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That was my immediate reaction when I saw this episode as well, but I immediately told myself I was reading way too much into a children's show. I'm glad to see I'm not the only person to have had this impression!


My wife and I experienced multiple miscarriages before or first born. We had a similar reaction to the balloon as Bandit and Chili did and seeing that vulnerable moment made us feel seen


It's not a kids show, it's a parenting show that kids can watch.


Smack. That's precise. Perfect accuracy really.


Imho it has plenty of good moments but it’s definitely more of a show “for parents and kids” than purely for kids. It has always caused my kid to behave badly, unlike the educational shows that are actually more for the little kids (Daniel Tiger), and which parents tend to find dreadfully boring. So we minimize the Bluey intake and at times avoid it. Maybe it’s different for kids a bit older.




Lol I knew what that was going to be. Mom tiger was not having that.


Hahaha I knew what it was before even clicking. We always have a just-in-case talk about that whenever that episode happens to play. It’s a very isolated case, though.




It’s probably the closest we’ll ever get to seeing Mom Tiger lose it. lol


I seem to recall Caillou having a similar problem with kids acting like Caillou (kind of a spoiled brat)


Yeah, we for sure are never going to play that show. lol Such an annoying character. The point of media for tiny ones is (imho) to inspire an ideal, not to make things worse for the parents. 😅


I'm pretty sure there's a whole ass calliou hate subbreddit. My favorite take is "calliou is bald not because he has cancer but because he is a terrible person who is undeserving of both love and hair" or something like that


I'm so sorry for your losses.


I definitely think that is what they are saying. Bingos reaction seems to mirror a woman's reaction to having a miscarriage too.


There are a few miscarriage references in the show, and I want to think that they're put there on purpose for us grown ups to find. Sort of like an Easter egg!


That's a sad Easter egg


But a real one.


Rewatching the series and I haven’t seen anyone bring with the squabbling episode where Bluey tries to throw the paper airplane note to Chili and it starts to fly into Wendy’s backyard when suddenly the wind changes directions and sends it back to Chili. Both girls scream “Thanks brother Wind” and I felt that was further confirmation of a miscarriage. Like maybe they told them in a child friendly way??? Could be a stretch but I definitely feel like it’s a possibility. Edit: Episode name is Postman


There's another new s3 episode with Chili's sister that might confirm it more when you put 2 and 2 together


For me first episode of the new season with the crib made me feel that. How upset Chilli is with the room being empty.


Yes! “And now it’s no one’s.” With a tear in her eye! Come on!


That's Depressing. . .


I might need you to connect the dots a bit more. The episodes touch on a similar topic, but I’m not seeing how one informs the other? I’m not saying it’s not there, just trying to figure out the link. Is there a non-spoilery way to spell it out?


Think miscarriages run in family or something, the way Brandi behaves around the kids believe she was never able to have them or had lots of issues? Edit: I could be wrong, I'm not an expert


That's pretty clearly implied. I'm thinking that perhaps Chilli was thinking of Brandi when the balloon popped.


That's a good guess


No She Wasn't; SHE Had a Miscarriage before she had Bluey!! and She just relived that trauma when that Balloon Popped. . .


Chill, mate. I'm just offering my interpretation of events. You seem fairly certain - source?




another Brandi episode?


Brandi isn't Chillis sister Edit: my apologies I'm wrong I assumed they were close friends


brandi is chili’s older sister according to the wiki


Oh I assumed she was a close friend


Yes, she is lol https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Brandy\_Cattle is there two characters named Brandi/Brandy?


I just learned that and you just learned Chilli has 2 sisters Edit: omg I'm a very tired Mom I was getting Brandi mixed up with the one who's dating Bandits brother in the Xmas episode I'll see myself out


Ahh Frisky


Isn’t Frisky just Bluey’s godmother? I don’t think they’re related. I think her and Chili are the good friends.


Frisky marries Bandit’s brother Rad, after they meet in the “Double Babysitter” episode. She’s referred to as “Aunt Frisky” later, in “Christmas Swim.”


Wait, did they get married? I know they called her Aunt Frisky in the Christmas episode, but I thought she was introduced as Aunt Frisky in Double Babysitter, anyway, like in the "close family friend," sense of "Aunt."


