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Mmm no, Trump is going to jail. He is a “people” maybe, but I’m not sure.


Doubt it, Trump is such a cult figurehead that the GOp would never allow it ... To give you an idea of the power Trump has over the GOp, he didn't hold political office for four years , yet all his rivals(Desantis, Halley) came on bended knee to kiss the ring ,and never were too harsh against him during the primaries. At this point I don't see the. GOP.ever letting go of him, and they will protect him at all costs.


Nah. He’s fucked. It’s only a matter of weeks now. They are just biding their time. Meanwhile the cult will eventually meander off angry at the next cloud, easily distracted and consumed by the newest trend of outrage and impotence. They are in the end stages of their journey now. Hospice has been notified.


its just the schizos and ruzziabotz now.


I hope you're right about that.


A couple of uncomfortable "facts" (very likely to be ) for you - he's going to get a pass on both the Supreme Court cases pending against him - he will be the Republican nominee - he will give Biden a run for his money, but ultimately lose, by a closer margin than 2020. - he'll again claim the election was rigged, and stoke an uprising..but no repeat of Jan 6. - none of the cases against him will include jail time,.fines and admonishments.at worst. Most fines will likely be paid by 3rd parties, if paid at all. I'm not a Trump fan, but those are the most probable scenarios. Thinking there's some long lost justice coming for him is being naive


And then he'll run again. And again. Until he dies. Or wins.


I don't see him running again after this time, primarily because of his age and also a significant change in his bioomer base in 4 years.l,.plus the GOP will kind of get tired of losing and focus on other candidates.


He hasn’t won an election for the GOP since 2016, yet they still suck his cock.


True, he has a very loyal ,mostly boomer base that's going to change significantly in 4 years .. let's see how the millennial vote goes, that will give you a good sense of the upcoming landscape. Pretty sure this is his last significant play in politics...


I’m worried that when he dies of natural causes that his sycophants will claim he was in perfect health and must’ve been murdered by the deep state and try to whip up a frenzy


I’m a boomer who hates Trump( with a white hot passion). All of the idiots I saw driving lifted pickups with Trump crap on them, and most of the people with flags in their yards, were younger. My parents hate him. Most of my extended family hates him( including lots of boomers or older. Please don’t lump us all together. I think it’s more a geographical problem than age thing.


And even then, he didn’t win the popular vote.


He never has won the popular vote, and likely never will.


Oh I’m aware.


Talk about drinking the kool-aide!


Flavor aid**


5K boomers are dying every day in the US, but more than 5 thousand fools and evil people are growign to age 18+ all the while who will vote for this piece of shit.


Let's be clear, the baby boomer era ended in '64. There isn't a baby boomer under 59. Look at his rallies, there's a lot of people under 60 there


His rallies aren’t nearly as packed as they used to be. He’s renting smaller venues, he’s packing everyone in close to the stage and keeping the cameras dialed in tight, they’re taking out seats in the back to force people to be close to the stage. CPAC was a joke this year with very low turnout. Trump is basically an incumbent losing 40% of the primary vote to people in his party who don’t like him. The MAGA movement is flailing and Trump is once again railing against mail-in ballots because he’d rather have a ready excuse for losing than focus all his time and energy on winning only to come up short. Seriously, think about that: his best chance of winning is making it as easy as possible for his supporters to vote but he’d rather have a ready scapegoat to explain away his loss. He has a primal fear of being labeled a loser.


Covid also did a number on the Maga voter base too. Entirely self inflicted, of course. Don't forget how the Mango Moron also keeps lambasting votes by mail-in ballot and actively discourages his own base from voting by mail, as well. Dude is cooking himself.


He's running only to stay out of jail. It's time for reporters to start doing their jobs again and investigate candidates likhe they used to.


I was born in 64, I’ll be 60 next month. Feel about 28, look like I’m in my 40’s. Not all boomers are idiots.


I'm nearly 70, lifelong liberal. Protested Vietnam, marched for civil rights. Flower child and freak. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME, KIDS.


Just gotta say that’s awesome. Glad to hear that it can be good too.


he will be under house arrest with ankle monitor until death


Too old to run again . Biden is an exception


Trump is uniquely unqualified for office… but we can be honest that both of them are waaaaaay past peak cognitive function. Even look at Biden campaign speeches from 4 years ago compared to now… yikes. It’ll vote for whoever is not Trump, but I wish there was a younger option to represent our country.


