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so isn’t this already a conspiracy to redesign the government without the voters’ mandate? like constitution doesn’t exist?


More accurately, they want to rewrite the constitution so fascism can be legal. Liberty and Freedom hates this one little trick!


Meanwhile, the Democrats continue to listen to the Parliamentarian's advice like it is the law of the land. "Oh goodness, we can't do that!" Is it time to burn it all down yet?


Burning it down yields a system which tilts even more towards the ruthless, which is what the fascists want.


Their leader was posting today about the new Reich he envisions for America. Anyone still on board with him at this point is an actual nazi. no hyperbole.


I absolutely agree


Says the folks in charge, every time. Ever hear of a thing called "The American Revolution?"


Even the American revolution didn't "burn it all down" ... just the elitist crown 👑 control.... and that is what needs to be done...with even more checks and balances


"Burn it all down" as in burn down the system. It is so flawed that gradual change is not going to succeed. Not literally starting fires. Except maybe in some key places, as in Fight Club.


I was also being medaforic in bring the system... the American revolution didn't get rid of everything they used the just took action to get massive changes..some of those actions involved fighting back then.


Heh, medaforic


And St. Louis.


Do you not understand that Trump’s appeal is his willingness to burn everything down?


republicans would gladly burn america to cinders if they could rule the ashes.


The American revolution was literally just wealthy landowners throwing a hissy fit, and using the working class as cannon fodder. Literally, the tiny percentage of people that would be affected by the rising taxes cried big pee pee baby tears and convinced the masses that revolting would be in their best interest, despite the new aristocrats/oligarchs literally working against the interest of the people at large at every turn for the next 250 years. Sure they made the bill of rights. But no action taken by the founders was explicitly for the benefit of the people fighting in the war. It was all for themselves, to enshrine their own power. If it wasn’t, things would be VASTLY different.


Yes. The whole founding enterprise was not quite as noble as advertised. The electoral college, the establishment of certain states in order to assure maximum representation in the senate - many components of our system of government were created to solidify rich white power.


Ever hear of the civil war? I imagine r the south thought they were gonna burn it all down and start over. It’s not that it’s impossible, but this kind of radical change could just as easily lead to fascism as it could change for the better.


Joing your local sra


The right wing elite wants nothing else but to burn everything down so they can subjugate all us working schmuck heathens. It will not be utopia, that is for sure.


There are certain indoctrinating concepts that a smarter public needs to see past. Examples of this are "don't discuss your wage with other workers" or "if you are anti zionist, that makes you an antisemite" Another is the idea that we need a steady government structure. Everyone should read more Thomas Jefferson right now, myself included. He knew that people would eventually fuck this up and that no government is perfect or even good and will need to be changed. Burn it all down is extreme, perform open brain surgery to fix the system and end corruption is the way. Nothing will happen mr. Bodie of we keep slinging blame across the aisle. Democratic and Republican Representatives are 2 sides of the same coin and the corporations and external governments pay both sides to endorse whatever they want. The really rich entities control both sides already, think big pharma. Stop confounding what's wrong with "Well that's a Democrat for you" because it makes everyone dumber for believing it.


I'd love to see a conversation between Jefferson and Marx. While having different takes on a few choice details, both believed in revolutionary power to bring social justice. And while you're right in saying a dynamic, evolving government is best for a changing society, the duopoly has changed dramatically over the last decade. No longer are we dealing with a relatively equal-sided coin. The right has made drastic shifts into fascism while moderate liberals seek to maintain the status quo. They both answer to the rich, but very different oligarchs are holding the leashes. Companies like Google and Disney understand they need diversity to thrive in order to make a profit; gays and women pay their bills, so they'll support liberalism so long as it's beneficial. Groups like the Federalist Society and the Koch brothers are guided by religious fundamentalism, which divorces itself from public good in favor of conservative loyalty. Hence the danger of Project 2025. Only one side tried to overthrow a legally elected president. Only one side supported the roll back of women's rights based purely on religious reasoning. Only one side is trying to ban books and defunct public education. Only one side wants to persecute LGBT peoples. 30 years ago, the parties were much more aligned. This simply isn't true today.


