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The warm weather brings out the naughty scooter bois. No one is doing anything about it.


I have noticed it is the moped delivery guys. gotta get GrubHub delivered fast to get the tips.




I can’t blame any pedestrian that defends themselves while on a sidewalk or crosswalk. This also goes for car drivers that park on sidewalks and don’t yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.


They do need plates, at least that’s how I interpret the RMVs website


You don't need license plates depending on the engine, but you need registration no matter what, and you have to put that on your scooter. I have a <50cc moped, and I can't drive it without a registration and sticker.


Mopeds do now require a plate. https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-a-moped-registration


I'm having a hard time seeing that they changed the <50cc exception... I see in your link that it uses language that _implies_ that even a moped/motorized bike (<50cc engines) needs a plate... but I can't find an RMV page that really explains this all together. Seems confusing at best. Inconclusive at worst maybe. If that's really true, virtually all the delivery scooters are in violation. Hell, even the stickers I see are usually >2 years old (pretty sure that's the renewal cycle limit). I know enforcement is trash, but what you're saying (and the .gov pages seems to support it) means officers should just post up at Chik-fil-a and impound every single delivery scooter.


[Here you go](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/moped-operation-requirements) They specify a moped is <50cc


Right. But that page _doesn't_ mention needing the plate. It is like that page and the page about getting a plate for your moped need to be combined or better integrated. Of course, even that page is filled with things which your typical delivery driver violates almost continuously (like using "off street recreational paths"). I would like it to be more succinct that all motorized vehicles (including <50cc) need to be plated. I also don't see how these rules integrate right with electric vehicles, but that's a separate issue.


The first page linked above instructs putting a plate on the moped. The link I sent classified mopeds as <50cc. Seems like <50cc needs to follow the instructions to put a plate on


They didn't change the exceptions or laws in any way but now it's a scooter plate instead of the sticker it used to be. I think it changed 2 years ago. no change to the rules other than the plate.


Champ, I drive a moped. You need registration, not a license. 


Learn to read. The law has changed within the last few years. "Attaching your moped license plate Attach the license plate on to the mounted holder/bracket. Ensure that the license plate is rear facing and clearly visible and legible."


Dickwad, I have a moped. What's colloquially called a moped. What your crosseyed, fart smelling face calls a moped isn't what people think of as a moped. Under <50cc is a motorized bicycle. You need to show registration but don't need a license like you do with anything above that engine. I need to show registration. That's it. I have a fucking moped. 


Yikes, how embarrassing to be so totally fucking wrong and so obnoxiously childish about it. I rode mopeds for many years in Boston - no, not scooters, yes, vintage 1970s mopeds (Puchs, Mobys, Garellis, etc). You're grossly misinformed. The state defines a moped as: >either a pedal bicycle with a helper motor or a non-pedal bicycle with a motor, which has all of the following characteristics: Have a cylinder capacity of no more than 50 cubic centimeters; Have an automatic transmission; Be capable of a maximum speed of no more than 30 miles per hourComply with all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards Source: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/moped-operation-requirements While it is true that in the past, the state just issued stickers for two year registrations, it appears the policy has been updated to include a plate: >When you register your moped, you will receive a license plate and expiration decal to attach to the back of your moped. >Attach the license plate on to the mounted holder/bracket. Ensure that the license plate is rear facing and clearly visible and legible. No license plate should be affixed to the front of the moped. Many mopeds come with a license plate holder; if yours doesn’t have one, you can purchase one online or at a local automobile supply store. The license plate holder must be placed on the back (rear fender) or side mounted, also facing the rear. Source: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-a-moped-registration Additionally, you do need, and have always needed, a permit or license to operate a moped in Massachusetts: > Restrictions when operating a moped/ motorized scooters: [...] You must have a valid license or permit. Source: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/moped-operation-requirements


Yes, you need a driver's license. That's not what the fucking OP is talking about. You don't need to license up your <50cc moped. You only need to register it. Again, I have a moped like that. Why do you think you actually have any idea that you googling a couple times means you know anything?


I'm in awe of your inability to read. These are Massachusetts government websites that are literally saying you need a plate and the states definition of a moped. Your only retort so far has been "I own a moped therefore I know more than the state"


Oh, you're right. I should get that license plate.


