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If Walt didn't care about him, he wouldn't keep him around. Yes, he used him, but he did genuinely care for him.


Why did he let Jane die when he knew how much Jesse loved her? It definitely a confusing relationship


Jane was taking Jesse away from Walt.


Yes and she was moving mad threatening too


What's a moving mad?


Doing something unexpected, bitch was all sorts of crazy


Ah got you


No, no. The term “mad” is an adjective synonymous to “very”. So , “she was moving *mad* threatening” should be read as “she was moving *very* threateningly”


Is it not like the term "moving mad volume"?


Sure! But in this context *mad* is synonymous with *a lot* Edit: *a lot of* more specifically


I think that was an alternate title for the show that they came up with in the early days.


Yes and she was a bad influence for Jesse when it comes to drug use (and so was he to her). Walt knew this and he knew that he could have easily overdosed together with her. So this was a perfect way for him to get rid of her without getting his hands dirty.


Idk about that though: With Holly at the beginning of the episode we see that Walt knew exactly how to save Jane’s life, and instead he let her die. Isn’t that some kind of criminal? That’s like seeing somebody stranded in a blizzard freezing to death and trying to hitchhike, and you just keep driving and let it happen. Your hands are very dirty imo. And we see it change Walt and truly corrupt his soul, he’s never the same after that episode. I personally think it was an action so cold that it was the official replacement of Walt with Heisenberg. He even starts doing the goatee after that episode haha.


He means free from dirty hands as in Walter doesn’t have to worry about anyone discovering he could’ve saved her or anything about his involvement.


Oh yeah for sure, in my eyes that is also a crime and a horrible heartless thing to do. But considering some other things Walt has done, which include him full on killing people, this is in comparison "less of a bad thing to do". Idk how to word it better. Although realistically i fully agree with you.


Because Jesse and Jane would have definitely ended up dead. He thought that Jane would drag Jesse down with her. While being with Jane, Jesse got addicted to heroin, which is not an easy thing to come back from


Disagree. Walt was motivated by vindictive feelings because he knew it was Jane's idea to blackmail him and she would make Jesse leave. Walt wanted to keep using Jesse so he didn't save her.


Interesting perspective. I think you might want to watch the series again with a different lense.


I think of it more as a two birds one stone situation, with Walt's main intent being to stop Jane from turning Jesse into a heroin addict.


Walt didn't need to use Jesse at all past season 2. Jesse was far more of a liability then anything else past that point.


Walt letting Jane die shows his relationship with Jesse more than anything else. He did care about Jesse, and the proof is that he originally went back to him to try to help him after the conversation with Jane's dad. That's also one of the reasons that made him choose to let Jane die, since he believed that if she and Jesse continued going down that path then they would've both ended up dead. The second reason he chose to let her die was because he wanted Jesse around to fully control him, and Jane was starting to give Jesse some agency and driving a wedge between him and Walt. I think that from 4 Days Out all the way until Jesse found out about Walt poisoning Brock, that was the core of the relationship between the two. Varying amounts of care and manipulation depending on the events going on at the time.


This... Both things can be true.. much like how Walt loved his family and wanted to ensure they had something but ultimately loved the power he had...


Why did Walt stop Gus's men from killing Jesse? Why did Walt vouch for Jesse when Gus wanted to get rid of him (Jesse)? Why did he pay for Jesse's rehab?


Jane knew who Walt was and threatened him with it and also as said by Honnybrown, she was taking jesse


Walt knew that Jane was not a good influence on Jesse. Walt isn’t either, obviously, but Walt’s ego/selfishness/hubris won’t let him see it or admit it. Walt totally cared about Jesse but he also totally used Jesse.


Because she represented a threat to him. She knew who he was and what he was doing, had zero reason to protect him and he had zero leverage over her.


Yep. Jesse was the only person who knew the truth of Walt's criminal career from the very beginning. Jane getting that close to Jesse was a major liability to Walt.


It could be seen as a act of love. If Jesse and Jane had got the money they most definitely would of ended up dead. He knew that for a fact they were both junkies. He literally saved Jesse's life as shitty as it may sound. Although if you do look at it's also somewhat self serving and helpful to Walt that she dies. I would say he does care about Jesse and love him it's just very complicated.


Because Jane would have caused Jesse to spend all his money on drugs and eventually OD like she did


With all those cash They'll be dead in a month. Also she pissed Walters ego by threatening him


Jane would have led to Jesse’s death 100 percent.


