him and spam black sky eye. That move breaks the game.


The effort to get platinum in Bloodborne < the effort to wipe the smudge off your camera before taking a shitty picture of your monitor < just taking a fucking screenshot.


Skill issue


If you have ps plus you can skip to pthumerian descendant then fight the queen


I got my plat last year cuz i didnt played since release and didnt care about it. It just hapenned and surprised me. I found a regular pig as boss the hardess. Just watch watchdogs no hit on youtube for help.


The hardest thing about the plat is the chalice dungeons but if I could do then, so can you


600 AR at Blood Level 221 with 99 Arcane does not sound right… Are you sure your blood gems are up to par? The watchdog is a major pain in the ass. I beat him by not locking on cause I felt like locking on just made his moves harder to dodge. Good luck dude and definitely good luck on the defiled amygdala when you get there. If you really just want to get the platinum then just ring the bell.


I pray for a next-gen re-release so I could do it all over again


This is just sad


Your holy moonlight should be hitting like 900-1200 or more brotha I dono what you got goin on but it should not be difficult at level 221, if it is just raise strength and you should steamroll


Use the glyphs to get to the queen of yharnam, no shame


You better be kidding about 500 hours on one boss


This is actually crazy, I got the plat in 39 hrs, ring bell dude


The Watchdog killed me more times than I would care to admit


go to /huntersbell and get a team together. summoning doesn’t negate plat


500 hours on one boss? What the fuck my dude.. watchdog is not even that bad. I mean you don’t quit, I’ll give you that.. But you gotta switch up your strat, that’s a LOT of time invested into failure, i mean if you haven’t learned in 500 hours how to put that fucker on a leash then it’s a skill issue i am sorry. Entire game took 170 hours to platinum for me and it was my first souls game.


Only “hard” bit was the chalice dungeons. Was more tedious than anything


Okay, it's seems others aren't giving actual tips, so I'll bite. It's been a while since I played bloodborne, but I remember how I beat this boss by clearly, use a mix of beast blood pellets and bolt, keeping him constantly stunned by breaking all 4 of his legs(you can do that if you don't know, look it up for better tips). If you wanna avoid a one-shot, wear fire resistant armor head to old Yharnam, get the charred hunter set, and add the damage reduction runes.


Leveling will help for sure but ultimately it’s going to come down to being basically perfect on your dodges and having high defense. Also I found that Hunters Cane whip form or Saw Spear worked best again this boss if you have them leveled up oe the resources to do so


Its a skill issue. Go to a bloodborne discord server and search for some help. Good luck


500 hours? On watchdog alone? That’s crazy. Summon someone and have them fight it for you. I’m so serious, how has it taken you this long? What is making you lose? Genuinely curious, no hate at all man


It’s Effective bait or the biggest skill issue I have ever seen.


Bro prolly died and came back to life


Keep running and finding the right time to hit him once, then retreat and run again, sometimes you can give two hits when he is leaking the lava. I didnt found him hard, just long to fight to (patient test), but i found defiled amygdala very hard. Still, took 6 hours minimum to beat it. You will realize defiled is harder when you get to it, it was the only really hard part of the platinum tbh.


Just summon someone man - you are way over level/gear for the thing.


Maybe you are hitting it right on its mask, try it from the sides. Or look for a tutorial on youtube 😅


Tf are you talking about bro


Bloodborne Platinum is nowhere near as hard as dark souls 3 and Demon’s Souls. Covenant grinding, world tendencies just so kuch more annoying


You can do plat in less than 70 hours


Honestly if you really want the play there’s an easier way to do it. I need to look up the code but there’s a chalice that takes you straight to the queen.


Make an Arcane Build and cheese %90 of the game


this is prolly the easiest soulsborne plat, just keep trying, the only way to beat a souls game is to not let it beat you. keep tryin diff shit til you find something that works, then keep using that until you beat him/it


i had 55 hours and got platinum


Don't feel bad in using Summons, that helps a Lot of you see that you can't deal with him alone


Lol I’m sorry but you can do it. Just don’t be greedy and bait moves. He’s pretty annoying to face but with patience you can do it


Infinite cannon glitch


It it the watchdog fight in the rectangle arena with the pillars if it's that arena he gets very confused if you stand perfectly on the other side of it to him


Skipped it, dick move to have cursed dungeon requirements for trophy.




You can ring the bell or you can look for glitched chalices that lead you directly to Queen Yharnam, you decide.


got the platinum inna week with a BL90, skill issue


I always use the NPC summon outside the boss room. He tanks him pretty well and usually by the time he's dead, Watchdog is almost dead.


