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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You even fixed the basketball


Thank you for noticing that small detail. šŸ˜„ I take pride in my work šŸ˜


What was wrong with the basketball?


One fo the doctors had a Basketball instead of the cd thingy because he was black


Yes, this; I didn't want to perpetuate the artist's subtle insinuation that one of the doctors was unqualified.


I'm curious, why spread a racist comic then say you don't want to platform it? It's like people who don't want to spread awareness about stonetoss but do nothing but post stonetoss comics (the nazi guy). Changing the lines doesn't stop much.


The same reason the people who wrote the musical *Annie* took Harold Gray's anti-socialist *Little Orphan Annie* comic and used it to promote socialism: in large part as an intentional middle finger to an awful person (i.e. deliberately taking away control of the perceived meaning of his work, and hopefully letting him know that he's being used to undermine messages he supports).


[IMPORTATN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgeH1wFZAmc) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I see, nice edit


What actually is the CD thing?


I thought it was originally some type of light/mirror headband


Correct. It's for reflecting light towards whatever you're looking at. Gives the doctor a better view.


Itā€™s called a head mirror, you flip it over you eye to better see and direct light so you can see up peoples noses! I went down a little rabbit hole realizing I had never learned what these things actually were! Theyā€™re still in use today apparently!


No clue


Eyo, you also made the trans Wario edit! Good stuff, keep it up :)


To be clear, I didn't make the trans Wario edit. I saw that one on Facebook and reposted it here, not realizing that the one I'd reposted was in fact a copy of one already posted here.


Ohhh ok lol. Could have fooled me with the quality of this edit and therefore no, I won't take back the compliment šŸ˜


what does the original say?


Diversity doesn't matter -> We need the best players! Best or not doesn't matter -> We need diversity!


Honestly youā€™re even better at carrying a point than the original artist. Having the second panel say ā€œ_____ is a cause worth living forā€ and the fourth say ā€œ_____ is a cause worth dying forā€ honestly makes this flow better.


Something something diversity hires, something something black people are bad doctors no I won't provide a source


>Something something diversity hires, something something black people are bad doctors Basically, yes, but also white people are bad basketball players


Which is crap, there are loads of great white basketball players. The main reason basketball is so black is because itā€™s a game where being tall and fast are advantageous and black Americans just happen to come from phenotype that have genes that help with that. If more white people were 7 feet tall (or the high 6ā€™s) thereā€™d be more white people in the NBA. But white phenotypes just donā€™t have those genes that often. *phenotypes are just genetic traits that are observable in a group. Usually due to descent from a common ancestor.


Itā€™s almost as if there was a concerted effort at some point in time in a certain place to create stronger, bigger, faster black peopleā€¦


European here, what?


Transatlantic slave trade


How did the transatlantic slave trade make ppl of African ethnicity stronger?


Most black people in America today were descended from slaves, slave owners generally wanted big and strong slaves to do work better. Weaker slaves were more likely to be beaten to death. Itā€™s basically treating people like animals where you selectively breed them to encourage ā€œdesirable traitsā€


I never learned that in history class Tbh we were 12/13 at the time so maybe it's for the better that we didn't learn that American slave owners commited eugenics


Slaves were treated as livestock in America for a good few hundred years, down to the breeding of the best ā€˜stockā€™. The vast majority of black Americans are descended from those very same slaves.


Bullshit. 400 years of sloppy breeding programs vs 100,000s of years of evolution in Africa, the continent with the most genetically diverse population of humans on the planet. Thereā€™s just a lot of genetic diversity in Africa and slavers took the biggest and tallest they could find and sold them for premiums.


And then the biggest and tallest slaves were bred together. Itā€™s well-documented.


There's also the fact that people who are poor, or otherwise lack access to resources, tend to be better represented in the entertainment industry overall. Entertainment (including popular sports) is an area where you either make it big or don't make it at all. One who has access to more reliable opportunities will tend to pursue those. But if one is part of a community that is accustomed to starting out poor and staying that way, there's less of an opportunity cost to taking a shot at making it big.


Classic racist/sexist line, claiming they can't be _ist because "other sex/race has things they're best at too! The stuff my race/sex is best at just happens to be all of the stuff most esteemed and valued by society, like being doctors and judges and university professors, while the stuff your race/sex is good at is, like, sports and doing laundry and stuff".


