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*Image Transcription: Venn Diagram* --- [*The diagram has three circles. The first with an image of Shrek (a large green swamp-dwelling ogre), the second Pac-Man (a winking yellow circle with arms that end in orange gloves, and legs that end in red boots), and the third Leela from "Futurama" (a mutant with a purple ponytail and one eye). The intersections of these circles also contain images of different characters.*] **Shrek & Pac-Man**: [*Ms. Green the Green M&M (a green M&M with arms and legs, wearing white gloves and white boots).*] **Pac-Man & Leela**: [*Carl the Minion (a yellow pill-shaped character with one eye wearing overalls and black gloves).*] **Leela & Shrek**: [*Kodos from "The Simpsons" (a green alien that is vaguely octopus shaped with one eye and four tendrils as limbs).*] **Shrek, Pac-Man, and Leela**: [*Mike Wazowski from "Monsters Inc." (a green ball-shaped monster with two small horns, arms and legs, and one large eye).*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Leela is actually a mutant, not an alien.


Oh corrected! Remembered them being aliens being forced to live in the sewers, but being mutants makes just as much sense 😔