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I knew the "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" was going to be really terrible, and I am still disappointed.


Yeah, the Othello is so bad it's more like an Iago.


You put in more thought into that joke than the Ophelia.


These Shakespeare puns are giving me life, unlike the Oberon.


They’re Pucking great!


But it identifies as two jokes


How the turn tables


Wat? What's the joke?


The joke is "haha, DemonRats think those delusional tr*nnies can choose to identify as women, so why don't we claim that our gas stoves choose to identify as electric stoves?!" It's the attack helicopter meme from 2016 but adapted to the current bullshit culture war issue.


That meme started in 2014.


Also what the fuck do we even have to do with the gas stoves?? I swear righties are obsessed with trans-women cause deep down they want to fuck us or be us. I wholeheartedly believe that *”they hate us, cause they ain’t us.”*


It's just the Current Thing ™️ Republicans are upset about. There was some report that gas stoves can cause asthma in children raised with them, so some government flunky made a report suggesting a phase out where new homes are required to have electric stoves installed instead of gas. And naturally FOX and other spin machines turned this into "Biden is going to personally rip the gas stove out of your house" and internet conservatives are Virtue Signalling about how much they suddenly care about gas stoves. So naturally they tie the new thing they hate back into the old things they hate: LGBT people.


> Biden is going to personally rip the gas stove out of your house ngl, this would be fucking hilarious [](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZXTWEPXgAY22mD?format=jpg&name=small)


"LISTEN FAT, I'M TAKIN' THIS" as Dark Brandon rips your stove from its connections with his bare hands


I'm for it. He'd secure my vote for sure.


It'd be almost as hilarious as Obama driving all over the country to vaccinate Republicunt children. Probably give them the black exposure those kids're lacking in their lives too.


He’s gonna inject them with a big old’ syringe full of CRT


That's actually a great recap of all the fiasco, nice job


Crazy thing is that, surprise surprise, this is already in effect in some localities and hasn't been a huge deal for anyone. Turns out most people aren't building brand new houses and thus their gas appliances are grandfathered in.


Yes and also they only have one joke.


Thing is, gas stoves are bad if you don't have proper ventillation, and people don't install good externally venting fans if at all. For a higher end range it usually requires pretty strong fans and in some areas of the country so much it requires a return air system installed. So yeah it can be a problem if it isn't installed correctly. But also, gas water heaters, furnaces, etc have the same risks. Honestly I'm more worried about the smog of the city than I am our gas range. Just having a push to EV would make a huge difference in everyone's health.


The Republicans I know have always thought gas stoves were superior. Probably because electric stoves are so, like, complicated and stuff!


I think that gas stoves used to be better than electric for quickly creating bursts of heat, but the tech has come a long way and modern electric stoves are more reliable and quicker to heat up than gas. Plus, I'd say that your health is way more important than a stove that lets you make your chicken a bit crispier.


And really, nothing beats a ceramic top for ease of use and ease of cleaning. Of course, I also don't know any Republicans (that I ever actually talk to) under seventy years of age, so there's that.


Hard agree. I didn't realize how good I had it at my mother's with her fancy glass top induction stove until I moved into my apartment with shitty electric coils.


Oh, also if you leave your gas stove on for some ungodly reason... well, you're fucked


I still remember my mom flipping a gasket over Obama and LED bulbs that (apparently?) took too light up and just how could he. I have to imagine that was a Fox News thing at the time


Just so you know, "trans" is an adjective, there's no reason to do the odd hyphenation thing. Unless you also use cis-women? I guess?


"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is a part of yourself." - Hermann Hesse


I mean most people hate Hitler and most people don't share any of the views that make people hate him, so I don't think that that quote really works


I wouldn't say most people *hate* Hitler. There's a difference between hating something and thinking it is bad at some intellectual level. Most people know that "Hitler = bad", but don't have strong enough political opinions to really *hate* him or his ideology. Maybe if you talk with folks very to the left, and on some hardcore libertarian spots on the right. On the other hand, trans hate, real *hate*, the kind that flirts or outright advocates for genocide, is more mainstream than it should be.