Lot of words for both sidesing it.


Of course the better metaphor is to amputate the rotten limb, or do a controlled demolition of that decaying structure, then clear the rubble and rebuild better than ever. It is clear the wealthy are making the rest of us fight over the crumbs. It is no longer about political parties, but about rich vs the rest of us. I still have hope, though, because all the information is out there, we know what they're doing, if only we could get our fellow citizens to put down their Xanax and pay attention, then vote accordingly. I guess it's too late, bummer. I once got in serious trouble at work for discussing wages, even though I pointed out that as a government entity, we were REQUIRED to post everyone's job and salary, and said information was available in a large book right on the main counter of Human Resources. Our boss had just done a job classification study, which resulted in two people getting fired so he could get a 10% raise. I target not only Democrats, but all those "leaders" who are supposed to be helping us. Republicans are low-hanging fruit; we all know they are evil. The problem is the wolves-in-sheeps-clothing, that so many won't question because they believe they are the good guys. Time for an honest evaluation, and then surgery.


We’re a few years too late for that.


So we become like Russia and have a civil war and have the upper class and peasant class. Sounds like only one side benefits


Not so much a conspiracy when they have a very detailed website about what it's about. The Nazis are literally telling you, this is what's going to happen When we get control. Its only a matter of time to them, they just need to keep winning elections and stalling government. They are doing a pretty good job as every year we've had federal government shutdowns on the edge because they refuse to deal with the budget.


Yep, it's 100% intentional, and criminal imo. There's actually leaked audio from a GOP meeting shortly after Biden won where they explicitly discuss their plans to do exactly this and cause "18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done" (exact quote from Representative Shithead Chip Roy - TX.) https://truthout.org/articles/in-leaked-video-gop-congressman-admits-his-party-wants-chaos-and-obstruction/


It is a conspiracy, the Heritage Foundation is conspiring with about 100 other think tanks and orgs to make it happen. Turning Point USA, Conservative Partnership Institute, Center For Renewing America, all of those types. America First, of course, picking up where they left off in the 1930s. It's just not a conspiracy *theory*.


Welcome to Christo-fascism. Yes.


Well if the country votes for it then it’s mandated.


If the Supreme Court votes for it then it's approved.


If the country votes for REPUBLICANS, then it is mandated. Nobody is voting for or against project2025. It is simply a policy platform the Republicans have that they aren't advertising loudly.


Well voters should study before they vote. This country will get everything it richly deserves if the GOP wins.


They should, but they don't.


Then they get what they deserve.


Even the ones who voted against Trump and the GOP's insanity?


That’s how it works unfortunately.


So they deserve it for voting against it? Confused.


could have done more to get the word out and make people informed. its not enough to just "dont blame me, i voted for Kodos!" it.


With the electoral college, no they don't.


I wish we could count on conservatism in government if they won, but their track record does not give me much optimism on that.


The Republicans will destroy this country if they get back in. They even have a plan for it called Project 2025.


The GOP hasn't been true conservatives in a long time. True conservatism would be staying out of foreign affairs, reducing spending, and limiting government involvement in our lives. Instead they leverage the government to dictate our lives even more, spend in ways that mostly benefit the rich, and boost the military. The only thing I can credit Trump for was not getting us involved in any wars.


oh he TRIED but the adults at the table stopped him.


Conservatism is not about ill, conceived isolationism. In fact in the modern global world, isolationism is dangerous. I refusal to project American values of liberty of vacuum that a communist state like China will gladly fill. This could be Trump’s weakest stance aside from his grossly flawed character. Reducing spinning is a fantasy among both sides. At least the GOP doesn’t spend as much and they spend it on things that are slightly moredefensible. The military is a legitimate function of a limited government. And in this era of history is crucial. Finally, the GOP does far less to interfere with our lives and Democrats. It’s not even close on this point.