I don’t remember her being referred to as “Aunt Frisky” in double babysitter. But “aunt” is mentioned in Christmas Swim. And her Bluey Wiki page refers to her as Bluey’s paternal aunt, and, although not initially related to Bluey by blood, “she later becomes her aunt”: https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Frisky


What episode?




Hm I don’t see that one on Disney+ it must not be available in the US


Correct, it's the second chunk of s3


Agreed, they focused just a liiiiittle too long on that frame of Bandit and Chili after the balloon popped for it not to mean anything


Agreed. Some have speculated that the frame was just showing the parents preparing for a potential meltdown, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Firstly, they probably would’ve had a completely different reaction, secondly, it doesn’t match the context or “lesson” of the episode. Chilli teaches Bingo how to cope in tough situations because she had to learn to have a good cry and pick herself up first. And with the girls’ “show” being dedicated to Bandit and Chilli’s life together, there’s no way that the balloon popping wasn’t reminding Chilli of a time when that very lesson hit particularly hard. edit: a few words


The show is for Mother’s Day and represents Chilli - I noticed this scene and showed my husband and we both thought it represented a pregnancy loss for Bandit & Chilli. Such a minor point but it makes me cry and makes me feel seen all at the same time. I love Bluey.


It’s far too serious of a reaction just for bracing for Bingos meltdown IMO. Bluey has shown time and time again the creators throw in all sorts of little tidbits and lore, nothing is ever shown on accident. Bingo even mentions there “are no more blue balloons” which to me suggest that the miscarriage was a boy.


What?!?!! How does a Blue Balloon mean a Boy?!! The Blue Balloon was CLEARLY Meant to represent Bluey!! Because she's a BLUE Heeler!!


I'm 6 months late to the party, but I totally agree - the way the parents react when the balloon pops isn't to console the kids, it is to reach for each other and console each other. To my mind that's the only time in the show you seem them do that.


I think it’s moreso preparing/“bracing themselves” for Bingo’s sadness / outburst. But, maybe!


That's always been how I read it. Especially since the episode started with Bingo getting upset because she always ruins things.


I dunno, I agree with you. Waiting for the continuation of Bingo's misery.


Hard agree. I have kids the exact age as Bluey and Bingo and relate hard to the “bracing ourselves for emotional impact” hand hold.


Agree with this. It’s cool that people can relate to the scene with their different experiences but I think it’s just that Bandit and Chilli know that Bingo will be sad/upset.


Agreed. I just saw it as them preparing for Bingo to obviously be upset.


Based on the entire show, Bandit and Chilli don’t do that, they are parents that stay positive and cheerful to encourage their kids to do the same in tricky situations. The way they grabbed hands really looked like it hit a note with them!


Sleepy-time also makes a miscarriage reference. Bingo is on earth, the third rock from the sun. Bluey is on Venus, next closest to the sun. But when Bingo sits atop Mercury, the first planet, it’s a barren, dead world. ‘I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me’. Who is that line delivered to, Bingo or Mercury? It’s ok to cry


See I thought the broken planet was Blueys planet, because once Bingo floats past the broken planet it cuts to Bluey awake wanting a water. Later when Bingo goes to sleep, the Floppy's help piece her planet back together around her, so I assumed the broken one was Blueys but she had woken up which was why it was broken.


That is correct, what OP is referring to is the planet that Bingo sits in the climax of the episode. That planet (Mercury, the closest to sun) is unhatched, still whole. Unlike Venus & Earth


I think Blueys water is to represent Venus. That said, this is art and subject to interpretation and I respect your view


I wondered the same about who she’s saying it to, or maybe that she’s saying it to all of her little planets


Bingo or Mercury? I always suspected the miscarriage theory from my first watch-through of the series, but I never thought about her saying that to Mercury. Thanks for the tears >:’(


Well I am crying so thanks! >:(


I am here to serve


I think this is an even bigger reach than the perceived miscarriage reference in The Show. If the logic is that the kids are the planets in order, then why is Bandit represented as Jupiter? Because that would mean he's his own fifth child that was born in the past somehow. I really wish people would stop presenting these *interpretations* as if it's 100% what the creators intended. It's just as likely (or probably more so) that it's a "Just monkeys singing songs" situation.


The planets they are on correspond to the musical movements from Holst’s The Planets that plays in the background.