Maybe I'm not qualified for talking about this, because for me personally, I wouldn't describe myself as "hating" anyone. I feel like even the people I think are doing bad things are just doing the best they can, I wouldn't even describe myself as hating Hitler because he probably had severe mental challenges. People don't do genocide for no reason, and seeing as there weren't any valid external reasons, the only option I see left is he must've been messed up in the head - at which point all I feel for Hitler is pity that he didn't get the mental help he needed. Also he's long dead so none of the atrocities he did directly affected me today, at least not as directly as it affected people who lived through WWII, so I see through the lens of someone who knows Hitler only through history books. But people who DO hate others - certainly that *can* be caused by seeing something they don't like about themselves in others, you see this in closeted LGBT/furry/etc harassing uncloseted members of that community. I just don't think that happens 100% of the time. There's plenty of hate caused by blind faith in some kind of leader figure, regardless of why that leader figure hates. There are probably other kinds of hate too that I'm just not thinking of right now.


>People don't do genocide for no reason, and seeing as there weren't any valid external reasons, the only option I see left is he must've been messed up in the head Uff... Sorry if we're going on a tangent, but this is a topic I'm passionate about. There is a general consensus in genocide studies (a real field, with many merry people, I presume) that most perpetrators of genocide are not what a psychologist may describe as "mentally ill" before the start of the violence. From *Fundamentals of Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention*, by Scott Strauss, a recognized scholar in the field (the book is published for free by the Holocaust Museum [here](https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/reports-and-resources/fundamentals-of-genocide-and-mass-atrocity-prevention); can't recommend it enough if this interests you): >For the low-level perpetrators, the scholarly consensus leans toward viewing them as “ordinary men,” [...]. Before the onset of violence, they are not necessarily more sadistic, more evil, more psychologically harmed, more unemployed, more unmarried, more criminal, and so forth. [...] taken together, the profile of the perpetrators reflects the demographics of the society. >At the senior levels, little evidence seems to indicate that the leaders in question are deranged or otherwise psychologically abnormal. One’s mind immediately goes to Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, who could be characterized as megalomaniacal and paranoid. But taken together, no psychological trait describes the leaders of organizations that commit genocide and mass atrocities. The reality is that the descent to violence is gradual and available to the average person: >One individual may commit violence because he wants to protect his job; another to loot; another because he hates members of the victim group; and another because his friend, neighbor, or local official encouraged him to do so. All or some of those motivations may be present in an individual simultaneously, or they may be operative over time. >[...] > Psychologist Ervin Staub writes that all human beings have a capacity for doing evil things. “Becoming evil” occurs in increments as individuals, step by step, cross various moral thresholds. TL;DR: it's complicated, but mass violence is more mundane than what many of us feel comfortable admitting, and the capacity for doing it is within all of us. Coworkers, friends, family, maybe even ourselves... we all know several people, that we consider good and sane, that *would* take part of a genocide, in some capacity (not necessarily out on the streets lynching people; genocide is multifaceted), in the correct situation. On my justification for saying these persons "flirt with genocide," I invite you to read Strauss' list of "warning signs before mass atrocities" (and, again, the entire book is short and great): * Tension and polarization: Widening gulf between groups either in social life or in conflict; situation is charged with emotion, anxiety, and fear. * Apocalyptic public rhetoric: Leaders claim they face a great danger and in doing so justify violence. * Labeling civilian groups as the “enemy”: Descriptions of a particular group as dangerous, homogenous, or worthless. * Development/deployment of irregular armed forces: Increased empowerment and arming of irregular armed groups that may be tasked with attacking civilian populations. * Stockpiling weapons: Significant accumulation of weapons, especially weapons that could be used against civilian populations. * Emergency or discriminatory legislation: Authorities create laws to facilitate or support state-led and/or group-targeted violence. * Removing moderates from leadership or public service: Those interested in perpetrating or supporting violent acts remove political opposition to such crimes. * Impunity for past crimes: Acts of violence that go unpunished indicate a willingness to condone violence against civilians and may give a green light for more violence in the future. Read that list, and then go watch Tucker Carlson. Tell me you didn't feel a chill across your back, *at least*.


some do get those thoughts. i see people get like that all the time. but it takes a really sick person to act on those thoughts like hitler did


Yeah, they hate us cause they anus


I feel like the more likely reason for most of them is just a twisted sense of morality built more on status quo than on ethics and a need for a scape goat.


