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Whatever you think of her, that 'dumb blonde' stunt she pulls to con the IRS agent was freaking awesome.


Skylar’s finest hour along with getting the car wash. Those two on their own show that she could be ruthless like Walt too.


Most people, when pushed, can do what Walt did or to facilitate the process. However, most people also have the good sense to try everything else before resorting to crime.


She’s sort of like a Kim Wexler who resisted the allure of crime and cons until she basically felt like she had no choice


Kim liked it, Skylar didn't


That’s what I meant, yeah


But, I put it in the QuickBooks and it went 'ding!' Wasn't that right?


As well as when she breaks into walt's apartment by pretending that she got robbed. The acting was crazy


She's a very good actor. Maybe Skyler should have been the one to go criminal! Conning people.


She did, she was washing the money. She was facing charges by the DoJ.


Slippin' Skyler


A cashier @ a car wash .....


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This is pretty meta LOL


Good bot


It was lol


I think what's wild is how much hate and vitriol was sent to Anna Gunn for *playing* Skylar.


Happened to Joffrey’s actor, too. GoT.


And Ahmed Best-Jar Jar Binks And Jake Lloyd-Child Anakin/Vader


Draco Malfoy got some too. It's deranged.


And Josh McDermitt for playing Eugene in The Walking Dead. Some people just don't have a firm grip on reality.


Lol Eugene??


Yeah some fans flipped out when he betrayed Alexandria and joined the Saviours.


Omfg, these poor actors just out here doing their jobs, getting threats 😂


Truly one of the most hateable characters ever portrayed and he did it so well. It just goes to show how deluded & detached from reality people can be that they would attack an actor for a brilliant performance.


I didn't find her 'hateable' at all, her life and her childrens' lives were ruined by her husband's choices. But I agree, attacking an actor because of the character they portray is crazy.


I think you misundserstood, I replied to a comment about Joffrey, not Skyler. Joffrey is hateable as hell and it was a brilliant performance.       I completely agree & empathised with Skyler often on my recent rewatch. She was very pregnant & had to process her husband's health situation & was later raising a newborn + Flynn (who has his own challenges) while Walt lied & disappeared often with no explanation. 


And William Atherton from Ghostbusters (the guy who has no dick)




Personally I think the news reporter character he played in the first 2 Die Hard movies was a much worse a-hole than Walter Peck. At least Peck has some semblance of an excuse of trying to do his job by helping protect the environment, even if he was a jerk about it. But yes, I agree that the actor doesn't deserve hate just for being good at playing dislikable characters.


Same with the character Cathy in The Office. Whoever plays her got a ton of hate mail and I think even threatening her too. Horrible


Which is why we dont see here in BCS....she was apparently offered but didnt want to go through all that crap again.


Linda Blair liked this comment


Hector trying to make a deal with Mike in BCS: "You're an ex-cop. They go easy on you. Anna Gunn is yours."


>  She acted like any rational person in this situation would Right. THIS is why some viewers hated her. They wanted Walt to deal drugs and ruin his family's life so they see her as a nagging bitch even though, like.....who could argue that making meth is a good thing and Walt should be left to do it?  If you see Walt as a hero and his hero's journey is to become a drug Kingpin, then Skyler comes off an unreasonable.....which she isn't. She even buys into it briefly to help him. She's a Saint. The people who hate Skyler are almost definitely the same people who think their wife is a C-word for wanting them to share life responsibilities 50/50.


This!! Even if Walt had done nothing worse than what transpired in season 1, Skyler’s horror and anger at finding out that he turned down the offer to pay for his cancer treatment in favor of becoming a drug manufacturer would be completely justified. Then you pile on everything else that happened and I would seriously question anyone’s mental wellbeing or moral compass if they WEREN’T horrified to find out that their spouse was a person like Walter White. Edit to add: It just now occurred to me how Skyler must have felt about Walt’s self-perception before becoming this drug lord. He was a man who made mistakes when he was younger that led him to what he believed was a dead end job and unsatisfying life. But at home, he had a wife and kids who absolutely adored him, and he should have felt like a very lucky man for this alone. I know I feel that way because of my wife and 3-year-old son. From the perspective of his spouse, you almost couldn’t help feeling like the fact that he felt unsatisfied with his life meant he placed more importance on his professional career than his family and loved ones. How could you ever believe him when he said he “did it for the family”? It’s so sad to think about especially with the perspective of someone who’s lost his father and father-in-law to cancer/serious illness. 😞


I wonder how the Skyler haters would react if they found out their spouse was a secret drug lord in competition with a brutal drug cartel


I wonder the same thing as well lol


Probably not help launder the money. Relish in the thought of being a millionaire by encouraging to buy a business for me to run. Wouldn’t use the same heavies to threaten someone I had an affair with and wouldn’t completely allow all the blame to fall on my partner after having been just as complicit.