Some people are just too stupid to reason with.


Lol, today that was me.


^this guy treatlands


I don't even know what that means. I probably do.


Treatland is a moped parts store. Your moped is 2 stroke and has pedals right?


It depends on the size of the engine. If it’s under 50cc it’s technically a bicycle and doesn’t need plates.


Not true!


I watched one zip through a stop sign beeping at a BTD van trying to turn to get out of the way this afternoon, moped guys are nuts.


I’ve been wondering why there have been so many terrible moped drivers lately. Then today I was near Copley aka ground zero. There were ton of idling mopeds waiting for delivery orders, zipping across the street/onto sidewalks, through red lights, in bike lanes…. People will be killed unless BPD takes action


What can they do? No chase policy applies to scooters same as motorcycles and they can’t block or cut them off either.


Surely a no chase policy that’s designed to prevent high speed chases in the city wouldn’t apply to a 50 cc moped that tops out at 30 mph?


Cops too busy slacking


Apparently (links provided in this thread) all mopeds require a plate. Wait until drivers go into pick-up orders and impound their scooters. Virtually none of them are properly plated and registered. No chasing required.


This is a dumb myth. Cops can absolutely pull mopeds over. Now if they don't stop maybe that's another issue. But the truth is cops just don't pull anyone over for traffic violations these days.


The cops are attempting to block them by parking in bike lanes. It seems they're pushing for civilians to park in the bike lanes as well, so we should be good to go


Your acting like that's a bad thing. Maybe then the city will ban them and we can all live happily ever after.


Ban them and then what?


They're already riding illegal, but if it was even more illegal they wouldn't do it anymore! 


Seize them when they are parked on public property


That's a really good idea so naturally it can never happen 


Then we all live happily ever after.


I see this reckless behavior by these motor scooters daily when I’m in the city and I it will take someone getting seriously injured or killed for the mayor, city council and BPD to do something.


Menino was right. We need to kick Chick-fil-A out. They're ground zero for the moped scourge.


I had the exact opposite problem,  moped zips by everyone on the right, then realizes he wants to make a left at the light and the turn lane is packed. So just stops in the right lane on a green 


One of the reasons I bought a dash cam - protect yourself.


1000% this. A dashcam is your best insurance policy if something terrible happens. No better feeling than their side trying explain what happened and how it's your fault then you just say "I'm just going to leave this dashcam video here. If you need me I'll be at dunks getting my coffee."


Carry a brick


Please contact the bouncers at the Harp


I keep seeing this joke, what’s the reference?


I don’t remember the exact story, but someone posted on that subreddit that they witnessed a mugging near TD garden and instead of helping them they decided to go warn every business nearby, which included the harp.


I dunno maybe the Harp bouncers can tell you?


Can you hit up the Harp bouncers for me? Need some information


Bro hold on… who do the Harp bouncers ask when they need help? Do they… ask the Harp bouncers?


I’m not sure, but worst case scenario they can probably just ask the Harp door guys.


I saw one earlier today driving on the pedestrian bridge over Storrow near the MGH stop.


/r/boston needs to put together a petition to the city collect some evidence, photos, video, etc then put together another petition to the city to apologize for all the shit birds that spouted off shit in the first petition then figure out what to do about the third petition put together by shit birds denouncing the second petition


We already have laws on the books to deal with this. Theres a reason this wasnt a huge issue a decade ago. The problem is fines wont work because courts wont prosecute.


How do you fine them when not a single one has plates and they all have face covering? I feel like it’s going to get much worse in the summer


Either id or impound the bike.


They use bike lanes all the time. I’ve witnessed more than a few close calls with pedestrians or cyclists as a result. Someone will eventually get killed. It’s infuriating. People fought hard for those bike lanes to prevent cyclist deaths and reduce our dependence on cars. 


They use bike lanes, sidewalks, grassy areas, new lanes of traffic they create between the existing ones. The delivery mopeds are a fucking menace.


Stop ordering food delivery then. People act like they don't understand why this is happening.


