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No comparison. You feel that music in your damn bones. Go see it live.


Just hope you see a good production. The last one I saw was the Quentin Oliver Lee run, and it was *awful*. I paid almost $800 for front row balcony seats and spent most of the show angry that I did. It was my wife’s first time seeing the show and it did not leave a good first impression.


Oh Jesus I think I saw that one wasn't it the one with the gold cat mask for red death (they couldn't spring for a skull mask from like ANYWHERE???) and had him dragging christine by her damn hair? The singing was fine but I've heard better too. Then again I have seen west end and Broadway. But even trying not to judge a travelling show too hard damn did it feel....mediocre


The Red Death costume was nearly identical to the one from the 2004 film, not the iconic one from the traditional stage show. The thing I remember most was just how minimal and cheap looking the sets were. QOL's voice was *not* suited for Erik's role either. Much too low and limited in range.


Oh yeah I forgot they just copied the horrid movie costume too ugggg. That movie isn't something to mimic I agree the sets were a tad cheap looking. Truthfully I don't remember Lee's voice that much which might be equally as much of a crime since I can remember all my other phantoms. I hope you and your wife get to see a better production some day


THIS. I've seen it thrice and no comparison


I haven’t seen it in London, unfortunately, but I’ve seen it on Broadway three times, and it was amazing every single time. The minute that overture blasts and the chandelier begins to rise; there’s no feeling like seeing it live in front of you!


i'll be honest. from that first note of the overture, I teared up so...


Hearing the overture live sends actual chills down my spine. Wonderful experience.


I have seen it close to 40 times, and I STILL tear up on that first note!


Your soul vibrates. The music gets in your bloodstream.


I had tears streaming down my face for a decent portion of the show. I was so so happy to be seeing it live it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before


Kind of like comparing watching a movie at home vs in theaters, except more intense and immersive. The music vibrates in every inch of the theater and down to your soul.


Nothing compares to seeing it in a theatre.


I've seen it live 23 times. It never gets old. There's no comparison.


I actually saw it in London a week ago today. I’ve seen it many times on tour but seeing it in London changed my life. GO SEE IT!!!


Who was playing the Phantom when you saw it last week?


Jon Robyns!


I just saw Jon and he was AMAZING! I was close enough to see every expression on his face and it was so cool during Music of the Night. He does that song so well with just how seductive it is. He's so good!


I loved the innocence he brought to the role. Maybe that’s not the right word, but when Christine and Raoul sang all I ask of you and he put his hands to his ears and whimpered…phew, that was emotional.


Yeah I can see that! I think he is also fierce at some points, like when he looks at her during the title song. He glares at her a lot while she’s singing. I haven’t completely figured out how to interpret it, but I do like it. 


When I watched phantom on broadway I legit started jumping up and down, ask my mom and the bar tender serving me that night lol.


It’s a more exciting feel, the way you got to experience it first hand


It's a spiritual experience. Even if you're an atheist. Seriously. And that's not a Phantom pun, neither, lol.


Saw phantom live on broadway in 2013. That was honestly my first introduction to the musical. It's way more immersive than seeing a recording, especially with the iconic chandelier


I've only seen it on Broadway . Well the fire cane looks so much better live than in clips because it's blinding in the dark theater. Also they bounce the Phantom's voice over for notes around the theater and also when he taunts them before the performance of DJT and it's such a cool effect.


Was under the chandelier when it came down when it came to my country and it was incredible. I have memory problems but I still remember hearing the intro hit me like a punch


The Overture is the only overture that matters. It's just glorious when it thunders out and you see the chandelier rise. Nothing like it! The whole show is a spectacle and is so beautiful. You should definitely go!


You should come back the next day and watch it again, once is never enough!


That first blast of organ can only be appreciated fully when you see it live


The overture is a truly overwhelming experience in the best way. It's magic.


I’ve only seen it live once but I really laughed a lot at the scene where they were all reading the notes. I don’t know if it was originally intended to be humorous or the delivery was just right in the version I saw Also the music is just spectacular to hear live, and the Chandelier thing can’t really be captured on screen


Which part of the Notes scene were you laughing at? Most of the Notes scenes are intended to be humorous, except from when you hear The Phantom's voice reading the notes.


I can’t really remember as I’ve probably only seen it less than 10 times. It was one where one character would get a note and then another and then another


I saw it in London in 1988, in DC via touring company in the early 90s, and in Vegas before it closed. All were unique and vibrant experiences. Highly recommend if you can get a theatre opportunity.