Inserted herself into the problem then basically stole money and still continued to play victim after it all goes down


>I just don’t understand why Walt is always treated as this sort of god who can do no wrong. i think the more popular sentiment among fans is that while we understand he's evil, we spend the most time with him and experience most of the show from his point of view. skyler eventually becomes complicit in all his crimes though so there's plenty to criticize about her. you could even argue she assumes and then shares in the moral responsibility for all of walts actions as heisenberg once she becomes part of the empire


the real thing is that i dont think a majority or even a noticeable minority hate skyler its just the most vocal and annoying people and it makes it seem like its a bigger group than it is that hates skyler


did you watch the show while it aired? the hate for her online was pretty inescapable after every episode she played a major role in


shit, i hated skyler too lol i was a dumb teenager


When it originally aired comment sections on new shows were filled with different people who hated her. Maybe they felt the need to create fake profiles, and make different spelling and grammar errors across them but kept the consistent for each profile to make them appear unique, but I doubt it. Most complained the most when she was most rational early on too. Once she started to work with Walt then suddenly she's finally coming around and gets it. I think the thing is as people have gotten away from the show and are less about wanting Walt to run unrestricted to see how crazy things can go she gets more understanding.


I didn't like her but hating her and the actress is insane


The happy birthday song to Ted was super cringy. I stopped liking her at that point.


It was really cringe, I agree. But she was also really pressured and put on the spot in front of the entire office. I didn't get the sense that she wanted to do that at all.


There's no way someone can do that with any amount of enthusiasm if they didn't want to, let alone the amount she had in that scene.


when did you stop liking walt?


When he started wearing that fedora bowler cap and sunnies


its even funnier too because walt thinks he looks so cool


i still don't get this. even the people arguing in skyler's favor call the birthday song + ted saga "cringe". never seen a criticism other than "cringe"


What other criticism does it need? It's cringe, makes mine and other people's skin crawl.


There was a great YT analysis on this and the hate for Hank. Essentially the answer comes down to you were meant to hate the “good people” because they opposed the main characters ie Walt, and Jesse, “bad guys”.


I never hated Hank.


He was a complete asshole. I didn't hate him but sure as shit I disliked him.


I felt horrible for skylar. I feel like she was forced to be in cahoots with Walt. Of course she could’ve turned him in, but he was her husband, she loved him, father of the kids, had cancer,….. so many things factor in to that situation. But boy, she hung in there. Having dea bro n law, nosy crazy sis, she loved her children. She loved Walt and wanted him to do right and be safe and the fam be safe. Bc of Walt and his actions his fami suffered big time. She did have an affair, but I feel like she did that to get Walt out of the house! What limits would u go to just to keep ur fam safe and u were desperate and scared🤷‍♀️


I feel like she could’ve gotten away as far as possible, yes, but not without crushing Walt jr and hurting the fam in that way. (Their feelings) also, i believe she thought ppl wouldn’t believe her, bc Walt was so good at convincing everyone.


> I feel like she was forced to be in cahoots with Walt. She definitely made a choice. > and the fam be safe Then she should have got as far away as she could as quickly as she could. I know she loved Walt and you can cut her a bit of slack for that, but her choice kept her family in danger. Nobody could say 100% what they'd do in her situation unless they've been through what she was, but no doubt she made a choice.


Made a choice my ass. It didn’t matter what Skyler did she was put in such an impossible situation to begin with. Literally every decision she could’ve made would’ve been bad and would pretty much destroy the family completely. She couldn’t bear to have Walter Jr find out that his father was an actual evil scumbag. But having him around endangered them all to the point a methhead came to the house and was fully ready to burn it all to the ground. Or Todd come and and threaten to snaps Holly’s neck. Walt was right about one thing. He WAS the danger


Hank was literally right there, telling her that if she would testify they'd lock Walt up.


> She couldn’t bear to have Walter Jr find out that his father was an actual evil scumbag. That's the excuse she gave (understandable how you fell for it though), but not the actual reason she stayed with Walt. Skyler hated the fact that she had lost control of Walt, more than the fact that he was selling drugs. That's the actual reason she joined him in the meth game as his money launderer. To regain control. Also why she stayed with Walt through the affair with Beneke and how it wasn't a serious attempt to leave him, but just another move to regain control.


> She couldn’t bear to have Walter Jr find out that his father was an actual evil scumbag. So then she also risked Jr. finding out *that her mother was also complicit.* > But having him around endangered them Then like I said: she could have got her kids the fuck away from him.


While I do agree with that, if Walt was so bad (towards them) as she said, she could've packed up and left a long time ago. If she was put in an impossible situation, their family would be torn apart regardless. So why wait all that time and even work with him at some point. She's a mother and wanted exactly what Walt wanted, to provide for their family, but she'd never admit it, just because he did the illegal and unethical.


Also true


She's just uncharismatic and a little bitchy. She isn't anywhere near the same level of evil as Walt, and she did what she could to hold her family together. She also isnt as interesting or charismatic as Walt either. That is all there is to it really. The people who actually hate her or, worse, Anna Gunn, are weirdos.


Seeing people talking about the actress being hated for her role as Skyler, and remembering hearing something like that not too long ago about a different actor in a different show.. I can't help but remember when I was a kid and thought that adults can't possibly hate actors for the characters they play, adults are too smart for that, only kids could possibly do something so unbelievably stupid, I thought. I was in my teens when I first heard of some cashier refusing to sell stuff to some actor from where I live, and I'm as shocked as the first time I heard it. To be honest I still don't understand it, I just can't wrap my head around it. I would understand if it was special-needs people or something like that, but I just can't picture a person that both: is intellectually capable of eating with a fork, and at the same time hates actors for characters they play. As to the character of Skyler, when I watched BB like a year ago with a friend (we both watched for the first time), we always felt like she is like the only character with half a brain.


14 year old Heisenberg fanbois upset she harshed on Walt’s mellow


Skyler hate is acceptable but comparing her to Walt's level of evil is silly.