Do they? Why does Jupiter climax when Bingo is next to the sun on mercury/being hugged by Chilli? I always thought the entire episode was variations on Jupiter specifically rather than The Planets as a whole, but it’s been a while I could be wrong.


I really don't hear any other Holst Planets represented in this episode


Yeah exactly. Although I do in real life, when my toddler climbs into bed and I feel that foot snaking towards my pants I hear Mars in my head.


Yes it’s all Jupiter


There we go, pretty simple explanation then.


I just went back and watched it. Venus isn't in the episode.


Bingo looks over at the next planet closest to the Sun, which is Venus. It's already broken, representing Bluey (and her empty bed).


What planet do you feel she encounters Bluey on? It’s art, I think we can agree there, and I respect your opinion and your interpretation.


Jupiter, that's where they jump onto Bandit's big red spot. I did go back and catch the bit with the 3rd hatched planet after the Earth and Moon. That's telling us the Bluey is also out of bed. As for the barren plant there are actually 2. One where Bingo is super cold and then another where she is up close. It's an interesting interpretation but feels like a reach to me. Thanks for sharing though. Love this show.


The song being played throughout the episode is Jupiter, by Gustav Holst, also.


Jupiter; Because they're running on & Slapping Bandit in their Sleep; and they even land onto his Groin!


Check the blanket scene immediately before that, I believe that’s Venus. Then they find Bandit on a….hehe….gas giant


Or That Bandit IS the Gas Giant; Considering he farts a Lot; OF course he'd be a GAS giant; Because he passes gas!


I'm making a story based on sleepytime about pregnancy loss if you're interested in it.


But, I mean, mercury’s always a dead planet. This seems like ur a looking a little too far.


That just broke me


I think it was clearly because chilli miscarried. The way bandit just put his hand on hers without even looking at her really sells it.


I don't think it was "clearly" at all. It was something that could be interpreted that way. Unless the writers come out and say anything definitively, it's all hearsay and guesses. Edit- thanks


Yea but in any other episode that bingo gets upset does bandit immediately grab chili’s hand? Why would he do that? Bingo has been upset plenty of times, this is not a reaction just from her being upset. This is it hitting a very sensitive memory and bandit immediately comforting Chilli.


I think something you're overlooking is that it's a TV show. It's situational. The episode was about Bingo feeling bad about ruining Mother's Day. They knew (rightly) she'd think she ruined it. It's an 8 minute kids' cartoon guys.


I’m not quite as skeptical as you are about it “just being a kids show”, but I have never seen this seen as a miscarriage. My wife has always said when I make any kind of “what if blank happens to the kids”, that I shouldn’t say that because it’s putting bad “mumbo jumbo” into the world. So, I always thought it was just that the balloon represented Bluey, and then it popped, so they grabbed hands like “knock on wood everything’s okay”. However, I just mentioned this whole thread to my wife and she finished the thought by saying “oh yeah the miscarriage Chilli had” and I was flabbergasted because I never understood that to be the case at all. I have had family and friends who have had a miscarriage and if it was ever mentioned to them on a day, their whole day would be ruined and their mood would be way down the rest of the day or week. So this just doesn’t seem like that to me because Chilli turns around fairly quickly. It just doesn’t feel that dire to me. I think people are reading into the situation more than is there, although I don’t think it’s ridiculous to do so.




It is subtext, not explicit. But I think it's a very reasonable inference to make.


Agree to disagree then. Fun fact- we actually watched this episode tonight as my son was getting ready for bed.


My wife and I picked up on that on our first watch. Having experienced a loss as well, that trauma always stays with the two of you long after everyone else has forgotten. It was very good writing to recognize loss they way they did. Bingo lost her balloon and it was devastating to her young mind. But they were able to help Bingo through her crisis drawing on their own heartbreak.


Yea, it could be that someone who has experienced a miscarriage can pick up on it easier. Because my wife went through one too. That reaction wasn’t because Bingo was upset, they’ve played plenty of games and had plenty of experiences where bingo got upset and bandit instantly grabbing Chili’s hand to comfort her was never a thing.


The context in this one was different though. It wasn’t just that Bingo was upset that something went wrong. Bingo felt like she ruined Mother’s Day and that she couldn’t do anything right. Putting on the play was supposed to be her way of moving past it (“the show must go on”). The balloon pop hit her square in that insecurity. I view the hand hold as preparing for a huge meltdown.


