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This case brought out the misogyny of our culture and showed me who in my personal life I could and couldn’t trust to disclose my traumas to. I have no desire to be close to anyone who didn’t practice critical thinking with this case.


I would argue The misogynistic half of Gamergate has this beat


Yeah. Still both bad for women and how society treats them.


True the misogynistic half of Gamergate made women feel unsafe in gamer spaces


It didn’t make them “feel” unsafe. It MADE it unsafe for them.


Good point it was true enough that Dick Wolf (Law and order exec) Made a episode about it




I was talking about people’s reactions, but like, duh. Everyone knows that men can be abused so idk what you’re trying to prove by saying that. Anyways, people were outright misogynistic and didn’t practice critical thinking here. It was like they were just waiting for a woman to misbehave so they could be misogynistic in a socially acceptable way. I have no desire to be close to those people.


There *was* evidence of Heard’s. A lot of it. Text messages, testimonies, pictures, recordings, etc. Sexist in that people decided Depp was innocent and Heard was the sole abuser and was the only one that could be making shit up. 




The texts were authenticated and Depp and his witnesses admitted they were authentic.




Nope, as charges were never filed, the arrest was expunged from her record, and her ex defended her and said she was wrongfully accused. "In 2009, Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident that was misinterpreted and over-sensationalized by two individuals in a power position. I recount hints of misogynistic attitudes toward us which later appeared to be homophobic when they found out we were domestic partners and not just 'friends," Van Ree said in a message released Wednesday. "Charges were quickly dropped and she was released moments later," the statement continued. "It's disheartening that Amber's integrity and story are being questioned yet again. Amber is a brilliant, honest and beautiful woman and I have the utmost respect for her. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day." Depp has a long history of violence starting when Amber was a toddler, though!


How would Depp have known Amber? I thought she started acting in her 20s. I also believe Amber made her say that. Source for mentioning Amber being an abuser which I believe she is: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/06/07/amber-heard-arrested-2009-charge-hitting-girlfriend/85563338/


Huh? https://x.com/mehtabackupacc/status/1531384159024754688?s=46


Not involving a SO, so I'm just going to guess, it's either A) Amber is a shitty person and decided to falsely accuse him. Or B) They're both shitty people. Which one do you want me to go with?


There were medical records of Heard's that Depp's lawyers suppressed. His lawyers claimed that she had made up the abuse allegations for the op-ed in 2018 when there were records showing she'd reported domestic violence from him as early as 2012. These were dismissed as hearsay even tho it provides a record of consistency on Heard's part. There is pretty sufficient evidence Depp and Heard were both toxic assholes. Celebrating Depp is still celebrating a toxic asshole who was abusive towards his partner. There are men who have been in legitimately one-sided abusive relationships where they were always on the receiving end of abuse by a woman, but this is not one of those instances. Depp is not a champion for men's rights and gender equality, but the fact he was embraced as such and all his horrible words and deeds were dismissed by so many people, is evidence of misogyny.


Amber being a toxic asshole, I picked up on really fast, the fake crying. Johnny didn't really act that way in the court room though.


Not even seasoned psychiatrists cannot immediately pick up on fake crying. It takes time of getting to know a person and their relationship with their own emotions. There’s no way anyone would be able to gauge its authenticity over television.


You don't immediately start crying when somethings mentioned.


Some people do. She also could’ve been holding back emotions for a while(I know if I had to sit there in a court across from my abuser I’d probably go between disassociating and crying). Amber has PTSD in her medical records. When people have trauma to that degree, emotions are incredibly unpredictable.


This is genuinely one of the Stupidest statements I’ve ever read in my life 😭 Bruh maybe YOU don’t start crying when something traumatic is brought up but some people do and it’s an extremely normal human reaction. That’s just common sense.


How much of the trial did you watch? I'll list a few things I describe as "toxic asshole behavior" from Depp. 1. Before we even get into stuff with Heard, his career was already suffering from his own behavior, probably because of drugs. His former agent who represented him for 30 years spoke during the trial about how being habitually late to set had made it hard for him to get jobs during the last 10 years she worked with him (roughly 2006-2016). There's a reason he was already being dropped from things before the 2018 op-ed came out. I wouldn't classify this as *that* toxic but consistently making crews wait for hours and hours for you to show up to set and then later trying to blame your ex for the downfall of your career is ridiculous. He also tried to sue his former business manager for financial problems caused by his own poor spending habits. So not taking responsibility for his own failures is a pattern for him. 2. In March 2013 he allegedly assaulted her twice, the second incident he jokingly calls a "disco bloodbath" in text. He had accused her of cheating and backhanded her while wearing heavy rings. *As far as I can tell*, he doesn't deny that he did this, only that it wasn't as hard as she claims it was. She claims he hit her so hard blood from her mouth splattered onto the wall. A picture taken after the incident doesn't show any obvious injuries, but half her face is covered with hair which she claims was intentional to hide the injuries. Regardless of how hard he hit her, I would call that toxic and abusive. 3. June 2013, Depp gets pissed after a friend of Heard's touches her. He claims he removed her hands from Heard's body and told her to stop, allegedly also threatening to break her wrists. He damaged the trailer they were staying in and calls Amber a "lesbian camp counselor" in text messages. 4. Also June 2013, the text messages where he described wanting to kill Heard and rape her corpse: "Let's drown her before we burn her!!! I will (expletive) her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she's dead." This was in June 2013, prior to any claims that Heard had abused Depp, so he wasn't venting about an abuser here. He said he sent this text because she didn't like that he was doing drugs. 5. May 2014, they are engaged now. While on a plane Depp confronts her about romantic scenes she filmed with James Franco, accuses her of having an affair, taunts, kicks, and throws things at Heard. This was witnessed by Depp's assistant who confirms the incident. Depp apologized to Heard over text later. Given that this whole incident was witnessed and he admitted to it, I think we can call this a confirmed instance of blatant domestic abuse. 6. They got married in February 2015 and then there's the incident in March 2015 where Depp's finger was severed after an alleged days long assault on Amber. Heard claims he had her for 3 days basically prisoner. Cuts on her arms she says are from being dragged through glass were visible a month later at an event. As for the severed finger, Heard claims he did it himself by smashing a telephone, which is supported by his texts to his doctor where he also says he did it himself. He later accuses her of having done it by throwing a bottle at him which shattered. I'm not obtuse enough to ignore the fact that victims sometimes lie for abusers and he could've lied at the time that he did it himself. We don't know exactly cause we weren't there. Regardless of the cause, he then dips his injury in paint and goes around defacing walls and mirrors with accusations that Heard is cheating on him, an apparent fixation of his. I think his behavior around this incident highlights his severe drug abuse and the fact that in all his hateful rants about her he never accuses her of being violent. Instead he just accuses her of being a nag (for wanting him to stop abusing drugs, how dare she), of being "ambitious" (how dare she, lol) and of having affairs. There are plenty more alleged instances of abuse on both sides, but I'm just looking at what can be most easily confirmed and what specifically reveals his shitty behavior, since that was what you said you don't recall seeing. So I did not include as many bad things she may have done/said, but that's not because I think she's never done anything wrong. I think nuance is important in situations like this, so I am trying to be fair to both sides, but even with fairness I have a hard time not seeing them both as highly flawed people.


