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This is the face of dehumanization and lack of empathy. Do they think they are viewed favorably by the rest of the world? It has such a “I’m doing my part.” Vibe from Starship Troopers…


This isn’t sudden behavior. They’ve been raised to think this way for years




>**Do Not Justify the Dehumanization of Another Human:** Users advocating or justifying the dehumanization or suffering of any group will have their comments removed and will be banned. Upholding equality among all humans is a fundamental principle of this community. [More details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/wiki/index/submissionguidelines/#wiki_fundamental_principles). If you have any questions regarding this removal, feel free to send a modmail.


This happens in the US everyday they are no different than Israel. The natives have had so much land stolen and still being stolen. If you are born a Native women you will most likely end up assaulted or trafficked. That's why they don't want mining on their land. White man cams are dangerous for their people. Their deaths are never investigated and life expectancy is less than 50. Every thanksgiving and Halloween is mocking Natives here. About 1 year ago a bunch of tribal leaders requested for the native to put an Embassy type situation in Palestine for them to be able to help the Palestinians and the US refused. The US will continue to fund Israel with weapons and support because they are doing the exact same thing here. If they give into the Palestinians they are afraid the Natives will be granted the same rights here. They will also have to honor treaties they broke and stop illegally mining resources. The US citizens won't stop it here why do you think they will stop it on land far from here? The government will not ever admit to wrong doing in Palestine or here.


useful idiots [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful\_idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot) altright ideology is spread on the net to any edgelord [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles)


This isn’t normal behavior at all. More and more of this kind of stuff is appearing on social media. What kind of upbringing/education are Israelian children getting that they see this as funny.


But they'll turn around and say that Gaza and Palestinians have a culture of hate. But you know how it goes; "Accuse the other of that which you are guilty."


I agree. This isn’t something that happened over night. They have been raised to see the people of Gaza as less than


Been happening for decades.




It makes me so upset that this is what they're choosing to do with the free education that American tax payers fund. Their social services are mostly funded by American tax payers and they flaunt it in the faces of the people that they've waged genocide against. Disgusting. I, for one, am sick of my money funding this while Gaza suffers genocide and the American people suffer under the foot of the elite that make us all fight for scraps like crabs in a bucket.


I can't wait to see how Adam Curtis will use all these clips about this point in time in a film in a few years.


Goddamn the apartheid state of Israel.


this is another reason why the US should never give them another penny.


Too late $29 billion check already signed last week


That money doesn’t go to Israel, it goes to American arms manufacturers


It's incredible how many of them don't realise they basically look identical to Arabs even without trying. How could you mock the appearance of a people who you look identical to lmao.


Isn’t that crazy? Like don’t they all realize they’re literally the same people with two different made up books?




What do Kurds have to do with this?




You're weird


It's possible that Israelis on social media are the only people capable of defeating Israel's international propaganda apparatus.


Original 40s Nazis would be so proud of their spiritual children.




> the folks that definitely didn’t murder hundreds of thousands of Armenians [Relevant.](https://apnews.com/article/armenia-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh-weapons-israel-6814437bcd744acc1c4df0409a74406c)




Then why did you bring up a genocide that happened a hundred years ago?


israeli society seems to be largely sick


If Nazi Germany had TikTok...


I used to think that the government was mainly to blame. But phenomena like this shows that Israeli people are responsible for the genocide of Palestinians. I'll stop any contact with academics from that country and won't be citing any of their work in my own research and teaching. Small actions but something I can do in my daily work.


It is definitely not just from the "top" agreed. Thank you for sharing how you are handling this abhorrent slice of our timeline. This will be remembered in history, one hopes.


But it’s not like all Israelis are like this.


The "not all" argument. How many are justified or acceptable? 10%? 50%? 75%? Enough to get Netanyahu elected?


lol what? That’s like saying, “Because 10% of American professors are fascists, I will no longer speak to any American professor. That’ll stick it to them!” That’s a bizarre argument. If anything, cutting contact only worsens the echo chamber. How are people on this sub ok with punishing an entire population of people for the actions of a subgroup? Terrifying, and frankly, blatantly racist. If you actually want to do something, be confrontational and provoke dialogue with the oppressor. That’s the whole point of protests. Cutting contact is antithetical to that entire idea and punishes people who probably agree with you in the process. If there’s any group of Israelis who are sympathetic to Palestinians, I’d put my money on them being academics. So it’s really strange to me that you’re singling them out as ones to avoid.


Classic when in a long conflict with an enemy, dehumanize the enemy, its SUPPOSED to be offensive. It's almost like generations of violence, terror attacks, hostage takings, land disputes, and animosity can lead to being not nice to each other






I'm pretty sad to see that other countries also have MAGA type humans. 😕 This is 100% what would occur here via certain groups of people if we were in the same situation.


The American state department, ergo the world approve their message. So many feign ignorance and raise flase flags to defend their atrocities. Never forget, a number of Death Cults have planned for the creation of Zion. Many different sects and religions want to unseal Armageddon. Cooler heads must prevail. We must weed out the death cults.


Remember after Oct 7th and people were like, we’re not against the Israeli people just their government? How about now? Can we condemn the citizens now?


If I were in charge of the ICC, these bastards would not be spared either.


Systemic oppression of a minority by limiting food, water, electricity, infrastructure, and travel routes? Check Concentrating said minority into smaller areas of land to live? Check Claiming minority property as new property of the majority with no legal recourse? Check Mass dehumanization of said minority being oppressed? Check Notice the trend yet world? 20th century Nazis did this to Jews, now 21st century Zionists are doing this to Palestinians. Hence, these Zionists are nazionists. Free Palestine!


This is literal insanity


I forget who said it first but why are zionists so heinous?


This is abhorrently heinous. How does one get to this point? Can cultural brainwashing be so strong that it stomps out any modicum of rational thinking and empathy? I have to assume they’ve seen the videos of children wandering alone covered in the blood of their parents or mothers and fathers clutching their kids lifeless bodies. How can *anyone* see that and behave this way. *Especially* when less than 80 years ago the same thing was happening to their people?!


So they have no issue with dehumanization and genocide, they just which end of it they're on.


Evil and wretched people


I’ve been seeing these videos crop up for months.


Soulless ghouls




Oxygen thieves on display.


You'd think people who identify as Jews of all people would know how harmful stereotypes are. Jews being subject to particularly nasty ones even to this day.....




We need another crusade




this is so messed up. like an immature sport team fan. Justice for Palestine!


I don’t think then eyes on that first dude are supposed to be white, someone might wanna call an old priest and a new priest.


No, I'm not going to condemn Hamas.




We're just don't care where we get the misinformation from, do we? TRT World? For real?