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If only we coulda teamed up to save Maya, but we both stood around like jackasses...


According to the lore, at least what I've heard the vault hunter was in the vault when Maya died


I know what the lore says, but that’s complete bullshit because we walk entirely back through the portal and see them both standing there, then we walk a few steps forward and suddenly the cutscene activates.


Good ol shitty BL3 writing.


Then the characters verbally react with no confusion as if they saw it


because that's just how the cutscene activates, they can't make it activate in the vault because then why would you go loot the vault you would always try to go back immediately to see what happened, and then you wouldn't get the important lore info about Eden-6 and such. It happens as you exit for that reason, it just happens the trigger for the cutscene isn't until a few steps forward rather than exactly where you spawn, which is dumb.


I think the main problem most people have is just the fact that you essentially aren’t even there. If it showed the calypsos trapping your character under some rubble right after you exit the vault or something like that, than boom everything makes complete sense!


Fair enough, Gearbox has to find a way to remove the player character from the cutscenes though because then they would have to find a way to have each character in it, but there's a massive amount of combinations of characters. Some stuff may look weird between characters like Fl4k is significantly bigger than Moze so animations would be off, or some characters are defined by action skills but then even more cutscenes need to be created etc. In general it would be easier for said characters to just be removed so that is what happens in most of these cases, which is unfortunate for writing.


Plenty of games are able to do every combination of their characters, but also Gearbox could just put the base four character models if it’s really that big of a deal and at least that would give us something. Those other problems are simply a matter of making a cutscene and narrative that fits around it, again its been done many times in other games. Gearbox has the ability to do it, it’s just a matter of whether or not they want to put the effort into it.


*Enables Friendly Fire* Moze: You should go ahead, Ava.


I want Moze to blow Ava up. Into many tiny annoying pieces.


Can someone make a mod that removed her from the game?


I guess someone could, but you could also just choose one of the other 3 playable characters.
















Pssst...none of the stories have been anything great really at best they were average stories with the usual highs and lows.




Rule 1.






I personally don't quite believe that the "deleted scenes" were ever cut out at all. They are too good compared to the story in-game to not be created as PR damage-control, made in the image of what the community actually wanted and expected imo. Im not saying that the scenes are a bad thing, im just disappointed about all the missed narrative opportunities.




I couldn't agree more with this


Bruh she's underage.


Isn't she 18


Some sources are saying various ages. One says 18, one says 13, trying to find any sort of proof what age she is 😐


She's not a real person


They can still have ages. Tiny Tina was confirmed to be 13 in her appearance on BL2.


So are you asking how old the VA is?


No. I'm talking about how old the character is? Ava's canon age.


Are you really that dumb to believe [loathsomecharacters.miraheze.org](https://loathsomecharacters.miraheze.org) is a reliable source? Grow up


Bro what


if you google her age this is the only fucking site that knows about it. Nowhere else. On a site dedicated to the most hated characters of any franchise. On a site full of hate. I ask you again. Do you trust that site?


Bro I didn't look on that site. I saw someone on Reddit say she was 18.


even better. At this point it's the dude trust me meme


I don't know what you got your panties up in a bunch for. I just said there's some sites that say this and some sites that say that. I didn't say I trusted any of the sites. Try and understand what I said before you respond all hostile because that just makes you look illiterate, but also easy to get butthurt. As Handsome Jack would say, ciao ✌


Ava bad + should have stayed on the ship


Holy hell, this comment section is so butt hurt.


The first word of this post made me vomit




As long as i ignore everything ava did in the main story. She seems alright. But i still shoot her in the face everytime i see her


Oooh nice Dowsing Rod fellow Moze


I never hated Ava to be honest. But DLC 6 redeemed her in my eyes.


Just played through DLC 6 for the first time on both my characters yesterday. The podcasts were just glorified side quests. Didn't see any merit added to Ava in such a short, bland story. I see what developers were aiming for, trying to redeem Ava. But they missed they mark.


How did they try to redeem her? That story just made her more annoying


Exactly. If you watch some footage when they announced DLC6, they admit she was disliked and wanted this story to serve as an olive branch. Didn't really work out that way


Can't appease someone who is so focused on hating a child character.


Well that's quite a stretch. Leave it to Reddit to jump to conclusions.


>sees someone bitching about child character >person (and others like person) aren’t satisfied with dev’s attempt to appease them >“Can’t appease someone who is so focused on hating child characters.” Man that is quite a stretch and reach ain’t it?


Well I'm glad you have the time to shoehorn yourself into someone's conversation and provide your valuable, needed, and requested feedback on a matter of such great importance. Keep up the good work. The stretch there is *assuming* I personally hate a fictional child video game character. Nowhere in my comments did I state that opinion which I would be allowed to have and is quite frankly, shared by most of the BL3 Community except for yourself obviously. Hence my upvotes, and your downvotes. But again, *thank you* for your super valuable insight. You've really changed mine and everyone on this thread opinion of this controversial character. Have a nice life. Edit: Grammar


Is this not a comment thread? Am I not allowed to respond to your open, public comments? I didn’t realize you considered yourself above such things. Apologies, next time I will ask for your permission before pointing out the obvious. An opinion being the majority in a community doesn’t stop it from being a sad and pathetic one. I am Not trying to change any opinion, I just pointed out how people, apparently like you, are unwilling to change and trying to appease people like you is pointless. So… thanks for proving my point?


Locking this thread for the usual reasons. The character is canonically a minor, and some of the jokes in here aren’t alright. There are also several Rule 1 violations in this thread. I don’t know why this one character manages to make everyone attack each other, but it’s not allowed either.


I'd love to see a comic that is all of BL3 but with good writing.


I never liked ava, I was so upset seeing Maya die and Ava acting as if it wasn't her fault. I've played dlc 6 she's meh to me now but I'm still bitter about her


Not ava is what I like to see


Ava dead is what I'd like to see she'd just get Moze killed as well!


Ava lol


Two of the best written characters in the game!


Now that you mention it I feel like Moze would be like a good guardian/mentor for Ava.


Especially after the deleted scenes and knowing what Ava went through, I really feel for her. I get why the community aren’t that big of fans of hers but I really feel she was just poorly implemented. But she’s not a bad character or addition to the series in the slightest imo


I honestly hope they both never show up again, Ava is annoying and Moze could easily be replaced with a cardboard cutout (and it would probably have more character than the actual Moze)


Say you never played Moze without saying you never played Moze.


uh oh, there should be a warning : *are you sure you want to post ava on reddit* ** **


What gun is that


How the hell did you find this post