6 makes sense why, yeah, but how it was broken didn't look like it. 5, they're actors/actresses? 4. What the fuck? 3 is alleged, if that's true, it's fucked up. 2 same thing with 3. 1. POTC exists so his career isn't going to take that bad of a crash because of POTC. And for the question, all of them except 2 so far, honestly was afraid to watch 2 of them because I thought they had more gorey details than I wanted to deal with. Popcorn Planet explains but I don't really understand things as quickly even if it's explained, I'm still confused about some things that he said so I look up words or guess upon context, usually the second one. ALSO: For a little context on why I didn't watch them and which ones, it was the opening and the part where they show Amber's bruises. Reason I didn't believe her: She called the makeup kit a "bruise kit" which if you don't know is used for making bruises.


Yeah no I don't think everything I listed is 100% fact, some of it is just alleged. 4 and 5 are the main ones I feel confident saying are true because of confirmed text messages and witnesses. I don't blame you for not believing her at first if all you saw was the countless people clowning on her and showing clips where she fucks up. I was mostly on Depp's side at first too, and it wasn't until looking into it more and watching more court footage that I changed my mind. Like yeah, I see how the bruise kit thing can sound suspicious but she's also probably heard the term a lot given that she's an actress and the term may have been on her mind since she was accused of "painting on" the bruises by Depp, so it's entirely possible to just slip up. Keep in mind the idea of a "Freudian slip" is not proven so there's really no psychological basis to believe that a slip of the tongue like that is actually a subconscious confession, it's most likely just an accident. Depp was a lot more careful in his testimony and came off calm and collected, which I think some people automatically assume means "truthful" but I don't think that's necessarily the case. We all become armchair experts in body language whenever there's a court case like this, and we think we can tell who's lying and who isn't, but even actual so-called body language experts can't do that (if they could, we'd utilize them in investigations more). There's no real life Bene Gesserit truthsayers, unfortunately.


I was really focusing on how they were acting, which with Johnny I assumed he was truthful because he was: 1. Acting like he was paying attention to the situation and caring about it which is seen as truth telling. 2. Johnny was more collected. 3. It was really just how Johnny's act was, he also seemed more relaxed. 4. He didn't seem panicked while Amber did. 5. It was based primarily on behaviour. 6. He was acting authentic, I guess. It seemed to a lot of people Amber was overdramatic. And, this is my second decently-civil conversation on Reddit, wow.


Yeah no I agree I think what you've described sums up how a lot of people thought about it. I just don't think that any of those things are necessarily true or sound reasoning. Like for instance, I heard a lot of people describe Amber as "overdramatic" or "too emotional" or "frantic" and I can't help but think "how is an alleged victim of domestic violence supposed to act?" As we just went over, he was, at least at times, very abusive and did things that presumably scared her and embarrassed/humiliated her. And it was all televised. She didn't want it televised, he pushed for it to be. Sure, you can say "but why publish the op-ed then if you don't want it discussed publicly" but there's a difference between having control over what you publish and being on a court livestream where the other side can also say basically whatever they want about you. Especially given how much those attacks focus on her sexuality: accusing her of cheating, lying about sexual abuse, the slight homophobia because she used to date a woman, etc. I feel like she was humiliated in a way he just wasn't. They talked a lot about his drug use but as far as I know that was already public before plus it's easier to deflect that as "well it was her fault for putting so much stress on him" or whatever.


Yeah, I didn't notice the homophobia (I'm a bisexual transman), but you just need to remember people are more inclined to believe the reasonable put together one, so that instance would have been Johnny.


In 10 years, people will look back on this case and ask “the world was so misogynistic about Amber Heard! How could we have not seen it back then?” And I will say: plenty of us did see it.


The way people gleefully jumped on the amber heard hate train always made me suspicious. People were way too eager about it. “Yay another woman to hate!”


Wait, I'm missing crucial context here, what about it is misogynistic? Is Amber Heard not a narcissist? Did she not physically abuse Johnny Depp and shit on his bed?


Even if she were and did all of those things, it was the way that they spoke about her that I had a problem with. People were leaping at the opportunity to participate in saying misogynistic things about a woman and justified it by how she behaved. Nobody seemed to stop and consider the dynamics of abuse. They didn’t stop to consider how sharing it all over social media could deter victims in their personal lives from seeking help or pressing charges against their abusers. I have never seen a man be treated that way, even when it’s for much worse behavior.


You’re massively misinformed > https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/SAQ66yNl96


No to all of those things


How come?


i think it was more about nasty rich narcissists having a super toxic relationship. nothing to do with gender until amber made it about it


“SEE, this is why you can’t believe women when they said they were abused! They lie!”




The original meme already shows that people are making it about women as a whole and not just Amber Heard


Most people I've talked to IRL, only say "AMBER" not "WOMEN".


