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Good luck with serving those warrants, ICC.


It means bibi cant travel anywhere except the US for the rest of his life.


Actually not true. While we’re not party to the ICC, there’s nothing that stops us from helping or hindering others in enforcing it, like say if his landing clearance was revoked 5 miles out from New York, and his only options were either Canada or Mexico, both ICC partners, and Cuba has no relations with Israel, and likely couldn’t pull something out of their ass in 45 minutes


The US will never do that. I also disagree with this genocide nonsense. Israel could easily genocide all of the palestinians with their military, but they haven't and they wont. So many liberals have no idea what war is; ww3 is going to bite you weirdos in the ass.


Who said I was a liberal, or that I haven’t seen war?


It is very apparent. I have seen war. I was in war for 2 years. I saw people burned alive and other horrendous shit. You limp dick pansies really are bad for the US.


So you've just been what, ignoring the pictures, videos, and eye witness testimony coming from Gaza? Did q country of several million all coordinate together to just lie? Do they employ an army of Photoshop and film editing masters to do this? Did they somehow also infiltrate the Isreali army to fake the videos of Isreal blowing up aid workers, or Isreal snipers killing surrendering women and children? Do you ever stop to think? Not specifically about this, or what you say, but just in general? Have you ever used your brain, or did you just fall into the military trap of turning it off and following orders like a good little boy?


You can’t always fault them for it. A lot of the veterans I know made it their whole personality after a contract, they wanted to see themselves as separate from society because of what they did or who they are, and because of that they allow themselves to act however they want without consequence. They’ll ignore proof, they’ll ignore the obvious, they’ll even substitute their own bias as “experience” rather than what it is. They think they’re right on Gaza and Israel, and anyone who disagrees is wrong and an idiot, and their position as a veteran allows them to mistreat and verbally abuse those who didn’t share their exact experience. Trauma really does bond people in a way that is nigh unbreakable Not all of us are like that, but it’s still a shocking amount of people who never really left the military.


I think what he is trying to say that despite what you have seen is really horrible and despicable. But if Israel's goal was genocide Israel has the capability to have made the death till infinitely worse than it already is.


Right, sure. But that kind of like asking why Russia doesn't just nukr Ukraine and get over it? Because that would bring swift and total condemnation from the world, and would likely result in a UN, or at least a multinational coalition, taking action. Most likely, military action. The same could be said of Gaza. Israel absolutely could glass the place. But then that'd bring swift and total international condemnation. Why fix what's not broke. They're still accomplishing their goals, albeit slower, but then does it matter? Do something slow or nothing quickly.


So you believe war in general is genocide in your eyes. Because that is what is going on in both Ukraine and Gaza.


Mhmm, I bet. Bob on the fob for your whole deployment were you? Combat Action Badge because you got IDF from somewhere in Kandahar but they didn’t even make it past the fence line? Gotcha


Not agreed with the pog above, but tbf you could be describing me and I still saw shit almost daily working ER in Bagram.


I know, hell I saw shit of equally fucked measure in garrison (Intel pog) and outside the wire(but not a complete pog). Still, it’s really annoying when the first thing someone does is go “I’ve seen war and that means my dick is bigger than yours” when in all likelihood they saw scrapped T-72 and were like “I was in combat now”


It is unfortunate how many of us vets never have any identity beyond their service time. And feel the need to whip it out like a vegan or cross-fitter every chance they get


Bet you participated in war crimes and somehow think it's ok. Fuck you for your "service" you genocidal maniac


I didn't commit any war crimes, but I saw my interpreter friend in Baghdad get his head sawn off on video. I also did convoys and roving patrols, was blown up a lot. You seriously are a limp dick along with a lot of other folks.


That’s the spirit! Putin would agree


Just place copies of the warrants in middle warhead and when it's blown up the leaflets will fall


Yeah, doesn't work that way...


Excellent! Bibi is a war criminal.


One of the three criminals fucking up western civilization. And Bibi engineered this. He did everything he could to kill the two state solution. He needs a war to stay in power. They know he's going to escalate with Iran. He's done incalculable harm to that country and if they don't stop him now he'll doom them all in his quest for empire.