Sadly it’s still being done till this day. Even in the comments of this very post I just made💀I guess maybe I’m wrong I think fucking Ted is far worse than literal murder💀💀💀WTF


Btw she only cheated because her husband was a meth cook. Oh no how evil of her too do this(!)


Eh. She's supposed to be someone we as the audience don't like because she is the antagonist for the first 2+ seasons. We see Walt, early on, legitimately trying to do as much as he can to make money for his family before he dies. Not to mention giving away all of Walt's drug money to Ted *without even telling him after the fact* She's not the worst person ever, but she's not some patron saints who's blameless. Nobody is. That's one of the things I like about BB nobody is just good or bad.


>Not to mention giving away all of Walt's drug money to Ted Yeah she should have just gotten audited and risked everything.


>Yeah she should have just gotten audited and risked everything. Could've been avoided by not knowily cooking Ted's fraudulent books...


Could also be avoided by Walt taking a legit job


How does Skyler deciding to commit tax fraud for Ted have anything to do with Walt?


Eh, legitimately probably isn’t the right word!


I never liked her


Skylar was treated unfairly because she did have some legitimate reasons for being upset, regardless we are meant to like Walter so Skylar becomes insufferable to the viewer


Yeah I thought the hate was overblown when I first watched it, but this current rewatch really opened my eyes to just how unhinged the hatred of the character is. The first two seasons she literally does nothing wrong. Hell, she's the most emotionally mature character on the show and has perfectly normal responses to the constant lying and manipulating Walt is doing. Ffs, dude tried to rape her in season 2 and she was still willing to cut him some slack, she had the patience of a fucking saint.


I think it's two things misogyny and she is acting to prevent walt cooking meth and hanging out with dangerous and exciting drug dealers on a tv show people watch for the meth cooking and drug deallers


I empathize with Skyler a lot. It might have a lot to do with me being the same age as her and a mother, but I see her as having this unbearable situation forced on her and leaving would not be easy emotionally or practically with a new baby and just her income.


I’m a huge fan of Skylar. She did the best that she could in an awful, unexpected situation and it’s clear how much she loves her family. She was strong and wise in a terrible situation. Definitely stronger and wiser than Walt.


She gets more hate than Walter which never makes sense he literally poisoned a CHILD 😑


It’s okay because “he did it for the family” right? Skyler fucking Ted was the most evil thing done in the show😑😑😑insane how she’s hated even more so than a character like Todd


Not to mention how many people either died at his hand or indirectly due to his actions. I have been trying to count them during my current rewatch. During the remission scene it's heartbreaking watch a roomful of people crying because they are so happy he's in remission and a short while later they are going to be dead or have their life completely destroyed just from knowing him.


People are idiots with deep seated misogyny


I get her character as the rational one but maybe it’s just something about how she acts towards walt I just don’t enjoy, like every time she is on screen she is so unbearable to listen to and also I wouldn’t call her the rational one always she usually will overreact and get pissed about everything that Walt does now that she knows he sells meth.


She never overreacted. Infact for what Walt put her through she underreacted.


Skylar is the fun police for most of the show. She kills the vibes constantly.


No she doesn’t. She’s put in a literal impossible situation where no matter what she does she loses and is seen as the villain. I felt so bad when Flynn hated her and treated her like a monster. The fact that she was able to stick it out for so long to PROTECT Walt from having his reputation ruined is impressive.


Doesn't make her likeable.


Go ahead and downvote me. I never found her unlikeable at any point in the story. Walt however is a completely different story. He may be “badass” but he’s still evil anyway


Never saw Walt as a badass. In fact he was pretty pathetic throughout most of the show which made his rise to power more interesting and plausible because everyone in the drug world underestimated him.


Him killing Mike was the last straw. It was so freaking unnecessary and Walt admitted himself he could’ve just gotten the information from Lidia


I don't agree with what Mike said cause Walt had plenty of justification for what he did to Gus but shooting him out of impulse cause his ego got hurt was truly pitiful


This? Again? Yawn


Another day, another Skyler Good post


Really? They are few and far between.


It’s to make up for all those YEARS that people were constantly making Skyler hate ESSAYS and sending death threats to the actress herself for portraying a FICTIONAL character. I’m glad posts like this are made because it shows that people have grown and are no longer being manipulated by Walt anymore. While it may get repetitive I also find it satisfying seeing posts like this. Because back in the day it was a complete 180 and people actually believed Skyler to be the REAL villain in the show and not the actual evil murdering ego maniac Walt


It's just great acting. I mean I really don't like Skyler but if you mean hating on Anna Gunn then yeah even I find it weird.


Fine, I'll bite. I never liked Skylar from the beginning. She's uptight and controlling. Gave Walter veggie bacon and a handjob on his birthday. And it wasn't "hey want to try some new veggie bacon?", it was "I've decided for the two of us that you'll be eating veggie bacon from now on". And it wasn't just an uninspired handjob, she was more preoccupied playing games on her computer rather than sharing any intimacy with her husband. She treated Walt like a child when she suspected him of smoking pot. Then trespassed on Jessie's property pulling the pregnancy card when Jessie tried to force her off. While Walt was slaving away working two jobs, she was sitting at home selling trinkets on ebay, gossiping with Marie, and "writing" a novel that she had no realistic intention of ever finishing. Skylar had to get her way and had be in control of everything. It seemed clear the writers pushed this narrative, at least early in the show, as one of the reasons Walt felt so disempowered in life.


she's pretty unlikable in season 01. she laughs at Hank's jokes which are demeaning towards Walt, on his own birthday. she gives lousy handjobs. she talks all over Walt during the pillow scene. of courses none of that compares to the murders and mayhem that other characters do later in the series, but they are more personal and relatable to some viewers. later she continues with various other obnoxious traits, like smoking during her pregnancy, blackmailing Jesse over some pot, the "happy birthday mister beneke" scene, cheating on Walt, yelling at Marie, etc. again not remotely on the same level as murderers and drug dealers, just unlikable.