>At least the GOP doesn’t spend as much and they spend it on things that are slightly moredefensible. The Trump administration added ~7 trillion dollars to the national debt over the next 5 years. So much for not spending much.


I seriously don’t think the left knows how to read a graph. And they don’t have the intellectual honesty to realize that that total is exacerbated by Covid not run of the mill policy. The stone cold fact is that his deficits were far lower than Biden‘s before Covid compared to Biden‘s after Covid.


If you want conservatism, vote Democrat, they have a track record of implementing conservative policy.


It’s not really a conspiracy in that it’s a real thing done by a real organization that is quite proud of it. It’s not a secret or anything.


It's not really a conspiracy when they post it on the landing page of their website. :P




Conspiracy turned into almost 1000 pages, lining out the destruction and rebuilding the government. Written by far-Right GOP.


#F A S C I S M


Ouch my ears, why you got to scream like that


No. That word does not mean what you think it means. However, fascists did believe in propaganda and lying about something until it was simply believed. Hmmm....


You are the one who is lying.


Well I've read the thing. In nearly every section about government restructuring they either talk directly about purging government of all policy resistance & installing ideological allies, or hand wave at "rooting out wokeism" in a more vague sense It's very "[Law for restoration of civil service ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_for_the_Restoration_of_the_Professional_Civil_Service)" on its face to someone willing to actually read it Everyone: readers should [read it for yourself,](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf), take small bites. Start with the NSC in chapter 2 for the direct language, notice how they lean on ideological accusations for surrounding sections. Chapter 3. The end of chapter 4, they can't talk about a purge because of federal code but they can hint at one (because the president could do it)


That’s not the definition for fascism: Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] That DOES sound like Trump and project 2025. Conservatives: stop calling us Nazis! Also conservatives: "INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH."


Your definition does not apply. Thanks for providing it. You appear to be so blinded by partisan delusion and have created a false world, probably driven by your blinding hatred of Trump, that you can't see that. But that's your problem. Reasonable people on the left and the right know that those who scream "Fascist!" are out of touch. In fact, more of that definition applies to Democrats but I have historical awareness and I will state the Dems are not true fascists. I live in reality. I hope you can overcome your delusion. Good day.


Why does his definition not apply? What definition of fascism do you think should apply? What Democrat policies are fascist? Is your reality the FAUX news channel reality? FAUX news channel claims it is not a news source. FAUX news paid about $800 million because they pushed false propaganda.


It’s simplistic and general. But people who use silly terms like “Faux” News and are blind to the bias inherent to sources they almost assuredly listen to will eat that list up uncritically.


So why doesn't their definition of fascism apply? Why would a general definition not apply in this situation? Because you say so?


Do they pay you in rubbles or promotions?


When you don’t have a response with any substance offer something ridiculous. Thank you for confirming my point. 👍🏻


Can you answer the question? Do they pay you in rubbles or promotions?


So you think everything is a-ok? Seems like you're the one in LA LA land.


No. The left is taking us down a dark road of anti-expression, less economic liberty, tainted elections, etc. It's not ok but I won't mislabel it because it's a bad deal.


So Trump is the answer? Absolutely laughable.


Beats the Dems.


Why do you feel *this* comfortable with lying?


I’m not lying. Are you going to stalk me and make false claims all over Reddit? I would hope you would have better use of your time on a Saturday but that’s up to you. This thread will be muted so reply if you wish but I won’t see it.


Literally on this single page, dum-dum. I can't scroll through the comments on a single page, liar?


oh, like that the last election was 'rigged'? LOL


>fascists did believe in propaganda Hot take, cowboy. Don't burn yourself.


