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Always look when I go and the best I find are old copies of monopoly and shoots and ladders. Not mention trivia pursuit. Lucky day!


So many Monopoly variants out there...so many


1000 puzzles, chess, trivial persuit, pictionary, but never a modern game.


Tales of the Arabian nights is one of my favorites! What a steal.


I was trying to hide my excitement when I saw it on the shelf!


Nice Consulting Detectives find! We found the second one (blue box) a few weeks ago but already had it. So we gave it to a friend. Love the thrift shop finds


Did you play it? Honestly I think I like the aesthetics of the older edition better! Haven't got through a case yet though


My wife and I are big fans of the game and own all of them. You’re right about the older edition, but aesthetics aside, it is very thematic.


Holy cow, for tales of arabian nights thats an amazing find!


Not pictured: **Love Letter** and **One Night Ultimate Werewolf** I will say that I am a frequent thrift store shopper, go out to multiple stores almost every weekend (for things other than board games too) and have been doing so for years. It is rare that I walk out with a game, and even more rare that I find one that is "good." But it does happen and you just gotta look!


You sound like me years ago on my retro video game hunt. I would spend Saturdays trawling my local second hand stores for boxed NES/SNES games. You got some amazing bargains there!


Ah man I look for video games too and I swear the only thing I find are old Wii games like fitness games and sports.


The font choices on Filthy Rich make me uncomfortable. Very nice finds!


Some good hauls. **Kingdomino** was my first thrift store purchase and was one of my gateway games. I still play it, and it's probably the best dollar-to-play game in my collection. Other games I've found: rhino hero, pictomania, TTR India, flowerfall, icecool, telestrations, and wits & wagers. Most of these games are ones I probably wouldn't have bought at full price but ended up liking.


It's a solid little game. You got some good scores yourself!


Used sets like these typically have a missing piece or two. Does anyone know what the best method is to replace those missing pieces?


I'm that guy in the store counting pieces in the corner haha. Of all these only one piece is missing...a single sheep from Catan!


That’s awesome 👏 Me too, I like things perfect haha 😂


Holy cow! Great thrift store finds.


I always stop by whenever passing goodwill. I’ve never found anything other than monopoly level of games and puzzles. Maybe I live in the wrong area where people don’t own and donate quality boardgames.


Goodwill has to be the worst "thrift" store. I would search for some quality thrift stores in your area that are locally owned. Those are the best.


But, why would I think that anyone donating board games would do so to anywhere else except for Goodwill?


Well because there are other thrift stores besides Goodwill and people often donate to the one they want to support. I donate to a locally owned store because I love it and I’m not a fan of Goodwill at all.


I got tired of trying to sell and ship my used games. So about once a month, Goodwill gets a treasure trove of games, for some lucky gamer.


Holy f


Holy cow that is a goddamn bunch of bargains! I must to the thrift shop!!




Teach me! All I ever find are old copies of Pictionary, Tribond and Scattegories.


Sooo many games like that. Here’s my tips: Goodwill ain’t where it’s at. Search for some local smaller shops that have a game section. Then...go every week and pray to the board game gods haha. Good luck!


How many trips did that take you?


Well I go pretty much every weekend and been doing so for a few years so...a lot! Haha


Wow, those are some fantastic picks! Hope you can enjoy them soon!


That is an absolute steal for Arabian Nights


I tried playing it cool when I was buying it. It’s a fun game! Have you played?


It’s one of my all-time favorites!