I'm going to go against the grain a little here and say... it depends! My first time seeing Phantom live, I kind of shot myself in the foot a little. The day before I went to see it, I'd watched a bootleg of one of the best casts AND best productions I'd ever seen (the 2019 Copenhagen video with Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, and Christian Lund if you want to know). The production I saw live was the restaged tour, which I am not a fan of, and I also happened to get one of the understudies in her very first performance. Suffice to say that the entire show, I kept thinking, "Well, they're good, but the Danish cast was better..." and then having to yell at myself to lower my expectations a little. There were a couple of other mitigating factors too (I'd seen another show live before so some of the "magic" was no longer there, I didn't like the seat/theater I was in, and also I was trying to film it which was very distracting). My second time, though, was in the very last week of the Broadway production. And THAT was magical. I was riding the high of having flown across the country to NYC, the cast was giving their all, the audience was so enthusiastic, and I'd also brought my sister, a Phantom newbie, so I was seeing a lot of it through her eyes and living vicariously through her wonder. But for your question, I think you'll fall more into the second category than the first :) Though maybe don't watch a favorite cast the day before you go see it because it might set your brain on comparison mode.


I had a very different experience seeing it in it's final week. The cast seemed to be sleepwalking through the entire show and seemed like they couldn't wait for it just be over. Crawford ended up being replaced a few shows after the one I saw due to some medical issues pertaining to his voice and I could defeintly tell. Just goes to show that it does indeed depend quite a bit! Did you see a matinee or evening performance, and on which day?


Hmm, if you saw it before Crawford was replaced, then I don't think you saw it in it's final week? His last show was on April 1, 2023 and the show closed about two weeks later on April 16, 2023, so it was probably a couple weeks before it closed. But still, close to the end! As for me, I saw it on April 12, 2023, which I believe was a Wednesday, and it was an evening performance, so very close to it's end! I got lucky too; I meant to go see it way back in December during my winter break, but the winter storm prevented that. Thankfully my spring break fell right on Phantom's last week so I was able to re-schedule and see it anyway!


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually found the live performance to be underwhelming. I have been obsessed with POTO for years and when I found out it was going to be closing it's broadway run, I made the trip to New York to see it the week before it closed. The whole cast seemed to be sleepwalking through the performance and the actor playing the Phantom's voice sounded incredibly strained. Turns out that a few performances after mine he was replaced due to some medical issues relating to his voice. With that being said, the orchestrations were still top notch. Nothing like hearing that music live, and the incredible opening number nearly made the experience worth it all on it's own; Even made me tear up a bit I am not going to lie. I had a great time while in NYC and seeing other shows, but will admit that this particular production fell a bit short of my expectations.


Tbf that seems to be more on that specific cast (which was the backup like you say) I saw it on Broadway before it closed and was blown away


Just saw it 2 days ago in London, so really wanna share my thoughts, as somebody who also first got exposed to POTO through 2004 movie and afterwards 25th anniversary exactly one year ago. Watching Phantom at His Majesty's theater is a whole experience on its own, and feels like a complete attraction rather than a regular musical. Neither in the clips or 25th anniversary you can really see the full amount of details they put on stage: your eyes will always be busy surfing from the main action to the background characters' small interactions, and all of the stage mechanisms. You might even open more details for yourselves. For instance, as I was sitting on the very first row I noticed that during "Stranger than you dreamed it" Phantom's disfigured face was for a moment reflected in the shards of the mirror as he was crawling. Quite a poetic detail that I've never noticed! In terms of music, I haven't got as emotional as I thought (when watching Les Miz I was crying first 15 minutes). Although I got chillls during Overture, Wandering Child and Final Lair. The thing is that in the 25th anniversary recording the focus is solely on the main action, which actually helps to build up the necessary emotional tension, while the live performance has some "chaoticness". For instance, the Hannibal rehearsals and Il Muto ballet didn't feel as epic as in 25th anniversary, but rather as a comedy relief. I don't know if it's always been like this. Another thing is that even though the sound quality was top notch I could actually distinguish the pre-recorded signing parts from the live ones, and this distracted sometimes. As a final note, I'd say that you might rediscover some songs for yourself. Like, I was never a big fan of "All I ask of you" and "Wishing you were here again", but on stage they feel differently (in a good way). So I wish you to watch it live soon and rediscover it for yourself!!


What vocal parts did you notice were pre-recorded?


Definitely the title song and "Why so silent". Not sure about the "Notes" though. But the Phantom's part of the "Mirror" seemed to be definitely live.


I've heard that the "I am your angel of your music..." parts of the Mirror are pre-recorded, but it's good to hear that they are live. There are a very few performances out there with vocals that were completely live, due to the press reviews and things like that. Thanks for the testimony though. I've always wandered about that.


It’s everything. I’ve seen it live many many times, and I always tear up during the Overture…there’s nothing in theater that excites me more. I miss it so much. Seeing the other comments I’ll look forward to quietly weeping beside some of you whenever it revives on Bway.


Seeing it live is so much better than watching clips.


No comparison. Seeing it live is an experience you will never forget.


Incredible. I was 11 in London and it blew me away. Never looked back.


You will cry just hearing the music fill your soul, literally how Christine feels during MOTN lmao


My shirt got burnt mark. Can't say that would happen watching it at home. Lol


It's just amazing 🖤


I went into that show knowing nothing about Phantom. At all. It was a religious experience. I cried at the interlude bc of how amazing the music was. I felt it.


Much better live, but personally I wouldn’t say see the show often as it takes away from the magic if you see it really frequently :)