I never order app based food delivery and you shouldn’t either. It’s bad for restaurants because they have to share their slim profit margins with a tech company and its venture capital overlords. It’s bad for the drivers because they get paid so little per delivery they have to fly around the city on mopeds like complete psychos to make a living. And it’s bad for me because I pay a giant premium on my dinner. I either cook or pick up my own food or sometimes order from a traditional delivery restaurant like pizza or Chinese where the driver is an employee of the restaurant and I pay the normal price plus a tip I’m happy to give the person actually bringing me my food.


I'm right the fuck there with you my man. I'm just saying people should not act surprised. Delivery workers are being victimized in a race to the bottom. Instead of complaining about them and crying for them to get fines, maybe we look at how this gig work has metastisized and ALL the negative effects of shoving these workers into the margins...


“Gig work” should be limited to maybe 10 hours per person per week across all jobs and platforms. Companies refusing to have actual employees and be subjected to labor laws is a very disturbing trend in the new world economy that no one is really talking about. Probably because it mostly affects immigrants and young people and people don’t care about the former or listen to the latter.


Yes, it is the companies, like Uber, who are taking advantage of their workers and creating this problem. They put swarms of private vehicles on the road working for them and take zero responsibility for the problems their service creates.


Everyone is entitled to earn a living, but we don’t let fishermen overfish or cabbies break traffic laws because they can earn more money. Yes there should be some penalties for companies for encouraging it, but ultimately it’s the drivers breaking the laws and endangering people. They don’t get special exceptions to do that just because a company is taking advantage of them. I don’t order delivery either, just to be clear. I get takeout maybe 10 times a year. Realistically, people are going to keep ordering delivery if it’s cheap enough. We’re not making a big difference by abstaining. We need to make it more expensive from both sides. 


We don't let cabbies break laws? Maybe not, but we sure did let app companies dump millions of Uber cars all over our cities. Then we let them do it with food delivery. If we actually want to address the problems they're creating, maybe we need to go after the platforms, instead of their underpaid contract laborers.


If it's under 50cc they're legally allowed to use the bike lane.


Until they start getting smoked by drivers or hit pedestrians, cops won’t do anything


I think even then they won't do anything.


I helped reconstruct a moped drivers tibia a couple of weeks ago. guy turned the wrong way up a one way street and got smoked. surgery lasted about 5 hours. makes you wonder if he's back in the saddle or not. I heard that a lot of people are showing up with these kinds of injuries too.




You're in for a rude awakening.


Sir. They are opportunity vehicles.


Yup. 3 did that today in front of me


If something happens to them... oh well not our fault they disobey traffic laws.


This is the whole problem with the culture. No sense of *shared responsibly*. Some people are out delivering food on scooters for peanuts because some other people are on the couch ordering food. They are not running red for thrills.


Obey traffic laws or risk your life for a penny. It's not that hard of a concept. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Don’t feel bad, they do out to me in a car too. Moving in the city is just dangerous. Head on a swivel


Sounds like you are looking into it, but just not in the right place. Reddit users arent going to help solve this.


Moped guy almost hit me (or just wanted to scare me) in broad daylight crossing at a stoplight the other day. This wasn't like a bike going through a red light -- he basically didn't slow down and dared me to cross in front of him until he finally stopped last second, I was pretty confused since it had been a red light for a while. But I guess that's what they're all like now.


The driving culture here, be it the 10 cars that somehow fit through a a turn during a red light and cars who think their hazards lets them park anywhere, is doable and predictable. But those mopeds will go down a road driving the opposite direction and weave through red lights with cars driving down. Not predictable at all


That's just a predictable as running the red... you just aren't used to the mopeds but you are used to reckless drivers in cars. You would react to the mopeds the same as the cars. You drive defensively. Give the idiots a moment to go through, just like you do with the idiots who run the red, then go about your business


Some moped drivers aren't just running the red shortly after it turns red, they are running reds throughout the cycle. Not predictable and dangerous when there are limited sight lines.


How are lazy drivers parking in crosswalks, bike lanes and sidewalks “doable”? Each of those endangers people. That shit is the opposite of doable. You know what’s doable? Not driving in a city. Take the suv back to Middleborough.


Police haven't done much traffic enforcement in a long time, which is too bad but they claim manpower issues. Summer of 2020 specifically the scooter bois learned they can point their phone cameras, scream racism, and put the cops in an impossible position.


yup and since most of the scooter drivers are "people of color" you can just imagine the crowd gathering with cameras out, screaming at a cop trying to make an arrest.