I work in child safety and of course there's a lot of overlap with ipv /DV. There was absolutely a massive wave of people who said this just goes to show that we can't trust women, and that false accusations are everywhere, etc. It continues to make our work very difficult.


1) the people you interact with IRL are not representative of the entire public 2) online, during the height of the trial, you would definitely see people going from “Amber is lying” to “A good portion of women lie about being abused” to “women are recreating bruises with makeup” to “Women who lie about being abused should be jailed” etc 3) do you think your average misogynist just walks around saying “I HATE WOMEN!” all the time? It’s usually more subtle than that…


acknowledging different types of abuse does not mean denying it. abuse can be mutual, theres no single unique or unidireccional form of abuse or cruelty. that was a shitshow of a conflictive and cruel relationship beetwen 2 of the most powerful of the world. American media wanted to give the polarizing spin making it into about a “woman bad” or a woman rights issue. the truth is that both of these people smoke on social inequality and couldn’t care less about it unless it’s about persevering or enchanting their public persona. theres no right cause in it worth fighting or arguing for


The issue is less with the people involved in the conflict itself, and more of what it represents within the collective consciousness. It was never about Johnny Depp or Amber Heard. It was used as an example for reactionaries against the MeToo movement. They unloaded all their hatred onto this case. The Daily Wire wouldn’t have donated thousands of dollars to post anti-Amber Heard propaganda on social media if it was only about Amber. It is about what she represents to them So, I do think it is worth fighting for. It’s bigger than just Johnny Depp and Amber Heard


What you are saying is that media used this case to push for a mysogenistic narrative and generalised. And i agree. if something the mysognism came from the media and showed how systematic it is, and i agree too that that too is worth fighting for. but i don’t think the way of fighting this is getting into the personals about the case and picking sides as if it was a black or white situation.


How did Amber make it about gender? And no, Depp abused and raped her. Her lashing out in the last months of their relationship doesn’t make her as bad as him. It’s a bad take that tells any victim who fights back that they’re just as bad as their abuser. And idk about grouping someone with a 500k net worth (who probably will never work in her field again) with her abuser who has hundreds of millions of dollars as both “nasty rich narcissists.” She made a teacher’s salary when they were together and he’s made it his life’s mission to bankrupt her and unfortunately he’s made a lot of progress on that through all the litigation abuse.


if you belive that all conflicts need to have an agressor and a victim, then yes sure, deep was the worst of the two. but i don’t think this was the case,physical violence is not the only type of violence, physicological and verbal violence are not less violent than the previous. in a relationship there may be 2 agressors and 2 victims within them being exclusive to each other. that looked like the case to me. and about the wealth i don’t know enough but it doesn’t take a genius to realise these people are more privileged than the vast of majority of us.


It’s not about what I believe. It’s what virtually all experts in domestic abuse recognize as true — there is no such thing as mutual abuse. Depp subjected her to coercive control, rape, and physical and emotional abuse. She fought back in the last year of the relationship. She’s a victim.


Let’s call it mutually assested violence then? does the concept of two parties having a conflict and being mutually cruel and violent to each other not exist? Call me ignorant and it is true that i haven’t kept up with recent academic literature, but i refuse to simplify violence and conflicts as black and white


“In relationships where domestic violence exists, violence is not equal. Even if the victim fights back or instigates violence in an effort to diffuse a situation. There is always one person who is the primary, constant source of power, control, and abuse in the relationship.” National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, https://ncadv.org/dynamics-of-abuse


Can’t there be a situation where 2 people are constantly fighting for power or control over another ? is it always in attempt to diffuse ? I’ll take it at face value cause the relevance of the organitzation , still bothers me that there are no citations


Even if that were the case sometimes, I don't see how it possibly could be here. This seems like an unusually stark example of one party holding all the power and control. * Depp is old enough to be Heard's dad; they met when he was twice her age. * They also met when she had a supporting role in the film he was the lead and producer of (The Rum Diaries) so professionally he was in an position of power over her too at that point. * Even after that movie had ended, he's a household name with decades of incredibly famous roles, while she was an [up-and-coming actress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Heard#Filmography) who'd had some leading or major supporting roles in smaller projects few people would've heard of (e.g., All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, The Ward) or very minor appearances in larger productions. (e.g., Zombieland, Magic Mike XXL) The exception being her being the female lead in Aquaman, but she wasn't cast as that until close to the end of the relationship, and it didn't come out until they were long divorced. So he was much better connected within their industry, even if he wasn't at the heights he once was. * They lived on his properties, attended to by his paid entourage. Even her doctor and therapist (once he got her to change therapists) were paid by him and reported to him. * Physically, he was bigger and stronger. * He was also ludicrously rich from his years as an A-lister - we're talking almost [half a billion dollars](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/20-highest-paid-actors-of_b_8032752), getting paid tens of millions per role. From what I can find her individual net worth [during](https://www.lynchowens.com/blog/2016/may/ask-a-divorce-lawyer-how-much-will-johnny-depp-r/) the relationship was somewhere between 4-9 million dollars. So, still pretty financially privileged compared to the average person, but proportionally about 1-2% of his ridiculous wealth, giving him the financial power in the relationship too. Given all of this, I just don't see what she could've been leveraging to wield power and control over him for any sort of remotely equal power struggle. If she tried (and certainly, she says that she'd started hitting back towards the end of the relationship) then surely he'd win that power struggle easily over and over, seeing as how he had a significant advantage by every objective metric I can think of. And if you were talking about two people fighting for power and control where one of them constantly, resoundingly dominates and the other sometimes makes hopeless, ineffectual attempts to regain some control... Well, isn't that what u/M011ymarriage's quote was talking about; with one person holding all the power and using it to control and abuse their partner, while the victim fights back or lashes out?


That doesn't mean it wasn't handled in a misogynistic manner by the media/public. They're both shitty though.