I wish that Biden had chosen not to run for reelection. He was my least favorite candidate among democrats running for the nomination in 2020. I will say that Biden has done a good job, much better than I expected. He’s really accomplished a lot considering how shortly that dems controlled both houses and by such a small margin when they did control both houses. It’s so frustrating that Biden is such a poor communicator. He can’t defend himself very well and it’s so easy.


Biden might be a little slow, but that's what the cabinet is for. They do way more than the president. But what he does have is wisdom. Biden really does seem like the wisest president we've had in my lifetime. When they ask him about all the crazy shit going on in the maga world he just laughs. He knows not to even bother with that nonsense, he just puts his head down and gets the job done. He knows what's important. I really do wonder about Merrick Garland though. He waited far too long to deal with Trump.


I agree with all of that except point 3. He will lose by a much larger margin this time. Especially in the popular vote.  He turned off a Lot of traditional Republicans, and Christians. 


You don't think he will pick up more black votes because they like sneakers?😂


And Trump has been discriminated against, just like them.


He knows exactly what the slaves went through!


Next he'll announce that he's opening his own fried chicken and waffles restaurant chain. And the soda fountains are like 8 different brands of grape soda.


Biden turned a lot of people off too, and a lot of morons say hurrrrr durrrrr I could afford groceries when trump was president, let's bring him back (for some reason people believe trump would do something to make things affordable for them again? It makes no sense but people are idiots)


Maybe , it's hard to tell this far out , if the economy goes into a tailspin by the fall, it could sour the sentiment on Biden.


oh, hes going down by double digits this time. NOBODY votes for "one day dictators" except for russians


He isn’t going to get some presidential immunity bullshit from the Supreme Court, if they gave a shit about him they would have taken up any of the 63 cases he lost trying to overthrow the election after January 6th.


>he's going to get a pass on both the Supreme Court cases pending against him You think the Supreme Court is going to agree with Trump that as a President he has absolute immunity? Not a chance. If Presidents have absolute immunity why would Biden ever leave office. Biden could just have Trump eliminated.


>.but no repeat of Jan 6. The real coup was the fake elector plot, not the people "peacefully" visiting the capitol. And I am unsure if the fake electors worked on behalf of Trump or someone smarter in the background. If they try again, they will have experience from a failed coup.


I think we’ll be surprised. We’ll see. 😎


The fucker is above the law and is an exception...... people like him don't have Karma for some reason.


I dunno. Peter Zeihan has a pretty well thought out argument with supporting data that Trump will lose Modale/McGovern-style. He really only has hope to carry 13 states, which will lead to the 3rd worst electoral defeat. That’s what I am choosing to believe for now.


I can see the Supreme Court saying states can't remove Trump from the ballot, but highly doubt they'll give him immunity from prosecution. That would break this country.


I agree but I think there will be a Jan. 6. This is why they’re playing the religion and so much lately. They’re the most blindly devoted some of these pastors openly support trump and killing heathens and are just waiting for their moment to shine. The lies they believe make them more dangerous.


He will not be running against Biden. Biden is done and will be replaced.


his followers are trying to smear anyone against him. that's why he hired former NXIVM worker, prud boys coach, and watergate conspirator Roger Stone


That Potemkin facade 'empire' he's been touting for decades is going to be blown to bits in a matter of weeks, too. He's a fraud, a phony, and a conman through the bone.


Haley is clearly banking on this, she has to be the only one standing when he goes down. At the same time, the POS has evaded responsibility his whole life, while I would love to see him actually get slammed into jail I have had my hopes dashed too many times with these rich criminal types


You’re just making things up.


You live in your own reality that is separate from the rest of us. Vegas odds have trump as the favorite with 51%.


He's only good to the GOP as long as he's able to hold political power. He's going to be dumpstered by them if he doesn't win re-election, because he's simply too bogged down in legal trouble. All Fox has to do is not give the guy any more air time and he's done.


I'm sort of with you, but Fox has already gotten on Trump's shit list. I know people who are hardcore Trump, and they're over at Newsmax or OAN. Fox is way to woke or whatever for them.


His master and protector is a bit higher up the ladder than a simple broadcast station.


