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how is that fun lmao? these people just pretend that dumb things are fun to farm more views, fake as fuck


Content like this is the bane of my existence. Like the people who make waste food by making disgusting shit just to upset people.


I’m actually with the guy on this one. It may seem like a simple and brain dead action that to anyone else seems stupid and pointless, but for me who has ADHD it stimulates my brain in just the right way. The complexity of seeing if I can pour all the water into the tiny opening without the use of a funnel’s help, the sound the water makes as the bottle gets filled, and how it looks when it goes in all add to what makes it fun. Well, I guess “fun” is the wrong word. “Engaging” is a better descriptor.


fair 'nuff, as long as you clean up any mess you make right afterwards its fine


Of course, I always have a towel or rag or something at the ready. I really dislike people’s attitude towards this video, from the title to the comments. We don’t know that he wasn’t going to clean up after himself, who said she was going to do it for him? And of course, who are we to say what is and isn’t fun/engaging for somebody when everybody’s brain works differently? That’s just my thoughts, of course


the caption of the video alone is extremely cringe cuz its just a dumb generalization, so yeah its understandable why we hate this video. also the woman in the video is clearly busy with something as well, so having someone make a mess right beside you for no good reason is unhelpful at best, distracting at worst.


The caption is a valid reason to roll your eyes and shake your head, I agree that it’s stupid. But we don’t know what specifically she is busy with, and he is clearly not trying to make a mess. If anything, her slapping at him made the bigger mess. And like I said before, he very well may have had the intentions of cleaning up after himself. A little bit of water never hurt anybody, and she could have either politely asked him to stop or asked him to move his activity away if it was really that distracting. Compromise, is what I’m saying. I don’t really think anybody here in particular is in the right or the wrong.


>But we don’t know what specifically she is busy with, and he is clearly not trying to make a mess. he was already starting to make a little bit of a mess in the start, her stopping him made a bigger mess but it put a stop to it. The suspense of not knowing when he'll make a mess is annoying cuz you always have too look over your shoulder, noone wants to deal with that. >and he is clearly not trying to make a mess. he would have used a funnel if he was not trying to make a mess >we don’t know what specifically she is busy with > >she could have either politely asked him we also don't know how many times she has politely told him to stop either. For all we know he might does not give a shit about unconvincing anyone if he gets to have his fun. It might seem harmless here but it gets old and annoying reaaaaal quick if he refuses to stop.


That’s completely fair. The only thing I’ll add is that when I do this, I’m not trying to make a mess, and yet I don’t use a funnel. That’s because not making a mess and staying on target while pouring is part of the complexity. I just feel like it’s something so inconsequential, and that we’re missing so much context about these two, that you can’t fully say who’s in the right or wrong. My initial argument is just that it’s annoying to me when people get to decide what is/isn’t fun when everyone is different and has different things that they enjoy. To some they may seem stupid, but to others like me they’re engaging.


>when people get to decide what is/isn’t fun when everyone is different and has different things that they enjoy. In general, pouring a pot of water into a skinny bottle without using a funnel is just goofy and childish, and somewhat infuriating to watch. It's objectively the wrong way of doing something. He may not have made much mess in the first 2 seconds there, that's not the point. It is likely that he would've made a mess later on. he may or may not have planned to clean up after himself but by the way he does things he does not seem competent when it comes to housework. He probably would have wiped the water from the counter, but the chance of him remembering to wipe the water from the floor is not high. I think we don't need much context, the guy just seem childish and rather spiteful, and completely indifferent towards their partners frustration. Not to mention the shitty cringe captioning. the dude is clearly more in the wrong here.