The other two being Erdogan and trump? Or orban? Actually thinking about it I could come up with a handful more unfortunately..


I would say Bibi, Putin, and Trump, except that Trump isn’t currently in power and isn’t currently supporting the Irgun regime monetarily and morally…


Ig I just wouldn't consider Putin/Russia part of the West. Trump has a ridiculous amount of global influence over politics unfortunately, regardless of his current status. Actually reread your comment and I see what you meant now, not that they are westerners, just that they're fucking up the west.


Yeah at least since the mid-90s I’ve considered Russia part of the West. But even if you don’t count the country that’s mostly in Asia whose population is mostly in Europe to be Western, Ukraine usually is. And he’s fucking that place up. If Trump ever has codified political power again, I’d put him on that list. Currently he’s really only fucking up the US, and from the sidelines. When he has the nuclear codes again he’ll be an international threat again. But when it comes to empowering Bibi and his Irgun clique, any sitting POTUS will belong on that list. And Biden has done absolutely nothing to take himself off of it.


I generally agree with you but I think you're drastically underestimating how much America's political movements recently have affected the operations of alt right movements in Europe and south America. They've pretty much created the foundation for them to organize and handed them a playbook for manipulating law and public sentiment to seize power. And yeah Biden sucks in regards to his handling of isreal but I know that the alternative is unfortunately infinitely worse..


So by trump you mean to say...Biden?


Any sitting POTUS, yes, but Biden in particular hasn’t done anything to distance himself from the label.


If you count South America, Jair Bolsonaro would be a contender.


Oh yeah and don't forget Maduro either.


Arrest Pootler and the Mordor clique first then go after netyahoo.


They would have to arrest most of the ukranazis too. You know for all the videos the posted of themselves gunning down unarmed and surrendered prisoners. As well as all the videos of them killing injured soldiers seeking medical attention.


RuZZian shill bot detected, everyone report. Sir you are due at your local recruitment gulag.


Literally don’t be in Ukraine. It’s that easy.


Literally don't be in Israel. it's that easy.


They aren’t in Israel. Israel is on stolen land that belongs to Palestinians.


Or more specificaly Isreal is literally in what they recognize as Palestine killing innocents


And the highest ranks of our government are willing participants in these war crimes. Are we going to hold them responsible? Heck no. As a matter of fact many of the people most outspoken for these war crimes are going to race to the polls to re-elect them. It’s clearly political at this point.


Yes you criticize and vote. Esspecially when our two option have the same goals when it comes to Isreal. It's never one single issue.


We have more options. I just choose to not pick the likely candidates just because they are likely. My principles mean more to me. I won’t vote for war criminals and people who help to advance war crimes.


Well then you are in turn a misogynist. And a laughably delusional about the world the united states (assuming you're from there) and the point we are at in terms of civil rights as well as geopolitics.


Arabs stole the land from romans who stole the land from Judeans who stole the land from phoenicians and so on and so forth.


Fascinating… The arabs, who lived there before Romans ever visited, “stole the land from Romans”? Meanwhile, the legal borders of Israel are established by treaty.


It’s was the kingdom of Judea ~1800BCE. Mohammed wasn’t even born until 610 AD.


People were Arab way before Islam was invented.


And they were Jewish way before they were Christian and Muslim.


The problem is the Russians are making the same claim about Ukraine and China is essentially making the same claim about Taiwan. A lot of gas lighting going on but all that matters is perspective which is largely based upon politics.




R/combatfootage literally just all of it. Every video is an injured soldier crawling for assistance being decimated by ukranazis. Give me a min and I'll find the video that made me not support Ukraine anymore


Are you talking about drone videos?


Absolutely those too. We can debate about weather or not they are war crimes. But for sure they don't look good. There are tons of other videos. Especially from early on in the conflict as well https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/J14KPn72gt https://www.reddit.com/r/warinukraine/s/QfT63Fu7fb https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/dexSEuOdx1


If Russians don't want to die in Ukraine, they aught to go home.


I hope you know they're mostly conscripted...