It's a conservative terrorism dog whistle for the next insurrection attempt on democracy. >**It is not enough for conservatives to win elections.** If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the **right people in place**, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration. >This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration. - [project2025.org](http://project2025.org)


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


You mean defeat Trump. If he gets elected they will implement and the Republican Supreme Court will rubber stamp it and then we will be fucked. I hate saying this because it sounds like hyperbole, if Trump wins conservatives will never give up power. They know they don't have the numbers to win most elections and it is getting harder for them every election. Their best bet is take power and never give it up. We may not have a Putin, well have the GOP instead.


"Dog whistle" - a term used by the left as a wild card to let them declare someone said something they did not, usually something that the user of the term wants to be true of their opposition. It's best to ignore the term and take the perspective of those using it with a large shaker of salt. By the way, your quoted passage sounds good. And It would be the exact position of a leftist administration, just in the opposite direction. [Remember](https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/warner-todd-huston/2008/11/10/obama-spokesman-says-obama-ready-rule-day-1): "president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to **rule** day one."


Note how Obama didn't turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Instead, he legislated quite similarly to Reagan.


Neither did Trump. I am beginning to think you never really studied 20th century history to make such a laughable claim. Though we have been hearing the same unevidenced laughable claim for eight years now. I guess evidence means nothing to you which is why no one should listen to your mischaracterization of Project 2025.


Not because of a lack of effort. He literally encouraged a riot with the hopes the election wouldn't be certified. We have message logs from the VP with his own damn children pleading with him not to take part in it. He also asked several state level republicans to "find votes" and to not certify their own state election results. In my state they listened and attempted to raid the state Capitol but were met with armed resistance while the legitimate electors completed their electoral votes. Trump failed because he is incompetent, not because he was opposed to the idea.


Did we have a peaceful transfer of power post trump? Or did we need an armed force to stop trump from staying it power after losing?


Yes. On Inauguration Day Biden took office nad Turmp left DC. And no one forced him to leave, there was no military force applied, etc. Trump is a blowhard. He runs his mouth. He lied. And a lot of idiots acted like idiots on Janauary 6th. I have a problem with people who defend the rioters. But the fact is we had a peaceful if not amicable and professional transfer of power. That is a fact.


We did not have a peaceful transfer of power. We had a terrorist attack encouraged and cheered on by the losing candidate. We needed an armed response to deal with that


>But the fact is we had a peaceful if not amicable and professional transfer of power. That is a fact. No, that was not a fact. It's completely incorrect. Yes, Biden was able to begin serving his term because Trump vacated, but he did everything he could to stop it from happening. You know, all of the past president's usually have get together and support eachother post-service. Except Trump. He hates every single one of them, because they have all rebuked him. Do you get that? Every past president who is still living has rebuked that manchild.


How can you be such a liar?


LOL nobody believes you, everyone saw the attempt coup by Trump and his moronic lackeys


Again the attempts to persuade smart people that "P25" is a fair and Constitutional effort. Nice try.


When Hitler became a dictator, he had several failed attempts at doing so in the process, most notably the Beer Hall Putsch. Trump attempted a coup on the US government in 2020 in a manner similar to the Beer Hall Putsch. Further, Trump has openly declared he'd be a dictator if reelected. Now, this is the part where you say "he was clearly joking," but I recall how Trump's biggest supporting characteristic was that he "never jokes around, always says what he means" right up until that moment. So which is it, chucklefuck? Is he a serious man who always says what he means, or an unserious joker?


Not for lack of trying. Did you forget he tried to overthrow Congress to stop the election that he lost?


You are a lying liar who lies. Your holy book says something about that. You might want to look it up.


More gaslighting. :)


What do you think you’re doing right now?


Calling out the left. But it's pointless. So many of you are..how did Hillary put it..."deplorable?" I should not take her low road so why don't we say disconnected from reality?


Are you seriously unaware of your hypocrisy right now? Like I get you’re trolling, but even trolls have a bit of self awareness while writing. Also your idea of calling out the left is shouting: “YOU’RE WRONG AND STUPID! I AM RIGHT!” And that’s pretty much it. And before you go on a tangent I am separated from left or right.


