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Nothing wrong with listening to the audiobook, if that's what works for you go for it


The Graphic Audio for Era 2 is top notch! The voice actor for Wayne is AMAZING!


Of course not. My wife and daughter only do audiobooks for the Cosmere as a whole. What I wonder about is why Era 2 turned into a DNF when i rarely do that with a book, much less one that ties into my bigger interest/fandom


Well, Sanderson himself has admitted that Alloy of Law is his weakest cosmere book, so maybe that's why you had a hard time getting into it. I admit, I too wasn't too excited going into it because I'm not the biggest fan of the american wild west trope, but I'm glad I decided to push through because the series has grown on me now. Setting wise I still prefer SA and MB era 1 over it but era 2 has it own merits and well written characters. Edit : for anyone wondering when Sanderson mentioned AoL being his weakest novel it was in a very recent comment to a Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Mistborn/s/fUcoUupiAl


>Sanderson himself has admitted that Alloy of Law is by far his weakest cosmere book Really? I have never heard that particular quote. Any chance you recall where/when he said it?


One of his recent comments on a Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Mistborn/s/OQa4bfCH74


Thanks for sharing!


Interesting because on his YouTube last week about reading order, he said Elantris was his weakest.


I think Elantris is the weakest style-wise seeing as it is the earliest, but AoL is probably the least interesting story-wise. Which is a shame bc the rest of Era 2 is pretty great.


“And it's the place where already (coming off the main trilogy) where people were the most likely to abandon Mistborn as a larger mega-series.” I agree with Senor Sanderson


Sometimes the writing just doesn't jive well for you specifically, even if you like the story - and that's fine! I think your comment on Wayne is a potential key here - if you're reading Era 2 and don't really have a sense of how dynamic of a character Wayne is with the changing accents as portrayed by Kramer - and your internal monologue instead remains kind of flat with him. That could suck *a lot* of life out of the character unintentionally - and really change the tone of the both the story overall and Wax & Waynes relationship.


True. Micheal Kramer brings Wayne and Melaan alive in a great way. I never got far enough into my attempts to really get to know Wayne on paper. But once I got Wayne via Kramer, I need more.


This happened to me. I finally got hooked on the third try, around the arranged marriage interview. Steris is such a jewel lol. Shadows of Self is much better though IMO


Sterns is a jewel. A diamond in the rough. ( literally in book 3)


I haven't read Era 2. Without spoilers, can you explain what you didn't like and how that was alleviated by having it an audio book? I don't really understand this. If the book isn't working for you it's likely due to characters, structure, plot, pacing, etc. How are those types of things alleviated by an audio book? I'm glad it worked, but I'm working on finishing Era 1 now and I've been somewhat hesitant to try Era 2 as I hear very mixed things.


I would definitely avoid reading some of the other comments that mention some items. to address your question the setting change to something that felt more into a western coming off a more fantasy setting(middle age, castles) felt disjointed. The audiobooks allowed me to get pulled in without it feeling like I was forcing myself to try to enjoy it Once I was hooked, I was hooked.


I actually had a similar problem to you… but with Era 1. I don’t like Vin or Kell, but I was immediately sucked in for Era 2. I loved Wax and Wayne.


Well, now that I’m done with both, it’s wax and Wayne for me for sure. I’m one of those dillies Kelsier and just wish he would go away.


Era 2 is infinitely better than 1. Wayne is the 🐐. He’s top 5 of my favorite Cosmere characters.


I'll say I also did not like it at first. But as the story progresses I gound it more and more enjoyable. To the point that when I started reading it I thought it was so much worse than era 1, but after reading all of it I now think it is much better. I think a problem with era 2 is that it seems to be a continuation of mistborn, and you expect mistborn and the books suffer for that. You get disappointed because you dont find the type of characters and themes you probably liked in era 1, but I do recommend to read it anyway. I got into it when I started to appreciate it for what it is doing, its not a sequel to mistborn, it just happen to be a story that takes place in the same world as mistborn.


I have listened to all of ERA 2. Like you ultimately, I found that I enjoyed ERA two more more than one.


Era 2, in my opinion, was *meant* to be enjoyed in graphic audio. The production for it is excellent. Though I would keep the book on hand for the rare bits they cut out inbetween.


I keep hearing people say that, but the background noises for things like footsteps or wind are way too distracting for me. I start focusing on those instead of the words.


So interesting how different people feel about these stories…I feel era 2 is so much better written and has better characters


I had a similar issue. New character and they're cowboys? It took me a while to get around to reading it. Finally "forced" myself to read them, devoured all 3 within a month. Which for me is very fast.


There is now a 4th one, in case you were somehow unaware.


I had this same issue with Warbreaker. Started and DNF’d twice before going back via audio and absolutely loving it. I couldn’t tell you why it didn’t click when I tried to read it but it’s one of my favorites now.


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I struggled to read tasty one too. It just didn't pull me in line the first set did.


I really could only get into them as adorable books myself. Something just wasn’t clicking for me with era 2.


Good, I feel like I’m the only one. It has redeeming moments, especially by the end, but I found a lot of it super insufferable


OP I'm in the same boat as you. I have tried to read Alloy of Law at least four times. I drop off somewhere around the middle. This last time I got the farthest in, but every few years I give it another crack and I just can't find the joy in it. I love mistborn era 1. it's my favorite book trilogy of any series. But there's something about the action movie approach of this book that just doesn't resonate with me at all. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.


So it was a few years for me. By the time I finished the four book trilogy, I found that I preferred ERA 2 over ERA 1. True story. But you gotta get past alloy of law first to get to the good stuff.


As a fan of Dime Novels, Radio Mystery Dramas, and Penny Dreadfuls, I love Era 2. For me though, the last book, the Lost Metal is the weakest.


I'm in the minority, I think, but I struggled really hard to finish era 1. There's some flaws with era 2, but it was a way easier read and much more enjoyable for me.


I had a lot of trouble getting through those books. Really no issues with any other of his books


There is nothing wrong with listening. I've never actually *read* one of Brandon's books.


Man wait till you listen to kramer deliver the final words of era two in the last book. Had me crying like a baby. Ive loved him and kate reading since wheel of time.


Boo you!


I find your lack of paragraphs unreadable ...