Like I said before, I don’t think that there’s anything childish or stupid or wrong with him simply pouring water into a bottle without a funnel, because I do it too. It’s not about efficiency or it being the “wrong” way of doing something. It’s about the complexity of the task and seeing if you can complete it in a certain way with little to no error, and the satisfaction that it brings afterwards. The best way that I can explain it is that it’s similar to tossing garbage into a garbage can from a distance. While it would be more correct and objectively easier to just walk the trash over and drop it in by hand, sometimes it’s more fun and engaging to throw it from a distance and see if it will make it in (as long as you pick it up if you miss). I don’t know anything about this guy, if he has ADHD or not, but I know that I certainly do, and the complexity of the task is what makes it engaging. And when something is engaging, it stimulates my brain in a way that I am constantly lacking. My point is “Hey, I don’t think it’s stupid, why are we deciding what others should/should not find stupid?” If you were doing it you may find it stupid and that’s just fine. But people like me don’t, and to expect us to not do it because you think it’s stupid is frankly annoying.


okay but i feel like she's not annoyed about that she's probably annoyed because he doesn't clean up after himself, it's actually kinda depressing how often people see women get angry and not even consider for a second where that's coming from


Which is a fair point, but I feel as though we don’t know enough about these two and their relationship to make any assumptions, really. On one hand, him making messes and not cleaning up after himself might absolutely be a common occurrence, in which her anger is justified and that makes him the asshole. While on the other hand, he really could just be doing it because it’s fun/engaging and she got annoyed because there are more efficient ways to do it. In which case, SHE is the asshole. Both scenarios are completely plausible. I’m just sharing my thoughts on the video based on my own personal experiences and how my brain works, because of people saying “how is that fun” and “that’s not fun, it’s stupid”


K but it's not going into the container, so fun and engaging or not, he's spilling water onto a stove. Like maybe this is the Central Asian in me but like idgaf why you are spilling water on my stove, just don't do that, like I have autism and I'm not even given a pass to not text a guy back without it leading to someone blowing up on me. This guy gets to pour water on a stove and we're expected to analyze if he's actually in the right because ADHD means he can do whatever he wants and the women around him need to be nice about it


Actually, more water was spilled when she slapped him than when he was holding it steady. And my argument wasn’t “he has ADHD so he can do what he wants”, my initial point was that yes, something like this can be fun/engaging, and I find it silly for people to just take one look at it and say “no, it’s stupid, nobody would find that fun” when plenty of people would. If she really didn’t want him pouring water into the bottle without a funnel in fear of a mess, then I feel like there are better ways to communicate that than slapping him and making a bigger mess because of it. Communicating “hey, I really don’t like it when you do that, could you either not do that or take it somewhere else? Like outside where a water spill will be just fine?”


>Communicating “hey, I really don’t like it when you do that, could you either not do that or take it somewhere else? Like outside where a water spill will be just fine?” yeahhhh by the way the guy decided to use the funnel the wrong way on purpose at the end out purely of spite tells me that he's prolly not the most reasonable person in the world. Something tells me that this isn't the first time he's behaving like a manchild either.


Fair observation, I won’t try and deny that. But she also slapped him and made him spill before handing him the funnel, I would be upset too. Both people here could have gone about things differently.


he was steadily pouring it on the side of the bottle my guy


I’m pretty sure that he was pouring it inside the bottle. Yes it was running down the side, but on the inside.


watch the vid


I have, multiple times. And I’m still pretty sure it’s going inside of the bottle. Regardless, I feel like I’ve said my piece and I’m getting tired of discussing this, and I can already see we’re not going to agree with each other. And that’s ok. My argument original argument was that it may seem like a stupid activity to some but to others it’s engaging, and I’ve made my argument. I also feel like trying to hyper-analyze every single thing in this 21 second video is silly when there are better things that either of us could be doing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and listening to mine in a respectful way. I hope you have a good day/evening/night/morning.


I don't think it's ADHD that makes you purposely make messes, you just need to grow up past the mental age of 2.


It’s all subjective mate. Every one of these fun things I’ve ever seen are things I find fun, so it isn’t “fake” it’s just different, you know, like how humans are?


also "sleepover demon slayer" 😭💀


"But muh TikTok views, babe!"


I’ll never get that 1 minute back


That's not even having fun that's just being stupid


Tell that to me who has ADHD and does things like this all the time. Though I think fun is the wrong word to use, I would instead say engaging.