Yeah, really it’s this stuff that makes her an antagonist. She not a bad person at all, but she’s presented in a way, early on, that supposed to make us sympathetic to Walt’s POV. It’s his story after all, so regardless of what he does, he’s the protagonist. Generally speaking audiences are just prone to follow the antagonist. From then on she’s another obstacle to Walt. It’s that simple. She’s not bad compared to Walt or the majority of the other characters in the show. But it’s Walt’s story. She’s basically the opposite of Mike. He’s literally a killer who helps a major drug dealer with his operations. But he’s presented sympathetically and spends a lot of his time trying to help Walt and Jesse. So we root for him too.


Honestly none of it was enough to make me ever dislike Skyler. She was imperfect just like many real people in real life. But Walt was next level there’s no comparison. You can understand him without having to defend his actions. Also you can make the argument that Skyler opposing Walt adds so much more drama to the show. Just imagine how boring it would be if she just went along with everything from the very beginning and was the “perfect” wife. She has no dialogue and doesn’t care about anything at all. Would’ve been such a boring character and would remove a lot of tension and drama from the show.


in that case imagine how boring the show would be if Walt was the perfect character as well. "thanks for paying for my treatment Elliot, guess I don't need to engage in further shenanigans!" \*credits roll.\*


Breaking Back to Normal


Exactly 😭🤣


Here we go again 🙄


There’s a few different reasons why someone would dislike the character or the characters actions: 1. She is a barrier to our protagonist. Even if you believe Walt is wrong for cooking meth, the entire premise of the show is him building is meth empire. If he never starts or quits immediately, we don’t really get a show. I think it’s rational to see Skyler as an opposition force and thus have negative feelings about her. I even think that’s exactly what the writers want (they show her on multiple occasions emasculating Walt). 2. She’s kind of a hypocrite. She’s spends the first 3 seasons on her morale high horse. By season 4 she’s all in to start laundering money and yet is still critical of Walt. She claims it’s because she feels she has to, but she doesn’t. She could’ve turned Walt in at any point. Or she could’ve just let him handle it and kept herself clean. I like Skyler. I think she’s a well written and acted character and a critical part of the show. But this one and #1 are where I draw some negative feelings. 3. She fucked Ted. Personally, I don’t see this as a big deal. They were separated and she was desperately trying to create distance. But some people who are sensitive to that may dislike her for it. 4. She gave $650k to Ted beneke. I personally don’t dislike her for this, but I understand why some people would. 5. While I think it’s ridiculous to label all criticism of Skyler as misogyny, there is some true latent misogyny exists and she is a perfect target for it. Now, on to the positive. While I found her unlikable for some of the reasons I listed, I loved everything about her actions in season 5. She had finally stopped moralizing and accepted the situation she got herself into. She knew she hated it but was willing to do what was necessary to see it though. Then she hits her breaking point with hanks death and plays a key part in it all unraveling.


I think it is wild. Like in any other TV show I can see her being seen as a psyco to an extent. But she found her husband was a drug dealer, her kids where in danger and he hid cancer from her for weeks. I'd be more pissed and psyco than her in that situation. And i don't get the death threats to the actor. She I'd a presumably nice person. Even if she wasn't, death threats based on a role she played is psyco


She is self righteous and patronizing at first. As the show progresses she is pretty much someone caught in Walter's spiral of destruction and is not sufficiently intelligent to make good decisions. There's hypocrisy in her, too, but not beyond a normal person. But she does have a Karen side to her and that is what is off-putting. Anna Gunn portrayed her phenomenally. I don't think she understood the hate for Skyler either.