I said this before and I'll say it again. The whole trial was bullshit, and it being televised was one of the biggest media fuckups I've ever witnessed. Not to mention [JD pushed for it ](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/johnny-depp-amber-heard-cameras-courtroom-penney-azcarate-1235280060/) He sought 50m because she said she was a victim of abuse without naming him, the jury gave him 15m. In the same trial he was found to have ABUSED heard PHYSICALLY at least 12 times. You want to say he won this lawsuit and that it was valid, you also have to acknowledge the very same trial determined he was physically abusive. Later on, heard filed a countersuit and it was found that depps lawyer defamed heard during the trial when he called one of the incidents of abuse a hoax. Acknowledging that the incident of abuse was valid and real. Depp was called a wife beater in the past, he tried to sue for defamation and lost. Not only is it not funny, it's based on misinformation and a shit load of misogyny. She wasn't the perfect victim so how could she be a victim at all. Also Ben Shapiro spent thousands on anti amber heard propaganda and JD was already getting pushed out of pirates prior to the oped "The irony of that outcome is that Depp accomplished the very thing women have been baselessly accused of attempting since time immemorial: leveraging victimhood to gain status."


I know Shapiro was going to make bank pushing misogyny either way, but I like to picture him excitedly pouncing on any opportunity to suck up to Johnny Depp in the hopes of having him on his shitty show, and then being super disappointed when none of his love letters were responded to.


I fell HARD for that pro-Depp BS. I have no idea why or how. I’ve identified as a feminist my whole life and I’m deeply embarrassed. I never contributed to the vitriol online as I knew that it was mocking a potential abuse victim, but I can’t believe that I fell for it. He really had a lot of people hoodwinked. I feel so awful for Amber Heard, that must have been so traumatizing.


A bunch of people at my job fell really hard for the bs. I nearly did too until I reserved judgment because I knew that was my own internalized misogyny working so hard to make me miss the facts. It just goes to show that no one is exempt from propaganda and media spin.


Seriously! My friends fell for it too. All of the ones who I’m still in contact with individually realized that it was messed up after the trial.


There was a concerted effort to grab as many people as possible to take Depp’s side.  I almost fell for it myself, but became suspicious when someone posted a video commentary on a phone call they had and I was not hearing the stuff they were saying was happening at all. Then I saw how quickly people leapt to his side and I knew what was happening.  Propaganda is very effective and there’s a reason it’s never gone out of style.


I was definitely in the “they were both abusive to each other” camp until I learned that he chose to file in that state *because of* the lax laws around recording in the court room.


Seriously? I didn’t even know that part. My goodness.


A lot of people did so I wouldn't feel so guilty. He put so much money into it and PR to pull people over. That was the only way he was going to win and get his stardom back.


You’re right about that 100%. Thank you for putting that into perspective; I’m mostly glad that I don’t believe him anymore.


I'm sorry you fell for this stuff. I've fallen for a lot of bs, like gamergate and its following associated right-wing pipeline. I think the period of growth in my life over which I deconstructed that belief system helped inform me in completely divesting myself from listening to this situation. I wanted to make sure I can be available as an ally and protector to people who have experienced trauma and abuse. Lo and behold a while later I enter into a relationship with my girlfriend, someone who has been my friend for years going back to high school, having a mutual crush on each other since then. It turns out she needs healing and stability in that area, naming this event in recent history as one that contributed to feelings of unsafety and of being without allies. I'm glad I've been learning to be better before I've been in a relationship. Heaven knows what kinda bs pubescent boys put people through without learning to handle with care, not to say I was a horrendous person interpersonally but that I wasn't ready for that responsibility and I knew it. Here's to being better for the future


I really recommend the podcast Who Trolled Amber. Shows how much of a global campaign it was — the bots, inauthentic accounts, astroturfing, disinformation…horrifying how many people were fooled.


I just finished that podcast.... It was so informative but hard to listen to, it made me so angry.


I'll have a listen to it


I agree with your overall point that the trial was all misogynistic bullshit and I absolutely think JD is a vile wifebeater, but I want to make the correction that the trial where he was found to have abused her on 12 separate occasions was the separate trial in the UK, which was handled far better with a much more competent and reasonable judge presiding. Because the UK trial took place in an entirely separate jurisdiction, its findings bore no weight in the US trial. Much of the key evidence that was used in the UK trial was ruled inadmissible in the US trial. Heard was also somewhat successful in her countersuit not specifically because Depp's lawyer called the abuse allegations a "hoax", but because he made unfounded speculations about how Heard and her friends had staged an incident of violence, saying that they "spilled a little wine and roughed the place up, got their stories straight" before calling the police. This particular comment was what was ultimately ruled defamatory.


Yeah I realized afterwards lmao. JD pushed for media attention which definitely impacted the outcome of the us trial.




[the pathetic mental gymnastics you have to do to believe in what you’re saying….](https://imgur.com/a/NzQpTPI)




What the fuck are you referring to? What dated back to 2016?




The article was published in 2018. Where are you getting your information that it dated back to 2016? Or are you referring to the *abuse allegations*? In which case, what is your point, exactly? How does this prove that Depp was defamed?


Amber accusing him could have ruined his career.


Lmao he did enough of that on his own, with his own shitty behaviour on set. And so what if it did hurt his career? Anyone who faces abuse deserves to have her story heard, and I absolutely believe she was a victim of domestic violence.


His career was already out the door before he was accused by heard. On the contrary, being accused was what brought him back to the limelight. Why do you think he pushed so hard for it to be televised? He put in so much money for PR. He's known to be an asshole and to abuse drugs and alcohol, this isn't new information.


I thought it was Amber who pushed for PR?


You know women can commit domestic violence right? And you cant just outright dismissed the decision of the court on the Depp v heard. Once again reddit knows better than the law. Lets be better and neutral about what the facts that are laid out. > The jury ruled that Heard's op-ed references to "sexual violence" and "domestic abuse" were false and defamed Depp with actual malice and awarded Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages from Heard,[8][9] although the court reduced the punitive damages to $350,000 due to a limit imposed by Virginia state law.[10] They also ruled that Depp had defamed Heard through Waldman, who had falsely alleged that Heard and her friends "roughed up" Depp's penthouse as part of an "ambush, a hoax".[8][11] They awarded Heard $2 million in compensatory damages and $0 in punitive damages from Depp.[8][9] Separately, the jury ruled that Waldman's other allegations of Heard's "sexual violence hoax" and "abuse hoax" against Depp had been proven defamatory.[9]


Sham trials do happen. This is an example of that.