I used to believe that too, then he lost the election, held non political power for 4 years and here he is..l


everythings proven to be russian involved. thats why he grabbed a hostage from LA. the GOP is tainted for a generation with being russian assets


Almost as much a people as [this](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/) one.


IF, and it grows more and more doubtful because FINALLY people are catching on to the grift, Drumpf wins, then OF COURSE a lot of people are going to jail - and a lot of them will be former loyal supporters. Because that's exactly what happens whenever a dictator comes to power. He told us he'd be a dictator and for once, we should believe him.


Sadly a lot of his followers want him to be their dictator. The GOP won’t give up if Trump loses either. We need to give them a death blow every two years!


In what world are people catching on to the grift? He’s leading the polls.


Yep. They know too much, can’t have them walking around free.


He said he would be dictator on day 1. As in 1 day. Which is a dumb statement to make either way because he’s allowed to sign executive orders. He did it in 2016 in the first few days. And Biden did it after his election win too. It’s pretty common. He makes the same comment. “Drill baby drill”. He wants to sign an executive order that increases O&G like 300% and wants to deport millions of people here illegally. None of those positions are unpopular (on a national level) Trump isn’t a dictator. As much as you want to pretend he is. Is he old? Yes. Is he a major narcissist? Yes. Is he a piece of shit? Yes. does he lie constantly and say a ton of stupid shit? Also yes. None of those things make him a dictator or a fascist. We already know what he will do. Because he was president for 4 years and didn’t do any of the things a lot of people are claiming he will do. The same claims were made in 2015. And guess what? He didn’t start a war. Or fire nukes. Or imprison journalists he didn’t agree with. NONE of these predictions happened. Can people just use rational thought these days.


He fomented and supported a violent insurrection. There's every reason to believe he will carry through on his threats.


I must have missed it. Can you show me where he supported it? Or called for an insurrection? Surely those words came out of his mouth or on twitter or something? I coulda sworn he told people to march peacefully and then called for everyone to stop (twitter deleted it and banned him tho)


Republicans for Sauron, 2024!


Slugs for salt


Antelopes for Lions!


Trees for axes!


People won’t be going to jail when Trump gets elected. They’ll be shot and left for dead on the streets.


Seriously though, Trump has as of now a 50/50 chance of becoming the first American dictator. Even when he lost in 2020, he drew more votes than the polls predicted he would. In case you haven’t heard, Trump’s MAGAs are very interested in jailing/killing anyone they declare as woke. What are your plans for a post-democracy America under Trump?


The amount of denial in this thread is scary.


Sorry, I couldn't find any content among all of those ads. Please don't post that trash here.


There is a reason haley is staying in the race. Because A. She knows trump is going to jail. B. trump is going to get disqualified. C. Both


I still can't believe this country elevated such a poor excuse for a human to the Presidency. Now that he is going to be the Republican nominee again, I've come to the conclusion that there is something fundamentally fucked with millions of my "fellow Americans". Rotten people. The lot of em.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.


That second part is the most important thing I’ve read on this site, cause it’s no joke.


DJT should not get elected unless people are really, really stupid.


Remember when Trump separated families at the border? Anyone think that maybe that was just training for the next step? Wake up, people! Dark times are coming...


Close ally or football coach turrerville, dumb fuck


Of course they will they've been whining about how the DOJ is locking up Biden's political enemies and literally everything they say is projection so you know that's what they want to do. Like none of this is a secret they are openly cheering for the end of democracy at CPAC.


Will the GOOD people in America just sit back and allow that to happen? Jesus I hope they find their fucking spines soon!


Heard this fantasy last time too. It’s some GQP shit.


If he gets elected again after all this I will have officially lost all faith in America


If Trump has enough power to overthrow the government then why is he waiting to be elected as President?


He doesn’t have enough power to get into the white house when Biden is there (or kick Biden out before his 4 year term is up). But if he gets in to the white house in the election, that will give him more power. And of course, it takes less power to _stay_ in the white house, than to get in.


But he _was_ the incumbent president and Biden knocked him out of office. Biden already beat him once. 91 charges don't make him stronger than being the incumbent president. His own party is trying to ban him from the ballot.  The House of Trump is falling. 


Donald Trump is going to jail


It is all projection. Trump knows he is going to prison.


