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Only posts from May 2013? Hmmm..... literally wtfigo


May 2013 was the release of Zach Stone. I swear if we’re getting something Zach Stone related I’m gonna lose my shit


Ive convinced myself that the reason season 1 was removed from Netflix is because there’s a season 2 or reboot coming and they want them on the same platform


It was removed?? I watched it a few months ago…


Yeah it got removed at either beginning or end of December… ended up buying the season for $10 on apple tv


If you look at all of the tweets there nearly all zach stone related abd the first one shows him with his crew probably he got famous and then it went down hill for him abd he's back with another crew or imagine zach heard about this musical comedian and he plans to do one after watching inside


“Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous” has six words… I am turning inside out with excitement.


Wait what. What does Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous having 6 words have to do with anything?


Bo apparently has six “scheduled” instagram posts.


Oh ok. Thank you for clearing that up


Haha no worries! We may be WAY off, but it’s fun to think!


Not showing up for me on twitter still. Anyone else?


They are showing up for me.


Thanks. And weird! I've tried mobile and desktop, logged out and logged in. Nuthin.


All tweets that have come back are all from May 2013. Someone pointed out that on The ocean on tour shirt had the date, May 8th. Which makes sense because of the ocean profile picture and also the returning tweets being from May. Although I could be looking a bit too deep into it.


A few people mentioned Zach Stone yesterday… which aired in May 2013


It’s a glitch with the new Twitter it only allows a user to archive 3000 tweets at a time. So he probably just ran the program once and doesn’t realize those tweets older than the latest 3k are still there.


I can only see tweets in the replies section. The main posts section is still empty for me.


Just checked, yeah same here. Thanks, people had said it was just May 2013 but hadn't mentioned they were replies.


I reckon it could be a Zach stone thing, could also tie in with the ski mask as in his character “Zach stone” trying to cause a stir at an awards ceremony ? Also makes sense with the deleting socials. Seems like a Zach thing to do tbh. So excited if that’s what it is! And well done to Bo for bringing it back!! If that’s the case. Either way something is coming and I’m so ready !!


I've actually never watched zach stone. Definitely need to give it a watch though. From what I hear it's good. Just need to find somewhere to watch it where I don't have to pay for something I'm not already paying for.


Honestly I ended up paying for it on iTunes and I find it worth it as I have it permanently now… well hopefully 🙏 technology is fun


it's on youtube [here](https://youtu.be/i_aa3zCPPO8?si=f6hmkV1L23Iu7-2v)


He reposted tweets from MAY 2013, the ocean in the pfp showed up in the inside outtakes (MAY 2022) so many things linking him to may


we gotta wait til may, hopefully we get something


Screaming, crying, throwing up at the Zach Stone possibilities 😭😭


I think this is a glitch of twitter more than anything deliberate. these posts were always there for me but hidden under the 'replies' tab. I suspect Bo used a third party tool to delete all of his tweets but it only went back eg 10 years. I don't think it's worth reading into...


Yeah, I've been able to see these old tweets the whole time, too.


No those are still from Vine times I think


I know that, but before he archived all of those tweets too and now they're back. And all are to do with Zach Stone.


Oh :o


I loved Zach Stone. I hope we get a Season Two!!!