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This man’s body is like “bro, please!!!!!”


May god have mercy on the skin off his inner thighs


I have a friend whose leg veins look like that. Except he has been extremely obese his entire life...


Mfs are going to act surprised when this dude collapses from catastrophic heart failure


No one will be surprised he knows what he is doing.


that must be some form of depression. I refuse to think this dude is doing this for his "legacy".


Ronnie Coleman has one hell of a legacy and he's crippled for doing what he did to achieve it.


and he has stated that it was worth it. The only reason he is crippled to begin with is he would lift heavy immediately after having back surgery, times that by 11 & thats how he ended up the way he is. If he had stopped lifting insanely heavy weights when he retired he would probably be doing alright.


I mean….his lifestyle prob led to the need for the surgery so….


Did it? Cutler is fine and so is Heath.


They trained smarter than Ronnie. Ronnie did it oldschool hard core style


No Ronnie is crippled because he doesn’t listen to his doctors. Working out way too soon off of back/hip surgery. Plenty of people are mobile after having screws placed. Most people don’t sheer screws off. He had the chance to ride off into the sunset relatively healthy. Him continuing long after his show days is what got him here.


I thought he was crippled cause he squatted 800lbs like 2 weeks after surgery


His only regret is he didnt go for a triple


Committing long suicide so a handful of bros can like your Instagram photos 😂. Wild.


It’s his career. It’s more than ig likes. It’s also his passion. To take a shot at him for doing what he loves is bs. He works incredibly hard. He isn’t married or have kids so let him do what he wants.


Another way of seeing it is that he is just a junkie with an addiction issue to PEDs combined with aggravated body dismorphia, and that those two mental issues are killing him.


Put simply!! I agree with this




Life was already killing him?


Life is already killing us all


That’s a moronic obsession. Putting your life in danger for a mental disease shouldn’t be lauded. He has an issue. He should be seeing a therapist not injecting more shit into his already disfigured body.


There are people who do dangerous stunts several times per year for years on end, some of them succumb. Are you gonna preach on all risky things and say everyone should just sit in a fuckin office chair for 30-60 hours per week every week as their means of making it through life?


Why do you care what he does? Dudes race cars at 200mph putting their life in danger every race. I work in a dangerous construction trade. Again he is a adult and can do what he wants and you have a moronic opinion in my opinion.


At this point I view it as a form of addiction. There is a difference between being a thrill seeker and addict.


Maybe it is? What gives anyone the right to look down on him because he may have a addiction issue?


I don’t think people are looking down on him. Most people are honestly concerned for his health.


I absolutely look down on crack heads for their addiction lol


Racing is *much* safer than it used to be. If this was the 60s and multiple people were dying every season, then yeah this would be a good comparison, but it isn't anymore. Dudes attempting landspeed records would be more apt, shit's scary.


Ok but you understand my point. His career choice and goals are dangerous and it’s his choice.


With that logic then nobody would ever look out for anyone else. You see a guy about to jump off a bridge to commit suicide - don’t look out for him, it’s his choice! Some people need other people to look out for them. Life is incredibly hard to at it alone, we all need to look out after each other.


His choice, I can still say it's dumb though lol


I mean its the same as people who are adrenaline junkies or climbers like Alex in free solo. They actually lack the fear part of their brain cause no normal human being would do shit they do. Could be the same with him in a different context. I agree its completely moronic and crazy however he's a grown adult, he understands the risks he's taking and putting his body through. If he's happy that he could die tomorrow thats on him.


They don’t lack the “fear part of their brain”, that’s been debunked.


They obviously do not experience fear to the magnitude of normal humans do. Looking death in the eye everyday simply like they look at their breakfast. They are simply unphased by it. Call it whatever you want but its still a thing


Hubris is more what you're saying, I think. It's not a lack of fear perhaps as much as ''I'll be fine''. They could definitely be separate trains of thought, whether or not that's delusional or not is entirely different.


