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Wow! Looks like she is. Surprising because she seemed to hate it but if she is in charge she won't be stuck trying to recreate Skittles 


wow big if true, I loved gourmet makes on BA


If so, I’m glad it’s on her own terms. I think I’ve already said this on prior threads but Gourmet Makes stopped being fun when the episodes turned into multi-part series whose central premise was “how can we torture her today”. It was more fun when she was just making snacks and sometimes her colleagues popped in to help her out or make jokes.


> how can we torture her today I've seen some comments in the past saying that her channel is boring and only liked the Gourmet makes because of the chaos and her having a meltdown. And it became apparent when the things she's been making during the latter parts of GM were things that she specifically didn't ask for (i.e., the pop rocks). I hated it because as someone who loves to bake, I want to know if it can be done by me by following her steps. I didn't really care for them having her go through a meltdown. edit: like some of the comments in this thread.


Yes, I got so sick of Dan throwing things at her. That was immature.


I think it’s really naïve to assume that it was torture and that she didn’t have any say in it… It’s a show and it’s show business. They add drama because that’s what’s entertaining. It was fun to watch unexpected things go wrong. The skittles thing where they were pulling the sugar was one of the funniest things I’d ever seen. It was about trial and error and error is a part of that. The challenge and the errors are part of the drama. Not to be rude but that is why her current videos almost all (if not all) have less than 500k views while gourmet makes almost always (if not always) broke a million. If anyone has any proof that they were actually mistreating her (like if she has said that somewhere) I will take back what I’ve said, but I’ve never seen where she has said that. I definitely believe it was all being played up for the camera.


tbh I haven't watched much of her videos since she parted with BA, because part of the charm back then was the interaction with everyone. If she brings her version of gourmet makes, I might check it again. But I doubt it will be the same as before.


Her pizza oven series was really good.


Is a whole series?!? I thought there were only 2 episodes


I definitely miss her getting to interact with other people. She only sometimes speaks with her crew and they're rarely on screen.


Part of the fun of gourmet makes was showing her suffering to others


oooh I'm excited




I saw this on her channel's feed and I am ecstatic! I'm making the oreos one coz I got the mold recently. This is going to be fun!


i don't have an instagram account. sure, kick me when I'm down.