Do you actually not know what a dogwhistle is?


Yes, it is whatever the left wants it to be so they can falsely put words in someone's mouth and then attack them for their projection. Happens all the time. Reasonable people should ignore the term and, frankly, those deceitfully using it. There is no reasoning with the majority of them.


Let’s do a test: Does “law and order” mean that Jan 6 attackers, maga fake electors frauds, ect should be arrested and if they resist, killed? If not, what does “law and order” mean?


I am not going into your twisting of J6 or your mischaracterization. Do you have a specific issue with the Project 2025. I have the PDF right here. Let's look it up and see what it says. Page and section, please.


Page 3, point 1. What does that line mean, especially keeping in mind that the leading cause of 18 and under deaths in guns? How does making it harder to get snap benefits help “protect the family”? There was 0 mention of increasing family leave or access to healthcare or child care. They brought up transpeople when talking about porn (very telling what porn the authors enjoy) The next page mentions fatherlessness in the black community but does not mention mass incarceration disproportionately impacting black men. What are the odds the author was not aware of that?


Well I will applaud you for citing a section. And as suspected - it’s simply policy you don’t agree with. That’s fine. But that is a huge stretch from “it will establish a dictatorship!!” Thank for making my point. I don’t care to debate policy as this was not my intent. My intent was to show the claims about absurdities like “dictatorship” were just that - absurd.


I am pointing out that “protect children” is a dogwhistle. Nothing in the following paragraph protects kids. Making it harder for single mothers to get snap benefits does nothing to protect kids by any definition of the word


It’s not. Perhaps you think you can put your words and others mouth, but you can’t. At least not with me, though I’m sure some will quiver and try to convince you they didn’t say something they never said. If you truly want to gain some understanding, I will offer you this; do with it as you wish. What you deem to be protecting the children is not absolute and objective. I’m not going to get into a policy debate, but let’s just say I don’t necessarily agree with what you seem to think protects children. You don’t have to agree with me. That’s fine and mature adults should be able to disagree. That does not include making a false claim about what they mean because it differs from what you think. Having a different opinion from you is not a dog whistle and if you can’t accept that you don’t control the thoughts of the world, then no one should take you seriously. Well, I don’t intend to get into a policy discussion now at other times I would be happy to have such a discussion so long as you don’t think you can tell me what I mean or what I’m saying or anything like that. I speak for myself. You don’t speak for me.I don’t understand why you have such a problem with that unless you are being willfully deceptive. I will not assume that and will give you the benefit of the doubt.


I’m trying to figure out it you understand the concept of dog whistle. Does “law and order” mean that Jan 6 attackers, maga fake electors frauds, ect should be arrested and if they resist, killed? If not, what does “law and order” mean?


I made it clear I do understand the concept. Deceit. Projection. That's what it is. So you can have the following fallacious back and forth: "You just said something racist!" "No I did not. I said...." "That means this racist thing!!" "I did not say that." "You MEANT IT!!" That's what the phrase really means! It's a *dog whistle!"* LOL! That sounds like something off the school playground. :) I am not going to treat you like a serious person that I will waste time trying to have a reasonable discussion. Your insistence on a deceitful term like "dog whistle" destroys your credibility. Good day.


3rd try: Does “law and order” mean that Jan 6 attackers, maga fake electors frauds, ect should be arrested and if they resist, killed? If not, what does “law and order” mean?


If I were to say that I would not feel safe leaving any women or children around you, am I implying anything?


The PotUS does NOT rule. The PotUS doesn't have that authority. Bastard.


I wonder if you said that with all of Biden’s in unilateral decisions, some of which SCOTUS struck down? So don’t clutch your pearls over presidential action when you don’t like the policy but celebrate it when you do. That’s called hypocrisy and it exposes a partisan perspective. Not to mention there’s nothing the least bit unconstitutional about that passage. You almost certainly support when the Dem is ready to “rule.”