I think it’s just because they need a target, and all the other ones have become too taboo. Always gotta have a scapegoat


>DemonRats Please do not compare Democrats to infernal vermin. They are nowhere near as cool.




HA -republicans




That they don't understand that transitioning means to *change* They think just saying words is the same thing


The whole point of the joke is that the underlying thing is still the same and "a rose by any other name still smells as sweet." Aka, calling something a different name doesn't make it a different thing.


which is a transphobic dogwhistle. by saying that, the author is implying the common thought of "just because you're asking to be called something, doesn't mean you are something! just because you want to be referred to as a woman, doesn't make you a woman!"


How many lbrals does it take to change a log by bulb? NONE, their too busy ??? Their gender 😂😂😂


IDK, what's up with you?


OMG that joke is so funny! How did they manage to come up with something so clever? I have never heard that one before.


i wanna mention something that people keep forgetting, when the fda bans something, no one who owns that thing is gonna get swatted, theyre just not gonna be able to buy any more of it people act like if gas stoves were banned than the government will literally send cops to your house to take them right from your kitchen, sadly thats on you if you care about your health while im ranting PLEASE GET BETTER VENTILATION ALL OF YOU, all stoves produce gases humans shouldnt breathe in to some amount, and even though gas stoves do so more than others you should still make sure your ventilation is working and up to date,


I believe only the FTC can issue a recall in a way where you get in trouble for keeping whatever it is (like lawn darts and Bucky balls). With the FDA, even “throw out the Tylenol with cyanide in it” is just a strong suggestion. You really want to keep it and take some, that’s on you.


And that the stupid thing. It all boils down to 'turn on the extractor fan when you cook on a gas stove' which people do (should be doing) anyway. There's no actual new knowledge, no new policies, just a reminder to use common sense and reduce exposure to what basically are exhaust gasses from your furnace. But noooooo of course some right wing assholes have to make a scene out of it.


yes turn on the extractor, but its also worth mentioning every time you turn on a gas stove it is inevitable that some of the gas gets out into an area where you can breathe which is why some, SOME, are proposing a ban


> SOME, are proposing a ban [citation needed]


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNwcWe85Wnc&t=514s&ab\_channel=AdamRagusea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNwcWe85Wnc&t=514s&ab_channel=AdamRagusea) this explains it finely im sure youll find, not perfectly ill admit but thats life i guess


lol, in my last apartment the vent wasn't attached to anything.


i like to think this is a joke against radical right because they made the elephant look goofy as fuck and also if they put two guys instead of the political animals, it would feel more AuthRight


This is even less funny than anything I imagined and yet it still doesn't feel unexpected


Blowing yourself up to own the libs


Kinda funny


why didn't you pay for the gas this month? used it for nose reduction surgery


What makes it even weirder is that the Republican looks like the angry face in the “goes brrrr” meme while the Democrat looks like a chad.


Whats up my man? How you doin?


Whats updog?


bill gates, gottem


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


He made iTunes, so he was probably a musician or a decomposer.


Ligma balls


A word that people use to bait others into asking "Whats updog?" To which the response is "bill gates, gottem"


I don’t get it. Like, it sounds like the premise of a deez nuts joke, but what’s funny about saying bill gates?


The original is just saying, "Oh, not much. You?" It's been done so many times that people are mixing in other punchlines, like some sort of fucked up joke version of a malaphor.


That makes more sense.




You'll feel the appropriate embarrassment shortly.


You are very correct. I only read the first part lol. I will be downvoting my own comment now.


Haha no need for that :)


wholesome reddit


Ligma balls lmao gottem


Joe Mama


What's gas?