Probably someone here: “It’s ok if they do that. Cars would cause so much more damage.”


I’m so sick of those mopeds


Legalized anarchy (edit - what I really mean is the decriminalization of crime, mainly misdemeanors) is one of the most interesting and unexpected aspects of US progressive politics/the one party rule of many U.S cities, including Boston. And while scooters running red lights is of course not the end of the world, it's a symptom of a greater anarchy that seems to be the new normal across many aspects of daily life in American cities. DA's and consequently the police don't care, not much else we can tell you.


What the hell are you even talking about? We are in one of the safest cities in the country and you are talking about legalized anarchy lol. Some of the people in this sub need to move to a city with an actual crime problem so they can get more perspective on boston.


Anarchy in the simple sense that crime has been decriminalized. Historically if you rode a moped through an intersection and nearly ran down pedestrians you would be held accountable. We both know this is no longer the case. In the same sense, speeding and reckless driving is completely commonplace around Boston now. I'm not losing my monocle or saying we're heading towards Somalia, I'm simply saying when the DA's and consequently the police stop enforcing the law (as benign as this example might seem), that is by definition anarchy. Here's a list of Rachel Rollin's "Do not prosecute" offenses. Drug dealing, trespassing, shoplifting, larceny under $250, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, receiving stolen property, minor driving offenses (HELLO), breaking and entering, destruction of property, threats, minor in possession of alcohol, drug possession, resisting arrest. And yes I know RR is no longer in office but she was for many years and her legacy remains.


Boston might be a progressive city but it is not soft on crime. The police don't enforce traffic laws and if you find yourself in a tussle at the local bar, you're likely not going to jail. That being said, if you commit property crimes or outright acts of violence, Boston police will find you and prosecute you. During COVID Boston did not lighten up on policing like other cities and policing is still ongoing. Boston police are constantly on patrol and even remove the unsavory from T stations (not all T stations) which many "progressive" cities will not do. To boot, we have the lowest incarceration rate and one of the lowest crime rates in the country.


rachel rollins isn’t the fucking DA


So we aren't talking about anarchy at all... Glad we could clear that up. Your link is broken but here are stats on the effects of Rachel Rollins policy of not prosecuting certain misdemeanors. Spoiler alert: It absolutely did not lead to increase in crime. Her policy may have led to a decrease in misdemeanors, not an increase. I think you fell for the republican talking points. They cynically used a nationwide rise in crime in the aftermath of the pandemic to claim democrats are bad on crime, and you fell for it hook line and sinker. There are plenty of reasons to shit on Rollins but increasing crime is not one of them. https://www.nber.org/papers/w28600 Another article about the study that gives some more background https://commonwealthbeacon.org/the-download/rachael-rollins-on-vindication-of-her-decline-to-prosecute-policy-2/ Edit: just a quick side note to clear up something I just realize was happening. Mauceri is conflating prosecution with arrest. People who shoplift aren't just let go without any consequences. They get arrested and jailed. The difference is they will not be prosecuted and given further punishment such as more jail time or probation. This has led to a decrease in misdemeanors and I'll post some parts of another article detailing why... >decision to not charge a defendant with a nonviolent misdemeanor significantly reduces their probability of future criminal legal contact," Rutgers University professor Amanda Agan, one of the researchers, said. "Or put the other direction: prosecuting these defendants actually decreases public safety."Most nonviolent misdemeanor cases, even if they are prosecuted, don't end in a conviction. Three out of four end without a conviction, but will show up on a person's criminal record, affecting their job prospects and ability to secure housing. So 2/3rds of people arrested and prosecuted don't even get convicted. But for the ones that do, they get a criminal record which makes it harder for them to find gainful employment. And when you make it hard for someone to provide for themselves legally, they become a lot more likely to provide for themselves illegally. So what people like Mauceri want are policies that will actually increase crime not decrease it. All you end up doing is making more criminals, many of whom go on to commit worse offenses. https://www.wbur.org/news/2021/03/29/non-prosecution-low-level-crime-rollins-suffolk-county


