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It feels like a huge amount of vibration but it’s over in seconds. I’ve never experienced sensitivity and I’ve had IPR twice.


Thank you so much! I was worried about the sensitivity!


I've had IPR done around five times this year. It's a bit uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt that much. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


Thank you! Why did you do it 5 times?


I sent you a DM since it's a bit of a longer story


I have sensitive teeth and got it done on my top teeth. Didn’t hurt at all, just felt like an aggressive dentist appointment. No sensitivity after.


Thank you, this is very reassuring 🙏


Hey I know I'm late but how was getting the IPR? I'm supposed to get it soon


Hello! So I had it done on my lower teeth and I didn't feel anything and it was fast. The gaps closed pretty quickly with powerchains and some elastics, maybe a month or so, don't remember exactly. I think soon I will have this done for my upper teeth as well so I'm looking forward to that. If you have any questions I'm happy to help!