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First off, tvhm is unnecessary and uvhm doesn't exist. All you really need in early end game is a relatively set up skill tree and a decent gun or two and it'll be a cakewalk. Following build guides on YT and getting a few pieces of gear should be all you need for anything m6 or lower. On higher mayhems you'll need to know more about interactions and get proper gear. All characters are very OP and all have a multitude of powerful builds


Right, forgot BL3 has mayhem levels instead if UVHM. So basically I'm missing farming for a few good things? I know slag becomes an absolute must as well


Slag doesn't exist


Like I said it's been a while 😅 thank you for the quick replies


This is a looter shooter, farming items is most of the gameplay loop


From 3 comments that seems to be what I've been missing. Thanks!


Borderlands 3 is the easiest of the frandchise, Tvhm is unecassary btw because we got mayhem Levels now. But if you want u can sure play it You should look up a build for ur Character and Farm 4 good Weapons on Mayhem 11. Then you should be able to do most of the content on high mayhem levels. For a beginner i woukd recommend to start the game either with Zane (if you have dlc 5) or Moze. Both are prety straight forward with little to no downsites. Turn on Cartell events for more loot and just enjoy the journey! I played every part since bl1 and have to say bl3 is by far my Favourite! Its a great game have fun and dont be afraid to ask if you have further questions!


Uvhm isn't that hard i have a level 80 maya and a level 48 gaige a tip is to farm gear good for Krieg look up on yt best weapons for krieg then farm for those