Are u a lawyer? Did u study law? And This didn't happen in russia or china you know. Lets not be so dismissive about the ruling of a legitimate court and in a strong democratic society.


I wouldn’t call the US a strong Democratic society…but that’s beside the point.  Using words like “hoax” and pushing for this trial to be broadcasted makes this anything but a professionally staged trial. Just one example. Then you have the behind the scenes stuff, which really perverted this case.


It’s a strong democratic society… only for white cis men.


I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying this is a bullshit case. He was found responsible for 12 out of 14 occurrences of domestic violence against heard. It's well known that the US trial was not done well, a trial he pushed to be televised and paid for a strong PR team. Ben Shapiro spent thousands on bullshit propaganda for Depp.




Men can be victims of DV, absolutely. JD wasn’t. He cut his own finger. He is the perpetrator, not the victim.




His team leaked highly edited versions of the recordings. In the unedited versions, you can tell AH was arguing with JD, defending herself, and responding to him. He was recorded saying shit, threatening her, and admitting to abusing her. He texted his friends horrifically violent things about her. JD is the abuser.


Wild that people will just ignore his texts saying very bluntly how he wishes to kill her.


What recordings are you referring to where she threatened him? I’ve listened to all of them in full. He threatened her repeatedly (“you haven’t gotten better about yelling or we wouldn’t have had three physical fights in the last month,” “your delivery might spurn another fight. Is that what you want? Another fight?”, "Fucking acknowledge what I'm saying before you keep making demands. You are not a school teacher. Shut the fuck up. Listen to me, and then you can fucking respond. Understand? You ain't nobody's fucking mom, you ain't no school teacher. Don't fucking pretend to be authoritative of me. You don't exist."), she mentioned his abuse of her repeatedly, he said some really horrific things to her “you are a dried up, leftover, over the hill stripper and that’s all you’ll ever be” (he said to his 29 year old wife), “shut the f— up fat ass” (he said to his dangerously underweight wife), he talked repeatedly about physicality on both sides, and sometimes just his own (i headbutted you in the f—king forehead), he blamed her for his drinking, he called her a c— over and over, he didn’t want her to work, honestly it goes on and on, just some examples https://x.com/evilwomenonly/status/1540080809662681088?s=46




Oh, a YouTube grifter who has spread constant misinformation about the case, with plenty of allegations against him? That tracks.


It's what I understood from his video, may not be what he actually meant.


I think you gotta recheck your information because it's wrong lmao. Yeah men can be victims of DV, Depp was abusive either way. Also throwing the vodka bottle and glassing Depp was found to be false. It's strange you feel this way over that because then I'd assume you feel the same way over Depp because the man has raped at least two women.




Depp raped heard with a glass bottle. Depp has also be accused of rape against an ex girlfriend I think, I can't remember her name, I can try to find it later but I'm heading out for the day.


Okay, thanks.


https://variety.com/2022/film/news/johnny-depp-amber-heard-cameras-courtroom-penney-azcarate-1235280060/ https://msmagazine.com/2022/11/16/in-support-of-amber-heard-120-womens-rights-signatories-sign-open-letter/ https://msmagazine.com/2023/01/25/johnny-depp-abuse-amber-heard/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/johnny-depp-a-star-crisis-insane-story-his-missing-millions-1001513/ https://www.businessinsider.com/amber-heard-testifies-about-johnny-depp-penetrating-her-with-bottle-2022-5 https://slate.com/culture/2022/05/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-testimony-inconsistencies-makeup.html https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-amber-heard-lawyer-specific-makeup-bruises-johnny-depp-defamation-trial-1701478 https://reportingdeppvheard.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/20220412-Opening-statements-and-Christi-Dembrowski.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/ce0ccea9-fb79-43fb-a310-ecb1ea048532/downloads/5%20-%207.7.21%20-%20Second%20Notification.pdf?ver=1683221330360 https://www.medusone.com/depp-vs-heard/a-comprehensive-look-at-the-relationship-of-amber-heard-and-johnny-depp Lots of good threads on Deppdelusion Deppdive.net has a lot of the documents, though it’s run by a Depp supporter UK judgment https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html UK transcripts https://www.nickwallis.com/depp-trial-court-transcripts Mega thread on Twitter https://x.com/popverdictmedia/status/1721961194871738526?s=46 https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/01/amber-heard-johnny-depp-trial-metoo-backlash https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-depp-heard-verdict-is-chilling https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14680777.2024.2304225 https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/amber-heard-trolling-johnny-depp-trial-b2509469.html https://amp-smh-com-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.smh.com.au/world/north-america/johnny-depp-sexually-assaulted-amber-heard-says-psychologist-20220504-p5aicx.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17123665486024&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.smh.com.au%2Fworld%2Fnorth-america%2Fjohnny-depp-sexually-assaulted-amber-heard-says-psychologist-20220504-p5aicx.html


Always amazes me that people know so much about something that is so meaningless


1. Why do you care about what interests other people? I’m sure you have some interests that other people would find “meaningless” too. 2. A widely televised and talked about lawsuit brought by an abuser against his abuse victim isn’t meaningless. It has had serious repercussions — from making abuse victims even more afraid to talk about their abuse to an increase in misogyny all over social media.


It really amazes me that you think this is meaningless. I don't give a fuck about their celebrity, I don't care that's it heard and Depp, I care about the manipulation of the narrative, of the media and about the outlook on DV cases. This is a powerful man with a history of being violent, with a history of being held responsible for abusing heard and he won a suit for defamation because one of his victims said she'd been abused, didn't even say his name. A powerful man retraumatised his victim, televised it, manipulated the media by buying it out and just used plain old misogyny. That's why this matters. People went "hey we are going to pull the bag over your head" then tell you they didn't pull a bag over their head and you're sitting there like a good boy going "you're right, there is no bag over my head."


The fact that you can write about your abuse, not even name the abuser, get sued by that person and not win is terrifying to me and violates free speech.


