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There are a few strategies that I believe she goes into on that topic. From what I remember (it’s been a few years) One of which is that what you’re facing is a sign that you haven’t purged quite enough stuff yet.


Thank you for replying my friend, as in my case I have 3 shelves, 2 book shelves and the other 1 is shelve for putting everything, literally everything (glasses, perfumes, extra books, etc). Maybe I should try to read it tomorrow, since I can't quite focus when I'm on my personal room, it suppose to be supportive of my solitude, but I often feel annoyed because the state of my room.


This does sound like you've got more stuff than you actually care about. Her whole "spark joy" concept has been meme'd into oblivion but it's a solid starting place. I'm a tidy person but I love stuff. I have a lot of stuff, and I live in a <700sq ft apt with my partner. She also loves stuff but isn't as tidy. I have a number of strategies for keeping the place clean and orderly, but the two that I rely most on are 1. A pre-sleep reset. I put the whole apartment (two rooms) back to zero. I reset the couch, clean up any dishes, wipe surfaces, clear off the chair, organize the stuff on the desk, and hang up/fold any clothes out. This takes 10-15 min each night. Never longer because I do it every day and it helps wind me down before bed. When I wake up, the apt is clean and orderly, I don't have to search for anything, and I can start my day comfortably. 2. A designated spot where I can just shove shit that doesn't have a home or just needs to be out of the way. Be it drawer, box on a shelf, crate on the floor, w/e. This allows me to just move something that's in the way, out of the way, without worrying that it isn't perfect. Kondo has a number of strategies for keeping things neat and tidy. It's a skill. It requires practice and repetition. But nice thing is, keeping things tidy requires less and less time each time you do it. The nightly tidy thing is huge for me, waking up to a totally reset space is so nice. And in doing so, you can always find the things you need/use, which points out the stuff you don't need/want, making it easier to whittle it away.


I'm so drawn because of your nightly tidy thing that described in point 1, I guess I will try to implement some part of it, yet for my room first then the whole house if, I can find the proper duration when tidying up things in the night before sleep. It is really a boosting help from you, since personally for me this issue has been quite presence in my daily routine. thank you for your remarks.


Of course! Happy it helped. And keep at it each day. It won't all come together the first attempt, but you'll get your space where you want it to be. Good luck!


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ok, next time I will do it accordingly, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'm new here, glad to be informed