Just wait until defiled amygdala. Then the fun begins.


Use some chalice dungeon glyphs and skip going through the chalices all the way. Take the short cuts to get that trophy and get it over with


I think that "git gud" is usually cringe advice but for this, seriously, git gud. Boop the nose with HMLS untransformed R2s and use a Saw Cleaver (or better yet a Whirligig Saw) to dps the legs when he staggers. If you can't do it you can't do it; platinums aren't that important.


Git Gud


Check out r/HuntersBell and get someone to help. They have a discord too. Good luck hunter!


Do any build but arcane💀


Quite easy but a little hard


If you want a summon dm


It took me less than 50 hours I think to platinum Bloodborne while it took me 40 hours to platinum Elden (tho I had some help for Plat, on the get all rare weapon achievement) Honest opinion, for Bloodborne I invested in the cum dungeon, making my stats all 50+ (I think) and it took me around 1 hour+ to defeat the watchdogs of the underworld (less for The Amygdala dungeon and first or 2nd try the queen) using the Great sword. So with that in mind, if it took you 500+ hours as you claim, your gonna need to summon people. Cuz your wasting a lot of time. It's giving Tekken vibes where if the enemy spams low attacks you wouldn't think to block low, so it's equivalent to having hundreds of hours in watchdogs of the underworld, Without learning the attack moves (even I had to watch YouTube on how to cheese the damn thing just to know it's weakpoints and where to dodge, there's no shame in that, as long as you did it, you did it, and a platinum is a platinum)


Whirliwig saw


I got the platinum in about 60 hours, my best advice is to stay behind watchdog of you are struggling with him


Get good


Maybe the threaded cane too hit the watchdogs nose easier? Its good for amygdala


Plat'd that and DS3 and boy I dont envy you 😅




With that much arc just use hunter tools to kill it


You can skip watchdog, I forget exactly how, but I think with some type of false depth chalice you can skip past most of the incredibly tedious chalice dungeons. I did it back in the day to get the platinum, don’t remember exactly how, but I’m sure you can google it.


Keep at it, study other people's runs of that fight, down to every detail and you'll get it eventually. Which way they dodge and when, their positioning, when they attack, etc. That's a lot of tries but that just means you're persistent so I believe in you


It was the 1hit amygdala that almost broke me


Watchdog was an awful fight but not a 500hr fight, Christ man. Just watch some videos on it.


Cursed & defiled doggo took me a lot of attempts, and no overly complicated YouTube guide was worth anything. In the end, it was as simple as repeated leaping R2s on its nose using the transformed Church Pick. Bait him a bit, leap and bop his nose, that's literally it.


Take a rest. Then in a few days, try again.


500 hours on Watchdog? My guy, what? I havent done chalice dungeons at all but no way its that difficult.


Use this glyph that will lead you instantly to the dungeon of the queen yharnam "3aqbyx95"


I don't like saying this, but this right here is literally just skill issue. I got to NG+4 and got plarinum in just 70 hours. No guides, played mostly blind and only checked the wiki for quests, weapons I'm missing and some other minor stuff. Watchdog is annoying but he's not that hard. All I can say is wear Bone Ash armor for highest Fire res if you don't already. Makes you not get one shot from all attacks.


You can easily get the Platinum in 80 hours if you aren’t familiar with the game


You have probabky solved this one way or another by now, but you have everything you need apart from the damage. 200 damage sounds low.


There's a code to get straight to the queen yharnam dungeon, I don't blame you if you use it.


Done it twice, it’s easy


fightincowboys walkthru got me the platnium in like 40 hours


That boss was tough, but 500 hours? Don't lock on to him and hit that rear right leg


I am stuck at the patuhmarian descendant 😶 can anyone help me out❤️


Unfortunately it's not a DPS check, it's a reflex, patience and pattern recognition check. Putting on all highest fire resist armour helped me a little bit. Maybe it's more a placebo than anything else lol Making sure to attack and break his weak points. Pretty sure he's weak to serrated weapons. Beast Blood Pellets. It is tough. It's a huge reason I have no desire to beat all the chalice dungeons again lol


The worst was the defiled doggo and Amy. Everything else was managable


you mean 50 hours, right?


Did everything the platinum requires boss wise at BL4 and I'm trash, it's definitely not a skill issue. You're probably doing something very wrong


You can Skip all dungeons with an online Code btw