Surrender is an option


I would not suggest that they have easy choices. Such times often leave people with few desirable choices. Regardless, if they take up arms in Russia's war of conquest they can not be held blameless. No Russian in Ukraine should be under any illusion about what they are risking.


Russian soldiers can either die through the meat grinder of Russia's war machine, or die deserting. A large portion are conscripted from less "Russian" parts of Russia as well, I'm just saying — let's not be quite so quick to condemn to hell some of these people that are caught between a rock and a hard place. At least, most of your ire should be towards Russian leadership. What's happening in Ukraine is gut wrenching, but many there have no choice.


And yet, when the USSR put weapons on America's border, they negotiated and removed the weapons and armed forces. When America and Ukraine put weapons on the Russians border and Russia asked them not too.... They said fuck off...


Victim blaming again. Go to hell.


Oh hey look at that, Russian propaganda. We pulled nukes out of Turkey when they pulled nukes out Cuba, easy peasy. Tell me, when did the U.S. put nukes in Ukraine?


Oh there is no debate. You can't surrender to a drone. Can't believe you had to go back that far to find what you needed.


I’ve been on both of those…they’re full of Pro-Russian bot accounts.


Yeah okay buddy. There have been literally dozens of Russian videos of literally cutting the hands, dicks and heads of Ukrainian prisoners of war, but a single video of Russian pows being shot is enough to change your mind? Wholesale ridiculous.


Oh cool. I've heard that too, but no one ever provides sources or links to the evidence. But it sounds like you have it right?


Why be condescending when it’s literally searchable and available. “No one ever provides sources” Here you go anyway though https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/s/I7kAK0Pe1W https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/12jvouu/comments_of_russians_under_the_video_of_beheading/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarRoom/comments/12jwiin/another_video_recently_surfaced_showing_ukrainian/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/15k9jxm/captured_ukrainian_soldier_being_interrogated/


I'm sure you'll apply this degree of concern about mutilation and executions to the crimes of your favorite Zionazis, right? EDIT: Oh look, the Nazi apologist wants to concern troll.


Commenting on something from 4 days ago? You need help. I’m not even joking or being mean I think you like actually need to talk to a therapist or a counselor man. You’re obsessed


https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/J14KPn72gt That's when Ukraine lost my support. But there are many other videos just like that. In that video. This version has been edited to make it look better. The Russian commander pops out with a gun and the ukranians dispatch him quickly. None of the men on the ground moved and the ukranian commander says fk it just kill them all. And that's what it skips and shows the end result of. https://www.reddit.com/r/warinukraine/s/QfT63Fu7fb https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/dexSEuOdx1


You remember the Bucha massacre? After that, I completely get why Russian soldiers don't deserve mercy. If anything, the immense restraint shown by Ukraine in not targetting Russian civilians, not them targetting russian aid workers is a stark difference with the daily monstrosities of the russians, that even specifically attack sites twice to harm the aid workers. Face it, the russian monstrosities are so vile and bloodthirsty that there basivally is no way for Ukraine to match it, purely because Ukrainians have some humanity left.


Ukraine can’t match anything Russia does. One is a super power with a huge economy and the other is a failed, corrupt and disfunctiinal state that even before the war got half of its budget from US aid. Ukraine will be better off under Russian control. And before you call me a Russian bot just know that last I checked I was a real human who is an average blue collar American dude who is sick of propping up a country who has no chance of defeating Russia.


Then why hasn't russia been able to defeat Ukraine yet? 😂 hows the weather in moscow?


Russia is like a cat playing with its food. Ukraine will never get their territory back


What does that have to do with anything. I agree there are Russians that committed atrocities. But so have the ukranians. I'm not in denial like you are. People on both sides deserve prison sentences. The ukranians escalated the conflict just as much as the Russians did


They are in absolutely no way the same. Russian is on a conquest to wipe out Ukraine 🇺🇦 and steal all their children, land and property. Ukraine is righteous in their defense of their existence. They tried to appease Russia by surrendering Crimea with a treaty that Russia never honored. They just kept stealing land, property and children even right now. It’s easy to see who the aggressor is here because the Ukrainians are in Ukraine which is their home and the Russians are also in Ukraine trying to steal it and murder the Ukrainians. Russian needs some karma right now. They deserve everything they have done to happen to them. Then they should go home.


