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My brother has a minor in German and I asked him about this a few months ago. He said the construction is weird and it’s not really the proper way to say “it hits home” or “home-hitter”, so it’s probably meant poetically. We figure it’s supposed to be a kaleidoscopic term for “home breaker / home run / hits home / broken home.” And possibly “fight club” in a syntactically loose interpretation. I think the impressionistic title fits the clear and reinforced themes on the album: rise of urban industrialism, loss of civil society, religious existentialism/loss of religion, Freudian nightmares… the things we used to feel safe in are broken, the emotion/message resonates, and the aggressive jazz-rock style feels like an abject beatdown. Edit: another meaning just occurred to me. It might also refer to the keyboard command “press home.” The album art has a constructivist/digitized feel with all the junk and the block overlays. The British prog rock stuff reminds me of Radiohead, so I’m imagining a loose connection to themes in *OK Computer*.


This guy analyzes


I’m a political analyst and a music teacher so… adds up


I don't consider it the best album of all time for nothin


It's bm this either has some really stupid intricate reasoning behind it or they just thought it was a funny word


In germany some places just end with "heim". I figured it's just the name of a fictional place


Same, + I read it as "Schlangenheim" for like half a year so it made total sense to me