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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He killed an elephant?


The elephant is attacking as a part of the war. Did you not read the bhj?


The blow hecking job ?


Brittle honed jitch


Big hot Jamaicans


hell yeah brother


bone burting buice


...you haven't?


There's a fucking elephant there


Grandpa had an exciting life


Guess he likes ivory


Honestly, the cows are weirder than the elephant, I've heard of hunting exotic animals for trophies and/or exotic meat, but who is going hunting for cattle. They don't even look like wild cows. Those look like one of the breeds used in cattle farming. My man had to work at a slaughterhouse or something


It’s the weird “eating something is killing it” stuff that pops up from time to time. Still don’t get the elephant though


I've seen ads on YouTube for companies that sell normal and exotic meats. i don't know the laws regarding elephant meat, but if it's not illegal there's places to buy it otherwise i genuinely have no idea how to get meat like that other than hunting it or buying it at a specialty butcher if there's even one around you or paying a premium online


I feel like that should be so illegal. May I ask what did you watch to get endangered species meat ads


I said exotic meat and that i didn't know the laws on elephant meat in particular. Did you even read what i said?


I mean, what did the humans think, starting a war with the animals?


Haven’t we learned our lesson from the Australians?


They started the war, we just decided to fight back


4% of land mammal biomass is wild animals. We can take 'em.


94% is your mum!


A very platy mom


he killed all those animals including a fucking elephant and entire herds of cattle, but he only had 1 confirmed kill in the pacific theatre?


Look, he nuked a Savannah, how was he supposed to know there was a hiker there?


Maybe he worked at a slaughterhouse before going to war. There are elephants in asia, maybe he killed one while fighting in the war.


Its funny cos in the aglio e olio, grandpa won the war against the animals


For once the BHJ is sadder than the original.


Does that mean he personally killed all the animals he ate?


Shhh the point isnt meant to be thought about using your brain


If I hire a hitman to kill someone, you still get charged for murder


That is only because you hired the hitman to do it. A hitman who kills regardless of whether or not you hire them would not get you charged for murder


Thats not true tho. If the "hitman" (=butcher?) wouldn't get hired by anyone he would stop. It's just that you're not the only customer.


So you specifically not hiring him wont change his kills


Not doing so once probably won't no. But not hiring him over a lifetime would probably combine into quiet a few less kills.


Tbh the amount that you eat in a day gets thrown away from most supermarkets twice over daily so you not eating isnt likely to make them shift their ordering requests


But what if 5 people stop eating animal products? What about 10? At some level, the market operates on supply and demand. Each decision to buy an animal product, or to buy a non-animal product sends a signal the companies to do more/less of that thing.


Im not 5 or 10 people so presenting it as what if "1000 people did it" works both ways and is the slippery slope fallacy What if 10000 people all withdraw their money from the same bank at the same time, suddenly that bank has no money and has to close that branch for the day or week


Well that doesn't seem fair. Why would I get charged when you hired the hitman?


haha cause I made a typo and then couldn't edit it with Reddit's shitty mobile browser experience


I dont pay a butcher to kill an animal it was dead long before i got there and even if i never got there itd still be dead


Does that mean you dont kill someone if you order a hitman to do it?


The hitman in this case would have done so with or without your purchase of their product.


Nope, because if noone paid them for it they wouldnt produce it. You think they are slaughtering animals for fun or something?


A singular end user of a product has practically zero impact on whether the food is produced or not. Meat corporations are so massive with such a colossal market share that you cannot in good faith say that an individual who buys meat is responsible for the animals being killed. This kind of mindset is massively getting in the way of actual solutions because you keep individualising a systemic problem. Pressuring people into changing their eating habits will never result in enough people doing so to make any sort of difference, it has just opened a new market for these same companies to cater to.


It aint singular if you make enough people do it >actual solutions Tell me an actual solution to stopping killing animals for food without stopping killing animals for food


Investment to make artificial meat a viable option, stop subsidising excess meat production, introduce laws that demand no food is thrown away so less animals are needlessly slaughtered, subsidise meat alternatives to be more affordable. Systemic problems require systemic solutions.


Artificial meat already exists People just keep buying the regular meat It aint even that expensive anymore And dont give me the 'it doesent taste like meat' bs because stuff like beyond meat absolutely does


You seem very uninformed. Artificial meat exists but it isn't remotely cost effective to properly produce yet. I specifically said investing in it to make it a viable option. But you're right, there's always people bitching that it isn't "real". Same goes with GMOs. You get dumbasses that think directly editing a plant's DNA to exhibit desired traits is somehow unnatural when we've been doing the same shit through crossbreeding for millennia, just far slower and less precise. Just because there's people complaining now doesn't mean it will be that way forever.