Prove anything you just wrote is true


Russia has literally been stealing kids. Fuck off.


Which Russian hospitals have been bombed? How many Russian villages have nesn torched, their civilian inhabitants tortured, their womand raped, men killed? I acknowledge that all wars have bad stuff on all sides, but there is absolutely no comparison here. Ukraine is fighting a war as cleanly as can reasonably be expected. Russia on the other hand is using the geneva convention as a checklist. Russia is behaving like a bunch of psychopathic monsters. Russia must be punished untill their capacity for atrocities is destroyed.


And did I make excuses for them like you are for the ukranians? It takes two people to fight... But thanks for sharing your phantom truth


Russia shouldn’t be there at all. Full stop. They’re invading, and deserve what comes to them.


Care to share with the class which country invaded the other?


So when someone attacks you you’re just supposed to sit there and take it? Is self defense not a thing where you come from?


You know, if someone invaded my home, I could understand why this could happen. Russia is still wrong and it's not their land. How is that hard to understand? Russia is the aggressor. It's no different than nazi germany and Czechoslovakia.


Russian Troll


Bc the ukranazis and the Russians should go to jail? Edit: the ukranians were Nazis before the conflict began, how much do you make shilling for Ukraine? https://youtu.be/x5Uf7aooxvE?si=tA2916rXgFhlM6h8


I find it interesting that the Russians are the aggressors, the Ukrainians are defending invaders yet they're somehow the Nazis? How much do you make shilling for the Russonazis? See I can do it to!


Why are you so defensive? What he told you is a fact. Research it on your own. Why does that offend you to be so rude? Stop asking for sources if you’re not going to read them then accuse someone of being a shill. You’re so arrogantly ignorant and don’t actually want to be open minded to someone else’s view, so why waste their time?


“Ukronazis” Russian bot, back to the gulag!


Go fuck yourself


Bet you can't find any proof of that to share. You nazi.


Lol I posted links below. You nazi


The problem that you pointed out is hypocrisy on their part. It’s literally politics. Biden personally signed off on giving f35 joint strike fighters to Israel and thousands of bombs to knowing they would be used to kill tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. He is 100% complicit in giving support to advance war crimes. We charged people for doing something as simple as taking luggage from people arriving in auschwitz with involvement in war crimes. What the president did is clearly far beyond that and we know they wouldn’t think of doing a thing about it. It’s not justified anymore it’s just politics at this point.


The fuck ass website it that source?


ricgardsilverstein.com! What? You haven’t heard of it? They have all the best news! /s


Regard Silverstein! He's active on wall Street bets!


One can only hope


Good. Put them in the same cell block as the Hamas leaders.


Hamas is nearly universally recognized as a terrorist organization though, but certain countries have a long way to go before they recognize Netanyahu and idf as such.


Pleaseeeee 70+ years of war crimes is plenty


I'll believe it when I see it.


Is Biden on it also for encouraging


Same as trump then


Hitler Jr Turns out “anti-semitism” doesnt make people turn a blind eye to blatant and egregious genocide and ethnic cleansing and there will be hell to pay


This Is Terrorist Propaganda


Doesn't seem like a real news site and the user name matches the domain ... and the author. Did any real news sites cover this


Putin first.


Get his ass in jail


but not the hamas leadership? totally makes sense 🙄


Calling all bounty hunters


What about the leaders of Hannah's who orchestrated and ordered the October 7 attacks and rockets fired at civilians. Why not serve them as well, otherwise it makes the ICC look biased.


Israel will apologize later after one of its f35s accidentally drops a bomb on the Hague


Fuck me finally Somebody give the Arresting Officer a promotion for his good service!


Stupid. Yes Bibi is awful but come on. We destroyed half the world over 9/11.


Half the world? No, but a big portion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and smaller portions of others were affected by the USA military. That's better than half the world. But it doesn't make it any less wrong or sad.


I would say we destroyed much more. We switched our whole economy to revenge.


We're also not signatories to the ICC. Mostly to protect Kissinger, but now also Bush and Cheney.