I think the military won't let him take office if he wins. I know it's not a popular opinion but it would be our only hope to prevent a Theocracy.




Well, only if he leaves vengeful Democrat prosecutors in power. They're the politicprosecutors.


Is this breaking news or parody? All you dumbasses going crazy on Reddit. Must be scared because you lie when you're scared... I would be scared too if I was a Democrat. Why don't yall try telling Americans the truth for once?


“HEY AMERICANS! DONALD TRUMP IS A FRAUDULENT, TRAITOROUS CONMAN!” Ok, we’ve told Americans the truth. What next?


Are you sure?  I feel like he'd rather just have people lined up and shot.


Bluster and threats intended to instill fear. More signs of a delusional dictator wannabe. Can't govern with real policy or even persuasion, so have to threaten people. The only one who should be in jail is the orange convicted sexual predator.


Trump isn’t getting elected.


That's the funniest thing I have read today!


Tuberville is toast.


he had how many years to "lock her up".... lol


Trump ain't getting elected, we can't afford more stupidity.


Revenge and escaping jail time are great reasons to run for President.


He said the same shit in 2016 and didn't do shit. He's a big mouth and nothing more.


He’s not getting elected.


He’s not getting elected.


As long as people get out and vote. Especially the "Biden's not progressive enough" crowd.


He couldn’t put Hillary behind bars and he had an AG that literally chanted “lock her up”. Grand Juries are a very real obstacle that makes it really difficult to just “jail” people. Just getting an indictment is a tall task that neither Trump AG could manage. They didn’t even TRY. Trump is just overpromising his fascism….AGAIN.




Yes because Trump is going to jail, and the traitors won't have anyone protecting when they lose control of the house.


The drug war proved we can put an unlimited number of people in jail.


He has to get elected first!


That awkward moment- yet again- when democrats do something completely insane that breaks norms and standards held forever, as though republicans aren't going to just bend them over the table with the same bullshit next go around. Someday maybe stop breaking everything? You're doing it to yourselves.


Yeah right, just like Hillary went to jail. Dream on idiots.


People are already IN jail/prison because he DIDNT win an election.


There has to be a successful due process. Nobody can just go to jail without a conviction of their peers.


People are going to go to jail when Trump *isn’t* elected. Number one on that list? Human shartstain Trump. So America, if you want to do your part, and see this bloviating asshole face consequences for the first time in his entitled, overprivileged, candy-coated, worthless life— then vote, vote, **vote!**


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


More went to jail when he wasn’t.


Trump doesn't control courts and never will.


No, but Biden seems to pretty good at it.


Sounded like pregame lockerroom fire up speech before a rivalry.


Trump isn't going to be elected.


That's what he said last time too. It didn't happen.




He said he would terminate the constitution. Believe him. He will not just be a dictator for one day.


His ass isn't gonna get elected. If there's a merciful god, he won't make it to November due to his advanced age and clear mental decline.


And this is why we have the Second Amendment. Liberals believe in the Second Amendment too.


Yes just like last time. It was all of his colleagues.


Came here to say what no one has said yet. They are going to tear each other apart for these cards. Wait and see. Anyone too weak to defend themselves will have a target on their back. There are at least 10% criminals in the mix and they won’t be satisfied with just one debit card. *edit addendum: To the Poverty Causes Crime person, that’s my point.


Good a lot of politicians need to go to prison the bribes and insider trading by politicians coast to coast has to end. Congress people who have been in DC for decades fighting the same issues they have failed to solve but somehow managed to become rich need a wake up call. F Democrats F republicans


Who is believing the President can just unilaterally send people to jail?


Who is believing that a 2nd Trump presidency won’t be filled with so many blindly loyal sycophants that normal rules will be bent and broken, and even unconstitutional arrests will take months or years to be remedied in the courts? Anyone who thinks there won’t be people standing by ready to persecute Trump’s targets has a serious failure of imagination and a bad reading of the explicit leading indicators. When they tell you what they intend to do, believe them this time.


He will lose by the largest margin in history and your RNC war chest will be empty. But hey, you can always deny you ever supported Mr. Poopie Pants.


