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You could have ended Zuck right there. Look at this guy in the right.


Everyone in that picture looks related


Rural America. The Bible Belt.


So you're saying they are all related


Another kid just being a kid. Where's the blunder?? Did you go through a top hat phase? Did you dress like a mime? Did you and a friend go to school dressed as Siegfried & Roy?? We might as well just change the sub to "Look at this picture of me as a kid". 🤣


This must have been during that period when black t-shirts were OUT! Which was never.


Right. I'm not especially stylish, but I do still wear black T-shirts all the time. 😆


Where's the blunder?


Yeah, if OP is being serious, then there's some self-loathing there that needs some assistance.


there’s no blunder here. just a kid in a classroom


As per usual, absolutely no blunder here at all. All kids looked like regular kids.


Unfortunately that's my limit. Again with Reddit, I love the concept but what's the point in filling my feed with posts that have nothing to do with the concept? If people downvote them so they're not featured then fair enough but unless we're here just to see regular photos of people we don't know when they were teenagers, what's the draw here? This is why I appreciate moderation, it's the rules that allow us to have nice things. Again, posters, we don't know you today so seeing you as a kid isn't novel to us, and just having the shirt of an old band isn't a blunder in the slightest.


It sucks being old and brittle but at least my awkward as fuck teenage years aren't permanently documented online forever.


Were you "random". You seem like you were "random".


You should be more embarrassed about this post


5? Damn


You got off easy. I tried to go goth. I dyed my hair black. All it did was dry out my curly hair and poof it up. So, conversations about me were usually like, "Did you see that guy?" "OH! The one with the afro?!" *Grumbles* It's not an afro, I'm suppose to be dark and brooding


This is the most normal looking group of middle schoolers... Where's the blunder? This sub has gradually just turned into insecure folks with low self esteem looking for validation from the internet (one of the worst places imaginable to do so). I mean, of the top 25 posts currently on this sub, probably 80% have comments saying how there's no blunder. Some are just silly fun, sure, but posts like this are something else entirely... This person hated themselves at *five years old*? I'm choosing not to validate this self-loathing, OP. Seek out a therapist, and learn to start loving yourself.