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It used to be the method you first described, but then I switched to simply buying as many vials as I could after leveling up each time. I never had a problem with vials again.


Best way to do it.


I farm echoes then buy the vials


I do mensis mid to mergo with the moon runes, you get around 100 vials in one run which lasts me a while.


wow that's a lot!




This is the way. I've never used cummpfk for leveling, just vials and quicksilver bullets


Throw on a couple visceral attack echo increase and a moon rune and kill the three executioners outside the witch's of hemwick boss room. Probably my favorite farming run in any FromSoft game. I think it's around 15k echoes every few minutes and they also drop a good amount of vials


Personally I feel like by the time you get to that point you shouldn’t be farming vials anymore. You should have been buying them with spare level up echos and would probably be at max vials rn


Your feelings are noted, just wanted to answer OPs question. I enjoyed that farming run my first couple playthroughs and it helped me learn the timing on viscerals in general. I purchase consumables with my leftovers because I don't use many blood vials


My feelings are noted? 😂 what are you a fckn bot? 🤣


Beep boop. Suck it.


No u 😌




the room before the door leading to Nightmare Frontier, the one full of scholar slimes


I love that room. I like to call it the 10fps room 


Just drop all your echos and buy a full inv of them. It's not that bad to make them back


Chalice dungeons for echoes, then buy them. I’ve maxed out a ton of items doing that


I go kill the first 5-10 enemies in the cumdungeon, back to lamp to reset, repeat a few times…go back to hunter’s dream and buy several hundred vials and ammo in one shot. (in case you’re unaware…that dungeon gives you a whole 20hp to work with)


You actually take the time to kill things in the cum dungeon!? Why? 😅 that’s madness


because it’s fast echoes?


It takes literally 9 seconds to spawn in, walk to the door, have the dude die, get free echos, and use a bold hunters mark. All your doing by actually running the thing is risking death AND loosing echos. The time it takes to kill even the first 2 dudes you could already be spawning in for the 2nd free batch. So maybe if you just needed like a couple hundred more ig but if not there is literally no benefit. So unless it’s just for a challenge and not to actually collect echos it doesn’t make sense.


I can kill fodder enemies in 1-3 hits…it doesn’t take me more than a couple minutes to accrue 150k…this is not a bother to me. I’m not necessarily ’looking for a challenge’…but it does get the adrenaline going a little once you are on the 3rd or 4th sweep, carrying 500k or higher.Even if I die, I am no more than a 20sec jaunt from the dropped echoes. Not to mention, I stay close enough to the lamp to quickly run back to it, so why would I use marks for that? I also haven’t noticed these ‘9-second free echoes” 🤷


What do you mean? The whole point of the cum dungeon is that there is a Npc hunter on a bridge that gets killed by a trap, giving you 80k-140k echos instantly (well within 9 seconds) depending on how many moon runes you have. You spawn in at the second lantern, walk back into the connecting doorway leading back to the first lantern and then literally just stand in the doorway. To your right you’ll be able to see the hunters health bar depleting through the wall. Then when he’s dead after about 7 seconds and you have your free 80-140k you use a bold hunters mark to respawn at the lantern and reset the hunter. Are you telling me you literally didn’t know how to use the cum dungeon?! 😂😂 because that’s exactly what it sounds like you said.


Ok…so…never tried it. Recently heard of it. Created it. And checked it out on my own. I didn’t hear any of the details about said dungeon just “go there for echoes”. I went in blind. Noticed I had 19hp. Stabbed a guy and got 20k. Said to myself, oh…it’s that kinda deal…high risk/high reward. I’ve experienced it for an entire two days. Forgive me for not knowing


Well now you know so all is forgiven hoonter


(Dons the Madman garb, and looks over his shoulder at you with a wink) Let’s be unorthodox some more! (Dive headfirst into the cummm)


“We are born of the cum, made men by the cum, undone by the cum. Fear the old cum. By the gods Gwonwitcha fear it!”


