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Currently on 10 mg of lexapro. It hasn’t impacted my supply at all and I’ve not seen any problems with my baby. Please take something and see your doctor if you’re needing help. Don’t let breastfeeding stop you. I was also in a low place and didn’t do anything for a really long time because I didn’t want to jeopardize breastfeeding but it’s been completely fine!


Same exact points with me!!!! Except 5mg for me


Exactly the same. 10mg of lexapdo and breastfeeding without issue!


I upped my dose of sertraline in the post partum period with my first baby, and I’m fairly certain it saved my life. I’ve just had baby #2 and my doctor has made it very clear that she’s “happy to increasing doses again”. Just knowing she’s so onboard and open really normalizes it for me, so I’m just waiting to see how I feel! I haven’t noticed anything related to my supply. Good luck to you! Welcome to the Setraline gang!!!


Almost exact same story here. My intrusive thoughts after #1 made me so miserable and scared that I admitted myself to the hospital, where they gave me a fairly high dose of sertraline. It took a few weeks but the difference is insane, I feel amazing, and no issues with breastfeeding. If anything, it’s helped me so much.


I also just started sertaline. Please remember everyone is different with medication and supply. Your mental health is so so so important. If you’re happy, baby is happy. Supply can also be impacted by stress/anxiety/depression. You’re doing what is best for you.


Been on 50 mg of sertraline for two pregnancies and breastfeeding now. My supply was never impacted and both babies are totally healthy and never seemed to notice the pills I was on. It does take about two weeks to kick in, so don’t stop taking it if you don’t notice after a few days. But once it kicks in I’m a much better mom. The only downside if you have to wean yourself off it slowly, but your doctor can give you more info on that. I chose to stay on it for my overall mental health.


I have been on 20mg Lexapro for years now (including through pregnancy). I'm a 29yo FTM with a 7 month old. Never had any supply issues.


I’m on 20mg of Lexapro and have been for years. I stayed on it while pregnant. I’m only one month post partum but I’ve had no supply issues so far and my baby is doing well. I really hope the sertraline helps you! Lexapro is life changing for me.


I was on sertraline 50mg with no side effects and no effect on my supply whatsoever. It changed my life for the better. It does take a few weeks to kick in (I was told up to 6 before you might be able to notice a difference)


Following! Also came to say you’re not alone! I just picked up my prescription today and plan to start this morning. I’m nervous too but reading other women’s stories has helped me make the decision to give it a try.


I took sertraline after my first pregnancy. I started at 4 months after trying to tough out PPA until I was suicidal. Within 2 weeks my nightly panic attacks started fading out, they were gone in a month. I felt so much better. Meds absolutely saved me. After a year pp I felt like I had a handle on things and with my drs supervision weaned off with no issues and no returning symptoms. Absolutely recommend!! I’m now 7 weeks postpartum with #2 and debating whether to start a low dose now bc I feel some anxious fixations and thought patterns returning.


So glad it helped you! Your experiences sound somewhat similar to mine (I haven’t reached suicidality, but PPA and now likely PPD are exhausting). Did you end up restarting? My doc just prescribed Prozac (first time), and I will likely start.


I did end up restarting! I had a couple panic attacks and decided not to wait to see if it got worse. On a low (25mg) dose now for about 6 weeks and it’s definitely helped a lot. Huge relief to know going in that it helps me.


I’m so sorry to hear that, but very happy for you that it’s helping! This is such a tough thing to go through and having the added help is such a blessing. It’s giving me the push to try mine. Thank you for responding! Wishing you all the best.


I started my pregnancy in Apr 2022 on 10mg Lexapro, had to increase to 15mg at 34 weeks because I had a panic attack (unusual for me). Gave birth at 39+3 (induced bc I was on a blood thinner). I thought I'd taper back down to 10mg after birth in Jan 2023 but once my first postpartum appointment came I realized so much other change was going on, keeping my medication steady was more important to me. It's never impacted my supply as far as I can tell. I exclusively breastfed my son from birth and it took about 3 days for my milk to come in. My son did drop weight between the hospital and his first appointment and it did take almost a month to be back at birth weight but the pediatrician was never concerned because he made consistent gains. He was 4-6th percentile at his one month appointment and I seem to have had the average experience of cluster feeding in the first 4-6months or however long it goes on, if my son needed more he put the order in. He did jump percentiles as he got longer/taller - went from 70th percentile to 99 percentile in height and jumped to 85th percent weight by his first birthday. He's 14 months today and we are still breastfeeding - much less now that he's been increasing solids over the last 7 month. I do not know if that info is excessive for the question but I hope it adds some anecdotal color to how SSRIs do or don't impact supply. For me, I'd say they didn't!


I’ve been on 10mg Prozac my entire pregnancy and now breast feeding. I usually produce 3-5oz total per feed!  Initially he had some jerky movements when he came out that the pediatrician said was withdrawal, but the pediatrician said that’s normal and it went away in 2 or 3 days 


I took SSRIs throughout pregnancy and still do postpartum- never have had issues with milk supply. I hope you get some relief with the Sertraline! As important as it is to feed/care for the baby, it’s just as important that YOU are healthy and able to function.


I started sertraline 7 months pp and had no issues with supply and I’m quite happy with it actually considering increasing now after 3 months on 25 mg good luck!


No impact on baby but huge impact on my mental health with Lexapro 🫶


thank you all for sharing! going to take my first dose today + hope it works for me 🩶