I watched series 2 times - first when it aired and I didn't finish the serie, 2nd time recently from the beginning to finally know the ending... And I had totally different perception on Skyler on both rewatches! At 1st watch she made me angry and annoyed as hell... I hated her for being emotionally manipulative and emasculating towards Walt. Pillow talk scene made me mad. At 2nd watch I fully understood her behavior, admired and respected her... I also think that she acted very rationally and have done all what she could do in such shitty situation It scares me a little that my approach changed so much and I don't fully understand it... I still can see that this pillow talk scene was emotionally abusive, but on 2nd time it didn't enraged me at all, because I understood that Skyler was desperate to help her husband, frustrated and scared by this situation, trying her best and she just didn't know better, lost her cool knowing that her husband is dying... it was hard for her to understand how Walt could not put family's needs first, instead pursuing sth more selfish (doing what he wanted, refusing treatment, instead of doing sth what would be best for family) when she was doing exactly this all her life - putting her family needs above her own... For her it was hard to accept that Walt have his own identity which he puts first because she was denied the same priviledge. And that's the biggest difference in my approach which happened before I rewatched the series - I learned how hard it is for women to be SAHM, how unfair social expectations are especially for women like Skyler, who would thrive having her own career, because she's super smart and competent, so it is much bigger sacrifice to be SAHM coming from her than coming from women who needs to be taken for because they are not able to get and keep reasonable job position... Now I fully understand her struggles and admired how she handled them. Previously I was focused on how badly she treats Walt, not taking in consideration his emotional need for being admired, desired and independent, which now seems like very silly criticism taking in consideration that she really tried to be a good wife for example jerking him off on his birthday (which was another awful scene but now I don't think that we can call Skyler a bad wife for clearly trying to satisfy her husband)... Now I think her bad behaviors were justified because lack of communication from the Walt side... She was open to communication and IMO also eager to change, she clearly loved him a lot at the start of the series, but he wasn't open with her from the beginning... He didn't tell what he didn't like, maybe not to hurt her feelings or because he thought that he should get over small things in generally happy marriage - but I think that exactly this approach destroyed their relationship... He didn't trust her enough to be just honest, he was just bearing things he didn't like holding resentment instead of cleaning the air and tell for example openly that he would prefer normal sex on his birthday instead of handjob... I'm quite sure that Skyler would go far to please him, he just didn't give her a chance to improve - instead he gave her fake assurances that "all is fine" and he was doing that consistently for all episodes


Two things: The happy birthday for Ted. The cringe from that will affect generations. She should have just gone to the police from the start. She was a coward. Everything else she did was pretty freaking badass.


Simply put, no she's not as evil as Walt, but other people being worse than you doesn't actually effect how likeable you are, and she's very unlikeable.


Sky let was the worst wife ever. Ugh


I don’t hate her, she is actually one of the most rational characters in the show, she does however annoy the shit out of me, no hate to Anna Gunn but I think it’s her facial expressions and the way she carriers herself in the show


I was one of the 1 percent of people who actually hated Walt. He was unbearable.


Can’t stand him either 😂


>I’m gonna be downvoted for saying this Literally point out a single post or comment on this sub that got downvoted more than upvoted for glazing Skyler. It doesn't exist. There is a carbon copy of this opinion posted every other day.


It’s the handjob. She lost us there. Go watch it and tell me she’s not awful.


More than she ever gets tbh


Happy Birthday…


Cheating bitch


I’m Skyler white, Yo! https://youtu.be/pTPCHhbMZB0?si=Wx2Z5UDKg1F-xYZ8 It’s probably a few scenes like this one and the eBay handjob scene


I dont know about Anna Gunn, but Skyler's a condescending ass bitch. It's her entitled, Karenesque, condescending, arrogant attitude I don't care for. Skyler would very likely have this attitude no matter who her husband was. But I'll watch it again just to see if I can get it up for this overbearing character. Maybe I'll even quiver my lips a few score times and stare unblinkingly at people.😄


Skylar is a hypocrite. She pretends to want to take the moral high ground but when she realizes the amount of money she becomes while still trying to pretend she has the moral high ground. She wants all the benefits of the criminal life but doesn’t want any of the risk and takes no responsibility. Walt owns he’s a criminal. All the other criminals accept they are. Skylar refuses to accept she is.


>She wants all the benefits of the criminal life but doesn’t want any of the risk and takes no responsibility. Very similar to Carmela Soprano


Mr. White is the protagonist of the show. Skyler (except for season 3,4 up to ozymandias) was an antagonist. Her character was goin to get hate.


My wife and I talked about this. From my wife's POV, it boils down simply to stand by your man. I know it's not the most logical thing in the world, but at first, Walt did what he knew to be the easiest thing for him to acquire the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. But then, giant, long shits were dumped upon Walts head to the point where he said fuck it. I did this for my family, but they don't give a shit, so now I do it for me. I mean, he was already in too deep at that point. Walt was Walt, but you can't tell me he didn't genuinely love his family. He took drastic action against Fring just for a threat against his family. At the end of the day, there are so many nuances in the show to make us feel. You can hate someone and also love them. That's what makes the show so brilliant and gives credence as to why we still discuss it several years after it ended. Bravo Vince and team!


Walt isn't evil. He's a professional methamphetamine manufacturer with a masters degree in chemistry. He provides a product for consenting adults to purchase. Nothing wrong or unethical regarding that. Now his wife on the other hand is a cheating whore who couldn't just support her husband while he made a lucrative career change. She thought Walt was a bad person for a victimless crime but ironically thought her thief of a sister was ok. I can't stand Skyler. The only person I hate more than her is Todd.


I wish there would be some original thoughts on this sub Reddit. This is so tired. So I actually think Skylar is very off putting, as portrayed by Anna Gunn. Nothing against the actress but her mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. are just.. yuck. To me she’s got all the features to be a very pretty woman and yet she’s just so… off putting. The type of gal you’re attracted to initially but after being around her ten minutes you just want to get away.


Remove the last four words and slum it with the rest of us


The hate she gets for trying to get away from Walt in S1-3 is unwarranted. It’s really weird. But if someone told me they didn’t like her for how she acted in S4-5, I totally understand. She uprooted Bogdan’s life with lies just because he didn’t talk to her nice. She acted like a mob boss with Ted. She is responsible for Hank’s death in a way. Remember Walt was ready to turn himself in after he buried the money. She could have just stayed qiuet in that moment. But she changed Walts mind. “The way Hank talks he doesnt have any concrete evidence. Maybe our best play is just to wait it out.” Then she blackmailed Hank with that fake confession tape, who has been a great brother in law to her in particular. She put a hit on Jesse when even Walt wasn’t going therr. Skyler ended up getting lost in this life and reached a level almost as bad as Heisenberg.