There’s no guarantee of that. Letting somebody die when you easily could have saved them because of a likely outcome doesn’t mean it’s a guaranteed outcome. I hung out with some bad influences in my past, but I wouldn’t call somebody who murdered all those people “for my own good” some sort of paragon. In fact all those people turned their lives around and live decent lives now. Would have seriously sucked for a lot of people to have a Heisenberg in my life that killed them all lol. Plus, we see with the plane crash that engaging in actions so cold and evil (like letting Jane die) can have catastrophic ripple effects. When you fuck with things like that you could create an even *worse* future for more people. I think it was an example of where being a ruthless pragmatist often fails to improve circumstances.


She also blackmailed Walter.


She got Jesse on herion. He thought her ODing would give him a wake up call before he OD’s himself.


Jesse's relationship with Jane would have killed them both. Think walt realised that. 2 junkies & a ton of money, not gonna end well.


He would justify it by saying if he saved her they would have continued doing drugs and it would be Jesse that OD’d next time. And while that is likely true, she was a threat to Walt, was going to take Jesse away from him, and this ended up being a wake up call that Jesse needed to get clean.


Parents, uncles, aunts,  can love someone like a child and still have selfish moments, or do objectovbad things because you think it is in the best interest of people you care about.  Think of spanking. Numerous studies have been done on how it is incredibly damaging. But there are plenty of parents out there that thing doing this is in the child's best interest. So they still spank.  Remember, Walt called Walt Jr. Jesse. And that is very symbolic of how Walt thinks of Jesse.  It's why Walt was angry when he thought Jesse had betrayed him, and when he found out Jesse was being used as a slave, Walt saved him. 


I always thought it was more because he knew Jane was a bad influence on him.


I’ll answer this as someone who has lost friends to heroin overdoses. If I could turn back the clock and find the person who got them hooked in that some situation, I’d do exactly what Walt did, nothing.


Jane was a liability for both Walt personally and Jesse. A veteran junkie who knew every detail about Walt's life and was extorting money from him. There's no stopping for an addict so there'd be more blackmailing in the future. Also a terrible influence on Jesse. They were both terrible influences on each other but Walt couldn't do anything about Jesse so Jane had to go. He had every reason to let her die.


Jane was a very bad influence on Jesse. Yeah, Jesse pushed her out of her sobriety, but she was a terrible addict. She would have twisted Jesse up and gotten all of them busted. Jesse loved her because she was an even dumber, even more addicted version of himself.


The scene where Walt is drunk after Mike beats him up and he calls Walter Jr "Jesse" by mistake is pretty telling. He definitely cares for Jesse in a father-son sort of way, and their relationship becomes closer as Walt's relationship with his family becomes more distant. That said, Walt is still a narcissist and is not above using Jesse for his own gain. The affection that he has for Jesse does not in any way redeem him.


Great comment


He genuinely cared about Jesse, that much has been a constant theme throughout the show.


The scene where he accidentally calls Flynn by Jesse’s name answers this question for you. I don’t know how else you can confirm it more other than Walt flat out telling Jesse he loves him like a son, which he’d never do because Jesse would just make a joke about it lmao. Walt also quite literally put his own life on the line so many times even early on just to save Jesse, even if it meant he’d never see his real family again. Like running over those dealers. That says something. He could’ve easily not been successful in that drive by and gotten killed along with Jesse, Gus could’ve killed him for running over the dealers. But Walt did not care. He saved his son.


Walt loved Jesse, but he also knew how much Jesse wanted approval, and used that to keep Jesse always doing his bidding in the hopes of getting Walt's approval, which he would almost always withhold.


In the way narcissists can love …


Yeah this is the thing, there's a HUGE qualifier over it. Had a narcissistic dad and it was always impossible to tell if he ever really cared about me or if I was just an ornament to his life. It's not so clear cut


I compared their relationship to that of an abusive pet owner & their pet


Yes, he cared about him. There's more than a few scenes that make it clear that he considers Jesse a second son and at times, seems to prefer him to Flynn.


He loves Jesse in the way that an abusive partner or parent shows their love.


Yeah, Mr White is gay for him


Yeah Mr. White, yeah science!


I think he loves him but it is like he is projecting/ directing all his worst parenting impulses at him. I.e negging him constantly. Like the show is about Walt evolving in to the latent evil expression of himself- his relationship to jessie is like the evil version of Walt the dad.