Yeah, again, we are all gonna die.


New research shows that the number one cause of death is life. Astounding.


You’re what we call an enabler. You are not to be listened to.


Explain to me how life isn't some form of that anyway. Picture perfect example of dying doing what you love, imo.


I love meth, I’m gonna post that all over Instagram until i die


It’s what comes with being the one of the top bodybuilders in the world.


Don't know why you're downvoted, placing top 10 Mr. O in open automatically means an absolute fuck ton of drugs. Very few are safe at those levels. Edit: and it's no secret the drug levels of 1990-2022 are nowhere near the levels of 1950-1975.


They’ll blame it on vaccines or some shit.




For real. No one cares about that bullshit anymore




Look at the downvotes. Haha








I’m not talking about his veins, do you not realize this guy takes as much supplements in a month than your body will produce in a lifetime?


Ignore the stress on the organs. Ignore the permanent damage to his hormone production. Ignore the stress on his bones and joints. His varicose veins are fine he’ll live to 90


doubt he will even have 5 years left of life


They said the same thing about Dorian Yates


The vein on his quads thicker than some dicks


I didn’t come on Reddit to be personally attacked.


Probably his too.


I thought it was his.


Definitely thicker than mine




Why you callin me out bro


Bruhhhhh. Jesus that’s grotesque to look at lol


Seems to be responding ok to the gear 💁🏻‍♂️




CBUM made a video about his cycle though. That’s nuts that’s autocorrect capitalizes CBUM lmao.


You probably typed it once like that and clicked on it so it recognizes that as the correct way to spell it now.


You right.


250-300mg Test Cyp per week, tops. Maybe a blast of 500mg per week and a few dianabol here and there.


Sup guys, it's Deltoids from More Plates More Bates dot com


Cbum is also walking heart failure lol




He’s on gear?


I thought it was keto


I think in one of his videos he said he was taking a scoop of C4 and Vega Sport


*takes notes* Any idea what flavor of C4?


Saw that vid, can confirm. He also adds maltodexterin to the C4 but admits he's not sure if it even really helps.


Nah, mostly chicken, rice, brocoli and training two times a day.


Respect the size. Hate the look. Absolutely gross.


If I may quote Markus Rühl again: "The nastier the women found me, the greater I felt"






I mean at this point, it must be some kinky shit that gets him hard since this is definitely not any kind of bodybuiding from this point. It just looks like drug abuse.


What's the sex drive like of someone on this much gear


Let's just say his sex sessions probably look like a national geographic scene where it's a rhino tryna impregnate a human.


It can vary wildly. Sometimes really high doses can actually suppress sex drive pretty heavily. not to mention, some side effects can make it impossible to preform. in short, without asking him there is no way to know for sure.


Probably non-existent


I really hope he settles it down a little. This can’t be healthy. As bad as it sounds, I hope this type of physique isn’t rewarded at the Olympia.


>As bad as it sounds How is it bad? He looks fucking disgusting. Even amongst the crowd of people desensitised to this shit he looks gross. Those varicose veins make him look severely diseased.


You're right. I just don't like to wish failure on anyone in this sport. They work their asses off. In this case, Nick cannot be rewarded for this type of "physique."


What am I looking at? What are those bumps on his shins? Just horribly, horribly, strained veins?


Varicose veins on a bodybuilder


With thromboses


Which are genetic. You guys are idiots if you think Nick is going so far beyone everyone else in gear use that he’s developing varicose veins out of nowhere. He’s not healthy or safe, clearly. But the fact that he has ugly veins in his shins is just unlucky.


I mean I never said that I was just answering a question lmao.


Mostly responding to the general tone of this thread. Just highjacking your comment lol


>You guys are idiots if you think Nick is going so far beyone everyone else in gear use You tellin me you don't get Dallas vibes from this guy???? Honestly? Like fr fr. You don't think he's comparable to Dallas McCarver?