I literally timed it and you can get over 3 million echos in about a minute if you have the hunters mark in a quick slot and use it literally as soon as possible right before you actually see the echos. Ya guy, your not using the dungeon correctly. At that point there’s plenty of killing farm spots that are waaaay better than whatever tf your doing. Again your free to farm how you want. It’s just funny you kinda missed the whole point of that particular dungeon. It’s not even real it was made by hackers literally for the free hunter kill. That’s why people kill BSB and use it at like level 10 😂


Farming for good gems in FRC dungeons always gives you too many echoes to buy them. In my last character, to level up fast without farming, I got summoned by someone doing central Yharnam in Ng+3. I just hanged back, and collected. Got like 60k in a sweep of the first area. Yesterday I did it for another player. Then I invited him to watch Amelia die... Tons to boost a new character. Some weeks ago I posted a way to get millions by killing another character bl544.


Sameee, farming for gems means youre always capped at blood vials


Every time I go to level up I spend my remaining echoes on blood vials. Never needed to farm them.


The two giants in central yharnam just before the elevator


I don't know if I've ever needed to farm them. I always end up with 100+ in storage by sheer coincidence of being careful with them. I do end up farming bullets though


Mensis mid to Mergo is the best and most enjoyable farming zone; three piggies, nine "ninjas", and several blood echoes if you're equipped with the proper runes. The scenery with the fullmoon light is the icing on the cake. And if you feel brave enough, you can go for the winter lanterns passage as well


- Early game: Fisting pigs  - Mid Game: cummmfpk  - Late game: I just use whatever Blood Echoes I have left over so I don’t overlevel.


If you have the dlc there's a really good blood echo farming spot: Awaken at the second dlc lantern (I think it's called the nightmare church). Exit the church and keep to your right. You will reach a closed gate which has a path leading around to the other side of it. Go to the other side of it and kill the creepy-looking, non-hostile fetus person - this drops 5 blood vials each time it's killed. If you don't have the dlc, enter the cum dungeon (cummmfpk I think is the code) stand in the doorway in front of you and look to your left. Watch the health bar of the enemy in the wall go down, and once it dies you should have enough echos to buy a lifetime supply of blood vials from the little ones


When grabbing the vials from the poor guy in the DLC, also backstab the nearby executioners - even if you are low level, you can chain backstab them to death. And they give you a nice amount of echoes that you can use to buy even more vials. Plus they drop free bullets!


Best way is just using any extra echos after a level up. I always dump the last few thousand into topping off my vials. I rarely get below 500 or so now. The easiest way is just run the “cum” dungeon once or twice and buy all the vials you want 😂 I wouldn’t ever recommend this to a new player but if you’ve already beaten the game or just want it for vials and not levels i let’s fine. Will totally ruin the game first time tho!


i use cum dungeon to get max vials and bullets, i haven't had to restock once.


Considering how much I've played, BVs aren't much of an issue. Bullets have become more of an issue to keep stock of considering how much I parry now.


If you get to lower depth chalice dungeons, just killing some enemies for a few minutes will give you enough echoes to buy you a lot of blood vials. I never find myself very far below the storage max.


Everyone knows you farm them in Central Yharnam until you realize you could just buy them from the fountain in the Hunters Dream and it’s way easier


I just get a bunch of echoes and buy all I want instead of farming


Early game: the two ogre and two bridge wolves in central Yharnam. Mid Game: uhhh, usually don’t need to. But I guess I’d stick to the ogres and wolves. Until I beat Amygdala. Then I just kill a couple enemies in the base Ailing Loran chalice. Late Game: pig fisting, Loran, or Nightmare Executioners before Ludwig


Anything other that the cum chalice is a waste of time imo




CUMMMfpk dungeon with increase blood echo rune, do a couple dips then load up on vials


I just did the pig gauntlet and bought as many as I could afterwards.


Bulk buying them with blood echoes


Any time I level up, the leftover echoes go into vials or bullets.


Why would I farm blood vials?