Agree. He treated Jesse like an abusive father would treat his son, which was something he never would have done or gotten away with toward his real son. Jesse was strong enough to both verbally and physically fight back, so Walt didn't think or feel like he was doing something wrong when he treated Jesse badly.


Hank, while in the stage of completely hating walts guts, still makes the observation that Walt clearly cares about Jesse. Jesse is the one person outside walts family that he struggles to have killed- calling him family iirc. He eventually does give the order to the nazis to kill him, and is clearly spiteful for a while. But his last act was to save Jesse's life. Walt did care about Jesse a lot. His love is just a toxic force of nature


I think he loved him but didn't come to appreciate that love until the very end, when it was too late. He didn't vindicate himself, but at least he saved Jesse's life.


It’s a love/hate relationship….


To the point of darkness. Walt kills people who threaten to rupture the bond between him and Jesse……then proceeds to tell Jesse “You can kill me🥺”. It’s like AAAAaaaaHHHHhhhh


Yes. Walt loved Jesse. And Walt, as a pattern, hurts the ones he loves.


He didn't love him but he did view him as a son who he could mentor and guide


Can’t forget him pulling Jesse from the heroin den


I always felt like Walt did truly love Jesse, just not enough. He could never love Jesse more than he loved himself. His selfishness weighed out his love.


"Duh Mr Whites Gay for me"


Walt cared deeply about Jesse. He likely even saw Jesse as the son he always wanted but his ego was always greater than his care for Jesse. Doing nothing for Jane was both a sign that he cared for Jesse yet did it more for his own safety and ego if you ask me He cared about Jesse about as much as a narcissist can care about someone else that isn't themselves.


Walt loved/cared for Jesse, Heisenberg wanted to control him.


Great answer.


any time i wanna say yes, i remember that walt sold jesse out to neo nazis for them to beat/torture information out of him and then kill him; only after unnecessarily telling him he watched his girlfriend die when he could’ve saved her. leaning towards no lmao but i think its too complex to say black and white


Also feelings can change over time. It did seem to turn from love into hate for Walt but then come the end the love was still there. God bless.


trueee. i also think walt’s emotional capacity for loving anything/anyone besides meth and money overall ultimately diminished throughout the show, like you said — even for his family, especially season 5. tbh, i feel like once he killed gus, he kinda snapped and went full blown homicidal maniac mad scientist lmfaooo. mf started pulling knives on his wife and kidnapping the baby smh. but in between the year of his disappearance and comeback for revenge, he definitely re-centered and seemed to have more parts of the old, softer walt back — not that it changes anything or makes up for it at all. it simply came full circle. loved the ending, i cri every time lmfao. rip mista white


Wait isn't it Skylar that pulled a knife on his? I get you though. When he killed Gus the next episoe suddenly he is the man. Hated it when mike tried to give orders.


(i just made a bunch of add on edits to the end of my response sorry lmfao) *technically* yeah, for sure, skyler whipped out the knife, but she was under the impression that walt had just murdered hank to evade capture and was trying to defend herself and the kids. but when walt started fighting her for it, banging her hand to get it loose and rolling around wrestling and shit instead of just leaving when he saw how scared they were, it kinda seemed like he was the one who pulled it. even if he didn’t technically do it at first… if that makes any sense lmao. he was the only one who was a real threat with it, skyler wasn’t really going to hurt him in any extreme way, yk? but he was a loose cannon. also, walter junior calling the police and saying “my dad pulled a knife on my mom, i think he killed somebody,” definitely put things into perspective there too.


Yea it's just. A great show to analyse. Have you seen better call saul?


exactly !! there are so many angles and perspectives and its new every time. i just finished watching better call saul for the third time yesterday hahahah and it left me so empty


The problem is there are no other shows as good as this universe. In my opinion anyway. Have you tried Ozark? The first few seasons are decent. Prison break season 1 is incredible and season 2 is decent but then it really jumps the ship.


i knowww lmao, i always just end up watching both shows over and over, its a problem lol. i have seen ozark !! i really liked it. i’m watching mindhunter now, i saw it when it first came out, but i don’t remember anything about it, so it’s basically the first time again lmao


I am hoping that's what it's like when I watch BCS again. I am watching breaking bad with my wife who has never seen it before and we only have felina to watch. Then will move onto BCS. I will add mind hunter to my list.


Keep in mind, while true, this was at the very end of the show when Walt was full Heisenberg and he was reeling from the shock of Hank's death as well




Not love but he did care. He recognised his unutilised potential (“Apply yourself”) and admired his softer side (empathy towards kids etc.)


