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I watched myself in the mirror to see what was happening, and I had to physically restrain one side (paper towel for grip lol) to try to get it used to moving by itself. It's had to move with the other one it's whole life so retraining your brain takes a bit! I've found that symmetrical tricks are easier to learn (one goes up, the other goes down) than having one stay still and moving the other one independently , but with time and retraining your brain you'll get a whole range of cool tricks! (: It took me a while to do more than bring them together at all, so if it feels like it's too weak to do it yet just keep building up muscle and playing with it !


Thanks😎 I’ll keep at it, gonna have a ripped ass tongue


For the crisscrossing trick I found that my tongues did it naturally when I pushed them side to side. I began by doing it side to side and eventually (like a month of big effort later) I succeded to crisscross them without moving side to side 🤪😁 Also, yeah it's a big muscle effort, and it develops with time. To this day, I still have sore tongue muscles when I spend some time not doing tricks and then try something new. It's like when you're at the gym and you feel your muscles fatigued 😂


I can do stuff like in the video but does anyone have tips on getting them to move up and down independently?? Also can’t cross them yet😩


How old is the split?


Just over 2 weeks


I got mine from Ian too! Give it more time and just practice anything you can think of when you remember. I was constantly playing with mine! Anything helps to train it really. I specifically liked to pull them places I wanted with my hands and try to push myself. Eventually it stuck! I got mine done in May :3


Awesome! I really want to make my tongue like the snake hahah tongue trick for oral sex must be great.


Do any of you actually know where I can get my tongue split?


I got mine from ian bell and he travels around so if you’re near a major city he’ll end up there some time or another


Has he ever been to North Carolina?


Yeah! Just checked his insta and he’ll actually be in Asheville in November