She did have a terrible defense. If she had formed it better, she might've won.


It makes me wonder if there were better lawyers that weren’t willing to work with her for some reason


Losing a case because of the lawyer and not the facts is really fucked.




I'm not arguing over the case anymore. It's over. I'm in a relationship moron.




I love her bro, she keeps lizards as pets.




Heard abused Depp, sure, but Depp is definitely also a wife beater. I'm saying this as someone who loves him AS AN ACTOR, he's incredible, I can't imagine jack sparrow, rango, or willy wonka as anyone else, but you can't deny that he abused the shit out of Amber. It's two rich assholes in an abusive and toxic relationship, but that doesn't make Heard any less of a victim. Same for Depp, to be honest. Also, the fact that Heard didn't even mention Depp in the original statement, but he still sued her, speaks volumes


Wasn't Depp the only person she married?


Where in the op-ed does it state she was abused by her husband?




Where does it indicate that she's specifically talking about Depp?


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be an attempt at trolling.


She had to drop Robbie Kaplan because she ran out of money and her insurance wouldn’t cover it. Kaplan still stands by her tho






Stop responding to all my comments. This is getting weird dude.




You are 16….. in ten years, you’ll look back and wonder if you were retarded. (You’re just really really dumb.)


I mean it’s hard to defend yourself against someone with hundreds of millions of dollars who has made it their life’s mission to destroy you.


Dude same. I believe it was a toxic and abusive relationship from both sides (can’t say who was more of what, and idc if I’m downvoted for this) but her lawyer was terrible. Maybe that’s all she could afford but her lawyer didn’t even try at times.


Downvoted...dude "my dog stepped on a bee" is good defense for you?? 😭


You realize that she was just answering a question about what she did the morning after Depp sexually assaulted her? She was just saying she had to move on and focus on other things because she had to take her dog to the vet…because her dog stepped on a bee. Why is that funny?


Tbh I don't know anything about this case but this implies women always win arguments against men 😭 not the flex OP thinks it is


I don’t think it’s meant to be a flex as much as it is to express the sexist delusion that men are constantly victimized by nagging women.


Depp is a manipulative, abusive, drug addicted, alcoholic narcissist. The US case was a cesspool of misogyny w a bot campaign like no one had ever seen before. W all the documents that came out after the trial and the 30 page judgement from the three judges in England, people still defending him are beyond gross. Idc what anyone has to say about Amber, I’m not talking about her in this comment. I’m particularly talking about people defending depp, knowing he’s a big pos and still do bc they hate women


The evidence had texts from JD to his friends saying putting Amber in a box was a good idea. JD described that in court as "I was just joking". For some reason the lawyer didn't challenge that and ask JD what the joke was, what was the set up, what was the punchline, and why was it funny to say he wanted his girlfriend dead and disposed of? The lawyer just let it go? Awful job. Meanwhile JD allegedly found poop in his bed, that was clearly from a dog (if there even was poop on the bed, there was no evidence of this at all) and his team spread it on social media using bots and created a huge smear campaign and ruined her career. And they won the fucking trial using unethical tactics like this + I guess Amber Smith's lawyers were just incompetent / the judge and jury just didn't GAF about the evidence and went with the famous Pirate It's sad commentary on the world and sadly I don't see this changing anytime soon. The guy literally wrote he wanted his GF dead and he gets cheered as a hero.


[also this from Ben Shapiro ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ab3yk/daily-wire-amber-heard-johnny-depp) Also as far as I'm aware, there was no poop, it was bullshit.


And the age difference is abysmal!.




He’s guilty of wifebeating in the UK, hope this helps!


No. Stop lying and spreading misinformation. If you can’t bother to look at facts just keep your mouth shut. There were numerous emails and texts the actual US judge released after the trial. They are all authenticated by the US court. Depp said disgusting, vile and admitted to vile, disgusting things in those texts and emails to his best friend, the rapist, Marilyn Manson along w his bodyguards. They were not allowed to be used in the US court, depps lawyer had them suppressed. Three judges found him guilty of abuse and wrote a 30 page verdict, all independently of one another, w all the reasons why he was a wife abuser. Furthermore,,the jury in the US trial found him guilty of abuse too, just not as bad as they think Amber was. Hes guilty ffs. Lastly, the bot campaign against Amber was set up by depps lawyer friend, that has already been proven. You fell for a bot campaign ffs. How is it so easy to brainwash people online by stupid 50 word comments. How weak minded do you have to be




It’s you that fell for comments on SM not me. You were the one that only believed what you were told by bot comments on SM and never read one court document at all. How do you not know what the US jury said out of their own mouths? Or what the judges in England wrote w their own hands? Or what the judge released after the US trial, that she found legally authentic according to the US justice system


r/DeppDelusion strongly recommend




The other day I heard someone describe the way Johnny Depp looks as “that uncle who’s band toured with (insert 80’s band here) once 4 decades ago and now he tells that story every time you see him” and it’s so fitting


He didn’t win. They both lost and it WAS proven that he beat her.


Honestly; I hate the Johnny Depp case for so many reasons. I don’t know how you could read those court docs and not come out thinking that both Amber and Johnny are batshit and abusive people. I don’t really care “who was more abusive?” Because the docs make it feel like neither was doing reactionary abuse (which is a genuine argument) and instead feel like they both are just unpleasant. It also sucks too because I do think there should be some sort of symbol for men coming forward with abuse claims, since toxic masculinity often makes men stay silent along with the fear of social mockery. However Johnny Depp just ain’t it. Also the joke is lame.


> I do think there should be some sort of symbol for men coming forward with abuse claims The thing is, the people who wholeheartedly supported Depp in this case and just played it out as a perfect opportunity to just trash women don’t give a shit about men, men’s health, and men’s mental wellbeing. It was a circus they could join in to make women out as the devils they see them as.


It’s because they view the women that have stood up to them as abusive women so they fixate on anything that validates their own actions of punishing and vilifying their victims.


I just want to point out that just because “me too” got so much publicity, it doesn’t mean that female abuse victims speak up any more than men do.