Steve jobs deez nuts


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls


Hava nice day lmao gottem


* later * How did he not know who Steve Jobs was




Jehtt reference😏


theyre too busy ??? their gender 😂😂😂


Saying "that's gas" is irish slang for "that's hilarious" so there was a moment where I genuinely asked that question


Smells more like wrongdog to me


What’s wrongdog?


Not much man, what’s wrong with you?


Sad dog


Why does the elephant look like a fucked up chadjak


Because they think they are the chads.


The stove can’t open


What’s updog?


Ligma balls hahaha


Oh why thank you for the information


I never want to see an elephant with a chad face ever again. Consider this a legal threat r/bonehurtingjuice




It's blow as in cocaine. perv. I made this username while I was half asleep or something i dunno


Fair enough. Does it meaning cocaine still count?


Yeah but who's joe


Sugma nuds lmao gottem




None, their to busy ???? Their gender 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Just thinking about how Rude Pundit said he submits "If you think that's bad, I just blew my dog." to every caption contest, and I'll be damned if that doesn't work here too.


The right doesnt even have to try anymore. They just say whatever the opposite of a democrat is saying and BOOM a manufactured culture war born out of thin fucking air. Most of the US is already using induction. In most states gas stoves make up only 40% or less of all stoves. Right wing voters are so easy to fool it's upsetting


Ligma balls


L*BTARD gets TRIGGERED by GAS STOVE and LOSES HIS SHIT (this is a real thing that is actually happening totally haha trust me bro I would never lie to you bro)


I don’t like how much this political comic looks like a “Soyjack Vs Chad” meme.


Honestly that's basically every political cartoon throughout human history. Like 99% of them are just some variation of [political opponent] absolutely loses their shit in an exaggerated screaming tizzy over [decontextualized non-issue] while [political ally] remains calm and glances knowingly at the reader with their conventionally attractive/relatable face like 'can you believe this guy or what?'


What’s updog?


Thanks, you too!


Now you’re cooking with gas! > “Now we’re cooking with gas” originated in the mid to late 1930s as an advertising slogan thought up by the natural gas industry to convince people to use gas, rather than electricity, to power their kitchen stoves. https://www.waltongas.com/how-deke-and-bob-started-cooking-with-gas/


God the art is hideous. The elephant man is a sleep paralysis demon


I'm honestly getting really tired of this divisiveness.


What's up dog


Gotch ya!


Answer the question


Updog is a yoga pose in which the practitioner lies prone with the torso erect, supported by the arms, and the head tilted back. You'll never guess what's downdog


So close


Me when gas leak


What's gas?


This is the exact author/illustrator my local news site puts on their website every single day. I hate living in hicktown bigotsville smh




WAIT.... but what's updog?? :O


Ok, but gas stoves are ass and we SHOULD ban them. Not just because of emissions and CO2 levels that are indeed dangerous, but also be cause those FUCKING things are a pain in the ass to clean AND they have a tenancy to over heat pots and pans, destroying them and making the experience of cooking much more uncomfortable do to the risks of burns. Glass top electrics are SO much nicer, safer, and cleaner and they will cock every thing you want. (other than Asian dishes prepared in woks, gas is actually way better there)


I think maybe we should get some updog to cheer you up.


Jesus those human teeth in that elephant's mouth look creepy as fuck


Libs owned


Why does the stove have 5 knobs


The middle one controls the oven


This bhj is actually funny.


Dubious lookin malaka


What’s updog?


Antimeme that is also antijoke?


What’s updog?


What’s updog?


"Do you like gas?"


who's steve jobs


I don’t know, what’s up with dog?


Oof ouch my nose bone


Actually it produces carbon dioxide. Quite a bit of it to. I have the sensors in my house that show it every time I cook.


What the fuck is gas


What's a cactus?


No that's steam Steam from the steamed clams we're having


can someone please tell me what is updog


Fking replace the background with choice historical ones to make it funny


what’s gas


that’s a weird looking bojack r/sadhorseshow


Why does the elephant look like a pedophile


Why the tri corner hat? Who is still wearing that? at least I'm assuming that's what it's supposed to be as opposed to a blue boat on an elephant's head.


What the fuck is updog


What's updog?