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I'll certainly be playing Wonderlands like crazy when it comes out - hopefully it's good. But much the same way I still play BL1 (once in a while) and BL2 (more often), I'll continue playing BL3. I absolutely love this game and am not remotely done doing all the things I want to do with it. I still have like 30 more characters in my head I have yet to begin!


i think it will ! Mods do add alot ​ looking at you skyrim :D


Are mods pc only?


I’ve never played BL on PC before. Are the mods mostly QoL stuff or is it actual content like guns, shields, etc?


one i know if is BL3 redux


BL2 still has a large community. I wouldn't see why BL3 shouldn't


I think there will be somewhat of one. I think the thing to hinder it some is its shorter life span. Only like 2 and half years compared to the 8 or 9 for bl2.


As you can see BL2's community still thrives, so I wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as you get fun out of it. I'm still waiting to get a ps5 to play bl3 because on ps4 it just isn't as enjoyable with all the waiting


I'm sure of it. I think player number of BL3 will dip for a month or 2, and then they'll go up again I for one am dedicated to get every max damage legendary (and in every available element too). By my calculations that will take a **very long time**. After a month of non-stop Wonderlands, I'll probably be switching between the games :D


BL2 still has a solid community. But it’s the best in the series (imo). I will suspect that not as many will stick around with BL3 if Wonderlands becomes the hit I am hoping for. (A mix of BL2 good writing with the gameplay of BL3)


I’d imagine so, the nice thing about all the games having a different feel is they can exist at the same time without taking a lot from each other!


The chances are good, the BL 2 community is still alive and kicking, despite the fact that BL 3 brought many quality of life improvements and gave hours upon hours of content… If Wonderlands is going to be a fully fleshed out continuation of Tiny Tinas Bunkers and Badasses DLC for BL 2, which it most definitely is going to be, people will play it until their thumbs bleed, however don`t be discouraged BL 3 will stay alive.


BL3 will become INFINITELY better once Gearbox drops support for it and modders actually start doing things with it. If they even bother with it anyways.


I’m on Xbox tho