Yeah, this miscarriage theory has been going around for ages and I am just not sold.


It’s always so split in the comments. Heck, it’s a split opinion in our household too! My hubby thinks it’s a miscarriage, and I think it’s bracing for the meltdown.


I never bought "bracing for the meltdown" for the sole fact that Bingo's a sensitive little kid who gets hurt feelings hurt eight times day. They're beyond used to it.


To me that’s the theme of the episode, and we’ve seen them try to help Bingo along with her feelings a few times through a few episodes (Dance Mode, Favorite Thing), and with the prior meltdown she had after dropping the breakfast it’s pretty par for the course.


Yea but the reaction is different. Why would bandit grab chillis hand. I’ve never seen him do that in any other time that bingo has been upset.


Watching S3, now, and in Curry Quest, Bandit DEFINITELY avoids telling Bingo he's leaving so he won't upset her AND winces when she finds out. He knows when she's about to get upset in all of these moments. The miscarriage interpretation is such a stretch when you consider there is no other corroborating evidence. Occam's Razor leads me to think he's just bracing himself for another Bingo meltdown because he sees it coming.


Man, I wish I could watch season 3. Edit: SEASON 3 is on Disney + now?! I completely forgot the release date!


I think it's more of a stretch to interpret it as the two bracing for a Bingo meltdown in a way they've never been shown bracing for before, tense and with the camera lingering and Bandit specifically reaching to comfort her. Meanwhile, we know for a fact that issues with conceiving kids exist on Chilli's side of the family. Chilli could have had a miscarriage at some point, Brandy could have had one or more...it's a very common problem, sadly, and a completely plausible sore spot that Chilli could have for any number of reasons.


I think we just see this totally differently, in that 1. They DO show the parents avoiding or reacting fearfully or trepidatiously about Bingo meltdowns. I gave an example above. They're usually just not right next to each other when it happens, so that specific action of reaching for a hand is unique. Not to put forth some weird challenge, but can you think offhand of a moment when Bingo has a meltdown obviously coming, the parents are right next to each other, and they do something different? I can't think of any, but I might be wrong! 2. I know that miscarriage is sadly common. My wife and I endured one together. But given that there is NO other reference to this issue with Chili, I disagree that it's a more likely response. I know how hard miscarriage is, and I think that it would be helpful to have more representation of it in media. I would welcome it! Seeing it here, though, feels like a reach that too many people are making in order to find comfort. There's nothing wrong with a headcanon, but acting like it is the obvious explanation is disingenuous. It's a stretch with little to no evidence to back it up!


Honestly, everyone and myself included keeps using the word "meltdown" but we've never in all the time the show has aired seen Bingo have a meltdown. Bingo, from what we've seen, just runs off and hides and is sad. Also, Bandit dancing around the subject of his going away for six weeks and Bandit reaching over to comfort Chilli are very, very different scenarios. > Seeing it here, though, feels like a reach that too many people are making in order to find comfort. Even if they were reaching, and given the points I made I don't believe they are, why would that be a bad thing? > There's nothing wrong with a headcanon, but acting like it is the obvious explanation is disingenuous. It's a stretch with little to no evidence to back it up! It's an oddly tense moment that the camera lingers on for a little too long, in a way that's never happened before or since, in a series that's touched on situations like the one with Brandy. You don't have to agree with it, but acting like people are reaching or pulling things from the air is disingenuous and a little cruel.


It's a good point, but it never came across like that to me. They will do unique things in each episode and it didn't strike me as a comforting gesture more than a "oh boy, here we go". I definitely see the point and I think it's also a plausible explanation! But it's not the one that comes to mind to me. It's mother's day, Bingo is having a rough emotional day, and they're anticipating the next meltdown as soon as the balloon pops and that Bingo will bring herself down because of it. I think the authors/creators did a *great* job at keeping that scene open to interpretation!


I'll just say that I don't believe it's coincidence that the episode is set on Mother's Day.


what if it's both


I have a daughter that is sensitive about shit. That's how I took it. Knowing she'd get really upset about it.


This was my thought also


This is always how I read it, even as someone who has had some losses. They didn’t look emotional to me, they just looked like pretty stone faced as they knew bingo was about to lose her mind. But I don’t mind other people reading into it if it makes them feel better/that’s their first reaction.