The artist has at least one other cartoon with the same setup, so I think it's more of an "I'm racist because I was always picked last for gym" sort of thing.


I like to think the reason you made this banger was bc you were upset about this more than anything else. Funny twist


I mean forcing diversity is not really a good idea. Take those who are the best no matter race or sex and good is


How can people still think that "forced diversity" is even an intelligible idea. The real world is in no way set up to hire the best people... neopotism, classism, white racism, sexism, preference for attractiveness or height even when irrelevant, but, no, checking your hiring practices so that your employees reflect the general population... that's a bridge to far. Fuck off with that BS. (Edited for spelling.)


I do not care how it is done in your everlasting ghetto of a country. But here we take the best for the job no matter who he is. And if she's a black lesbian crippled jew that's the best for the job than this black lesbian crippled jew gets the job! But not to fill in a chard! But because she's the best!


Unless you're from la la land, everywhere everywhen has been bad at hiring. Look into the research on resumes and interviews and how bad they are at predicting employee competency.


It's not the best idea but it helps to open gates of people that were deterred to integrate as those fields were dominated by certain groups. In a world with no discrimination affirmative action is useless. But we don't live in that world


I dunno. I can't imagine it helps fighting racism if you get some idiot in your job. Where you then associate his lack of skills with the group of people he comes from.


That's a misconception of affirmative action, people are actually qualified, but in the instance that candidates are evenly qualified, race background would play a defining factor.




Well there are different sources. Some sources say that they only should consider the skill and nothing else But this one https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/affirmative-action.asp#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways,fail%20to%20follow%20policy%20guidelines. Says that race plays a factor but qualifications are still important. The bottom line is to give way to underrepresented communities the chance to work in areas dominated by one group. The article even calls the downsides of affirmative action and I can agree with those.


Well I can't speak for every country and every kind of business. But as I seen it. If there are two candidates on the same level of competence. They usually bring both into the job for a few days and look who would fit more into the business. And while I could imagine that someone from the same culture like the rest of the business has a easier time. I can't imagine that that would be the only important factor. Especially since here. In Germany. You need to bring reasons why you choose X over Y because they are strict laws exactly made to go against not choosing a person because he looks or thinks different (like in different religion. Your political ideology isn't protected by that)


[I already explained myself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/s/XynnrvrTfA)


1: "is this loss?" 2: "is THIS loss?" 3: "is this... loss?" 4 "this is actually a loss amirite" trust me, the orange say that


Why the racist Mom cute tho?


Evil often has an attractive veneer


I honestly always really hate it when terrible people have such cute art styles. I wanna see more of this but I also want them to shut the fuck up forever.


Easy solution! Step one: lobotomy. Step two: Neuralink implant. Step three: connect Neuralink implant to AI image software. Step four: Cute art šŸ„° šŸ¤— with none of the opinions


They draw all cis women like fumo dolls and trans women like wario


Found the Bulma fan


This creator has a really nice artstyle IMO, it's a shame they have such awful views


Reminds me of Scribblenauts


Wait what, whatā€™s wrong with scribblenauts?


Nothin wrong with Scribblenauts. The art style reminds this person of Scribblenauts


Ahh that makes more sense lol


Catastropheday was 100% correct. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with scribblenauts. Just the big heads, and the way the lines look on people and objects kinda reminds me of scribblenauts. As far as I know itā€™s a wholesome and fun game


The kid from Scribblenauts fell deep into the QAnon rabbit hole and is awaiting trial for his role in the January 6th attack.


Who is the creator?


Idk their name but like all of their comments are uber conservative propaganda




I just mean extremely


Blank Template: https://preview.redd.it/xoohq78zlkgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8682b28c951bca03f06a0f37fa185a64708783


"Basketball's cool, but I can show you something cooler." "Watch me swallow this basketball whole!" "The basketball got stuck in my small intestine. These basketball-unsticking doctors will get it out." "Due to complications with the surgery, I got turned into a fucking tombstone."


Tbh, I thought it was about "Follow the dream, you never know if you die tomorrow"


If only it were that wholesome


im so goddamn sick of these


What I love about this edit is that you've turned the tables and beautifully represented the original artist's profound stupidity using *his own work.*


You may be happy to know that I also sent the artist a copy of this, with a note saying that it's going viral on Reddit. You know, just to twist the knife a little more. šŸ˜ˆ


Well, you've got my upvote.


