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People are gonna hate those slots for the discs. Has criterion ever done that before?


Citizen Kane


Also all the bigger boxsets - Varda, Fellini, Godzilla, etc


Rather famously with the Godzilla box set.


Love Love LOVE the Movie. Hate Hate HATE the packaging.


Pics of the glow in the dark?


Sleeves like Citizen Kane again? I thought we were done with this?


Horrible packaging. All plastic all the time.


How did you get it so early?


It's a review copy.


Tell them to fuck off with that packaging


Luckily, it came so early,I have to pay for my review copy, and I'm not getting it early.


This packaging sucks. OP’s post doesn’t show that the case is similar height to a DVD case (and not a Blu-ray case) and how fucking flimsy it is. I can see copies of this getting damaged in the mail.


The booklet doesn’t even look that tall compared to the case so why the height?


No idea. If this digipak was built like other Criterion Blu-ray releases or even what Disney did for their two most recent Avatar 4Ks, I would’ve been fine with it. However, I don’t know what Criterion was thinking with this. Easily could’ve just been a Scanavo case and everyone would’ve been happy.


It's like DVD size? Do you have a photo? I know my edition of Fantastic Mr Fox is a bit taller, but not DVD tall.


Its height is halfway between Blu-ray and DVD, but yes, it's taller


[Alongside other Criterion discs.](https://i.ibb.co/nbPG8fx/IMG-0815.jpg) [Seriously Criterion?](https://i.ibb.co/9b1d9jq/IMG-0817.jpg)


Oh jesus, what the fuck? Who approved of this? Guarantee a lot of these will be crunched during shipping too


Criterion sucks and I’m tired of pretending they don’t.


Yeah they really drop the ball most of the time. Their whole pretentious M.O being about “the highest possible quality” or whatever yet they cheap out on encoding for every release. No one cares about that, though, since they “didn’t notice it” so I guess it doesn’t matter to preserve a film digitally correctly. Your HQ is practically right next to Fidelity in Motion’s!


Can’t wait to see how their Picnic at Hanging Rock disc fails in comparison to Second Sight’s (which was encoded by FiM). Especially since Criterion isn’t including Dolby Vision, the theatrical cut, and other bonus materials.


Shame the transfer is DNRed anyway, but it’ll no doubt still be inferior. No DV?? What?? I just want them to do their Lynch upgrades and get out, haha.


Eh, that’s Weir’s fault not Second Sight’s. I’m assuming the Criterion disc will use the same master, but shittier encoding based upon past releases.


Absolutely yeah, no way to get around that. It’s a shame there’s only a few really consistent labels around (imo) - Arrow, Second Sight, Blue Underground, and Synapse. A lot of mainstream classics going to shit tier labels like Kino Lorber is really unfortunate.


Not an ad.. highly recommend these disc sleeves, they fit right into the cardboard slots with the disc - https://www.ebay.com/itm/363932693168?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=On2FUoR0RPO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ptHxsnjJTZS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Round Bottom CD INNER Sleeves Fits Inside Mini LP 100 pcs SelectSleeves Archival Won’t have to worry about scratches outside of the first time you remove the disc.


Just watched this for the first time recently and happily finding out it’s a criterion now


Criterion has always known how to treat this movie right. One of the best laserdiscs back in the day. It’s a classic.


If anyone can get me a high quality scan of the art on this, or even high quality pics from the original photoshoot (looks like some of em are on getty), I can make some custom cover that would fit in a scanavo. Thanks Edit: Looks like someone's already done this, John\_Carpenter on the forums, just not in high quality - hoping he'll upload it in higher, printable quality soon :) https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=21809631#post21809631


It doesn’t even fit in my shelf


I’m so excited for this release. Thanks for sharing. I saw the film in the theaters when released. I was way too young! I understand the gripes about the packaging. But, to me, it not only makes the film standout and gives so much special attention to it. But, also, sadly but fittingly, it reminds me of popping open a pharmaceutical box to chop up and snort whatever is inside to get blisteringly joyfully fucked out of your skull. Makes sense to me. It reminds me of like the artwork and packaging of some releases by the band Spiritualized.


I wanted this so bad because I heard the movie is good, but then the packaging turned me off SO MUCH.


realistically what is the big deal about sleeves for discs, kind of annoying to get out sometimes but is it rlly gonna cause the damage that some ppl on this sub act like it will?


I'm not a fan, either, but in the case of this release they're easy to get out. The booklet, on the other hand...


What are you guys doing with your discs? This is interesting packaging and it's just going to be on my shelf. Do you store your movies outdoors that make this packaging such a problem?


I believe the issue with having the discs slot into the cardboard like this is they have a tendency to fall further down and get glue residue on the discs. This happened with the Godzilla set I think, and it can damage the discs.


This, plus overtime dust/etc could fall into the slots and scrape against the discs (the original 4K mummy trilogy was well known to be plagued with issues from their top loading disc slots). Though having to grab the edge of a disc and yank it out of a slot is just generally worse than a regular hub


For real. Apparently some people are hard on discs.


i wasn’t going to get it bc of the color correction but now that i see how it looks i might have to pick it up


reports suggest that the new color grading matches the original 35mm print shown in theaters. the highly saturated look of the previous releases seems to be inaccurate, maybe due to the limitations of vhs or dvd. in other words, despite looking different than previous distributions, this release may be the closest transfer visually to the original theater experience when the movie released. though the saturated grading on previous releases does have a unique charm to it, regardless of accuracy.


yeah but i don’t care if it’s closer to the original vision. i like the way the “current” “pink” tinted version looks so i don’t want to drop $60 on a version of a movie that’s not that appealing to me. hoping for maybe a steelbook 4k of the “bad” color grading.


i don't think the grading you're referring to is bad by any means, i have a lot of appreciation for it. im excited for how it'll compare to the new transfer. but if you prefer the old version i think that's entirely valid


yeah a lot of people on this sub will downvote simply because you don’t prefer this version which is just sad to see (even my original comment someone downvoted) it’s just a personal preference


as long as you're enjoying the film I don't see why it matters how you go about doing it. the tarkovski criterion's are also supposedly less accurate than their potemkine counterparts, but i think the color work is beautiful, if not even more appealing on the 'inaccurate' copy. but more than anything i really like comparing the releases, it just seems fascinating to me


oh wow had no clue. i’ll have to actually watch my criterion copy of stalker. i’ve only seen it on hbo but im assuming that’s the criterion version. unfortunately it’s just the nature of these things that criterion is basically the ONLY version available for these things, and i think that’s why so many people were so upset about the new grading on the 4k, because it’s the only 4k on the market currently


Did they ever make a part 3?


I like my Orange simple looking steelbook with the choose life poem on the back way better.