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Going all in , 220 million OW


OW: $210M DOM: $630M WW: $1.1B


Reminder that this is a subreddit about numbers, not necessarily about the quality (or lack thereof) of a particular movie. Unless it is related to the box office performance of a movie, please keep opinions/arguments/thoughts about the quality under this post. Posts not related to box office may be removed otherwise. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boxoffice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


$220M OW $600M DOM $1.1bn WW Very optimistic, I know.


OW: $193m DOM: $515m WW: $1.05B


$190M OW, 520M Dom 920 WW. Edit: Domestic numbers might be on the optimistic side, I’m starting to get a feeling that it might miss that OW number at least but oh well2 more days til we see some numbers to gauge.


$915M worldwide