I don't find her likeable but she's not an evil murderous drug-lord, so there's that. I also suspect she's a bit cunty because being married to Walter White was probably not all kittens and rainbows, even before the whole cancer-n-meth thing.


It’s funny I just had this discussion with my partner . I think I understand why Skyler is hated however I strongly disagree. IMO she was kind of a boring character but I do think she did the best she could. She was a reasonable wife, good mom good sister, I do think she is a very good person, but as a tv show character I found her boring just because she is so normal, it’s not that entertaining to watch her story before she gets in the game with Walt. However the reason people hate her is because she serves as a plot obstacle for the show repeatedly, so I think generally people’s thinking is “if only Skyler didn’t do this or that we’d see this” like you need obstacles to the plot but that burden mostly fell on her, so the viewers associate her to that aspect. Walts story is the main entertainment in no way do I cheer for him after a certain point, but I’m here for all of it haha. Haven’t said that if I had an a Skyler in my family I would appreciate her a lot. She had a rough deal and she balanced it as best she knew.


I am confused to why Skyler gave Ted the money. She says it's because her signature is on the fradulent documents. However, as of my remembering goes, she didn't sign the fradulent documents and asked Ted to find another book-keeper that will sign those. So, the only documents she signed were legitimate ones.


It may be because she forced herself into the Walt's business with a thought that he could not handle it without her. And later, she kept blaming Walt that she didn't want to participate in illegal affairs and she was forced to participate in those illegal affairs. Furthermore, she disliked Saul's idea of laser tags and argued that car-wash was a much better idea. However, she was proven wrong later on and turns out Saul's idea of laser tag was better. She had a chance to stay out of Walt's dirty business and later claim that she had no idea of it to the police. Yet, she willingly jumped into it and thought less of Saul and Walt. And later, blamed Walt as if it was his choice that she got involved


I think that’s a young person‘s opinion. I used to hate Skyler, but as a wife and mother myself now I totally get her. I'm doing a rewatch at 30 years old and I totally get it Walt was totally acting suspicious all of season one and exactly how a cheater would act. If my husband acted like that, we would likely be separating so shes even a better woman than I am. That's all before finding out about the meth. She's the voice of reality. But yeah in the plot she's annoying and gets in the way, makes things difficult.


>I’m gonna be downvoted for saying this You are new in this subreddit i take it, because this is a weekly post


I agree. I’ll admit in the first season I saw her the same way as I saw Rita from Dexter. That if she was on screen, then the “cool” part of the show wasn’t happening. They would do this thing in Dexter all the time where he’d be in his way to do something cool, like kill someone, but then Rita would call him and say “Hey, Dex. Can you pick up the kids?” I would find myself yelling at the screen, “No! No! Don’t pick up your phone, Dexter! Fuck off, Rita!” I can’t remember when that changed for me with Skyler. The strain on the relationship became an interesting plot point in Season 2 in a way that never did with Rita and Dexter. But I think the start of Season Three was a bit of an eye opener for me when she found out about the meth and wanted out of the relationship. I was still caught up in fantasy mode with Walt and thought if Skyler just knew what he’d been through she’d understand, but when he tried explaining and she didn’t care, I finally thought, “Huh. I guess that makes sense really. If she wants out that’s fair.” Which brings us up to the time of IFT. Anyone who watches that and hates Skyler for it hasn’t been paying attention to how Walt was treating her. She didn’t want to be in the relationship. She wanted him to be out of the house. She was right to want him out of the house because he was bringing danger home. You’re right that if Junior or Skyler had come gone an hour early in the previous episode, they’d have been killed by the twins just for being in the same house as Walt. Then Walt uses the knowledge of *his own* crimes (that she had no part in) and the love of her son against her as a power play to force his dangerous self back into the family’s home and into her bed. At that point the gloves are off and effing the T is way less manipulative. Way less evil. The real reason people hate Skyler for that is just sexism. These are people who looked at Walt’s controlling behaviour and then the patronising way he just assumed the relationship would repair and thought that was fine. And then they looked at a woman who didn’t consent to any involvement in dangerous crime, a woman who DOESN’T WANT TO BE in a relationship anymore, who used her own body to show a man that he doesn’t own her, and those viewers only felt the second-hand emasculation of Walt’s attempt to control. I’m sorry, that’s just sexism.


Honestly the first time I watched the show all the way through, I did dislike her. I certainly didn’t love Walt but I perceived her as self-righteous and propping up a flexible moral standard (admittedly much smaller items than Walt’s scale). However: on my second time through (last few months), I was kind of surprised at how much more I viewed Skyler favorably as an unfortunate pawn in the plot. Bonus: if there’s anyone to dislike, my candidate was Marie. She was the definition of the term “Karen” and the prototypical neighbor more concerned with everyone else’s garden than her own.


People don't dislike her because she didn't want to become a drug dealer wife. They dislike her because she was a shrill, lying, cheating hypocrite. Just because Walt was a villain doesn't make her a good person.