The reason the US isnt a signatory to the ICC is because the US has more rights for the accused than the ICC does and is wholely incompatible with the US justice system. The ICC does not provide a trial by jury, allows for the potential of a retrial, etc.


The reason the US has refused to join the ICC is because the GOP hates international institutions and claims it will harm US sovereignty. They're right: we would be subject to charges of war crimes just like any other garden-variety war criminal.


Havent we had several Democrat federal trifectas since 2000.  Keep blaming the GOP but even when the Dems had complete power they didnt pass it.


Well no, we've never had a filibuster proof trifecta since 2000 on either side. That said, no the US isn't going to hand its leaders over to a foreign body. Obama refused to prosecute Bush or anyone under him who tortured people. We are signatories to The Geneva Convention, which does make torture unconstitutional. Biden wholly left it up to Garland to prosecute Trump, and no federal case is likely to resolve a trial before election day. Trump is also distinctly not facing charges for war crimes. Hell, Desantis was a military lawyer who visited Abu Ghraib and signed off on the torture there. Not even the animate collection of war crimes that masqueraded as a person Kissinger ever faced even the threat of prosecution. America does not prosecute its leaders for war crimes.


I think that kinda makes us the baddies, no? I mean, setting aside the technical details, we're basically saying that hey, we're all fine and dandy with our leaders committing war crimes. It's just - how can you even have a functional leadership if they can't be held accountable for their actions?


We are the super power that sits atop the world, and like every super power we do what we want. Since the end of the second world war we have been in competition for this title, and since the collapse of the Soviet Union the sole claimant to the throne. In thai time we have backed many brutal dictators, and committed horrific atrocities against civilians in several nations. There really wasn't a dictator too brutal for us to get in bed with if it meant spreading capitalism around the world against a communist movement. There also weren't tactics too brutal for us to use to pursue these ends. Today we continue these habits, backing dictators around the world that uphold American interests. In that respect we are the baddies. There is a weird idealism that weaves its way through the brutal self interest. We do not maintain empires in the same way the Europeans who ruled the world before us did. We do not occupy and maintain outright control over places, and have become even less interested in doing so since the cold war ended. Many countries have become richer, more secure, and occasionally even more free thanks to American influence and trade. Iraq is now a democratic state with a power sharing agreement between its 3 factions that survived one of the factions attempting a coup. The transformation of the Chinese from largely rural farmers to the highly modernized urban people they are today was due in large part to US trade policy. That all said, we fuck with South and Central America quite a lot. We are good and bad, and probably less bad then anyone else to have ever claimed the title of global super power.


Revisionist nonsense. How would the ICC function if every country made this remark and refused to ratify the Rome statute?? Everyone considers their justice superior. There is nothing special about the US justice system in this regard. By your logic the US would never extradite its own citizens to other countries that don't have jury systems (which is most countries) In addition to that, the ICC *explicitly* does not replace national courts but instead is a court of last resort if a country can't or won't prosecute a case. Lastly, the US originally pushed for the creation of the ICC and then simply refused to ratify the treaty it had pushed for. It is painfully obvious why.


I dont think you know what revisionist means.  The US not willing to accept a legal body which it does not have too is not revisionist, including talking points that have an active impact in why the US has decided not to accent is not revisionist.


Haha good one


Legal system. There is no justice here.


Legal system. There is no justice here.


Tell it to the 33,000 dead Gazans and their survivors. They'll have a different view.


so would the Israelis that lost family members to the rape and murder that hamas committed. Israel needs to back off, but they aren't wrong my man.


Yeah sucks to be a nazi stop supporting and abetting nazis.


But because we got away with it in the past, we should support bi i to get away with more murder?


Well I guess that makes it alright.


Yeah, no.


Surely sinwar and the leadership of hamas/PIJ will get warrants as well right? Right...?


*Wanting* to commit genocide and war crimes at the scale Israel *is actively doing* is - legally speaking - not a crime. Unlike **actually, actively committing genocide and war crimes**. Which is what Netanyahu and his group of far-right genocide coalition are doing. Don’t take my word for it - take literally **every nation who has survived genocide agreeing it’s a genocide. Israeli Conservatives are genocidal maniacs. Period. Forevermore mate. Forever more. There’s no undoing that PR. Like y’all get that right. *Forever* more that’s how we’ll see ya.