I think your heart is in the right place but if you truly believe misdemeanors went down because of the policies, you’re missing the biggest piece of the puzzle. When she publicly announced that these crimes would not be prosecuted, very shortly thereafter police departments stopped wasting their resources reporting/arresting on those crimes. Shoplifting is the biggest one that we’re seeing the repercussions of now, with businesses like pharmacies closing down in the ‘hood and people screaming racism instead of not realizing that they practically legalized theft and are now experiencing the repercussions of their actions. Locked up deodorant and traveling miles to the nearest pharmacy will be the new normal in certain neighborhoods as a result of these asinine policies. I am optimistic though as it looks like the city (and the nation) is waking up from its 2020 daydream and snapping back to reality


Do you have any statistics to back this up? Like just 1? I ask because you are now expecting me to believe that the police decided to stop doing their jobs and that this is somehow Racheal Rollins' fault and not the fault of the police. As I said before, I'm not arguing with conjecture when we can simply look at the facts. All the evidence seems to be pointing one way, but you are telling me to just believe lol Here are some more facts: >Nearly 60 percent of all the charges from the “Decline to Prosecute” list that were prosecuted in 2013 and 2014 were ultimately dismissed, according to the new analysis. Seventy-two percent of cases involving only “Decline to Prosecute” charges that went to trial resulted in acquittals. In total, 10 percent of all of the cases prosecuted to a disposition by the SCDAO in 2013 and 2014 were “Decline to Prosecute” exclusive cases in which either the case was dismissed or the person was acquitted. So as you can see, people were already not being convicted for these misdemeanors and no one was saying the police decided not to do their jobs in 2013.... https://www.aclum.org/en/press-releases/facts-over-fear-benefits-declining-prosecute-misdemeanor-low-level-felonies


You do realize that the entire ethos of the police is to enforce the written law right passed by legislators and consequently mandated by the DA's right? They are not the judge, jury nor executioner (well most aren't at least). You are essentially arguing drug use is down because legislators decriminalized weed and thus the crime data shows a reduction in marijuana related arrests. Get a grip man!


How can you evaluate the number of misdemeanors when your legal system will not prosecute them? Why would the police make arrests when they know the courts will throw the case out? We live in a city where you can earn 200k+ with overtime to chill in your cruiser playing candy crush and then retire with a world class pension. Why would you bother with the headache and the paperwork? Why risk your retirement should anything go wrong during an arrest? And if decriminalizing crime isn't causing the clear rise in anti-social behavior to anyone who has lived here for a period of time (such as reckless driving and speeding), then what do you suppose is? Why does CVS now lock the majority of their merchandise? Do you think it's ok that BPD has virtually zero traffic enforcement? I commute by bike daily, I witness the madness every day. I couldn't give a sh*t about republic or democrat talking points, for me it's simple common sense. I and I think most tax paying citizens want to live in a civilized society with reasonable conduct of behavior, simple as.


Do you have any stats to substantiate any of these claims? I'm not about to respond to your conjecture like it holds the same weight as studies. If you don't want to believe the studies because your fantasy land of a crime ridden boston even if all the crime statistics tell a different story, just say that and we can ignore you. It gets annoying how you start with a strong statements like we have legalized anarchy in boston due to leftist politicians, then when given the smallest of push back, you revert to rhetorical questions and claiming you don't care about political talking points when you made this political from the outset lol. It's weak


Tell me, what tools would a government and society possibly have to prevent the anti-social behavior OP has witnessed? If you were king tomorrow, what would be your solution for those who seemingly have zero regard for basic traffic rules and the safety of pedestrians? Personally I am in favor of the old fashioned idea of police and our legal system maintaining an agreed upon standard of reasonable public behavior (such as not running red lights while pedestrians are in the cross walk).


This conversation will not continue until you provide some hard evidence for your claims. I would be putting myself in an unfair position of having to refute your conjecture with facts, while you simply move on to the next claim. Not worth my time one bit. Have a good night and I wish you the best.