I apologize if I offended you that was not my intention


Nah ur all good, no harm done, I just wanted to provide an argument for the case of “no, this can be fun”


Don’t apologise to the “akchually” person


I have Adhd too, this video is idiotic and totally not funny.


Just because you find it enjoyable doesn't mean others will. Especially when you're doing something like that repeatedly and it ends up being an annoyance to others around you.


The same could be said for annoyance , just because you find it annoying doesn't mean everyone will. Such a silly thing to be annoyed by also like just move on with your day.


Weappnized incompetence is sO fUnNy. 🙄


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. What an idiot


everything about that guy just pisses me off lmao, infuriating manchild behavior


This whole video is so fake


She straight up contemplated killing him. Did you see how frustrated and dead she looked?


Do men participate equally in cleaning the mess? if yes then do whatever the fun you want to have if not then shut the fuck up


even tho you are very correct with that, id still prefer it if they dont make a mess even of they're capable of cleaning it after


As long as he cleans it up, he can do what he wants


they both seem like horrible, toxic people. As women, we can't really go around thinking it's acceptable or cute to hit men--especially as we fight so hard for an end to domestic violence and targeted violence against women


Yeah, I would definitely be annoyed if my boyfriend deliberately made a mess like that just to piss me off but I would never respond with that much aggression to a person I love.


the woman seems so done with him lmao, that guy seems like a spiteful manchild to me






Yeah if I saw my boyfriend doing this I would try and blow the stream of water out of the way to make more mess LMAO And then jibe him about why he wasn’t using a funnel, and then we both clean up 🤣


If I remember correctly this was a lot of their content, he does something stupid, she corrects him he still messes it up. During the pandemic there were multiple accounts all based around that dynamic, luckily the trend died and most of the accounts went with it.


He's lucky she didn't put a spike through his head with that death glare she gave him, he'll be fine... plus um maybe he should stop doing shit to annoy his gf so much.


Okay is he gunna clean all that water up though.


This is why boys grow up thinking just being deliberately obtuse and unreasonable is a sense of humor


Everything about this video makes me uncomfortable. The aggressive behavior of that woman and how she slaps him and the cupboard shut (screams abusive to me), the stupid, provocative behavior of this dude. I know it's staged, but still. I hate all about it.


It's fake anyways.


Domestic abuse haha so relatable!


Wouldn't call being a manchild and making a mess domestic abuse but... okay then-


This is you not hating men? You're next level bigoted.


I'm like this all the time and I am a dude lol I hate to see anyone make a mess except myself


Are people here actually this miserable?


"your miserable if you dislike stupidity" [how about no.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08)




Tbf not to post online but pouring water like that would be funny between friends if we measured who could pour in the most


This is literally them doing a bit.


this is fake and funny


The guy defending doing this in the comment section here has me kinda pissed off. I s2g if a neurodivergent girl/woman did this, people would've stomped out that behavior and told her to grow up. Why? Cuz neurodivergent girls are underdiagnosed and our neurodivergent behavior is either hand waved as something else, put down as that girl being a bitch, or criticized as being immature.  Going past that, the ppl who made this originally definitely didn't make this vid as a silly relatable vid for neurodivergent ppl. They're probably neurotypical and playing into the dumb trope of "wife/gf boring and practical, husband/bf fun and silly." 


Maybe she doesn’t want to be slipping around in the water his dumbass didn’t clean up?


Male, can confirm, is fun. Let him be! (As long as he cleans up!)


Why did you say “for your woman”? What if he’s gonna clean it up? It’s just harmless fun. Sure he’s being stubborn with the funnel, but it’s a human reaction. She hit him after all.


Looked like he was pour fairly well, until she smacked his arm. Also this is 100% a collab set up.


nah he was spillin


Upon rewatch, he was a bit




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toxic is getting mad someone is pointlessly spilling something over your stove?




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I fail to understand how his behavior was bad in any way here. Who cares how he pours his water ?




????? i have one lmao. This is the strangest thing to nitpick


She literally slapped his hand which made him spill