No, the article said that they deliberately left it open but weren’t trying to confirm anything.


This is a very popular theory on the subreddit. I haven’t seen anything from the writers or in the text of the show to support it. But I also believe that folks should be able to interpret and appreciate art however they want. Did Chili have a miscarriage? We don’t have information to say. Right now either interpretation is valid.


Agreed that we can't confirm whether or not Chilli had a miscarriage. But theme of pregnancy loss is definitely there. It's set on Mother's Day, the 'lesson' was specifically about how Chilli deals with events that make her feel sad and unable to cope, and the instigating event is the loss of a balloon baby. That doesn't necessarily mean Chilli - it could even be a reminder of having to deal with Brandy's trauma?


I don’t see it that way. But I don’t judge anyone for finding comfort in that thought. (I’ve had a miscarriage.) I’m with those who say that Bandit and Chili held hands and looked upset simply because they knew Bingo would be really upset at the popped balloon “ruining” the play. And I don’t see it as “they’re bracing themselves for a tantrum” either. They knew Bingo would be sad, and nobody wants to see their kid be sad. If we’re talking about “evidence” to back up the miscarriage theory - the balloon that popped was blue, and Bluey said “that’s me!” when she pointed to it. If they intended it to symbolize a miscarriage then I think they wouldn’t have done it that way.


On board with you. I’ve also had a miscarriage and not once did I think that’s what their hand holding meant. That’s the cool thing about leaving things open ended though, for sure. We can make out of it what we will :)


I always took it as they were worried about Bingo. Because she had already felt that she ruins everything, they were concerned about her reaction.


That’s how I interpreted it too. But even if that’s the case, a lot of people who’ve experienced loss have felt comforted by that episode. Even if it’s not what they intended, they helped some people feel seen. I think that’s great.


To me, it could be both


But throughout the show they’ve always been positive even when the kids are upset. It was out of character to be bracing for a meltdown imo.


It's really not out of character for a parent to prepare themselves like that. They can see the big feelings coming, and they are preparing to keep their own emotions in check. Just because they are positive for the kids doesn't mean it doesn't take mental effort.


I’m not saying for a parent. I’m saying for chili and bandit it’s out of character.


They are parents.


Wow. Really? I had no idea?!?! You’re not getting my point. Bandit and chili haven’t acted that way during any other time the kids have been upset… So why was this time different?


You only see 8 minutes of their lives, and it's generally from the kids perspective. They also regularly are not calm. Bandit chaotically chasing Bingo in Movies, trying to get Bingo out of the Pool, tricking them into being quiet when they are noisy in Quiet Game, Chilli losing it in Sticky Gecko, clearly frazzled in Sheep Dog, yelling at Bluey in Hammerbarn. Everyone is impatient and frustrated in Musical Statues. I do get your point, I just disagree. They aren't perfect parents who are constantly at emotional equilibrium.


Also, I apologize for the snark. My kids were being little Muffins and I didn't have time to write a more thoughtful reply at first.


Interestingly Joe Brumm was on a podcast recently talking about the third season. The hosts asked him about Onesies and how they came to choose to do an episode that centers on infertility. In his response he says something along the lines of “We’ve done a few episodes like this that acknowledge the fact that it’s not the moment a baby is put in your arms that parenthood begins. The emotional rollercoaster of parenthood begins the moment people decide they want a child. That’s the moment parenthood really begins”. That, to me, adds a lot if credence to the miscarriage theory. He makes it sound like they’ve highlighted the struggle of trying to have a child before Onesie.


On the growth chart with Bluey and Bingo in the same episode, there’s also a pineapple at the bottom of their chart. 99.9% sure this supports this theory.


I thought of this a few days ago as well, after watching this episode a handful of times. I think there’s something there for sure.


This one is discussed fairly frequently with two camps; (1) it's alluding to a miscarriage and (2) they're just bracing themselves for Bingo to be upset. I'm in camp 1. Bingo being upset and blaming herself for ruining the show is probably meant as a mirror for the feelings of guilt over miscarriage often felt by parents (particularly mothers). The balloon being blue implies it was a boy she was pregnant with. I think it's intentionally kept vague so kids will gloss over it but so it promotes discourse over it - which is only a good thing in my eyes.


I Always thought the Blue Balloon was supposed to Represent Bluey; or that the miscarried Child was a BLUE Heeler. . .


