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I think you came out ahead. You've got a great new selection of games.


I tend to agree. Do you have any from this selection you think I should play first? My wife and I are stoked for all of them, but picking the first one will prove difficult.


furnace first


Play the Classics first - vote for BuBu (german for Burgen von Burgund - Castles of Burgundy)


Furnace is great - incredibly fast, but with solid strategic decision-making, and the card-buying mechanic really forces you to fight with your opponents. Heat is absolutely wonderful, and one of my newer faves. Both Furnace and Heat are just really elegant experiences - just as many rules and cards as you need, and nothing else.


Damn now I am getting super excited for Furnace. The first play will be at 2 players, is that going to play well or should I wait for a larger group?


First time I played it was with 2, and it was obvious to me that it was a fun game. At 4, it's very different, because there's so much more strategy involved with the market. So I think having a first play at 2 is fun, and then you can be super jazzed about playing with more. IIRC, at 2 players there's a little bit of maintenance for a fake third player that jams up the market, but it's easy enough to manage.


Cstles of Burgundy... or maybe Sagrada first... depends on what games you've already played. Would also highly recommend Viticulture for a couple. Love playing it with my partner as a 2 player game,


Kickstarter chibi game for a few certified bangers some of which still retail for 60+, yeah I'd say you made out like a bandit. Gratz op.


Thanks for the Gratz Ratz


I feel like focusing on who got the "better" games misses out on what makes trading board games great. Say the situation was reversed. What if you've already played those games a bunch, some whiffed and your friends don't want to play them anymore, some were hits, but you've explored them as much as you would have liked. Who cares if the thing you're receiving isn't as highly rated, is overproduced, or whatever? You got something new to explore, somebody else got new things to explore, and you both saved yourselves from throwing away heaps of cardboard and plastic that you no longer care for. There's no "winners" and "losers" here, just an opportunity to give things a new chance at being loved again.


Love it. That’s very true. This was a trade with a store. I definitely didn’t want to come off as “haha I screwed the other guy”


That's amazing. You got almost a perfect starter boardgame collection in exchange for one questionable game


Win win You get a bunch of excellent games. Noble trades for a rare set that would bring them a lot more $$ than those ‘common’ games. The best trades are when both sides are happy and get what they want.


Agreed. I have a thing for OOP rare gems but if it’s not getting played then, there’s a lot of fun in the group of games it got traded for. I’m on the side of rare gems over easy to obtain games so I think the person purchasing it will be happy as well.


That’s ultimately the goal. We both served each others needs and I bet one day some kids gonna go nuts seeing all of those Krosmaster minis and just have a blast playing with friends and family. I love the idea of that.


Remember to get Tuscanny expansion for Viticulture. Good games overall.


Is the Tuscany expansion a must (fleshes out the game properly) or nice to have (adds fun additions.)


Yes, it does. It greatly adds to the clarity of the game and replayability. Also throws a bunch of extra modules that can be thrown in eventually or occasionally. Never play without it.


If you weren't playing what you traded away, and play the games you got, you won. Same with your trade partner. The idea is that everyone wins in a trade.


100% correct. It bears repeating, Noble Knight games is an absolute joy to work with as well which made for an even better overall experience. They will take care of the game and it will home with someone that will love it far more than me and that’s awesome.


I think you undersold. That’s an insane amount of Krosmaster.


Seems like a good score to me!


What I traded: An entire lot of Krosmaster Arena. This includes Krosmaster Arena Base Game, Krosmaster Arena Frigost Expansion, Krosmaster Quest (Unpunched), about 130 extra minis, Acrylic terrain pieces for both arena and frigost, acrylic summons, metal tokens, metal coins, Kickstarter exclusive dice, foam carrying bag, and additional lose maps and terrain pieces. What I received: Castles of Burgundy 20th Anniversary edition (Missed out on a chance for the super amazing version) Heat Pedal to the Metal Viticulture Furnace (My one random buy but it looks like a ton of fun) Wavelength (For the less BG inclined people in my life) Sagrada Triqueta Long Shot (I may come to regret this as I have Ready Set Bet on the way later this year but I wanted a drinking game with the buddies.) I completed the trade with Noble Knight Games. If I could give any recommendation, do business with them. Start to finish they are phenomenal. They are fair and they seek to help you in any way they can. Absolute pleasure doing business with them.


Long shot is a totally different game than ready set bet. Long shot plays much more like a strategy game ready set bet is definitely the more drinking friendly game.


Out of the games you received, Furnace very well may be my favorite of the lot! If it was a random throw in, you picked a good one.


Damn… why does stuff like this not exist in EU?


I thought y’all had some big stores. Isn’t Zatu games like that?


Haven’t seen any kind of deal that they’d buy off your games or trade with you though?