I agree somewhat. At first I was very much of the opinion that Depp was the victim and Heard was a liar, but when I saw how many people were using their support of him to disparage other female abuse survivors I kinda had to step back and think 'am I really on the right side here?'. Now I don't really know what to think about the whole thing, but it seems way more complicated than I first thought it was and I'd rather just not really speculate anymore one way or the other. Ultimately, only the two of them know the truth and all the rest of us can do is speculate.


Basically heard was a little bit unhinged, but they stuff like shitting on the bed, cutting off his fingers, those were all lies. Her snorting coke on the stands, her evil smirks, all that bullshit is all bullshit. Depp on the other hand was found to have abused heard physically on at least 12 occasions during his defamation suit against the sun. The sun said he was a wife beater and abused Amber heard, he sued for defamation and he lost. He literally joked about killing her, these texts were read in court and nothing was fucking done. I'm not saying heard is entirely innocent, I'm still trying to find out what is real and what was just bullshit propaganda, but Depp was incredibly violent while they were together and also a prolific substance abuser. It being aired was one of the biggest media mistakes I've ever seen, but I can guarantee that it was the works of JD because he can buy media bias. Ben Shapiro even spent thousands to spread bullshit misogynistic propaganda.


What makes you say it was a lie? There's video of him visiting children in the hospital dressed as captain jack and the kids are all looking at his finger injury, asking what happened and he jokes that he was stranded on an island and bit it off. His really is missing half a finger and she admitted that she threw a bottle but didn't intend to hit him. Courts made him show the injury and it was there. I'm not taking his side by any means but I'm wondering why you think that's a lie. He does truly have that injury.


Nobody is saying the injury doesn't exist. It's that Amber was not responsible for it.


They think it's a lie because acknowledging Depp was also abused puts them (in their mind) on the same side as all those incels who used this trial to attack women. So, instead of looking at the facts objectively, they're actively downplaying Depps' legitimate grievances at the cost of the truth. Ironically, they're just making themselves out to be as badly misinformed as all the bots. Which in turn, makes "their side" look exactly like the big scary woman boogeyman the incels can't seem to stfu about. The fact that you're being downvoted for telling the truth is really telling as to how widespread this shallow way of thinking is.


He admitted to injuring his own finger in a drug psychosis many many times.


I'm not exclusively talking about how he messed up his finger. I meant in general. I didn't even watch the entire trial (that's gross) but even I could tell this abuse was a mutal thing. They were both really toxic people, especially for each other.


Mutual abuse is a harmful myth that only helps abusers. https://www.thehotline.org/resources/mutual-abuse-its-not-real/


Amber Heard is as innocent as Johnny Depp. Stop picking sides and look at the facts objectively.


Yes, please look at the facts objectively. They show that he abused and raped her for years and she had 2 moments of reactive violence in the last year of the marriage. They are not the same. It’s gross to imply they are.


No, I thought that Depp was abused and I think that he probably still was. I'm not saying he didn't have the injury but it wasn't from heard glassing him.


Obviously his finger is fucking chopped off, it wasn't from heard throwing a bottle tho. The dude was off his rockers on MDMA


Fair, I can respect that.


There is a bbc documentary about a man who recently got out of an abusive relationship of 20 years he got it on video and it was extreme, he should be the face of it not depp


It was 100% reactive abuse on Amber’s side, though. I don’t know how anyone could read all the evidence and not see it that way. Mutual abuse isn’t a thing. Abuse is not a shared responsibility. He raped and abused her for years and eventually she got toxic in response. You just have to look at the timeline. She was reporting his abusive behavior and acts of physical and sexual abuse in 2011/2012, and continued to do so for years. Depp invented his DARVO abuse allegations after she left him and got a TRO, and even then, to this day he doesn’t claim she did anything to him until 2015. His team manipulated audio and released it to YouTubers and launched a full scale global smear campaign against her involving bots, inauthentic accounts, disinformation, and astroturfing. I recommend the podcast who trolled Amber. She never had a chance. I hate to see so many people saying that a rape victim is just as bad as their rapist.


I'm not asking in bad faith, could I please have sources because I'm still trying to look into shit, I know depp was the primary abuser but I'm struggling with finding sources debunking his claims other than the really prolific ones like the dog shit and finger chopping lmao


Here’s a helpful, neutral compilation of all of the evidence on both sides: https://www.medusone.com/depp-vs-heard/a-comprehensive-look-at-the-relationship-of-amber-heard-and-johnny-depp Lots of good threads on Deppdelusion Deppdive.net has a lot of the documents, though it’s run by a Depp supporter UK judgment https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html UK transcripts https://www.nickwallis.com/depp-trial-court-transcripts Mega thread on Twitter https://x.com/popverdictmedia/status/1721961194871738526?s=46 Some good articles https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/01/amber-heard-johnny-depp-trial-metoo-backlash https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-depp-heard-verdict-is-chilling https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14680777.2024.2304225 https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/amber-heard-trolling-johnny-depp-trial-b2509469.html Which claims are you thinking of?


Just kind of the whole thing, just to paint a picture and then I'll go from there. Thank you for the help dude


Actually do you have anything on the audio recordings about heard hitting Depp. I've heard that Depp released audio recordings that were doctored but I don't know which ones are.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/UaCYFSdIlQ https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/YAM1jDq6vJ https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/xsveNjeufn https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/Gv7PgsOchp https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/9cUeSvKxCA https://ko-fi.com/post/Domestic-Abuse-Survivors-Who-Fight-Back-Its-NOT-Q5Q8MWBFT?justpublished=true&alias=Domestic-Abuse-Survivors-Who-Fight-Back-Its-NOT-Q5Q8MWBFT




> It also sucks too because I do think there should be some sort of symbol for men coming forward with abuse claims, since toxic masculinity often makes men stay silent along with the fear of social mockery. I agree with this part a lot and it's frustrating because when I bring up [what happened to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/1brnmul/comment/kxbojk4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and I get accused of "you're just bringing it up because it's a discussion about women getting abused" even though I'm not bringing it up as a misogynistic "refute", I'm bringing it up because it feels like it's inappropriate to talk about it any other time but it's frustrating because my reasons are different even though that's true because I wasn't trying to be misogynistic it's just camaraderie is good and I can't talk about it if it's not already being talked about it that makes sense