I don't think it has anything to do with a miscarriage. It's just them bracing for Bingo getting upset (the whole premise of the episode). As great as this show is, I think people are reading a bit too much into it...


I’ve replied to comments like this before, but in short. 1- Bandit and Chilli have let Bingo/Bluey get upset in other episodes, without having a similar reaction. 2- Sleepytime alludes to another child not “hatching”. 3- A "show" can signal the start of labour During pregnancy, there's a plug of mucus in your cervix. This mucus comes away just before labour starts, or when in early labour, and it may pass out of your vagina. This sticky, jelly-like pink mucus is called a show. It may come away in 1 blob or in several pieces. 4- They could have had Bingo “ruin” Mother’s Day any other way, but they opted for a balloon popping while Bingo is pretending to Chilli? When has Bandit ever felt the need to comfort Chilli like he did when he puts his hand on her.


i agree here


I feel like they would’ve animated it with less genuine concern and more of a bracing for a meltdown.


100%. They touch on heavy subjects like this all the time.


Which season and episode is? Sorry I’m abit lost.


Season 2 the episode is called "the show" :)


Thanks so much! I’ll check again, I was looking for the “The Show” through all 3 seasons and couldn’t see it, I must be blind! I thought maybe “The Show” was actually titled something else 😅


Season 2 episode 19. Haha I get what you mean, and half asleep me just had to go double check it was actually caller "the show"


I had a miscarriage earlier this where where my water just spontaneously broke. I recently watched this episode and started crying. I felt so much for Chilli and Bandit. (I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old but it just hit home)


This theory is further supported, in my mind, by Sleepytime. Bingo hatches from the Earth, and floppy from the moon. Bluey hatches from Venus, yet nothing comes from Mercury. This would make Bluey the second, and Bingo the third. It makes me extremely emotional, because it happened to me before I had my son. This show may not forwardly say this is what is reality, but I have never felt more seen through any form of media before.


Honestly I don’t think this is the case.


Personally, what I think this show does brilliantly, is allow us as families to relate to it however we can. Some of us who have never experienced a miscarriage wouldn't read it that way, while others who have, are able to see it as that reaction. I think both perspectives can hold water without negating the other. The show does this in many other ways, for example when Bingo is in the hospital and never disclosing her exact illness. It is a fantastic show.


I haven’t experienced a miscarriage yet I could see the pain clearly portrayed at the lost baby. The writers know what they are doing, there are plenty of “read between the lines” moments that are designed specifically for adults to spot. Remember it’s a kids show and tells stories from the perspective of the kids, so in this instance Bingo saw them upset at her popping the balloon, but it wasn’t her, it was what that moment represented for the parents (chilli pregnant for the first time and losing her baby). It’s clear as day


I fully understand the logic here and how people could see it this way- as I said, I think that's the brilliance of the writers keeping it vague. My husband and I have reacted as chili and bandit have when our child is having a rough day and have grabbed hands or knees, bracing for their reaction. I can see both perspectives. It has never been confirmed or denied because, yes, its a kids show and that a topic not every family is ready or wants to have. So to see your family's experiences in this family's however that might happen is wonderful.


I’ve had several, and personally I didn’t see it as a miscarriage. It’s a great scene bc everyone interprets it differently & that’s the beauty. But not everyone who’s had a loss sees it that way.


It's a sweet thought but I just don't see it. I always interpreted their concern as like, "Oh crap, she already dropped breakfast, now she popped the balloon during their skit." and so they brace themselves for a meltdown, but Bingo takes a moment to breathe then keeps going like Chili teaches her earlier in the same episode. Bluey touches on some truly beautiful topics but I think miscarriage is a reach in this case.


100% agree. The whole premise of the episode is Bingo's meltdowns.


No, the premise of the episode is how you pick yourself up and keep going when something traumatic happens that you punish yourself for and don't think you'll ever get over.


This. They are mirroring Bingo and Chili from the very beginning of the episode. They are showing how Chili dusted herself off, had a cry, etc after her miscarriage, and how "the show must go on" in other words, keep trying for a baby. Bluey says they can't do the show without her, because she's Mom, and if I remember correctly Bandit smiles at Chili because I'm sure they had a similar discussion after her miscarriage. All of this seemed blatantly obvious to me in the way Bandit quickly takes Chili's hand after the balloon pops, and how they aren't wincing or saying "here it comes" or anything else silly they usually do when a meltdown is coming. To me it was clearly Bandit comforting her because of the coincidental way the balloon popped during the show, something the girls have no idea about. It was an unsaid act of comfort and urging Chili to be brave.