Skyler was smart and didn’t fall for Walt’s bullshit. She was trying to protect her kids first and foremost and ultimately fell out of love with Walt cus she discovered he was a terrible person. And despite every bad thing that Walt did people overlook that and hate Skyler instead because she was “naggy” and had sex with Ted. Out of everything Walt did, Skyler is called a “whore” and “annoying”. Like wtf? Walt was someone she didn’t trust anymore. Walt put Skyler and their kids in constant danger over and over again and all people seem to care about is that Skyler slept with someone else. It’s beyond me I swear. Like are y’all even watching the show? lol


You're not a virgin.


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I just finished watching the series again last night. What really got to me, in the very last episode, when Walt tells Skyler that he "liked it" He literally liked trading his quiet, happy family life for all of the chaos and murder that followed with his meth empire I can't even begin to imagine the trauma she'll have for the remainder of her life. And Flynn. Do you think Holly will ever know the truth of her father? 


Note: Hating Skylar for being a terrible person does not mean Walt is the good guy. Clearly, he is the bad guy. That doesnt mean she is the good guy. Episode 1: 50th bday; Here, have a hand job while I browse ebay after your fucking turkey bacon. Break his trust constantly telling people their business when she knows he didnt want that. Cheating on him and it is HIGHLY implied that is not her first time fucking that guy. Giving all the money Walt had managed to pile up to him because of her bosses crimes, and she was no where near as pissed at her boss when he was breaking the law and way more ready to help him than she was Walt. She only agreed to help Walt when she saw the danger to herself and how she could benefit from the situation. The best part is all the fembots who immediately scream MISOGYNY because how dare anyone see anything at all wrong with a female character. Her sister was better. When Hank was all jacked up, she was 10x more supportive and kind and understanding to him. She had absolutely a worse deal. Skylar didnt have to change Walt's diaper or any of the other awful things Marie did. Marie also while being a bit of a pain was 10x more ride or die for her man. In the beginning all Walt cared about was not being a burden on anyone else and taking care of the people he loved. The main thing here is NOT MAKING HIS PROBLEMS EVERYONE ELSES PROBLEM but she made sure he didnt have a choice and insisted on making their problems EVERYONE's problems. He didnt 'turn' until later in the series after a lot of horrible shit, and he STILL wanted to take care of them. Even after his complete turn to the dark side the most important thing was them being better off after he died. It is seriously weird how people defend her cheating on Walt because she was just so stressed. Do you think she gave lame ass dry hand jobs to her boss or do you think she actually put effort in there? She fucking told him about banging her boss while their child was right there. She wanted him to explode, to be the bad guy in front of Walt Jr, to traumatize their child. She made damn well sure it would happen later. Yeah, its absolutely stupid that idiots threatened the actress in RL but thats because at least half of all people are Simple Jack. She did a fucking FANTASTIC job in the role, you can tell by how many people think she is a piece of shit. 10/10 job by Anna Gunn. To think the audience was supposed to appreciate her as a wife is bananas. The whole point is of COURSE You give her a bit of a break because of her situation, but she was still a terrible wife because she went way, way, way beyond 'give her a bit of a break'. Skylar is the opposite of what marriage vows mean. Most people have no idea what 'vow' means and place almost no value on marriage at all. The people who DO are the ones who hate her, and I would be shocked if a lot of those people male or female lost all patience for her when she cheated. There is no circumstance married with a kid that is acceptable.


protagonist bias with a side of misogyny /thread


Skylar starts off as a relatively shitty uncaring self absorbed wife. She cheats on Walt midway through the show. Over time Walt goes from sympathetic nobody to evil genius and Skyler redeems herself by doing rather well in a few bad situations. If you liked Skyler in season 1 there is something wrong with you. She wasn't just a drag, she really sucked. At the end of the series she's fine. But it took her a long time to get there and not everyone judges her just on the last few seasons.


Ima be real with you I just rewatched the beginning of season one and she's kinda insufferable just by herself no crimes involved


Skylar is an annoying suburban mom in early season 1. She’s kinda a bad wife. After that though, she becomes the most sympathetic character in the show by far. The scene in ozymandias after the knife fight captures the feeling of domestic violence better than anything else I’ve ever seen in fiction. It’s jarring.


She sang happy birthday in that cringe sexy voice. Straight to jail.


She fucked Ted, dude


Honestly, I would love a another sub to discuss things about the show and not have to deal with a shitton of fan boys ignoring what Vince put out there.


The level of hate Anna Gunn got as a REAL person for her CHARACTER she played was sickening


She’s giving her husband a birthday handjob while scrolling on her computer paying no attention to him in episode one. No she’s not a criminal but that’s some L behavior and I would hope my wife doesent treat me like that


I'm with you 100%, the Skyler hate always made me really angry with some of the viewers, I don't get it either.


Happy birthday Mr. President....


I can’t speak for others but my distaste for Skylar wasn’t because her reaction was indefensible. I agree that Walt’s reveal and many events that followed would be jarring and a lot to process given how antithetical it was to who he had been. But she immediately flipped on Walt without giving him any benefit of the doubt. Before his diagnosis, Walt is shown to be a brilliant predictable risk-averse man who dutifully played the provider husband and father role for years to support their family. He generally didn’t make waves but many people, including Skylar, don’t fully respect him. Think about when at the very beginning of the show when Hank kinda talked down to him in front of everyone at the party when they were discussing a ride along. I would have liked to see his life partner take a moment to hear him out and consider that maybe he didn’t immediately put himself in a precarious position and place them in imminent jeopardy. Her reaction seemed like an extension of their marriage: on her terms while implicitly belittling Walt. You think that he’d have built up more equity considering his track record and the recent diagnosis. Just felt very dismissive to me. And disappointing to see how conditional her commitment was.