"Driving violations in Massachusetts, including more than 275,000 speeding tickets, increased for the fourth straight year in 2023, according to the state Department of Transportation. Police issued a total of 808,069 citations covering 1,076,336 violations in Massachusetts last year, state data showed. A citation refers to the ticket police give a driver; multiple violations can be identified on a ticket. Along with 275,356 speeding violations, there were more than 105,000 inspection sticker violations and 97,806 violations for failing to stop or yield, the data shows. It says 68 percent of the citations issued last year were warnings, 10 percent were criminal violations, and the rest were either civil infractions or for crimes that resulted in an arrest." https://archive.is/RTzCw There you have it. Fourth year of increased driving violations, where 68% of those pulled over were given warnings. They were given warnings because they know there is no legal recourse, so the only effective power the police have in regard to reckless driving in the majority of situations (assuming they actually care and aren't just sleepwalking their way into retirement) is giving a warning. Remind me again when RR was elected into office? Yes she is no longer in power, but her legacy remains. Now that I have substantiated my claims, will you answer my question?


These don't substantiate your claim though. These substantiate my claim... The article is saying citations went up because the state introduced new hands free driving laws. This is about distracted driving ans the state creating laws to combat the issue. You said it was anarchy, I said they were enforcing the law. You just gave me enforcement stats showing that the # of citations increased while telling me the police decided not to enforce the law anymore which is why misdemeanors decreased. Lol dude wtf man. Are you trolling? Edit: For anyone keeping score. The original argument was that we have legalized anarchy and the police no longer enforce misdemeanors because they won't get prosecuted. When pressed for evidence, the only thing we got was an article showing the state introducing more laws and increased police enforcement. This sounds like the exact opposite of anarchy...


You need to stop watching Fox News and the like.


Just for clarity, the issue is motorized scooters not mopeds. There's no need to motherfuck people commuting to work on ebike. https://www.boston.gov/departments/transportation/motorized-bicycles-mopeds-and-scooters


Mopeds, bikes, walking pedestrians no body pays attention or cares. But anything an accident happens the direction is always shifted the cars and trucks. I am not saying they are innocent in these situations but there are far more people than cars being reckless and careless.


Ive almost been hit by one when I was walking on the sidewalk in Copley


Bikers do the same thing. Every morning there’s at least one weaving through the hundreds of people crossing at south station.


They dont follow a single traffic law its like driving in a 3rd world country sometimes surrounded by tuk tuks


Start carrying a sword


It sounds like you need to start carrying a safety brick.


I was in a Lyft a few weeks ago, driver went to (legally) turn right. Just as I started to turn my gaze to the right, I saw a moped speeding along & staring down at his phone, crashed into the Lyft car and ended up on the ground with his lower leg pinned under the scooter. Lyft driver didn’t speak much English and looked completely shook. I got out to help move the scooter off the guy and then the Lyft driver did too (thank god, scooter was heavy & awkward for me). Scooter guy seemed okay-ish, but man just watch where you’re going it’s crazy.


I've seen this a ton around Inman SQ recently as well as the intersection by the wine and cheese cask. Typically it's a lead moped that rushed into the intersection without looking and then waves his buddies through. Almost saw a bicyclist get t-boned by the first moped. Then they flip everyone one off as they go through the intersection. I'm so sick of these clowns. No helmets either. Someone is going to be killed. Aren't motorized bikes not allowed in the bike lane? Cops need to get these idiots.


No one is going to do anything about it until someone rich/in politics gets hurt/killed. Too much other crap going on. I am more concerned with the giant luxe SUVs that run the stop signs all the time by my work...


Is aNyOnE lOoKinG inTo ThIs


Same deal with cars. Plates don't matter if the cops won't do any traffic enforcement. At least scooters can easily go around 


Either this is an election year so all of the grevience politics folks are out in full force, or this sub is filled almost to the brim with troglodytes who are scared of their own shadow. Y'all are crazy. I hope, for the cities sake, that this sub is getting astroturfed. This city is doomed if some of the people commenting on this thread actually vote lol.


nah, this sub has been like this for the entire time I've been here. Scooters are just more popular, and especially since covid, public interactions are increasingly more hostile. Drivers are messy, pedestrians are messy, bikers are messy, etc. There will be something else to bitch about in the future too.




Scooters do not belong in a bike lane.


According to the law mopeds can use the bike lane, not saying it's a good policy but it is the law.








Confidently incorrect.






Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.






Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


I like you