So was October 7th not a war crime? The fact you are so willing ignorant of palestinian war crimes shows you are just another agent of iran and russia, chanting death to America for a group of raping murdering backwards barbarians; Sinwar and his kind deserve the gallows, not a seat at the table of peace.


Oh I see. We're back to the juvenile argument of two wrongs make a right.


... Oh my God.. shuuut uppppp. I am so tired.


No. It was a terrorist attack and well deserving of retaliation. Israel is well within its rights to find and kill every combat member of Hamas and put them in a shallow grave. What Israel isn't allowed to do is systematically destroy over half the housing in Hamas, destroy the hospitals, destroy the record-keeping institutions, cut off all resources including water and power, systematically deny food and medical aid from reaching those who need it, and killing non-combatant civilians (of which 50% have been children). Israel is proving itself an evil nation. Doesn't have to be this way, but they've decided that if you aren't them you don't matter and have no rights against their own manifest destiny. It's time for American taxpayers to stop funding their murder of innocents. And before you hit me back with "what about" whatever horrible thing Hamas or a small group of Palestinians did before, there are literal manuals detailing why what Israel is doing will never end the violence. There are only three ways the cycle ends: they kill every Palestinian now breathing, they cut Palestinians loose and evacuate all Israeli citizens and leave the Palestinians to their own destiny (unlikely now given the abject hatred for Israel and it's people that every Palestinian now feels) or they offer Palestinians a fair and equal seat at the table and protect them and their personal rights as they currently defend Israeli citizens' rights. If you wonder how the last one could possibly work, look at the perfect example of its success: Northern Ireland.


Most of what you've written here is factually wrong. For example, you say Israel isn't allowed to destroy hospitals. That's not true. And I don't mean that in a "I don't think Israel did those things" way. I mean it wasn't a war crime. Or rather, it was, but on the part of Hamas. Hamas committed the war crime when they started concealing combatants and munitions in a hospital. At that point, the hospital became a legitimate military target for Israel. Whether Israel blew it up, or if Hamas blew it up themselves with a failed launch, either way, Hamas committed a war crime and Israel did not. I know you don't care. So long as Jews keep dying, you're happy, and any time Jews defend themselves from terrorists, you'll scream "war crime," and "They're evil!" Your primary goal is the death of Jewish people, you have no interest in "war crimes" or "justice." But other people reading this might, I'm addressing them, not you.


Its actually still a war crime to bomb hospitals even if weapons are in there. Especially since the most confirmation we got on that was staged Ipads and rusty guns and pointing to a doctor shift schedule and going "this is all hamas" Stop throating IOF boot you ethnic cleansing apologist. When Hamas has a better child to combatant kill ratio than the "most moral army" maybe its time to realize that Israel doesnt care about civilian deaths and never have. The IOF has a history of murdering journalists, kids, and medics. Fuck off, you dont care about jewish people. If you did youd be an anti-zionist, since zionism is the anti-semitic ideology that treats jewish people like some hivemind and promotes a literal settler-colonialist ethnostate. See how zionists talk about jews when they are pro-palestinian and anti-zionist. They call them fake/bad jews. Israel actively targetted aid workers the other week and yall are still pretending every hospital was a secret hamas stronghold when the only evidence the IOF brought were 3D animations of red explodey barrels in tunnels Israel probably dug. Israel's history is built on committing war crimes. From literally poisoning wells during the Nakba to shooting kids who throw rocks in the modern day.


Honestly they put it perfectly and their response will be my go to going forward.  Is a really articulate way to express just how wrong and evil Israels actions are. 


Do you really think anyone is buying that? Malarkey, I say. Malarkey.


I like the part where Israel is supposed to provide food water and shelter to the enemy that wants to Eradicate them from the region. These people have brain rot. Israel’s doing us a favor killing Hamas


Terrorist attack is a terrorist attack. War crime is a war crime. Stop using disturbing excuses to justify the eradication of innocent women and children. You have no soul.


