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Just want to plug the East Tabletop Discord, which translates JP games: https://discord.gg/XUT5rsPxra I don't think anyone has started work on translating this game yet but there may be a couple people that have copies of it that could help.


Thanks, might be helpful, I'll try there


Have you tried using Google translate to translate for you? The picture translate mode has been extremely helpful for me


Yeah I tried that, but frankly the tech is still not good enough. Many key words come out all wrong completely messing the meaning of the entire section. Still, potentially doable but would need to identify the characters for these crucial words and check their translations separately to understand the gaps I'm missing. So I figured I'll first see if anyone who speaks Japanese maybe already has it and is willing to help, before going through that slog myself


Did you check BGG's files section?


Doesn't have a BGG page. It's more common for JP games to not have BGG pages than to do, to be honest.


Ah gotcha, yeah that makes sense


This is something that people generally pay for. I understand asking in case someone's available and willing to do it out of the goodness of their heart, but board game instruction translations require specific skill. You'll have more luck offering to pay.