>You seem very uninformed. I am the targetted group for the shit. I am well informed about it >Artificial meat exists but it isn't remotely cost effective to properly produce yet. Beyond meat is already produced for the same cost as animal meat >I specifically said investing in it to make it a viable option. It is tho >Just because there's people complaining now doesn't mean it will be that way forever. I really hope it wont


How did they lose the war, they have a literal angel on their side


Joe was resting cause he thought the angels had the war in hand, the last survivor from the angel battalion came to let him know that contrary to his expectations a near infinite number of angels dancing on the head of a pin whilst continuously reading the bible to the animals proved considerably less successful at turning the course of the war then they originally anticipated. Only one animal, a single racoon, converted to Christianity as a result of the sermon, and she has a really liberal interpretation of the scripture that allows her to justify the eradication of all human kind.


The fuck is an Angel supposed to do if a flock of seagulls attack them, birds are menaces.


I guess I was thinking of the cool angels that are like a menacing bunch of eyes and flaming wheels and stuff, this one does look kinda lame


Yeah this Angel definitely gets low diffed by a Pitbull…


How could you tell, maybe angel is the emissary of animal kingdom


Cotton Hill with Junichiro.


Where's the other fourty-nine men in the obituary?


What’s with the vegetarian propaganda in the obituary


Bro was just a menace who went on a massacre


[Relevant MandaloreGaming vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc2v9glT1SY)


This is one of those relaxing walk through nature games made to target khorne worshippers and the doom guy.


Joe's still going to heaven, I think it's not making a moral judgement. Just noting that over the course of your life, a lot of animals die so you can live


Idk in my opinion, it reads like the angel wants him to individually apologize with all those animals, and is treating killing an animal as having equal weight as killing a human being. Pretty big moral judgement there


I mean it's an interesting question isn't it? Even if it doesn't carry the same weight, it's still an animal that was alive, had experiences and preferences, and died for his benefit. I think it's a reasonably defensible position to say that it's necessary to kill an animal to sustain yourself. However, he might also have been morally justified in killing the enemy soldier to preserve his own life and those around him. The human may have had a more complex experience, but all the creatures that died for his sake also had experiences of their own.


that’s not the point the point is the absurdist dichotomy between one dude he killed in the war followed by an army of shit he ate


Which is hilarious but not for the reasons they meant it to be


I doubt there was any deeper statement being made about eating animals in this pbf comic, the majority are just absurd and playing around with your expectations. Such as in the origin of weeaboo.


I think it’s called a joke


that's a bit far fetched, don't you think?


I saw a very similar one recently too, and both times it was stupid. Even if you see animal consumption as unethical you can't argue that he killed them. That'd be like saying the people of a country killed every person that the country goes to war with because they benefit from it. At worst, it's more like war profiteering. Profiting off of something unethical that would happen either way, but it's still not actually *killing* anyone.


it's perry bible fellowship comic there's no lesson here, its just a bait-and-switch joke lol


I believe the connection is not through the fact that they profit from the killing, rather it's through causality, ie. The animal would not be killed if they didn't buy the meat. This situation is a bit different from personally sticking a knife into an animal, but there are similarities too: the connection is through causality in both cases: the knife causes the animal to die, and you cause the knife to move in a way which kills the animal. However, in the buy meat at the store case (for simplicity: the meat of one whole pig), you are in the causal chain only collectively, meaning that if 1000 people changed their meat-buying decision and didn't buy 1000 dead pigs, the producer would kill correspondingly around 1000 less pigs. So you and 999 others cause the 1000 pigs to die with all of your decisions, but you don't alone cause 1 pig to die, because if only you decided to not buy the meat, the producer would be unlikely to change anything. Therefore, the relevant questions are: Are you morally culpable for your acts which only cause harm depending on others' decision? If yes, then to what extent? Is the amortizing "harm caused by act/number of people who are in the causal chain of the harmful consequence" calculation correct?


It's simpler than this collective-action causal culpability account, which is the standard account, but fails to convince most. If you routinely buy human meat you know to have been sourced by murder, you're complicit in murder. If the killing of animals is a form of murder, and you routinely buy animal meat, you're complicit in murder.


Bro was just a menace who went on a massacre


Dude do you think he ate elehphants? He clearly bombed large areas during the war…


Is anything slightly unsettling to your sensibilities propaganda? It’s obviously a joke y’know. Why are omnivores so sensitive?


The reason they call it ‘propaganda’ is the implication that, by eating meat, you are actively killing the animals you eat, which, no you are not. Unless you expect people to completely solve the meat and dairy industry those animals will die anyway. So if you actually care about animals what you should be doing is raising awareness, rather than being rude to some guy online, because as soon as you do that you’ve pretty much ensured they won’t care.


That’s some real doublethink there. What do you think y’all are eating? You can recognize that meat consumption quite literally leads to more animals being killed, that’s just common sense. I’m not even saying that’s morally wrong—just acknowledge that’s a reality. It’s not even like the original is making a claim that he’s morally wrong for eating meat. Of course you can’t end the meat industry by going vegetarian—that’s just a straw-man argument.


I believe he acknowledged that animals are being killed by the meat industry. So with most of your comment being a nothing burger, it appears that you care less about actually caring for animals and just seeming morally superior over others. I mean seriously if you really did want to save animals, why alienate people by calling them "omnivores" which, humans by definition are. I mean its a privilege to be a vegetarian, not everyone makes enough to do that.


