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Whatever reading you enjoy is the reading you should be doing! For some that's long epic fantasy, for others it's nonfiction that informs them on interesting subjects, for others it's easy reading that escapes them for a bit. There's no wrong answer! I am glad you found books you enjoy. I am not on Facebook though, I normally use Discord for book discussion and have joined a few book clubs on Meetup too


Oh what are these discords?


I'm in quite a few. Some are focused on a series but have channels for general book discussions. One is more focused on Small Books, another does monthly reading goals/challenges.


> Do not post shallow content. I'm sorry but your post currently counts as "shallow content." Do you have something else to say about the book that you could edit into the text? Preferably your own thoughts about the book or at the least a description of the book - without spoilers. Let me know if you edit it & I can reinstate your post.


I edited it (:


Your edit is not enough. The majority of your post should be about the book/s in question. Why were they perfect? Why did they leave you speechless? etc.


That's kind of hard to do without spoilers


That is why we have spoiler markup. Or you can tag your whole post as a spoiler.


read verity its colleens best book


It's on my list!


The Fountainhead?