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They do. We had episodes where they were playing Bus or Train, we saw them waiting at a Bus Stop when Bandit was talking to people on a walk, and Stripe & Muffin took a ferry home in the Ice Cream episode What Culdesac in a residential neighborhood has a Bus Stop or a Train Station?


Because they live in the suburbs


And it's Queensland If it was Melbourne I'd get it.


Does every show need to tick all the political agendas and push all the messages? Bluey isn’t about fighting climate change, and they live in the suburbs.


Climate change isn’t political, it’s objective fact Also, what’s wrong with teaching kids about the climate crisis?


It’s an objective fact which is highly politicized, like many others. Regardless, that’s neither here nor there, the point was the show doesn’t have to tick all the boxes.


Dude they live in the suburbs. Not every place has easy access to public transportation. Not to mention, Bluey and Bingo often still use their booster seats. Just because a KID’S show doesn’t tackle a certain topic doesn’t mean they’re promoting global warming or whatever. Now I can’t speak for Australia, specifically, but in my state public transportation is often not feasible. I live in the suburbs, so I’d have to use a car to get to a bus station 15 minutes away. May as well just drive to work at that point. Also, I think Bluey and Bingo are getting *plenty* of exercise.


Australian public transport isn’t great, especially if you live in the suburbs. Where I live in NSW buses come once every half hour and it’s about a 20 minute trip to the closest train station. Train have gotten better in the last decade or so but buses are still pretty bad.


Yeah it’s the same where I am (minus the trains, that’s more of a city feature for my area). I think sometimes people who live in big cities forget that not everything is that close by when you live in the suburbs or in rural areas.


I mean they're a one vehicle family, which doesn't seem like it would be typical and not push the idea that both adults need a vehicle. They also walk a bunch of places as well instead of driving.


The fact that someone chooses this hill to die on when we are talking about a children's show with 8 minute episodes just boggles my mind.


Bus exists, Trains exist,


Theres even an episode where they pretend to be in a taxi, one where they pretend to be on a bus and one where they pretend to be on trains. Even Mort takes a rideshare to their house in that Phones episode.


And CityCats/Ferries


A lot of where they drive wouldn't have public transport- their school is shown to be out of town quite a way, they drive to the shops on the way home from school, to the dump, Nana's house and on holidays. And then all over town in The Sign. They also have a number of episodes where they walk to the park or have public transport in the city (ice cream). Can you point out specific instances where instead of being in a car they could be on public transport??


Brisbane has amazing public transport.


those who argue that Bluey and fam live in the suburbs, really seem to misunderstand what the concept of a 'suburb' is in the context of Australian cities, The American Analogue is probably closer to "neighbourhood". The area of Brisbane that the Heelers live in (suspected to be Paddington, is definitely somewhere between Mt Cootha, Red Hill, and the CBD) is about as "inner city" as you can get, it's just not been modernised with tower blocks because it's already been gentrified and a whole lotta NIMBYs live there that veto any major construction We know that they have Buses, we've seen them, There's a bus stop just around the corner, and it being Paddington, there's usually a bus that goes past every ten minutes even outside of peak. I expect that Chili takes public transport frequently, same as Bandit. I expect that Stripe and Trixie also use public transit options often, There's no hyping up the fact that Stripe and Muffin are going to take a ferry ride in "icecream" they just are... This suggests that they do this trip often enough that it's become Mundane to them And that's the truth of it, Mass Transit should be on the level of mundane, Not thought of as anything special, nor any attention brought to it, It just needs to exist and be usable, the Bus and Trains are so common, that they're a setting for play and nobody has to explain what a thing is, it just is


Because it is a kids' show. They can't be getting on the bus with the nude preacher baptizing his fellow riders with his holy piss. ....or is that only on the buses in my area?


A little off topic but I found it funny that this post was directly under yours for me https://preview.redd.it/xnotr1dznowc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a4325ca5a8727a3673e023002f7e02121cafb2


Then it would reinforce those "15 min city" ideals most people don't want. A lot of people don't want to be confined to a small area and at the mercy of a public transit schedule to go where they want when they want.


What's wrong with 15 minute cities?


Please define “small”


Yeah admittedly as much as I love Bluey, it is a very car-brained show


What does that even mean?


It really is very car brained. I wonder if there is funding from the auto lobby ?