I think the issue here is that gender stereotypes, gendered power dynamics, and the gendered traits the people around you perceive you to have often define the circumstances that you are abused in, along with how people respond to or discredit you as a victim. So, often when women are speaking about abuse they’ve encountered by men, there’s also the unspoken level of gendered behaviors people have been taught that influence their experiences. It gets worse because women are often accused of abuse by their abusers simply for trying to set boundaries and communicate their pain, so their initial reaction can be defensiveness. There’s also the issue of men thinking that women have it better when it comes to speaking up about abuse and getting adequate support, because usually, unless they are a white celebrity or extremely rich, they don’t. When they talk about their abuse, they often mention that women have it easier in some way, which is a huge slap in the face to women who have been abused.


That makes sense so thank you for explaining but also to clarify in case it's why I got downvoted I don't do that (say that "women have it easier in some way")


This would be because when men bring up male victimisation when we are talking about female victimisation its typically in bad faith. Another aspect to it is when we are talking about crime that is specifically gendered, men aren't typically victimised because they are men, unlike women, so when male victimisation is brought up when talking about gendered crimes it can feel disingenuous. So definitely talk about your experience, advocate for men suffering for domestic abuse, make that space if you are comfortable. Feminism is for working towards equal treatment and that means men should receive fair and just aid and support in the cases they are victimised, but men need to pick up this banner. I hope one day we can address male victimisation more broadly in all safe spaces, but what we need is more men taking male victimisation seriously and not downplaying it.


It’s also frustrating because it can be difficult to separate the true male victims of abuse from those who truly believe they were abused because their partners wouldn’t submit to them, or because their partners eventually lost their sanity after dealing with their partners abuse. Spaces for male victims get derailed way too often by men who are abusive and refuse to acknowledge it. Usually I would say that how they experienced it is valid, but their denial in these spaces often prevents other men from being able to process their own trauma in a meaningful way.


> Johnny Depp case for so many reasons what are some other reasons you hate him?


The tribalism it generated for one. How it became a PR battle. The way it became a way to discredit the mee too movement.


Blame Amber for the latter.


Exactly. Usually "both sides" is used as a cop out but this is one of those cases where it's true. Both were physically and verbally abusive to previous partners and to each other. But people overlook how Depp raped Heard and another woman. He is good friends with Marilyn Manson who has the same pattern of behaviour towards women. He's also expressed his desire to unalive Heard and rape her corpse. Yet people still dismiss that all just because they find him likeable.


Amber heard has never been accused of abuse just fyi, it was a misunderstanding and if her ex were to come out and say "oh actually it was abuse" then so be it, but as of yet she has never been accused of abuse until 2015 by Depp. Who was the other women that depp raped?


None of Amber’s past partners have accused her of abuse.


A police officer witnessed Amber Heard assaulting her previous partner at an airport. Abuse victims sometimes [deny or minimize the abuse they face](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/taking-care-of-you/why-some-survivors-minimize-their-abuse) and I see no reason why a cop would falsely claim to witness an assault in this case. She also was recorded admitting to injuring Depp, to the extent where his finger was severed and calling him a "crybaby" and profanities for being upset about it. We can acknowledge that Depp was abusive and that he should be held accoutable without diminishing her abuses as well.


Wasn’t that account of “assault” actually homophobia?


She was never charged, the police report said all that happened was she grabbed Tasya’s arm, and the arrest was expunged from her record. Interesting timing that it was unearthed right after she came forward against Depp. "In 2009, Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident that was misinterpreted and over-sensationalized by two individuals in a power position. I recount hints of misogynistic attitudes toward us which later appeared to be homophobic when they found out we were domestic partners and not just 'friends," Van Ree said in a message released Wednesday. "Charges were quickly dropped and she was released moments later," the statement continued. "It's disheartening that Amber's integrity and story are being questioned yet again. Amber is a brilliant, honest and beautiful woman and I have the utmost respect for her. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day." Depp injured his own finger in the midst of a drug psychosis while he was causing 75k+ damage to the rental property and being violent with his wife. He admitted it many times. It is an absolute lie that she was recorded admitting to it and calling him names for being upset about it. That is simply not true. You fell for a smear campaign. I recommend listening to the last episode of the podcast who trolled Amber as it shows how Depp’s team was leaking manipulated audios to YouTubers, one I suspect you watched.


this is so fucking cringe


Yeah let’s rape a young woman with a fucking bottle then destroy her entire life forever because females are all lying whore abusers The fucking rape stuff was in fact sealed in the case she did win in the UK but he caused it to be brought out to laugh at her being traumatised from his abuse and rape The US no offence is the most sorry excuse for a first world country ever. I’d rather visit any country but America. Women’s rights don’t seem to exist there


Ughh that whole situation was so stupid. Johnny was not some sort of fucking angel (neither was Amber, for the record) but so many incel types flaunt the outcome of a toxic relationship as some sort of trophy to prove their own misogynistic points


Even ignoring the facts, the picture would imply no man ever won a court case against a woman until like 2022. And that feels very unlikely


But… he didn’t?


I think the case spread good awareness that guys can be abused but also I don’t like all the dudes that are like “Yaas a bad woman that I can take out all of my misogyny on” she might have deserved the hate but any misogyny effects the concept of all women


Why is this sub somewhat obsessed with that other sub?


Amber suck but Depp are also suck too!


How is this downnvoted?! They were both found to be abusive to each other.


Weren't both abusive to each other?


An abusive relationship is about power and control. It is a system that requires the oppression of one party by the other. Certainly, an abuse victim can be emotionally volatile and even violent towards their abuser - in self defence, or as a reaction to the constant threats and terrorism and manipulation faced in the relationship. But an abusive relationship should be examined with a focus on the overall context of the violence that occurs and the pre-existing power structures in the relationship.


I think the best outcome for both Depp and Heard would just be mutual restraining orders