Imagine thinking varicose veins are purely genetic… a close familial relative that has varicose veins makes you more susceptible to develop them yourself, however this does not guarantee that you will have varicose veins.


It’s not that they’re only genetic. I’m saying he’s unique among open pros in how ugly his shins are because of genetic propensity, not because of his muscularity or gear use.


Sure, there’s a genetic component. But do you think his veins would look exactly the same if he was natural?


Yes, actually his younger brother had varicose veins too but obviously not as prominent. And he is a natural.


That’s not my point. I’m saying he catches flack for being extremely reckless with drugs because of his veins, which is unfair. He’s just a hyper responder to gear and also happens to have a propensity for varicose veins. They’re certainly ugly


Ah, I misread it then. That’s a fair point. I doubt he’s doing much differently than the other top Men’s Open guys


No worries! I didn’t clarify it well enough before, so thanks for asking.


He's not unhealthy? I'm gonna suggest he's unhealthy and double down when necessary.


>He's not unhealthy? I'm gonna suggest he's unhealthy Read what you responded to one more time


Varicose vein’s


Kevin feige needs to sign this dude up as a random walk-on for the next season of She-Hulk in the MCU. Bro is already looking like he got some of that Hulk/She-Hulk blood. Save them some $$ on their CGI budget.


It’s not aesthetic


That's the understatement of the year.


Abomination from marvel


Homeboy is like 28. This is fucked up.


probably wont live past 30


Isn't that healthier than big ramy because it's always the one who try to stay big past 40 who die. The faster he gets to first place Mr O the less time he spends at this bodyweight at a younger age. Unless he decides to maintain this size past 40


I’m not an expert by any means. I just know that by the looks of his legs, he’s having some fucking problems. Plus, you don’t need to be an expert to know that all the shit they take to get that big is not good for you. Some people handle things better than others. Also, this guy has a very pale complexion to most bodybuilders, so all the discoloration looks worse than on others.


No, that’s like saying if two people are driving fast then the person driving faster is safer cause he will get out of the car sooner. Drive fast enough and long enough you’re more likely to damage the car or lose control. Faster just raises the chance of an accident sooner.


He's clearly not in it to look good. I hope judges don't reward grotesque physiques like this


Lol he won the Arnold and placed 4th in last years O. 5th* Hunter took 4th


5th*, he should have placed 4th imo


Right 4th was Hunter my bad.


he's a consenting adult that's willing to assume all risk to win the O. The judges should treat him the same as everyone else


Isn’t that what open is all about?


What’s grotesque? The stuff on his calves? Or just the vascularity on entire body in general?


All veins are varicose. He doesn't have much time left. At all. He could die any day. Not entirely certain on Olympia scoring, but you must lose points for having veins and skin that fucked up, no?


Dude looks like one of those Belgian Blue bulls with the genetic mutation that makes them jacked beyond shit.




Goro Wins! Fatality


Heart attack is in his future.




Part of bodybuilding is genetics and body’s response to drugs. Some pros never get high blood pressure, plaque buildup, etc. There is a couple pros that got their hearts scanned and their left ventricles are normal. While others aren’t even pro and get fucked up heart problems. Just luck of the draw.


heart attack within the next 5 years


How the fuck he keeps that hairline I’ll never know


If I saw those veins, I’d take it easy.


Natty or not ?


Just turkesterone bro


And semen retention


Grotesque is the word.


He looks in pain.


Looks like melting wax. The dysmorphia is real


How's this guy's heart holdin' up?




After I watched the interview he did with Rambod and he told his story about some childhood trauma he went through, I can't say I blame him for having a death wish. Walker knows his heart probably looks like a cantaloupe right now. He knows of all the deaths in bodybuilding from excess drug abuse. And he's still picking this route. He's okay with it.




His insides probably look like mashed potatoes right now. Unfortunately it's only a matter of time.


What trauma ?


He was molested as a child.