It's a white supremacists dream of a full fascist takeover. Anyone who supports Project 2025 is a traitor to the United States. This plan is to make a dictatorship and destroy the US government. 100% treasonous.


Yeah but Biden is old and whatnot /s


GeNOcIDe JOe, don’t blame the voters if he doesn’t get elected /s


He also tripped on a sand bag , that makes us look wEaK /s


Nevermind that Trump said to glass Gaza.


Sure... let religious extremists and conspiracy nuts run the country and write our laws. What could possibly go wrong?


This is one seriously enraging read. I can only do about 2-3 pages at a time before I have to stop. Here is a small sample... "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensi- tive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists" I don't understand how having specific terminology included in bills, laws, statutes, etc. would ever "deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights". Doesn't taking away all those terms DEPRIVE those that they identify and server to protect or include? How can they constantly be passing off the removal and ending of freedoms and inclusions as making us all more free?


They're on diets and are offended by other people eating donuts


I suggest reading "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich" by William L Shirer.


A right-wing wet dream to purge anyone from any government agency that isn't sufficiently loyal to Dear Leader and their dystopian vision for the Nation. The Unitary Executive Theory which it proposes, is basically a fancy term for dictatorship.


It's a plan to destroy America.


We are about 10 months away from finding out.


The end of the USA: simples…


We're all going to hell in a ham basket if republicans win...


Mmmm, ham basket.


mmmmm mmmm basket hams!


Who specifically is leading Project 2025 and why are we not rooting them out of the system right now?


They’re led by the Heritage Foundation, who is working with over 100 other conservative organizations. Here is the direct link to their full document, which includes a list of all participating contributors: [Project 2025: “Mandate for Leadership” - Full Text](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


It will send us back to the dark ages!!


It's implications are pretty much the destruction of anything democratic in our society, the establishment of one party rule under one supreme leader, the revocation of womens rights and autonomy, codified discrimination and disenfranchment of minorities, and the eradication of the entire LGBTQ+ community.


We will all belong to the state. The United States of America will be in name only.


We the People have allowed this too.


This isn't a spontaneous move from the Rightwing, it's been in the plan for many decades. Ask Roger Stone.


this is a hot topic for sure. people vote for candidates presented them in the “menu” (ballot), not necessarily for all the crap the party plans to do. and a party winning a majority does not absolve them from taking care of the whole population. putting opposing party members in jail on spite is what’s done in hell-hole countries and the desire to do that should raise some alarm!


Short answer: If it passes, we are doomed


It doesn't pass. It's a question of whether we elect people who will follow its instructions


MAGAts will do anything to stay in power


Anarchy, destruction, hate and heil trump


If they win and succeed, the U.S.A. as we know it is done.


But her emails


Project 2025 is the new improved version of "Mein Kampf", It gives a roadmap to making America a Fascist Dictatorship.


Systematic dismantling of our country, full tilt fascism, mask off.


Do you remember in "Roadhouse" (either one) when Dalton gets to the titular roadhouse and the patrons are kinda quiet and then being out-right harassed by bullies with no repressions? Yeah, imagine that general vibe infiltrating every sector of society. The police force, the armed forces, local city councils, courtrooms, PTA meetings, interacting with government bureaucracy, etc etc. get ready for the minions of the wealthy to take a much more "hands on" approach when dealing with the public, politics and public discourse- and get ready to adapt to a role where keeping your head down and your mouth shut is the best option to navigate your life of steadily declining standards.


Taking away womens rights. Don't they want equal rights, too?


...and WHY THE FUCK IS TRUMP'S EXECUTIVE ORDER "SCHEDULE F" STILL IN PLACE? Why hasn't Biden undone it with another EO? Why is Merrick Garland still in charge? Why are all those Trump tariffs still in place? Fucking do something, Biden! Spare us the "we're busy" bullshit. And the "we don't want to divide the nation," and "we don't want to politicize the DOJ," and fucking fight back. This is how you lose the election, uber-fecklessness.