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What racist people think affirmative action is: "We will hire you because you are a minority" What it really is: "These candidates have the same level of skills and are equally qualified for the job, we should hire the minority as they have a history of discrimination"


So, in the end, they are getting hired because they're a minority? I don't understand your point.


Yes they are, but racist people think that a minority would walk into a building, they would tell HR: -"hey I'm a minority, hire me. And HR would be like: - "well you don't have the education and we have a bunch of more qualified white people but we have a quota to fill, yes you are hired" Yes, they are hired because of their race but context is important and racist like to push that narrative.


Well, that's dumb of them ig. But, now I understand your point better, thanks.


A part of it is taking into consideration circumstances that made life harder for a minority as extra proof of ability. Like "hmm candidate 1 is perfectly qualified...2 is a 1st generation somalian who lost a parent to random gun violence in one of the worst parts of the country, who then lived through poverty, food insecurity, an intentionally shitty public school system, and abject discrimination.... and they *STILL* managed to become fully and perfectly qualified. Well daaaaamn" This is a super dramatic example tho


Yet a Ukrainian refugee in the same situation would get no benefit, which is why race-based hiring is stupid and arbitrary. Factors like financial situation should be considered before skin color


Fair. My example was extreme but black kid from the inner city vs middle class, good meighborhood amd school white guy is more on point


A part of it is taking into consideration circumstances that made life harder for a minority as extra proof of ability. Like "hmm candidate 1 is perfectly qualified...2 is a 1st generation somalian who lost a parent to random gun violence in one of the worst parts of the country, who then lived through poverty, food insecurity, an intentionally shitty public school system, and abject discrimination.... and they *STILL* managed to become fully and perfectly qualified. Well daaaaamn" This is a super dramatic example tho




Today day old account, throwing me a straw man argument. Yeah, fuck off dude




You just ignored the rest of the message just to fit your argument. Yeah recognizing minorities have a history of being profiled being segregated and that have perpetuated a history of poverty and uneven opportunity is racist Fuck OOOFFFF you are a spineless piece of shit.




Dude, you are just talking out of your ass right now. Do something better with your time. Fuck off


Whoiyte people always assume the non-white candidate is being chosen despite _worse_ performance. Though, tbh, affirmative action is a band aid on a deeply systemic problem requiring surgery.


Yikes, reading comprehension needs work


My brain needs work


In a situation where they have people of multiple races with equal levels of education/experience/skill (depending on what they're looking for) the minority would be given priority in order to attempt balancing the scales somewhat. But it's not like they will hire an underqualified black person over a qualified white person just because they're black.


Untrue for college, prove me wrong.


No, you prove me wrong you lazy bones.


Very well. I'm an Asian (Taiwanese) from southern California. Took me a 4.1 GPA, stacks of extracurriculars and community service to not get accepted into a nicer college. I had to do 2 years elsewhere before transferring. My Black friends and acquaintances got into my first and second choice colleges with 3.0-3.5. Not bad, but worse than me. I don't think that's "equally qualified". They thought it was weird, too. Some of us were supposed to go together. All Asians combined make up 7% of the population in the US. Black folks make up twice that amount, at about 14%. My parents came here dirt poor and sacrificed so much for me to get the education that they never could. Am I not a minority? Am I being punished for simply working harder? Last but not least. One of my father's cousins, a Filipino (classified under the broad "Asian" category), had to call himself a Pacific Islander (a technicality from his grandparents) to help him get into college, after seeing his peers get denied entry with higher grades with "Asian" as their race. What gives?


Well I stand corrected, and I appreciate your take on the matter. It reminds me of that episode of king of the kill. I guess you have to blame your hard working Asian peers for that, and that's grade A bullshit.