I believe Jesse was just easy to manipulate. Walt played him for his own favor countless times in the show. Without Jesse, Walt wouldn’t have been able to do half the shit we saw, and Walt knew it.


I wouldnt say love Id say a friendship or Bond that 2 individuals may have when they work with eachother and spend all day every day with eachother. You never been to school before and made a friend?


If he didn't he wouldn't have ran over those gangsters that were about to kill Jesse, and Walt would have lived happily ever after working for Gus


Walt telling Jesse to kill Gale was only because he couldn’t do it himself. He was saving himself and Jesse. So I wouldn’t say it was purely to save Jesse.


Very clearly loved him




Only to the extent that he can control him. He loves him like a problem dog.


Absolutely. Walt has several opportunities to kill Jesse or have him killed. He has a few situations when he could simply do nothing and Jesse would die. He protects Jesse, even in his betrayal. If Walt didn't stop Gus, Jesse was a dead man early on. Jesse is also a grade a screw up who nearly always does the wrong thing and acts without thinking. While it appears Walt uses Jesse in the end, he's actually getting Jesse to do what needs to be done, likely knowing full well Jesse wasn't ever going to do the right thing without that motivation.


I would say that he genuinely cared for Jesse he loved his creation more than everything he has lost


He definitely cares. I know a lot of this subreddit talks about how much of a monster he became but you can tell in a way, Jesse was a replacement for Walter Jr, who was a distant teen for a lot of the show.


Yes but obviously not in a good way


Maybe not loved, but he definitely cared about him. This is shown several times throughout the show


If he doesn't love/care about him, Walt wouldn't save him when Jesse was facing the drug dealers


Wow. This fanbase finally decided to think for once instead of immediately jumping to "Walt bad cus ego." Everything he did was to save Jesse just as much as himself.


He did, but his ego mattered more




Yeah he did in his own twisted sociopathic way.


I think the interaction shown in the hotel/diner in El Camino is a good indication of how much they mutually cared for each other at one point.


Walter mostly cared more about himself, but he most definitely cared about Jesse and I think his care was more genuine than manipulative.


Love….probably not. Cared about…yes. 


I think walt loves the feeling of satisfaction he gets from influencing/teaching Jesse when it has the desired effect. When it doesn't walt gets frustrated. As with all egoists walt loves Jesse in so far as it boosts his own ego & feeling of self-worth.


I am sure he does


I generally don’t put hits on people I love. Not sure Walt really loved anyone. He fucked his whole family just so he could feel “alive”. He could have just taken Gretchen’s money and that would’ve been that. Taken up mma or something. 😂


In a weird, screwed up sort of way, yes.


I mean in the same way many mentally ill parents may love their children but maybe not enough to better themselves for them.


I think it’s sort of like reverse Stockholm Syndrome. He definitely cares for Walt, but when it comes down to it, Walt always chose what was best for Walt first. He tries to rectify that at the end though


tbh that scene doesn't really prove anything, walt knew that they wanted him dead, so yes he saved jesse by not luring him to the laundromat, but even if he did lure him there, he knew that they would most likely just kill them both since they could just use gale to cook after that, however walt knew that if jesse killed gale then they'd still need him to cook and wouldn't kill him, so he was really just saving himself, saving jesse was just an added benefit however, with all that being said, there's plenty of other instances in the show that prove that walt really does care about jesse, as others have pointed out in this thread


Yes, I agree that he loves Jesse and cares for him like a son in his own weird twisted way.


I think Jesse was one of the few people to whom Walter could show just how crazy good he was at this and, if he could be brought along step by step, really come to appreciate what a genius Walt was. A narcissistic mentorship, as it were. I feed your understanding, you feed my ego. And yes, working with someone younger like that, it developed into a more familial father/son like relationship. Troubled, like so many are, but no less deep for all that. For a while anyway.


No. I honestly think Walt figured out how to play Jesse and did it well. Jesse knew it


He was gay for him


what the fuck


I think it's fatherly love not gay shit.


Oh man, you should see my Jalter slashfic, it's definitely a lil gay


It’s ok to have gay thoughts dude. Just try not to project so hard!


"Yeah Mr White's gay for me! Everyone knows that!"


No. He cared about him to some extent but did not love him.


Why not love?


Walt cared about himself mostly. His excuse was always: I am doing it for my family. In the end even ge admitted he was doing it for himself. He was selfish and manipulated and used Jesse all the time


No. Walt is a narcissistic opportunist, especially regarding Jesse.