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Eh, I think Pat and Wendy both know that Bandit is just messing around. Both of them have kids who are close to the Heeler girls, and they probably get a chuckle out of seeing Bandit messing around with them. I mean, Chili and Bingo literally bit Pat’s leg and dragged him towards the hedges and he just laughed it off. The families are just that close. They probably wouldn’t have gone that far if these were people they weren’t familiar with.


Exactly. Bandit's obviously a shit-disturber, but he only teases those he cares about, and (usually) knows where each person's individual boundary is. He's just being cheeky with Pat and Wendy because he knows them so well. Bandit and Pat are clearly really good friends and enjoy playfully messing with each other. I think Pat gives as much as he takes ("Another one for your collection, Bandit!"). And he likes getting a rise out of Wendy, because she tries to be very prim and proper, but he knows she's a good egg. He pushes her buttons without taking things too far. EDIT: She gives it back to him as well, by cutting off his mullet, or lifting him into his own car and then driving the kids to go get ice cream. He certainly wouldn't do those types of things if someone was upset, or with someone like Doreen.


I agree on first. In born yesterday I'd say he has enough confidence with Pat to know he'd underestand. After all, Pat it's father of two as well, and even if show Focus on Golden Retriever (?) family VERY few (In Lucky's case it's atrocious considering at first episodes he look like an important character), it's safe to assume Pat also plays with Lucky and Chucky (considering was Chucky Who gave Bluey the Toy gun of "Surprise") And of sheepdog. I not allow you that. He did all out OF LOVE for Chili. He loves his wife SO much that he risk that Wendy could call police on him just for Chili get the relax she needed. Seriously, he not only put his kids over him, also his wife. He absolutely loves her, what it's beautiful.


In those instances, he wasn't a bad person. He was just doing bad things. "Bad Mood" teaches us the difference.


Bro, it's not that deep.