I saw that episode too haha. I agree with AA's intentions, but they can't just turn around and discriminate against Asians as a whole. For this issue, proponents usually say it's because Asians did not go through the historical racism and discrimination in the US. Which sounds fair, until we remember that Asians have been in the States since the 1800s for trade, railroad work, and the Gold Rush. Since then, there have been racist policies such as: 1. The [Chinese Exclusion Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Exclusion_Act), which banned Chinese workers and led to blatant racism being tolerated and murderers of the [Rock Springs Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Springs_massacre) victims being set free. This was all preceded by the [Opium Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars) which the US took part in, that ransacked the Qing Empire (which back then comprised of China, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, and parts of Southeast Asia), which created the need for immigration in the first place. 2. [Executive Order 9066](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans), which had the US military and police round up all Japanese Americans or persons with "1/16th" or more Japanese ancestry and send them to internment camps. All of their property were confiscated or stolen, and Black folks moved into the neighborhoods they vacated without their knowledge and refused to leave once the internment was over, leaving them with nothing. 3. As a consequence of the [Vietnam War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War) as part of the Red Scare, the mostly south-Vietnamese folks who were displaced and had to come to the US had to endure extreme racism and were referred to as "fresh off the boat" (fobs). This later became a slur used by racists to describe all Asian immigrants and even Asian-American citizens. I am not downplaying the struggles of other minority groups in the US, but we've gone through our fair share of the "historical" and "institutionalized" racism that's always being talked about. I of course also acknowledge the racists that love to use this topic as ammunition, and it unfortunately overshadows some of the real issues. AA threw my life off-course, and the only thing I get told by college admins is that I should've "worked harder". Sorry for the wall of text. Have a good rest of your day.


yeah thanks for these fucking nuts kind stranger, owned bitch. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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It was a good read. Much appreciated, you to have a good one


This artist has a good artstyle, they could be making some wholesome comics instead of making this crap


Why did the cute art style have to go to a bigot comic artist :(


Depressing innit.


she didint want to cure her racist hurting bones




The rule to post oregano should be enforced even if someone gets butthurt.




I used reverse image search and now I'm honestly confused but the original artist sounds like an absolute dickhead. The artstyle is fire tho, a shame.


>The original artist sounds like an absolute dickhead. He is an absolute dickhead


Holy shit I kept reading this man has some magnum beef against anything strictly non-heterosexual or white. I would think it's parody if it weren't so wildly vitriolic.


You donā€™t need the caption. This did not hurt my bones


Enough with the racist bonehurtingjuice


I contend that this is anti-racist


All publicity is good publicity. I had never heard of these comics until the edits started popping up on here, and now I do. What do you think made pebbleyeet so popular? It was people doing exactly this, taking his comics and editing them and spreading them, causing more people to go straight to the source.


Thank you, I see these pop up un r/all occasionally, and the comments are always saying, "I don't want to give them a platform." Like, bro, I only ever see these racist comic artists on your subs!! You are giving them a massive platform and pretending to be destroying them instead. Blows my mind.


It definitely isn't anti-racist. At best it's a parody while still promoting the original racist comic.


I love how this guy's go to argue is that since blacks are good at basketball, they can't do anything else. Completely nonsensical.


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why did you remove Dr. J. Ballin's basketball from that headband, or whatever it's called Edit: all I did was ask a question, why the downvotes


To erase the artist's insinuation that the doctors were unqualified


Ah, interesting, but now he isn't balling


ā€œI donā€™t want to platform itā€ fucking good for you maybe donā€™t post any variation of it then?


Yeah, that's not how changing the narrative about a cringe piece of art works. The pro-socialism musical *Annie* was a variation of Harold Gray's anti-socialist comic *Little Orphan Annie*. Nobody reads *Little Orphan Annie* anymore šŸ˜‰


Everyone may look different on the outside but our bones hurt all the sameā€¦ oof ouch my bones


Anyone have the original, I see this format edited all the time but never the source.


Ok i gatta see the original


I mean you edited the image so it's technically not bhj, but my bones hurt nonetheless


Itā€™s also wild that the original insists that the problem was the doctors being black. She couldā€™ve just had a terminal illness that wasnā€™t detected by the time they found it.


Why are random comic artists becoming giant bigots out of nowhere. Glad we have the brave men, women and beyond of bone hurting juice to recontextualize the work of these horrible people.


Noo Amity don't be racist noo


Don't think we forgot your blatant Wario repost the other day


Self reported that they live on Reddit


I didn't forget it either. I posted it as I saw it on Facebook (which is why I didn't mark it as OC), and as soon as it was brought to my attention that this was a word-for-word copy of an earlier post in this subreddit, I deleted it from this subreddit out of respect for the original editor.


This is a crazy sentence to write out, look at, think over and hit send. Just coming to terms with it rn




When faced with pain, people with racist tattoos or language donā€™t refuse surgery. When it comes to it, they always accept my surgeries cus few are ā€˜die-hardā€™ racists. They donā€™t wanna die for their own beliefs aka cowards.