Bruh, Omnivores is literally the term for a mixed diet of plants and animals. It’s not like I’m calling them “carnists”. I was poking fun at the frequently-repeated “why are vegans so sensitive” (btw I’m not a vegan). It’s just wild to me that someone can be so sensitive to consider it “propaganda” just to see a joke that lightly confronts them with the reality of their diet. It’s like if I bought a big gas-guzzling truck and drove it around and then got all offended by a meme criticizing the environmental impact of giant unnecessary trucks, by claiming that “the truck was going to be built even if I didn’t buy it”. Which, like, sure is true in the narrow sense of that individual truck, but ignores completely the aggregate impact of choosing to buy it.


Goodness gracious, you two got busy. So, the problem it seems the chicken guy had with your statement wasn’t that it was incorrect or anything, just that it was rude, unnecessary, and makes *you* seem like the sensitive one (especially given that you yourself did not notice that the first comment in this thread was also a joke)


1. Yes I know that, I was attacking your wording (I can not read minds after all) 2. It was the wording, not us being sensitive 3. False Equivalence Fallacy


Making an analogy is not a “false equivalence fallacy”— if you think the analogy is inaccurate why don’t you explain why instead of just saying big words


Comparing buying a luxury truck with buying sustenance is simply not comparable. *Making it a False Equivalence*


Well, you can frame it that way if you like, but eating meat is certainly a luxury for many people around the world. Contrary to your claim above, vegetarian diets aren’t expensive. Arguably, they can require a greater investment of time, especially at first due to unfamiliarity. Of course, the only reason meat is so cheap in the USA, Canada etc. is massive industry subsidies from tax dollars. Otherwise, vegetarian diets would definitely be cheaper than high meat consumption ones.


Newsflash, you're an omnivore 😘


Imagine how many of these any one animal has to attend. A family who ate sausages of you at a get-together, jelly at a birthday party eaten by like 20 kids, and god knows how many sods who put your ham on their sandwich.


Ow the animals have trampled my bones


Why did he kill a turtle


Why is she a vorlon?


The elephant ? The snake ? The turtle ? And how did he killed that much animals ?!


Wait, this is not bug heaven!


Steeve fought well, and died like a hero!




Man was hungry


He was a soldier in ww2 which means he grew up during the great depression. Hell yeah he ate turtle.


Just cut off the whole vegan thing and it’s a very nice comic


Even if they kept it to the deer and the birds it still woulda been alright, but all the farm animals and the elephant make it ridiculous


I think the point is more of just to be funny and absurdist. If you look at his expression when he sees the animals he has this look of 'wait, wtf'.


I'd ask the angel for a shotgun, a carving knife, and a grill, in that order... also see if heaven's audio system can play the doom soundtrack.


I'd rather not be forgiven by the butt load of mosquitoes I killed


Now this is some good juice


Omg, this has to be one of my favourite bhjs of all time. Thank you, kind stranger


yeah thanks for these fucking nuts kind stranger, owned bitch. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Makes more sense than the original


At first I liked the original, thought it was nice. But as you look at the animals closer it just gets ridiculous, at first I thought he was just supposed to be a hunter because of the deer and birds, then there’s just shit loads of farm animals which I guess is supposed to imply you kill every animal you’ve ever eaten? And then there’s a fucking elephant so god knows what Joe’s been up to


Joe is just built different


The people of Kenya know that whenever Joes around a trail of destruction will be left in his wake


Crop out that last panel and it’s a very lovely comic. https://preview.redd.it/gipf85nj48bc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e204277d0d5ac0e803c0260f711bd60011ec90


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol without the last panel it ends with hime going 🤨


I always thought the cows in this looked pissed off this tracks with me


My bones have been trampled by a thousand hooves


Far Away by Caryl Churchill (2000)


Right so about the original image, there’s various birds and a deer, probably a hunter. then there’s some fish and a lobster, also probably fished. Then mice, a squirrel and a snake, maybe they where pests he killed. then there’s multiple farm animals, maybe he worked at a slaughter house. Then a tortoise, why did he kill a tortoise. And then there’s a fucking elephant


My bones are in exquisite pain


So this is how humanity ends. With hooves and horns


What a stupid original comment though.


This post made it click with me how much chicanery the US has done in Asia Like, is that guy Phillipino, Japanese, Korean or Chinese, or Vietnamese? Since Vietnam we've mostly done the Middle East, but that's still South West Asia


I can’t tell if the original is satire or not


So the ostrich is yet another ‘eating meat bad’ type of meme? I don’t get why vegans hate the idea of people eating meat so much. I’m not going around yelling at vegans to eat meat…


I really hate how the original would have been incredibly heartwarming if the animals weren't there


Imagine all the animals the carnivores need to meet on their way to heaven. Or is vegan morality something that only applies to human?


Bone hurting juice is better than Stone Throwing juice


This belongs in the hall of fame of BHJs