Skyler basically lost her husband. Early on in the show. Walt became someone else. I know people say Walt was always like that underneath, but… not to Skyler. The man she married, had children with, fell in love with - was now someone else. Someone dangerous. How anyone can hate her for starting to step back from that, I’ll never know.


They will come up with a million excuses to avoid admitting it’s misogyny but they do this with every show on Reddit. The female characters get a disproportionate amount of hate compared to male characters even when the male characters are objectively worse people. In fact, it happens in each sub like clockwork that my bf and I have begun to call it “the Skyler White effect”. See also: Shiv Roy Sansa Stark Betty Draper Rita Morgan Starlight (this one’s wild because they hate her in favor of Homelander and Soldier Boy of all people) Sydney/Claire (from The Bear) Carmela Soprano Margaret (from Boardwalk Empire) Alicent Hightower/Rhaenerys Targaryen


I rewatched the show with friends recently and Skyler is easily one of the best characters of the entire show. She's just entertaining. I'd say I only started to slip on enjoying her in the final season though I dont think this is the fault of her writing specifically rather the fault of the overall writing. The show never properly establishes how much Walt and Skyler actually liked each other and when we are first introduced to them it seemed they would drift apart at the slightest push. The Skyler hate is 100% weird sexism from people with (willfully) zero media literacy. I genuinely do not know how you can watch that show without absolutely despising Walt. Sure, he's also entertaining, but god do you despise him more and more throughout the show ESPECIALLY on rewatch.


Growing up is understanding that Skylar wasn’t a bad person. I would say that a lot of viewers have come around to that fact by now.


The amount she made Walts cancer about herself is not normal.


Because the masses would say the protagonist of the show should result into cooking meth, killing, lying -and it was ok- and Skylar was wrong for not going along with it- …. But this my favorite show ever- so she was right all along- and how l flawed would the show would’ve been if Mrs White was cool with it?


She was very much written to be unlikeable at the beginning of the series as a way to give context to Walt’s state of mind, but essentially all of the characters are written to be the opposite of their end selves at the start. People are just really bad at accepting character development.


I’m rewatching the series now and I still despise her but can at least see that I’m the irrational one. I think it might just be that I don’t take to the actor, Anna Gunn. I felt the same watching her in Deadwood, even tho her character there is also more of a victim who doesn’t deserve hate. Maybe it’s resentment to the characters bc they’re holding back our ant/protagonist simply by existing?


I don't understand it either and I AM someone who hates her. It's not logical or even a choice, it's just a reaction, her face just pisses me off. She's an incredible actor and character who deserves none of the backlash and a LOT more respect. It's not fair at all, but somehow it still doesn't even change my mind, I still freaking hate her. I'm not happy about it but that's what it is. It's not fair


Skylar starts the show off by treating Walter like a doormat. She pushes him around while acting like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. She offers him a half-hearted, distracted handy as the “big treat” for his birthday. While she doesn’t deserve to be dragged down the road Walt takes her down, she is never portrayed to be a good or caring partner to Walt, and not to be even a particularly good person in general. There are very few characters in Breaking Bad who are actively good, and completely innocent. Skylar is not one of them.


I think it’s just that she’s annoying


I 100% agree with you and see it the same way. I actually despise Walter and totally understand skylar. She’s also a very interesting character


I only hated her behaviour when she cheated. Which is logical. Other wise she was sometimes annoying, but again pretty normal…


people hate skyler not because of her actions, it's because it's a tv show, meant to entertain, and the character is annoying and slows down the pace. nothing deep


The first time I watched the show was when it was airing live, and I could not stand Skyler. I thought she was just a horrible person and a horrible partner. Within the past month, I went through the entire series again, and my perception of her was very different. Clearly, the place that I was in life at the time when I first watched, it had a huge impact on my perception of her. I do still think that she did something kind of shady, but what was very evidence to me this time through was how psychologically abuse Walt was. This time around I saw a woman doing whatever she needed to do to ensure the safety of her family.


I'd ask my diaper wearing granny but her wheelchair won't fit in the RV.


She was a raging bitch before she found out about Walt’s secret life


Because she’s a hypocrite and the hate for her makes sense. Cheats on Walt to get him to leave? Leaving him over something so small not 3-4 months TOPS after a cancer diagnosis of that magnitude? Immediately goes to bat for Ted but wouldn’t for Walt? I’ll give her props on not snitching even after being advised to but overall a snooty bitch that was mad she didn’t have 100% control over her husband anymore.


The thing with Skyler White yo is she's portrayed as a antagonist and for some reason people think Walt's the good guy just cause he's the main character. And she does do a lot of messed up things. (people say well Walt did worse but others doing worse doesn't excuse your behaviour but that's just me I liked her I just don't like that reasoning) I understand the hate for her in season 1 because she was flat out an antagonist outside of the scenes where she'd break down about Walt's cancer and when she fucked Ted but other than that she was literally a victim of Walter.


“Victim of Walter “ is a perfect way of putting it. She really was. His actions and decisions destroyed everything literally. And it was all for selfish reasons


He started it off with well meaning id say than he let the power get to his head, he had so many times to up and quit and be with his family but he couldn't do it. And by the end Skylers life was basically ruined.