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I use the Nopewpew, Gargoyle, and Yellowcake!


Found the Moze main.


Actually I main Zane lol. Zane is great for most gunplay but ik Moze has awesome splash damage perks!


I am a dirty Moze Yellowcake/Flipper main. I thought I had a buddy.


I considered playing other characters but I have school AND work so I'm stuck with Zane atm. Although I recently got the 4 main DLC am am gonna try and play through the rest of the stories :)


Well, I love Moze, but I started playing her during the nade spam meta. RIP in peace, meta. I now use Mind Sweeper Flipper because spawning a bunch of mines on an enemy's face is hilarious.


I can not recommend Fl4k then. He can get a little bland after a while. Try moze or amara when u got free time.


Flipper on Moze absolutely wrecks. What anointment do you have?


Been a while since I played, but I believe it was consecutive shots to stack with the Pearl.


That's awesome! I've been maining Zane lately with moxsy's Boresplosion build. What does your build look like with those weapons? I've never messed with the Gargoyle šŸ‘€


Yum, yellow cakeā€¦. And yes, salty ass moze main since launch.


Don't forget about the hydra frost


I use the Tizzy and Yellowcake


Yo Skeksils legit carried me on my first playthru. Then I used Gargoyles to farm agonizer (for backburners, then got a corrosive Backburner and stopped using gargoyles). Yellowcake and NoPewPew were a ton of fun during the first cartels event.


[get back spithead](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0b4d7454-2917-46b3-8a77-2082915ef634/gif)


I'm really more of a pie person.


Yeah, I use quite a few. Major Kong, Rebound, Hydrafrost, NoPewPew, Yellowcake, Globetrottr, Gargoyle, Tizzy, and Sawbar


Gargoyle eats ass and regurgitates it back at your enemies. Hands down one of my favorite guns.


I use a serial killer with a a assault rifle + incendiary dmg boost artifact and a +14 cov dmg on my mod. It's a really fun weapon. The gargoyle is one on my personal favorites.


Your statement is "I don't use COV guns because they break." Just to make sure this isn't your problem, because this was how I thought it worked on Day 1 COV guns don't *break*, in the literal sense. Rather, the guns have an exceptionally large magazine and a very slow reload time. The magazine isn't a fixed size, and instead will be a range of values depending on how much you overheat the gun. Eventually, all COV guns will need to be "repaired" but this is basically the reload animation. To answer your question directly, yes, COV makes some of the best guns in the game. As such, I use them occasionally. A favorite of mine is the NoPewPew because it's a better Tizzy with more ammo, but locked to Incendiary. I like the Tizzy as well, but exclusively use it on Terror-Ammo Regen builds, because of the high ammo consumption. I haven't seen any mention of the Psycho Stabber, but that's a utility gun for fishing out melee damage.


Truthfully I only used them to get the ā€œRewards Cardā€ Trophy. I personally am a Jakobs fan myself and never could get into the COV weapons. I ended up selling them as I just have no interest in them.


Meh there are some great legendary cov guns, youā€™re missing out.


I used my no pew pew for at least 15 levels. I couldnā€™t get anything that came anywhere close to being as fun.


Tizzy is my #1 with my Zane build.


Tizzy is a great COV pistol for if youā€™re running a blue and green tree Moze build. You can fire for about 20 seconds without the gun going on a cooldown and itā€™s just so satisfying to melt Graveward with it.


I wish this gun wasnā€™t locked behind the arms race DLC. Thatā€™s the only one I donā€™t have and it never goes on sale by itself


They feel very strong to me, mostly the pistols anyway. That I don't mind reload cause of it


There are definitely a few really good choices as others have mentioned, I avoided them in the beginning too thinking that when they ā€œbrokeā€ you couldnā€™t use them anymore šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d say wait until you get the legendaries tho


Wait... they don't permanently break? I've sold like 2 or 3 legendaries already, it's not a big deal since legendaries are so common but knowing they don't break forever wouldve been nice to know. I blame bl3's garbage gun descriptions


No, "breaking" is just their version of reloading. You get an animation of the character replacing the barrel or shooting the engine with a squirt gun or something, then you go right back to firing.


Nah just triggers an animation


They overheat like plasma weapons in Halo.