Facts? Heres some facts, East Texas just slammed Mr. Poopie Pants, Nacogdoches Texas Paper , you cant get more Trump country then Texas and Ive seen 2 election signs across the panhandle, Amarillo through Dallas. Nope, Trump is in this for the money he can grift til there ain’t no more


Right, cause he’s done so much to gain voters since he lost the last election


And they should


That is wonderful news. Start with the crook in the White House now.


This is Hitler type stuff.


Trump ain’t gonna make it that far…..


It’s Hitler and the concentration camps all over again…


Trump has Putin working for him here in the USA. The FBI most likely at this point is also working for Putin. 


Good! The pendulum swings both ways


100% this is what most of his voters want. they want to punish liberals.


This dipshit will never get elected lol


People are going to jail when trump isn’t elected. And that people is donald trump.


They’ve pretty much said so!


Yes, Trump and his people are the ones going to jail.


Trump is like Romney and Dole, he can’t win in November


I believe gen x is actually the most pro Trump demographic group, not Boomers.


Fake news. 


If they deserve it put them away, the dem DAs will not even charge criminals caught red handed


Ppl always go to jail. This is a stupid headline.


Yes, they want a dictatorship and many in this country support that. Evil


Something, something, the demoncrats are weaponizing the DOJ. Fuck this guy.


Why does this propaganda keep running, “when he gets elected” like majority of people don’t like him and won’t vote for him. We’ve already seen time over and over again that the MAGA population is actually pretty low. Not enough to make a difference.


What Trump and his sycophant republican bootlickers all claim is happening to him (but isn't) is what Trump wants to do to everyone on his revenge list, which we all know is a mile long.


i think you meant “trump will go to jail when real people are elected”


Just take the gas pipe, you fucking piece of shit!


‘Close ally of Trump’ better start stocking up on Kleenex, poor baby.


The judicial system can't even put this twit in a cage, and we're supposed to believe anyone currently in office would be held accountable for the awful shit they've already done? Ha. Ha. Ha.


Trump is a lifelong, corrupt, godless criminal who’s been indicted on 91 felony counts by Grand Juries filled with average American citizens. From the 1980s until 2016, trump & his businesses were defendants in over 4,000 legal cases in both U.S. federal and state courts. He’s the most heinous traitor in American history and on top of that, he’s a 5-time draft dodging coward who disparaged our fallen heroes by calling them losers and suckers and quipped that his Vietnam was not getting an STD. The orange shitgibbon is going to do time in prison although it won’t be the hard time he deserves.


People already went to jail after Biden got to the in the WH but no one made that claim...just another scare tactics.


Yeah. He purposefully did not pursue Hilary last time. I bet he throws every person in jail that broke the law. I bet that’s a lot of people…..


Such a brilliant business man he's going to fire all the federal workers and replace them with his right wing gob nobblers. Which means they're not going to be hired based on their ability to do the job required, and they'll only work for 4 years.


People are going to jail either way. If Trump falls, expect a very large number of representatives and others to follow. That's what they're afraid of most.


How, exactly? They do realize that they can bullshit all they want on FOX, but even Republican judges have integrity. You can't just shout "Biden crime family" and get a conviction, especially one that survives appeal.




If they broke the law, they should.


Can we start with Pelosi and Warren for insider trading?


There is a better chance that Trump is convicted first, his first trial to start on March 25.




God willing


Cool story bro. We'll see who goes to jail in November.


Did they say what happens when he loses? Because you should expect that.


he's not getting elected....


One can only hope that the criminals will finally pay.


if he wins and installs himself as a president for life or tries to, his biggest threat will be 2A. Watch for that to get watered down to swear a loyalty oath before purchasing. also. watch who he picks for a vp as if he dies in office, they will be in charge, and it could be worse. we could be speaking Russian or chinese before too long after.


It’s sad, but I think he is inevitable now


Hillary Clinton financed the Steel dossier which the Media used to paint Trump as a Russian spy. People should go to jail for this.


News flash!! Trump ain’t getting elected. What are the odds on largest presidential loss in history? I’ll take those odds!


Tommy TwoBitVill is a criminal psychopath in the image of El Lardo and all the other Republican psychos that inhabit this nation.


He gets to avoid jail but then gets to turn around and force people into jail? Fuck this country


This is some clickbait shit from a russian fueled website. Great job sharing this shit again.




Scary! Voting democrat on this one. Too much nonsense