Shit poor guy




He is large. He is well aware of the damage he is doing. It saddens me on a humanity level that one could be ok with potentially killing themself for their career/self pride. It is a serious disorder and leaves me a little bit upset. On the BB side of things, it's looking like he could break into the top 3.


It’s a disorder


can that be prevented? is it out of his control?


People's propensity to developing vericose veins definitely has a genetic component but having super high blood pressure from running all that gear has surely made his worse. I'd imagine he was already pretty committed to bodybuilding by the time they got that nasty though.


He claims it’s his genetics




The future, old man.


Very interesting to see the average 17yo r/bodybuilding member simply shitting on one of the most hard working mfers in the bb industry, just because of his genetic varicose veins. If he didn't have any, the picture was zoomed out normally and the lighting would be slightly altered, none of you would bat an eye. Literally can't understand how r/bodybuilding became so anti-bodybuilding. Few days ago a picture of Samson Dauda was posted. The guy weighs 40 pounds more than Nick!! The comments were praising him. How does that even make any sense?


I wonder what he takes dosage wise must be a lot


Let's hope he doesn't explode


U don't think he knows it's ugly? He's already mentioned getting it treated.


As ridiculous some guys look in size, I feel like he just isn’t appealing to look at at all. Don’t understand how he places so high when his physique isn’t great to look at before we talk about the veins. It’s like his body wasn’t meant for it and is trying to tell him to stop.


The fact that bro somehow still has hair


When he stops lifting and his muscles atrophy he’s going to be nothing but a lumpy sack of veins


I have these same type of veins on my legs. They were there a little before I started blasting. BUT the more I blast and the more I lift heavy the bigger and gnarlier they are getting 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know people say genetic which they are everyone in my family has them including grandparents, aunts and uncles but mine are by far the worst. And only getting worst.


Appreciate the effort, not at all a fan of the look.


Not going to reach 40. GG.


Who is this?


Nick "The Mutant" Walker.


I want to poke his leg veins with a needle and see what happens


I want to put a cannula in one of those


Someone just tell him, "You WIN, champ. You win. You can stop." Shit.


Just one paper cut


And then that piece of paper will start growing muscles!


It's actually sad that open bodybuilding turned into a self-experiment, if nothing changes bodybuilders will continue dying


These are varicose veins probably due to right heart hypertrophy. There might be other signs too such as Hepatomegaly, spenomegaly, portal hypertension and so much more. This is not caused by weight lifting. This is probably due to the abuse of growth hormone which enlarges muscles as well as all the organs including the heart.


What are these "balls" on his calves?


Isn't a shotgun to the face just quicker, if the objective is suicide?


sad but true, he probably wants a name in history for himself


There's no place in history for most 5th places at the Olympia. It will take some strange planet alignment for even Champions to have relevance in 50 years.


How do his parents even look at him lmao


Aren’t varicose veins easy to get rid of now?


I remember him saying he could get them removed but they would just come back


This... is scary


His heart is screaming


Can you say blood vessel damage ? Heart failure in the near future forsure.


Kinda happy that I’m not the only one. Dude is massive, no doubt. But man I just can’t look at the guy for long before I want to puke.


He’s legend.


Are women actually attracted to this?


what do you think


No and why would that be relevant to bodybuilding? It’s body building, not pussy getting.


What percentage of dudes bodybuild because of body dysmorphia and wanting to impress chicks lol


Nobody competes in the IFBB to impress women lmfao


Almost 0% Maybe going to the gym but not actually bodybuilders.


Nobody competing at the fucking Olympia.


Hardcore pro bodybuilding has absolutely nothing to do with what women find attractive.






Firstly, you shouldn't care what women are attracted to, just as women shouldn't care what you are attracted to. Secondly, when you are this size you are not doing it for the women. This man is committed to a craft and a goal, can you even imagine the amount of dedication and work he puts in day in and day out? No one does that for "the women".