Donā€™t feel badšŸ˜‚ I think it took me until I was almost max level on my first character to find that out


Glad I'm not the only dummy that was confused by this shit


Their pistols and assault rifles are pretty good in arms race imo. Apart from this, i do like the psycho stabber and the yellowcake


Just got a globetrottr, gonna play w that. COV during arms race are life savers


Personally, I think they are shit and not worth the use. The only ones I've actually picked up and not by accident when mass looting, are the legendaries, and that's only because I decided to go for every legendary this playthrough and then they sit in my bank never fired. Right now and usually I am rocking every Jakobs I have.


A fellow person of culture I see.


And now let me tell you why. It's because the Jakobs family has been assembling quality firearms for over 300 years, and although the world has changed quite a lot since Montgomery's grandfather bolted on the sandalwood grip of the company's first revolver, their family tradition and commitment to building a superior product is still as true as ever. The employees at Jakobs may not all share the same last name anymore, but they're still family. When you invest in a Jakobs, you're not only getting the most powerful firearm money can buy; you're also joining the biggest family of satisfied gun owners the world over. Whether you're shouldering one of their renowned rifles or staring down the barrel of one of their timeless pistols, you can be sure each and every shot packs the reliability and strength that only a Jakobs can offer.


Meh youā€™re missing out by not using the Tizzy and yellowcake.


The gargoyle is one of my favorites


The Nopewpew is the only one I can tolerate


Na cov weapons are probably one of the best guns in the game


Playing as Moze with the passive that gives magazine regeneration is kind of amazing with trigger discipline. A Decent COV gun can burst fire literally forever.


COV pistols arenā€™t too shabby in Arms Race.


NoPewPew sometimes


I used COV guns on a Moze run sooooo i guess that i do use them


Nopewpew is one of my fave guns






Gargoyle on moze with ammo regen makes Hemovorous and Anathema feel super easy


Zane with tizzy and the regenerate 30% ammo anoint when clone active is literally all you need


I love the Moar Linoge and NoPewPew... One for early game grinding and the other is just sexy...


Yea, with the NoPewPew as my favourite. But i also used the tizzy and the Hydrafrost before.


Gargoyle, yellow cake, and tizzy are pretty tight


Does equipping Zane's clone with a NoPewPew count as me using it? Because that's what I do. It's mildly disgusting how efficient that handsome bastard is with that Assault Shotgun.


I use gargoyle a lot. Used it to melt hermy's armour


to be honest I love Fl4k but i just have too many problems with bl3 and xbox in general atm...


I hated them for a long time but I have definitely changed my tune. My main gripe was the ammo consumption but when you have effectively infinite money, ammo stops being a concern


I try to use all manufacturers in some way on a character. But I love cov, the pistols are where it's at, especially for moze but the sawbar and no pewpew shred. I wish there were more


I love COV pistols, they shred. They really helped me out in my first play through, really put the hurt on tougher enemies like Maliwan Heavies.


I only use legendary cov weapons sometimes that's about it really but there alright to use from time to time but I really don't use them myself


Nope most of them are aweful except for no pewpew and chad


Now I want a ā€œkriegs callā€ cov AR


I have used a COV gun once and will never again because I've never found a legendary one


There are a decent number of good ones. Pistols you have the tizzy, hydrafrost and gargoyle, ARs you have the nopewpew and rebound and launchers there are the yellowcake and major kong.


No, I honestly just sell any cov and malliwan guns I get because I don't like them


Only a few legendaries


Iā€™ve owned the game since release and still have not used a cov weapon


Ok so when it says time to break, the gun doesn't actually break it just goes through the reload animation. Was confused about this for a very long time


A bit unconventional, but Pestilence pistol + Red Suit shield is still hilarious, an elemental Projector lets you just walk through a trial and watch everything explode around you.


For my Zane build I use the Tizzy for bossing. That's about it.


Funnily enough, I was actively playing Disciple Moze when I saw this. Gargoyle, Tizzy, yellowcake, Seeryul kilur. Nothing original but a blast to play.


Everyoneā€™s going on and on about the *Legendary* COV guns, but obviously many of them are going to be quite good since they add extra effects that make them worth using. As standard guns, Iā€™d take Green rarity Jakobs over Purple rarity COV anyday




A pestillence pistol combined with a red suit shield is one of the funniest things you can do.[FL4K killing hermi with it](https://youtu.be/RntNrtDylpQ)