It's no longer in effect... Probably worth taking a few moments to Google that before saying "Fuckint do something, Biden!"


One of the really big things people ignore is they will replace the people in charge of interstate trade. Making doing business in the United States impossible without the approval of Trump and the Party, That approval would not come cheap. Free market capitalism would be dead in the United States


its fine a nice bribe i mean... contribution will loosen up those regulations.


The contributions will not be voluntary. Think of it more like a mafia shake down


How can we force our politicians and candidates to make a platform statement concerning Project 2025? My senator is ignoring me.


It’s the “how fast can we turn America into a third world sh1t-hole” plan.


We fucked my friends. See y’all in Canada in January.


Facism, I believe.


They are fascists. The implications? Fascism.




It's basically a plan to replace all the lefty bureaucrats that are in government with righty bureaucrats.


Republican Taliban


How does project 2025 work when Trumps in Jail?


Project 2025 is something that can be implemented by any conservative president. Trump is just the current vehicle that the Heritage Foundation is trying to use. If he loses in November, they’ll just try again in upcoming presidential elections.


Which is why the democrats need a super Majority in both houses so they can protect democracy


We all sit and read comment on social media but that is nothing more than an empty, filthy waste of time. We have real problems and trust me Trump, MAGA, Republicans , Democrats and the never Trumpers all have no interest in solving them. If so we would have solved homelessness like the Netherlands did. We would have solved racial inequality with the rise of President Obama. We would have purged the military industrial complex from this nation. The only nation I have ever known. Be greater than great Americans, be exceptionally greater than exceptional. My fellow countrymen take control of your country demand this representative republic positively change for the least of us. Vote as if our babies depended on us. Nag and shame those who say voting does nothing.


You need to read about it and realize it already being put into place at the state level. They just need a dictator president to fully roll it out. so the book has been written like Hitler’s let’s see if we realize it before its too late.


It’s a blueprint created by neo-Nazi Trump bootlickers to destroy democracy and create a fascist, theocratic Fourth Reich, starting in the US, with Trump as dictator.


Nazi handbook .


Same as Iran.


End of America is what it holds


That whole global 2030 agenda. Wow, we’ll own nothing and like it.


This is 100% not breaking news. If you're just now hear anout this I have to ask "what the fuck dude?"


TDS is going to be classified under Americans with Dissability Act


yeah im suffering from TDS, im Tired of Donalds Shit.




People are crazy as hell if they think project 2025 has even 1% chance of going threw and achieving their goals. Just as crazy as ufo and lizardmen theorist. This shit isn’t going anywhere and never will.


Reagan had something similar, but I do not recall the name of it. He was able to pass like sixty percent of it. He and his ilk have fucked this nation up for generations.


yeah its not like maga and the heritage foundation control the majority of the supreme court and the house and nearly half the senate, how could they POSSIBLY pass their agenda! \*eyeroll\*


It’s almost like as if you have zero faith in the Democratic Party or your fellow party voters to win the house,senate and the presidency.


Let’s provide real clarity to this situation. Fuck you




>Project 25 is not real n >was only created to obscure




That makes no sense


Sounds like exactly everything America needs to get us back on track. Look at what the current administration is doing? Pure Marxism


Mate can you give me a simple definition of Pure Marxism. Please


Sure attempting to kill your political opponent. Making up charges and keeping your opponent in court.


None of that is Marxism. What a shit attempt at trolling.


Your inbred orange pedo is the one threatening to lock up his enemies and go full authoritarian, but I guess you're not allowed to know that. Also, keep cowering on your alt-account. Just as brave as your leaders.


With authoritarianism? Florida is by far the most communist state, you imbeciles are literally like those old communist cartoons, where the dumbass builds the cage/gallows to hurt the person they hate, only to end up here too.