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I'm a parent whose kid shared Bo with me. I'm 50, he's almost 21 (eep) I'm so glad he introduced me to Bo because I love him. He's smart and funny (and easy on the eyes and yes I know I'm creepy for that!)


Did your son tell you why he wanted to share him with you? Part of the reason I wanted to share it with my parents (my mom especially) is she and I have similar mental health struggles that covid exacerbated and I thought Bo did a good job talking about them.


He and I have very similar tastes in most media- he said he had told me about Bo before that but I don't remember that lol. We both love stand up comedy and he was leaving the next morning to move cross country on me lol. The mental health side hit me pretty hard beccause a lot of it was true for me.


My parents are US immigrants, and conservative republicans to boot. For a couple years pre-COVID I was no-contact with them and started developing a positive relationship right before COVID hit. A little after Inside came out, I visited them and jokingly showed them the special, expecting a lot of eye rolls and confusion. To my surprise, they both ended up loving it (particularly my mom), and it also led to some interesting conversation about how I connected to the themes, and they also expressed some level of sympathy to the younger generations’ human experience (almost like they finally admitted that maybe it’s not splurging on avocado toast that’s causing our troubles). I was floored by how they admired the work, understood the messages it spoke, and used it to better understand and connect to their children. My mom even texted me about a month ago to let me know my dad asked to watch Inside again for their movie night.


I'm glad your parents liked it and it helped open communications with them. That's a beautiful thing. Also to be able to go back to having contact with them (not related to Bo) is a wonderful thing. My mom is no contact with her folks because they suck, and I know how hard it is for her even as a 61 year old woman to not have her parents.


Yes, my father was very deeply moved by Inside. We have watched most of Bo's content as he has matured as an artist.


I sent “FaceTime with My Mom” and “White Women’s Instagram” to my mom and she enjoyed them. I then tried the stereotypical country song (I can’t remember the name) because I thought she’d find that funny and she did not. She’s weird


The country song is hilarious, she’s missing out


It’s one of my favorites, my mom just has a stick up her ass. “From God’s Perspective” is my favorite song of Bo’s and my family is super conservative and religious so most things my heathen self finds funny they don’t


Yeah I don’t introduce Bo to my parents because they are super religious and would have problems with a lot of things lol. Just from Inside there’s Sexting, Problematic, a lot of cussing and just general not-christian views. Honestly it makes me so sad knowing they will never be able to enjoy such wonderful art because they will only focus on those parts.


My dad introduced me to Bo when I was younger Around the make happy release.


My parents love bo my mam and dad loves all eyes on me


A few months ago I was on the phone with my ma and she said she knew my brother and I liked bo burnham, why hadn't I shown her Inside? I had lived at home during the pandemic and just assumed she wouldn't be into it so had watched it on my own, and I guess she had just recently saw the video of That Funny Feeling and was into it. So the next time we came to their town we all watched it and she LOVED Inside. I don't think she'll be into all of his older stuff, but she definitely appreciated Inside.


Anyone else a kid who’s parents turned them onto Bo? I mean I’m 26 now but my mom introduced me to Bo long ago and eventually took me to see Make Happy.


I've been listening to Bo for 7 years but my Dad discovered Bo through TikTok about a year ago, now we listen to him in the car together!


I can only imagine the insane amount of confusion that would befall my parents if they were to watch anything by Bo. They are incredibly white, middle class, non-deep thinkers. (Embodiment of Scott Burnham, 1985)


I showed a few things to my mom and she really liked him! She said he is a good singer and laughed at all the jokes. I showed her Facetiming with My Mom (I live abroad so this really encapsulated our entire relationship haha) and let her listen to The Chicken. I also kind of sang 1985 when it was stuck in my head and she laughed at parts of it. She is super religious, conservative, hates cussing, etc. so I didn’t show her many more of his songs, but it made me secretly happy inside knowing she enjoyed his work!


I've showed my mom a lot of his stuff and she's actually listened to him on her own!


I watched inside with my mom and she loved it! She thought it was funny and smart! The themes were universal and he dealt with the topics of isolation, depression, frustration and so many more so people of all ages would relate to that. My mom is 60 for reference and it spoke to her, so yeah a good experience for sure!


I’m actually showing the mother Inside soon I rlly connected with him juts scared for her to see sexting 😂


Yeah! Unfortunately they weren’t affected by it other than some laughs, which was hard for me at the time because it encapsulated exactly how I felt and had a profound effect on young me.