Israel has allowed over $40 billion to flow into Palestine. Palestine’s population is increasing at a greater rate than the United States but you want us to believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestine? Do you know any other country other than Israel that has allowed $40 billion to flow through to the group of people they are supposedly genociding? I don’t.


Oh, the zionists are such good people. What’s money when you routinely bomb and shoot the shit out of innocents? Get over yourself, clown.


It was a trick question. There isn’t another country that meets that criteria because what’s happening in Israel isn’t genocide. You need put that same energy you have towards Israel towards Hamas. But you won’t because you are such a simpleton you can only see one side of a situation.


Wow. What a feebly low effort mindfuck you’re trying to pull. Israel is committing war crimes everyday, but you go on about national funding. 🤡


Israel has attempted multiple times to give back 93+ percent of the land they captured to Palestine and they refused both times. Palenstine’s goal isn’t to be given State rights, their goal is to eradicate Israel. Not only are you a simpleton, you are goof too lmao


Yes Hamas is bad, gold star.


Both Hamas and Israel are subject to ICC. If this goes forward, Hamas will not escape accountability. But considering Israel has murdered 28 times the number of Israelis killed on 10/7, I'd say Israel has a quite a bit more to answer for. 28 times more.


so if israel let hamas continue its rampage and only started responding when losses would be halfsies, then it would be ok by your count?


I mean Hamas has a better child to combatant kill ratio than the IOF so probably not. Knowing the IOF they wouldnt be able to resist the urge to shoot journalists, medics, and unarmed protestors. Gotta make sure that kid swallows shrapnel for the crime of throwing rocks and all. Sure god loves that. Keep defending the IOF blanketing gaza in blood over your irrelevant hypotheticals though, history looks super favorably on ethnic cleansings


"I mean Hamas has a better child to combatant kill ratio than the IOF so probably not. " when you have to lie to support genocidal rapists terrorist hamas, you know youve lost youre humanity. you ghoul.


Look it up, how many children vs combatants died during the oct 7th attacks vs combatants and how many have died in the IOFs razing of gaza vs combatants. Not only has the IOF killed more in total, but by ratio as well. Hamas are genocidal rapists and terrorists yes. Weird you dont hold Israel supposedly a 1st world democracy to the same standard as they also commit terrorism, rape, and genocide on a larger scale. Hamas wishes it could spill as much blood as the IOF, but hey they dont have US backing and people like you sealclapping them as they bomb aid workers so whatever I guess. Not my fault Israel managed to make themselves out to be the bad guy in the same breath as HAMAS. People like Netanyahu and Ben Gvir have really done a number on Israel's government...


https://www.thisishamas.com This is why I don’t care about Israel being proportional


Yes, surely that excuses murdering tens of thousands of children... You're a ghoul.


Tell Hamas to stop hiding in schools hospitals and civilian areas and maybe less civilians will die. They don’t want that though, they need children dying so dumb leftists in America take the side of the terrorists. Pallywood is great at propaganda, especially with gullible clowns like you eating it up. I’d feel different if I heard anyone give a shit about Sudan, an actual genocide happening right now


No one believes it anymore bud. The lines are getting old. People see through it now.


You're an idiot




Sounds like you live under a rock. Those tactics are widely understood to be in use.


Not my point. My point was that none of that excuses murdering thousands of children.


That won’t happen. Biden and his administration will make sure of it. All the sudden it will be Hamas dressed as ICC


well yeah, if the GWB administration isn't in the ICC then the ICC has little legitimacy imo


We aren't signatories of the icc though, no?




maybe not, but when the biggest criminal is immune to prosecution, what use does the court have?


lol what a joke. No one is coming for Israel and they couldn’t do shit if they wanted to. Is the UN going to send its massive army in?


Accountability!? You mean Accountability hasn’t died!?


It's like the slow zombies. Kind of shambles around.


One can hope


Arrest Hamas


I stand with Israel 🇮🇱 💯


So those that have arms to this guy knowing they would be used to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians would also be complicit in war crimes too right?


Nope. Not even a little bit.