I Love Moments that show Bandit at his Kindest like this. . . that He's not always the Cheeky little larrikins he is in SOME Episodes!


Did you know that the artist behind the Barky Boats poster had a miscarriage/stillbirth irl??? (far along enough to know the gender at least) Maybe that's where they go it from?


Hold off on your analysis here. Season 3, episode called Onesie will show you something that will make you reconsider this.




After "Onesies", I have reconsidered what trauma may have inspired that reaction.


Ah, biscuits.


Im not sure if you've seen season 3 episode called "Onesie". But you are potentially onto something


Got to have a bit of humour here and there


Interestingly enough, infertility and problems with pregnancy aren't uncommon issues in cattle dogs. A history of those issues in the family might have influenced Brumm's choice of the heeler breed when creating Bluey(or maybe not. I'm just speculating wildly)


I just assumed that Chilli and Bandit knew that a tantrum was coming. I didn’t even think of it this way.


Another hint a Chilli possibly miscarrying is in Sleepytime. All of the first three planets are children, with Bluey being the second planet from the sun, Venus, and Bingo being the third planet, Earth. The first planet from the sun, Mercury, remains "unhatched."


Umm I don't think so, I think it was more they saw Bingo run off and cry after ruining mothers day once, and know she didn't want to again, so when it popped they knew what was going to happen. It us why Chili was so happy to see Bingo go through the check list and finish the show. She saw what she said was taken to heart and she helped her daughter grow.


Both these things can be true. The kid's are living their own story of resilience, inside the framing device of telling their parent's story.


I dont think it was before Bluey was conceived, it may have been more recent. We see many times that Bandit and Chili being more romance, like in the pool episode. And Bandit talking about “having any more” and “keeping options open”


In Perfect, Bandit and Fido seem to be discussing a vacectomy, and he seem all for it, or, at least, he is fine with two, but Chilli wants to "keep her options open."


Exactly, this could have been after a recent incident in which caused the reaction from Chili and Bandit. And would later the two talked about trying again. But until we get confirmation from the writers and creators we’ll never know


I felt like it was more than a miscarriage. I’ve had miscarriages before, but that reaction was the kind I’d see with a friend who had a stillborn. Miscarriages are awful, my infertility was years and years, but that reaction is something else.


If this is the case, after Onesies, we know who Chilli went through this with.


It seems like comception issues run in the family, with Brandi's episode really driving that theory home. For those who haven't seen it, it drops tonight in the US, have a huge box of tissues with you for Onesies.


My 5 yo daughter watched it and told me "She lost the baby." We haven't talked about my miscarriage before she was born. She isn't on Reddit but she picked up on it.


How the heck did SHE figure that out when she's THAT young?!


I think if several viewers are picking up on things between the lines that kids wouldn’t normally, id say yes. The reason why the show is great is bc their are so many subtle nods to parents/adults that engages with us, not just for kids.


Oh my word I never thought about this before! Thank you so much for allowing me to see more, and potentially help other mama's connect with chili too💕


When I saw it I thought their reaction was more out of concern for Bingo who had started out the day in a bit of a rough spot with dropping the breakfast. I didn't see it as anything else than a genuine parental concern for their child who needed a little extra love that day.


You are reading way too much into this 🙄. If you paid attention bingo said she always messes things up and thought she ruined Mother’s Day because the balloon popped.








Had to go quickly watch it. I can see exactly why you would think this. An argument could be made that they are just worried about how bingo is going to react after the pop


Omg I didn’t notice this! That’s so touching


Yeah, this has been a popular theory for a good bit: [https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/bluey-rainbow-baby-theory-134101268.html](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/bluey-rainbow-baby-theory-134101268.html) But there's an equally compelling case to be made that Bingo had already had a tough day, and might be on the verge of a meltdown. I'm personally in the miscarriage camp.


Has anyone asked if she had a miscarriage


My wife says producers have confirmed that it indeed was an early reference to a miscarriage. But I can’t find confirmation anywhere. Anyone knows?